This Abortionist needs her licesnse revoked and jail time

The reason everyone thought it was a hoax is because the story said they went to an Ohio doctor for an abortion, and he told them to go to another state where they could obtain an abortion

Lots of problems with this story

1. The doctor had a legal responsibility to tell the authorities that a 10 yo girl was raped, but no report was made about it in Ohio. That is a crime

2. The Ohio law allowed for the 10 yo to get an abortion under her circumstances, so the doctor, if they existed, was wrong about the Ohio law, something they should have known.

So yea, it is Jesse Smollett kind of stuff, typical of the Left who have to make up injustices where there are none.

This is a child trafficking story.

She violated the 10 year old's HIPAA and she said the guy was 17, when he was 27? WTF? DEmocrats can always go lower. This doctor gave zero shits about this kid, she just wanted to protest abortion and defend illegal immigrant that raped a 10 year old. Do Democrats have a soul or any moral compass?
More evidence that the Right doesn't give a damn about born children....shoot them or rape them and force them to bear babies.

She violated the 10 year old's HIPAA and she said the guy was 17, when he was 27? WTF? DEmocrats can always go lower. This doctor gave zero shits about this kid, she just wanted to protest abortion and defend illegal immigrant that raped a 10 year old. Do Democrats have a soul or any moral compass?
No they don’t.
Who is con-fiscating guns....except from the crazies?

You and your fellow Biden cultists.

Who is advocating abortion until birth?

You and your fellow Biden cultists.

And am all for trans rights.....nothing wrong with that.

It's wrong when it denies REAL women their rights to compete/work/achieve on a level playing field. You and your fellow Biden cultists don't care about REAL women.
More evidence that the Right doesn't give a damn about born children....shoot them or rape them and force them to bear babies.
Ahem… It was one of yours who covered up the rape of this “born” 10 year old girl, and protected her illegal immigrant rapist, in an effort to forward the abortion agenda. Don’t talk to anyone here about caring about kids after birth. Ever… Y’all are some sick mother fuckers
Republicans have exposed themselves every which way on this.

The girl was 10...pregnant...and RAPED

And these assholes are trying to save their political asses
On the other hand, everyone involved was clearly from South of the Border and only spoke Mexican. This is the kind of culture, trafficking young girls to pedophiles, that we are letting in our country by the hundreds of thousands of illegal alien invaders. And that's because the Dems WANT them to come in here committing horrific crimes and ruining what used to be a wholesome culture.
Cult, please run on gun confiscation, abortion until birth, and trans rights.

Really, I think you are getting your wish! Maybe not the middle one, exactly, but certainly the other two and the middle one is an unattractive special issue in any case. Huh. Maybe we WILL take over the Senate. I'm getting hopeful.
On the other hand, everyone involved was clearly from South of the Border and only spoke Mexican. This is the kind of culture, trafficking young girls to pedophiles, that we are letting in our country by the hundreds of thousands of illegal alien invaders. And that's because the Dems WANT them to come in here committing horrific crimes and ruining what used to be a wholesome culture.
Your concern for “the children” is ummmmm somewhat lacking.

Your hatred however is on full display

Part of their culture your ass
So your side only started caring about the girl when the guy who had sex with him turned out to not have his papers... maybe.
No, we're big on not having 10 year olds raped, you guys will let the guy out on bail and make excuses like he had a tough life and if he was in LA the prosecutor wouldn't even charge I'm down for this discussion.....ALLL gusy are know for using people for political purposes and you just did with this girl. I didn't see one article from your side caring about the rape, it was always about the abortion.
Your concern for “the children” is ummmmm somewhat lacking.

Your hatred however is on full display

Part of their culture your ass
They ARE all Mexican or Latinos, anyway. Including the mother who apparently got the money for trafficking the child. So yeah, I would question why we are bringing people with this kind of culture, not to mention the Hispanic drug gangs, into our country.
In addition, after Fuentes was charged Wednesday, Republican Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita announced he would investigate Bernard for failing to report the abortion, saying "failure to do so constitutes a crime in Indiana." But the documents obtained Thursday by Fox News Digital show Bernard successfully filed the proper report with the state on July 2.

"My client, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, took every appropriate and proper action in accordance with the law and both her medical and ethical training as a physician," Bernard's lawyer Kathleen DeLaney said in a statement to Fox News Digital. "She followed all relevant policies, procedures and regulations in this case, just as she does every day to provide the best possible care for her patients."
WE'll see, she put the guy down aas 17, which is I would like to know who told her that? And it's illegal to tell the media about someone's medical history, it's a violation of HIPAA, so they need to take her credentials away.
Such is the neo-fascist authoritarian right.
I wouldn't expect less from you. USing a 10 year old girl's rape to push your politica position. I know you LOVE some abortion..I wouldn't be suprised if you bombed the Pregnancy center becasue they didn't offer abortion.
More evidence that the Right doesn't give a damn about born children....shoot them or rape them and force them to bear babies.
So from that story, all you care about is abortion, so your statement is pure will use anyone to push abortion, you're a sick fuck.
They ARE all Mexican or Latinos, anyway. Including the mother who apparently got the money for trafficking the child. So yeah, I would question why we are bringing people with this kind of culture, not to mention the Hispanic drug gangs, into our country.
Stop attacking this poor girl and her family you scummy wing nuts

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