This 6 minute video sums up the shocking facts of American wealth and inequality


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I encourage you to watch the 6 minute video completely and keep an open mind.

I do understand this topic has been discussed thoroughly already, but I think it is interesting how it samples the perception of the issue by the American people.

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No, none of the 'Conservatives' are going to comment on it, because it shows how great the perception of both liberals and conservatives of the distribution of wealth strays from the reality. It is a sad comment on the state of this nation that so much of it's wealth is owned by so few.
No, none of the 'Conservatives' are going to comment on it, because it shows how great the perception of both liberals and conservatives of the distribution of wealth strays from the reality. It is a sad comment on the state of this nation that so much of it's wealth is owned by so few.

Well, true, but I still had hope.
No, none of the 'Conservatives' are going to comment on it, because it shows how great the perception of both liberals and conservatives of the distribution of wealth strays from the reality. It is a sad comment on the state of this nation that so much of it's wealth is owned by so few.

What is truly bothersome is that so many actually believe this is good for the economy and the country.
This video is not true as of the year 2008 & later.
George Dubya had already fucked the upper 10% out of our money before he left office in the housing market crash. (Margin Call)
Then here comes Obama with his bailouts to the Wealthy People's banks, thus letting us know we are his bitch.
As the Wealthy no longer have any liquid cash, we only have good credit to get government loans as the American Federal Government has hidden all the liquid cash deep within their dummy corporations.
Eventually our credit lines will run out as we are unable to earn a profit the way things are now.
When our credit lines run out, we wealthy people will be unable to take more loans to make our minimum payments, our government loans will be called in, and when we CAN'T pay them, the government doesn't just put a tincy-tiny blemish on our credit report .......... NO ........ on a 2 billion dollar credit line they send a HIT SQUAD of Federal Agents to do the following:

1. They fly a helicopter to where you are.
2. They place you under arrest.
3. The wealthy person boards the helicopter with the Federal Agents.
4. The Federal Agents then ask the wealthy person "where's the money"
5. The wealthy person says "I don't have anything, I'm broke"
6. The Federal Agents then ask "do you have the means to pay your debt"
7. The wealthy person says "Um ....... No"
8. The Federal Agents then through the wealthy person out of the helicopter and he falls to his death.

This is why we need to take away the guns, get the sheeple moved to the FEMA camps and working in the GULAG's before November of THIS YEAR or the wealthy are dead, the wealthy people's families will become normal everyday sheeple and WORK & go to public schools.

So please ......... just hurry up and give up the guns.
This video is not true as of the year 2008 & later.
George Dubya had already fucked the upper 10% out of our money before he left office in the housing market crash. (Margin Call)
Then here comes Obama with his bailouts to the Wealthy People's banks, thus letting us know we are his bitch.
As the Wealthy no longer have any liquid cash, we only have good credit to get government loans as the American Federal Government has hidden all the liquid cash deep within their dummy corporations.
Eventually our credit lines will run out as we are unable to earn a profit the way things are now.
When our credit lines run out, we wealthy people will be unable to take more loans to make our minimum payments, our government loans will be called in, and when we CAN'T pay them, the government doesn't just put a tincy-tiny blemish on our credit report .......... NO ........ on a 2 billion dollar credit line they send a HIT SQUAD of Federal Agents to do the following:

1. They fly a helicopter to where you are.
2. They place you under arrest.
3. The wealthy person boards the helicopter with the Federal Agents.
4. The Federal Agents then ask the wealthy person "where's the money"
5. The wealthy person says "I don't have anything, I'm broke"
6. The Federal Agents then ask "do you have the means to pay your debt"
7. The wealthy person says "Um ....... No"
8. The Federal Agents then through the wealthy person out of the helicopter and he falls to his death.

This is why we need to take away the guns, get the sheeple moved to the FEMA camps and working in the GULAG's before November of THIS YEAR or the wealthy are dead, the wealthy people's families will become normal everyday sheeple and WORK & go to public schools.

So please ......... just hurry up and give up the guns.


....Anyone else?
No, none of the 'Conservatives' are going to comment on it, because it shows how great the perception of both liberals and conservatives of the distribution of wealth strays from the reality

what gets me, it the left is always wailing about the wealthy then turn around and vote for those stinking wealthy Democrats to be their masters...

too damn funny
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You are not owed 'wealth equality' in a free society.. you have the freedom to fail that goes hand in hand with the freedom to succeed...

So when you or anyone else whines that person A has it so easy because their daddy left them $30MIL or that person B can afford more luxuries than average because they earn $2M a year in a job you consider 'not hard', too bad too sad
No, none of the 'Conservatives' are going to comment on it, because it shows how great the perception of both liberals and conservatives of the distribution of wealth strays from the reality. It is a sad comment on the state of this nation that so much of it's wealth is owned by so few.

Well, true, but I still had hope.

oh buzz off with your uppity self
no one cares
seven out of top ten wealthiest in Congress, Democrats...where is that equality now....

1. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.): $188.6 million

2. Rep. Darrel Issa (R-Calif.): $160.1 million

3. Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.): $152.3 million

4. Sen. Jay Rockefeller ( D-W.Va.): $83.7 million

5. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas): $73.8 million

6. Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.); $70.2 million

7. Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.): $56.5 million

8. Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.): $53.5 million

9. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.): $49.7 million

10. Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.): $46.1 million

Read more: Top Ten Wealthiest Members of Congress - Fox News
The greatest Country in the world manages to offer Constitutional protection to a population of illegal aliens equal to the entire population of Sweden. Nobody in the Country dies of malnutrition unless they choose to do so. We have the greatest Military the world has ever seen and we saved the world from tyranny at least two times in the last century and yet the radical left still whines about the unfairness of it all.
The greatest Country in the world manages to offer Constitutional protection to a population of illegal aliens equal to the entire population of Sweden. Nobody in the Country dies of malnutrition unless they choose to do so. We have the greatest Military the world has ever seen and we saved the world from tyranny at least two times in the last century and yet the radical left still whines about the unfairness of it all.

they aren't ever happy...being miserable and pushing it off on others seems to be their goal in life...:lol:
No, none of the 'Conservatives' are going to comment on it, because it shows how great the perception of both liberals and conservatives of the distribution of wealth strays from the reality. It is a sad comment on the state of this nation that so much of it's wealth is owned by so few.

Well, true, but I still had hope.

oh buzz off with your uppity self
no one cares

Well apparently you care.
Who the fuck cares? Nobody is equal, we all have different skills and abilities.

The USA became the world's #1 economy BECAUSE we let people have the freedom to try things for themselves while your Progressive economies are the worlds poorest and need armed guards to keep running and walls to keep the sane and productive from fleeing
Who the fuck cares? Nobody is equal, we all have different skills and abilities.

The USA became the world's #1 economy BECAUSE we let people have the freedom to try things for themselves while your Progressive economies are the worlds poorest and need armed guards to keep running and walls to keep the sane and productive from fleeing

I am not suggesting we become equal. I am okay with the idea of a CEO making much more money than a low level employee. However, these stats are insane. This is NOT how it should be. The middle class is shrinking. That is a problem.
Who the fuck cares? Nobody is equal, we all have different skills and abilities.

The USA became the world's #1 economy BECAUSE we let people have the freedom to try things for themselves while your Progressive economies are the worlds poorest and need armed guards to keep running and walls to keep the sane and productive from fleeing

I am not suggesting we become equal. I am okay with the idea of a CEO making much more money than a low level employee. However, these stats are insane. This is NOT how it should be. The middle class is shrinking. That is a problem.

It's a problem inflicted on the middle class because Progressives are running/ruining the US economy

"The Middle Class has been buried these past 4 years" -- Joe Biden, Oct 2012
Who the fuck cares? Nobody is equal, we all have different skills and abilities.

The USA became the world's #1 economy BECAUSE we let people have the freedom to try things for themselves while your Progressive economies are the worlds poorest and need armed guards to keep running and walls to keep the sane and productive from fleeing

I am not suggesting we become equal. I am okay with the idea of a CEO making much more money than a low level employee. However, these stats are insane. This is NOT how it should be. The middle class is shrinking. That is a problem.

It's a problem inflicted on the middle class because Progressives are running/ruining the US economy

"The Middle Class has been buried these past 4 years" -- Joe Biden, Oct 2012

Um, no it is not progressives fault the stats are the way they are.

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