This 22 minute video explains the best proof of voter fraud that we have

This 22 minute video explains the best proof of voter fraud that we have.

Vote totals should never go down.

But they did.

And only for Trump.

These data analysts put all their code out in the open for the public to see.

Meanwhile, Dominion’s code remains a secret.

But Dominion is threatening to sue Sidney Powell and Trump, meaning that they will have to turn over the machines and code (along with the code for the mysterious "update" that was downloaded the night before the election), along with internal emails, during discovery....

So is the lawsuit a bluff, or is Dominion willing really stupid enough to cut their own throats?????
They should have Colonel Walton beside them to explain how he made those machines do exactly what he wanted them to do. That's real proof of a fraudulent election.
After watching The Donald for four years it's quite easy to see how his vote total would go down.
This 22 minute video explains the best proof of voter fraud that we have.

Vote totals should never go down.

But they did.

And only for Trump.

These data analysts put all their code out in the open for the public to see.

Meanwhile, Dominion’s code remains a secret.

But Dominion is threatening to sue Sidney Powell and Trump, meaning that they will have to turn over the machines and code (along with the code for the mysterious "update" that was downloaded the night before the election), along with internal emails, during discovery....

So is the lawsuit a bluff, or is Dominion willing really stupid enough to cut their own throats?????

False dichotomy.

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