This Country Is Tearing Apart At The Very Seams

“I would win if both ends realized that this country was built on communication, collaboration and innovation”....
WOW...that’s some catchy shit...very captivating....are you sure you want to go there?
This country was also built on the backs of likeminded Caucasians whom practiced Christianity, family values, moralality, decency, accountability, law and order, pride, patriotism.
This country was NOT built by 100 million Mexicans here without an invite or authorization from We The People.
You probably don’t want to revert to what “built this nation” and made it so great once upon a time...RIGHT?
You try hard Mac, I’ll give you that...but the real problem is so simple and it lies right beneath your nose.
MULTICULTURALISM fucked this country up....PERIOD!
I've been participating on bi partisan political message boards for for 12 years and this has to be at the top of the list of the most ignorant statements I've ever seen. There is a cure for ignorant- it's called gaining knowledge- there is no cure for stupid, but to work hard at it, like the above post, is beyond normal, everyday stupid and offers no path to redemption.

Here's some knowledge free of charge: This country was founded on the principle that ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no caveat to "all"- as for once upon a time- the founders, were in fact, illegals in your interpretation since the people didn't invite them- our ancestors then fell to believing they were special and took up bumper sticker slogans to prove it- Manifest Destiny- the only good Indian is a dead Indian- and, IF they weren't believed they would kill you to prove their Christianity was less savage than the savage they killed-

You, sir, are one ignorant, working at being stupid, fuck to ever infect a political message board.
That’s awesome...THANKS! Anytime I cause a dirty LefTard to piss their pink panties I know I’m on point.
Look bud...if I were a filthy wetback here on a stolen citizenship with illegal roots I’d take your same position. What part of that filthy shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?

Does “All men are created equal” mean women are not? OR is there a “caveat” you’d like to inject?
Are you one of those dumbmotherfuckers who refuse to realize that We The People Of The United States means we the citizens of the United States?
Are you one of those dumbmotherfuckers who refuse to realize that our constitution is not an international document that reaches to Wetbackville Mehico?
Face it bud...we did not invite your pet humans here...they came against the will of the people they have perpetuated the divide and I pray to God it continues to grow...I pray for an Operation Wetback 2.0 to be imposed.
Piss yourself yet?
I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump

Lessee, you wonder about a problem that has been developing for over 20 years and think it involves Trump who's been in office for only THREE years and never even in politics before that. Do the math. Now maybe you have an idea what is gnawing at your brain. Stupidity.
Well, skews13's brain IS quite skewered. I would attribute this to their SEVERE TDS. There's not much that could help this poor sonofabitch. They're doomed..........

Skewered. Like little pieces of fried meat mixed with pieces of mushroom, pineapple and pepper?

View attachment 299772

Thats much more appetizing than our skewered.
“I would win if both ends realized that this country was built on communication, collaboration and innovation”....
WOW...that’s some catchy shit...very captivating....are you sure you want to go there?
This country was also built on the backs of likeminded Caucasians whom practiced Christianity, family values, moralality, decency, accountability, law and order, pride, patriotism.
This country was NOT built by 100 million Mexicans here without an invite or authorization from We The People.
You probably don’t want to revert to what “built this nation” and made it so great once upon a time...RIGHT?
You try hard Mac, I’ll give you that...but the real problem is so simple and it lies right beneath your nose.
MULTICULTURALISM fucked this country up....PERIOD!
I've been participating on bi partisan political message boards for for 12 years and this has to be at the top of the list of the most ignorant statements I've ever seen. There is a cure for ignorant- it's called gaining knowledge- there is no cure for stupid, but to work hard at it, like the above post, is beyond normal, everyday stupid and offers no path to redemption.

Here's some knowledge free of charge: This country was founded on the principle that ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no caveat to "all"- as for once upon a time- the founders, were in fact, illegals in your interpretation since the people didn't invite them- our ancestors then fell to believing they were special and took up bumper sticker slogans to prove it- Manifest Destiny- the only good Indian is a dead Indian- and, IF they weren't believed they would kill you to prove their Christianity was less savage than the savage they killed-

You, sir, are one ignorant, working at being stupid, fuck to ever infect a political message board.
That’s awesome...THANKS! Anytime I cause a dirty LefTard to piss their pink panties I know I’m on point.
Look bud...if I were a filthy wetback here on a stolen citizenship with illegal roots I’d take your same position. What part of that filthy shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?

Does “All men are created equal” mean women are not? OR is there a “caveat” you’d like to inject?
Are you one of those dumbmotherfuckers who refuse to realize that We The People Of The United States means we the citizens of the United States?
Are you one of those dumbmotherfuckers who refuse to realize that our constitution is not an international document that reaches to Wetbackville Mehico?
Face it bud...we did not invite your pet humans here...they came against the will of the people they have perpetuated the divide and I pray to God it continues to grow...I pray for an Operation Wetback 2.0 to be imposed.
Piss yourself yet?

Nobody claimed to advocate what your claiming Loser

Want my opinion?

Take all our troops getting the boot from Iraq to patrol our boarder

At least our tax $$$'s will go to protecting Americans

Most Americans want as complete a freedom as can be managed in a very large scale democratic republic.
For the sake of brevity- I agree with a lot of what you posted- however, I'm going to take exception to the quoted which is where most of our problems arise from.

Words mean things: Free is unencumbered. Manage is encumbering.

We are a representative republic. Representatives are democratically elected. Putting the cart before the horse confuses the issue and done enough confusion becomes ingrained, therefore accepted, as fact and the above ain't.
The gov't management doesn't work. The founders suspected that would be the case and therefore limited it's granted "enumerated" power in the Constitution, i.e. the rules they were to abide by. We the people were to hold them accountable at election time, every two and 4 years. We haven't. Senators were to be State appointed.
The people are the managers- gov't wasn't granted that power. The people are the leaders, hence, representative- re present the wants and desires of another = servant, not leader, not manager, but servant. Servant is in servitude to another.
We the people are treated as being in servitude to gov't- we are, in fact, enslaved to privately owned entity, the Federal Reserve Bank.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.
Simply put, the GOP is being driven by the Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc propaganda machine, so the GOP has its own imaginary planet where global warming is a hoax, the rich and giant corporations pay too much in taxes, the Obama Iran New deal gave nukes to the Ayatollah, and all the Democrats are criminals protected by the deep state conspiracy, there is a huge crisis of illegals trying to get in and only a gigantic fence can save us, LOL aaarrrggghhh. Absolute nonsense.
In my opinion, no one should be astonished by the divisiveness in this country.
This country includes large numbers of every gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, political persuasion, etc. It is only natural there will be constant tension between these groups.
Some people sincerely feel that a multicultural nation like ours is a good thing.
Some people respectfully disagree.
Only our great-grandchildren will know which side was right.
I certainly agree, but it's still our choice to behave and react to each other the way we are. We don't have to behave like this.

There are many in the media and elsewhere who have a vested professional interest in keeping us divided and isolated and mal-informed and angry. I call them Division Pimps. They exist on both ends of the spectrum, and I don't think it's a coincidence that our divisions have increased along with the proliferation of the internet and cable news, giving these people an easy mechanism with which they can spread this cancer.

These people are winning right now, and we're sure as hell letting them.
There really are some policies out there that create problems for groups of people. This nation has never been united and the advent of cable news and the internet has exposed long time continuing division formerly hidden.
We can choose to let that destroy us, or do the heavy lifting of communication, collaboration and innovation.

We'd first have to leave the egos at the door, and I don't think we're anywhere near that right now.
We have to fix the damage caused first and those primarily responsible for creating the systemic problems must take responsibility to do so.

Well thats clear as mud.....
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That’s awesome...THANKS! Anytime I cause a dirty LefTard to piss their pink panties I know I’m on point.
Look bud...if I were a filthy wetback here on a stolen citizenship with illegal roots I’d take your same position. What part of that filthy shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?

Does “All men are created equal” mean women are not? OR is there a “caveat” you’d like to inject?
Are you one of those dumbmotherfuckers who refuse to realize that We The People Of The United States means we the citizens of the United States?
Are you one of those dumbmotherfuckers who refuse to realize that our constitution is not an international document that reaches to Wetbackville Mehico?
Face it bud...we did not invite your pet humans here...they came against the will of the people they have perpetuated the divide and I pray to God it continues to grow...I pray for an Operation Wetback 2.0 to be imposed.
Piss yourself yet?
It's glaringly obvious you don't have the intellectual capacity to make anybody piss themselves.
“I would win if both ends realized that this country was built on communication, collaboration and innovation”....
WOW...that’s some catchy shit...very captivating....are you sure you want to go there?
This country was also built on the backs of likeminded Caucasians whom practiced Christianity, family values, moralality, decency, accountability, law and order, pride, patriotism.
This country was NOT built by 100 million Mexicans here without an invite or authorization from We The People.
You probably don’t want to revert to what “built this nation” and made it so great once upon a time...RIGHT?
You try hard Mac, I’ll give you that...but the real problem is so simple and it lies right beneath your nose.
MULTICULTURALISM fucked this country up....PERIOD!
I've been participating on bi partisan political message boards for for 12 years and this has to be at the top of the list of the most ignorant statements I've ever seen. There is a cure for ignorant- it's called gaining knowledge- there is no cure for stupid, but to work hard at it, like the above post, is beyond normal, everyday stupid and offers no path to redemption.

Here's some knowledge free of charge: This country was founded on the principle that ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no caveat to "all"- as for once upon a time- the founders, were in fact, illegals in your interpretation since the people didn't invite them- our ancestors then fell to believing they were special and took up bumper sticker slogans to prove it- Manifest Destiny- the only good Indian is a dead Indian- and, IF they weren't believed they would kill you to prove their Christianity was less savage than the savage they killed-

You, sir, are one ignorant, working at being stupid, fuck to ever infect a political message board.
If only it were an isolated case.

Talk radio created this and Trump enables it, normalizes it and emboldens it.

This is a real problem.

But the left wing mass media played no part?
“I would win if both ends realized that this country was built on communication, collaboration and innovation”....
WOW...that’s some catchy shit...very captivating....are you sure you want to go there?
This country was also built on the backs of likeminded Caucasians whom practiced Christianity, family values, moralality, decency, accountability, law and order, pride, patriotism.
This country was NOT built by 100 million Mexicans here without an invite or authorization from We The People.
You probably don’t want to revert to what “built this nation” and made it so great once upon a time...RIGHT?
You try hard Mac, I’ll give you that...but the real problem is so simple and it lies right beneath your nose.
MULTICULTURALISM fucked this country up....PERIOD!
I've been participating on bi partisan political message boards for for 12 years and this has to be at the top of the list of the most ignorant statements I've ever seen. There is a cure for ignorant- it's called gaining knowledge- there is no cure for stupid, but to work hard at it, like the above post, is beyond normal, everyday stupid and offers no path to redemption.

Here's some knowledge free of charge: This country was founded on the principle that ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no caveat to "all"- as for once upon a time- the founders, were in fact, illegals in your interpretation since the people didn't invite them- our ancestors then fell to believing they were special and took up bumper sticker slogans to prove it- Manifest Destiny- the only good Indian is a dead Indian- and, IF they weren't believed they would kill you to prove their Christianity was less savage than the savage they killed-

You, sir, are one ignorant, working at being stupid, fuck to ever infect a political message board.
If only it were an isolated case.

Talk radio created this and Trump enables it, normalizes it and emboldens it.

This is a real problem.

But the left wing mass media played no part?
Of course. As I point out regularly, this is a group effort from across the spectrum.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

the divide that truly matters isn’t remotely political and isn’t even really between left and right; it’s between the privileged and empowered and those who are not.

Ethan Couch comes to mind.
The college bribery scandals.

The divide is the unwise and wise voters

The unwise elects crooks that destroy .. this is Liberals !!
That’s awesome...THANKS! Anytime I cause a dirty LefTard to piss their pink panties I know I’m on point.
Look bud...if I were a filthy wetback here on a stolen citizenship with illegal roots I’d take your same position. What part of that filthy shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?

Does “All men are created equal” mean women are not? OR is there a “caveat” you’d like to inject?
Are you one of those dumbmotherfuckers who refuse to realize that We The People Of The United States means we the citizens of the United States?
Are you one of those dumbmotherfuckers who refuse to realize that our constitution is not an international document that reaches to Wetbackville Mehico?
Face it bud...we did not invite your pet humans here...they came against the will of the people they have perpetuated the divide and I pray to God it continues to grow...I pray for an Operation Wetback 2.0 to be imposed.
Piss yourself yet?
It's glaringly obvious you don't have the intellectual capacity to make anybody piss themselves.

LefTard Logic:
“When you’re made to look like the ignorant fool you are always pretend the other guy is the fool...That’s the best refutation to use once you’ve been exposed.” dumb twisted motherfuckers are so predictable.
Thanks for the free entertainment.
Trump, trump, trump.

You need to change the doohicky in your magic 8-ball.

You need to put your bias aside, and see the substance and thought provoking within the OP. IMO it began with Gingrich and Delay's from of "leadership", divide and conquer continued by trump's on steroids.
Trump, trump, trump.

You need to change the doohicky in your magic 8-ball.

You need to put your bias aside, and see the substance and thought provoking within the OP. IMO it began with Gingrich and Delay's from of "leadership", divide and conquer continued by trump's on steroids.

Actually, I agree with the premise, but not that either side is to blame, nor is Trump.

Both parties have been engaging in this. Full stop.

Trump is a result, IMO, moreso than a cause and if we want to discuss this in a rational fashion throwing out the seemingly knee jerk bias slam on Trump is not how to kick that off.
I cant quite tell where you are going with that so I will just summarize my own position
I took two words and expanded on them. I'm not sure how much cleared I can be. It comes down to education and I can expand that further where I was trying to be succinct.

in America opportunity exists for everyone who is willing to take advantage of it

I don't like using personal anecdotes but I'll make an exception here: When I was in my early teens my Mother told me I could be anything I wanted. The problem with that is multi faceted. The main problem, though, I had no idea what that meant. Anything, especially to a kid, is pretty ambiguous and the smaller his environment the more ambiguous it becomes. I have very few regrets in life and I like me as well as anyone can like themselves- however, had I known today what I know now I would have taken a different path. I would have really enjoyed being an anthropologist or an archeologist working in the southwestern part of the country from the desert of west Texas to the plains north of there all the way to the Canadian border over to Idaho and south into southern Az. but I had no idea that kind of life even existed.

Fast forward to you use of the word opportunity. That's pretty ambiguous to a youngster and with no example from authority figures or no one to define it for them or teach them what it means they have very few clues- the smaller the environment the fewer the examples and those taken advantage of fill the place of an authority figure with something less than desirable.

if black people are not succeeding its because of mistakes in their own lives rather than some grand conspiracy against them

Ok- see above. Small environments render fewer opportunities. Is it a grand conspiracy? No, that denotes some covert or under handed attempt to do whatever and is usually used in a derogatory manner. It is, however, blatantly obvious that proper education is lacking. Reading, writing and arithmetic are all that is necessary to improve one's lot on life. I used the word proper because when there is evidence that kids entering college need remedial reading and math it's pretty obvious their prior education failed- miserably.
Gdjjr is so uniformed it is painful. Read stats about kids coming from a one parent home vs a two parent home. We are not more racist now than we were in the 60s and by “we” I mean the US as I was not born then. In the 60s, 20% of African American kids grew up in a one parent home, today it is over 70%.

African American kids who grow up in a two parent home are more successful on average than white kids who grow up in a one parent home. Why is that? Hmmmm

Yeah, Gdjjr, it’s all racism....dumbass
Newt and Tom Delay ushered the crazy in with their contract on America, and the right wing crazies have expanded it since then.

I think the death of the Fairness Doctrine during the Reagan Administration has a lot to do with it. Under FD, broadcasters were required to present both sides of a controversy so that one point of view wasn't being hammered home. Once this stopped being enforced, right wing talk radio took over the midwest.

Americans have been brainwashed by toxic billionaire media trashing liberals and liberal policies for generations. Framing all liberals as "commies" and the poor as "lazy", "criminal" and "selfish", gave them an excuse for cutting social programs. Ayn Rand became a hero to the right, as did Milton Friedman, who won the Nobel Prize for economics, and managed to find willing accolytes in the Republican Party.

Friedman promoted the idea that all social programs were bad, and that free market capitalism would allow both prices and wages to settle into a sustainable system whereby the best and the brightest would rise by virtue of their efforts. These ideas continue to be echoed in the Republican Party's economic platform, and promoted by the billionaire media, despite Friedman's "trickle down" economics having been utterly discredited.

Eagerly embraced in the 1970's by regime change American fronted strongmen in Chile, Argentina, and Brazil, the results were always the same: wages fell, prices rose, proverty increased, and wealth became more concentrated. But the strongmen were unopposed. That's because first they killed all of the lawyers, the teachers, and the leftist leaders. In Chile, they took all of the leftist leaders to the soccer stadium and shot them. After the massacre in the soccer stadium, anyone who spoke out against the poverty and injustice, had a dark coloured Ford pull up to their home, and was dragged out of their home in handcuffs in broad daylight, never to be seen again. People kept quiet for generations.

But in true Republican style, the GOP learned NOTHING from the mistakes of the past. Their economic policies are "tax cuts good, raising wage bad". The minimum wage has been raised 9 times since Reagan was elected in 1980. We're talking about people who are working full time. They're not selfish or lazy. They get up every day and go to work like everyone else and yet there were no benefits for these people. No employer health insurance, not even enough money for one person to live on. And because all low skill jobs are pegged to the minimum wage, those people haven't had raises either.

Added to which, the GOP now blames job losses for low skill workers on Democrats, unions, trade agreements (which the GOP negotiated, and signed, the Democratso fought at every turn, but are now also blamed on Democrats), and illegal immigration, when in reality, companies have been offshoring to maximize GOP tax benefits, to avoid environmental regulations, to lower production costs and increase profits.
Trump, trump, trump.

You need to change the doohicky in your magic 8-ball.

You need to put your bias aside, and see the substance and thought provoking within the OP. IMO it began with Gingrich and Delay's from of "leadership", divide and conquer continued by trump's on steroids.

Actually, I agree with the premise, but not that either side is to blame, nor is Trump.

Both parties have been engaging in this. Full stop.

Trump is a result, IMO, moreso than a cause and if we want to discuss this in a rational fashion throwing out the seemingly knee jerk bias slam on Trump is not how to kick that off.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

late 1980's....roger ailles puts rush limbaugh on radio stations all over the country.....hate radio is born!

followed by limbaugh copycats

and fox news
the blaze......

24/7 of "LIBERALS are TRAITORS!"

There ya go.

Yep, Rush did it.
Meanwhile, Mexico has ‘discreetly’ stolen four states and counting from our republic...they’ve sent in 100 million of their people to infiltrate from the inside and morph American culture into some weird twisted MexAmerica sort of bullshit...but that has nothing to do with the divide...Rush did it!

I would argue that our agricultural community helped in attracting low paid, no benefit workers knowing that while they are here on our soil if they need healthcare the tax payer's would have to foot the bill. It's not all Mexico. It was encouraged by those here in america that saw the advantage of using people for personal gain.
You are mistaken about republicans

we do want to win of course

dont you want to win?

but what dems want is complete eradication of any conflicting ideas so that they never have to debate again
I would "win" if both ends realized that this country was built on collaboration, communication and innovation.

No, I don't want one end to "win". Monopoly kills innovation.
You really dont want to win?

i find that hard to believe

of course your desire to fit square pegs into round holes is unachievable

democrat and republican ideas and values are radically different and incompatable
I told you how I "win".

There will be people who lack the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate. They have given up and bought into the notion that it's "us vs. them". They just won't be a part of the process. If it ever happens.
In some cases it is "us vs. them". Understanding that allows you to communicate, collaborate and innovate.

Rarely is it “us vs them”. You get lopped into those two groups by someone too lazy to realize there are large swatches of gray in every one.

There are multiple sides to almost every issue but that doesn’t sell ad space or get mouse clicks.

So, on a message board, it doesn’t get traction because claiming there is common ground doesn’t stir passion

Its also important to remember that half the nation doesn’t vote. About half that do aren’t that concerned about politics if local and midterms are any indication.

If it seems as though the nation is coming should examine just how well you know the politics of any 10 strangers you meet. 6-8 of them won’t care much either way. The other 2-4 will have an opinion that you may or may not agree with.

Long odds if you’re predicting some seismic split

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