This Country Is Tearing Apart At The Very Seams

There are many in the media and elsewhere who have a vested professional interest in keeping us divided and isolated and mal-informed and angry. I call them Division Pimps. They exist on both ends of the spectrum, and I don't think it's a coincidence that our divisions have increased along with the proliferation of the internet and cable news, giving these people an easy mechanism with which they can spread this cancer.

These people are winning right now, and we're sure as hell letting them.

I would win if both ends realized that this country was built on collaboration, communication and innovation.

No, I don't want one end to "win". Monopoly kills innovation.

We've been monopolized Mac, in terms of simple disparity , with those on top create denial imparting partisanship

That disparity existed in past & present monarchies ,dictatorships, theocracies , and yes it can happen to a capitalist system

It's no coincidence we've more millionaires in Congress proportional to the wealth in the USofA gravitating upwards

They, along with today's media are no more than tools for the 1% to hide behind

let me ask this, i'm finding today's political arena lousy with bald faced lies , not even good ones mind you.....lame one's parroted over and over, by a contingent the borg would be proud of

what does this symptom remind you of?

Not sure what the question is getting at, but I agree in general. And we're certainly allowing this to continue.

A client of mine once said something that has stuck with me: "There won't be REAL change this country until enough people are HUNGRY."


You really dont want to win?

i find that hard to believe

of course your desire to fit square pegs into round holes is unachievable

democrat and republican ideas and values are radically different and incompatable
I told you how I "win".

There will be people who lack the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate. They have given up and bought into the notion that it's "us vs. them". They just won't be a part of the process. If it ever happens.

Briefly tell me what the democrats get right and where they are wrong

then do the same for repubs
Briefly? Good gawd.

I agree with each party on some things, but you're missing a point.

INNOVATION means WORKING TOGETHER to create something ALL NEW. Like our CONSTITUTION. That way, everyone has input, and everyone has responsibility for both the implementation and the results. That's how it works in dynamic businesses, with people who completely disagree at first. They're human beings, so I don't believe that we can't apply the same approach to politics.
I thought I would test YOUR communication skills since you are so critical of ours

by briefly I meant pick out the most important issue in your mind and show us were repub and dems principles overlap and compromise is possible
So everything I just said has been wasted.

There are very few issues that CAN'T be approached by finding common ground. Abortion and the death penalty, maybe.
Whether its wasted depends on you

You have our attention

but if you just want to sit back and let others do the heavy lifting then you are no better than the rest of us

instead jump in here with your ideas

just one would be a start

how about the deficit?

do you believe in a balanced budget?

if so suggest a compromise that you think repubs and dems could agree on
You are mistaken about republicans

we do want to win of course

dont you want to win?

but what dems want is complete eradication of any conflicting ideas so that they never have to debate again
I would "win" if both ends realized that this country was built on collaboration, communication and innovation.

No, I don't want one end to "win". Monopoly kills innovation.
You really dont want to win?

i find that hard to believe

of course your desire to fit square pegs into round holes is unachievable

democrat and republican ideas and values are radically different and incompatable
I told you how I "win".

There will be people who lack the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate. They have given up and bought into the notion that it's "us vs. them". They just won't be a part of the process. If it ever happens.
In some cases it is "us vs. them". Understanding that allows you to communicate, collaborate and innovate.

Rarely is it “us vs them”. You get lopped into those two groups by someone too lazy to realize there are large swatches of gray in every one.

There are multiple sides to almost every issue but that doesn’t sell ad space or get mouse clicks.

So, on a message board, it doesn’t get traction because claiming there is common ground doesn’t stir passion
The reality of our country that so many who are not of color wants to face is that we have never been united. What we see now is neither sudden or new. This matter has nothing to do with the media or the internet. It has everything to do with the mental disposition among members of this society and the refusal to accept the experiences of people who are not part of the current dominant culture.
I would "win" if both ends realized that this country was built on collaboration, communication and innovation.

No, I don't want one end to "win". Monopoly kills innovation.
You really dont want to win?

i find that hard to believe

of course your desire to fit square pegs into round holes is unachievable

democrat and republican ideas and values are radically different and incompatable
I told you how I "win".

There will be people who lack the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate. They have given up and bought into the notion that it's "us vs. them". They just won't be a part of the process. If it ever happens.
In some cases it is "us vs. them". Understanding that allows you to communicate, collaborate and innovate.

Rarely is it “us vs them”. You get lopped into those two groups by someone too lazy to realize there are large swatches of gray in every one.

There are multiple sides to almost every issue but that doesn’t sell ad space or get mouse clicks.

So, on a message board, it doesn’t get traction because claiming there is common ground doesn’t stir passion
The reality of our country that so many who are not of color wants to face is that we have never been united. What we see now is neither sudden or new. This matter has nothing to do with the media or the internet. It has everything to do with the mental disposition among members of this society and the refusal to accept the experiences of people who are not part of the current dominant culture.
No more thoughts on gerrymandering?

I told you how I "win".

There will be people who lack the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate. They have given up and bought into the notion that it's "us vs. them". They just won't be a part of the process. If it ever happens.

Briefly tell me what the democrats get right and where they are wrong

then do the same for repubs
Briefly? Good gawd.

I agree with each party on some things, but you're missing a point.

INNOVATION means WORKING TOGETHER to create something ALL NEW. Like our CONSTITUTION. That way, everyone has input, and everyone has responsibility for both the implementation and the results. That's how it works in dynamic businesses, with people who completely disagree at first. They're human beings, so I don't believe that we can't apply the same approach to politics.
I thought I would test YOUR communication skills since you are so critical of ours

by briefly I meant pick out the most important issue in your mind and show us were repub and dems principles overlap and compromise is possible
So everything I just said has been wasted.

There are very few issues that CAN'T be approached by finding common ground. Abortion and the death penalty, maybe.
Whether its wasted depends on you

You have our attention

but if you just want to sit back and let others do the heavy lifting then you are no better than the rest of us

instead jump in here with your ideas

just one would be a start

how about the deficit?

do you believe in a balanced budget?

if so suggest a compromise that you think repubs and dems could agree on
I belch out more original ideas here than anyone.

I don't expect ALL lefties and righties to agree. As I said, many simply don't have the capacity to collaborate and innovate.

My plan for health care, post 378: ...but wait! I thought if I liked my plan I could keep my plan?!

My plan to address illegal immigration and trade issues at one time, line 4 of my sig: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

You'll find a lot that you don't like. Some of it you might. That's fine. That's where we start.

Briefly tell me what the democrats get right and where they are wrong

then do the same for repubs
Briefly? Good gawd.

I agree with each party on some things, but you're missing a point.

INNOVATION means WORKING TOGETHER to create something ALL NEW. Like our CONSTITUTION. That way, everyone has input, and everyone has responsibility for both the implementation and the results. That's how it works in dynamic businesses, with people who completely disagree at first. They're human beings, so I don't believe that we can't apply the same approach to politics.
I thought I would test YOUR communication skills since you are so critical of ours

by briefly I meant pick out the most important issue in your mind and show us were repub and dems principles overlap and compromise is possible
So everything I just said has been wasted.

There are very few issues that CAN'T be approached by finding common ground. Abortion and the death penalty, maybe.
Whether its wasted depends on you

You have our attention

but if you just want to sit back and let others do the heavy lifting then you are no better than the rest of us

instead jump in here with your ideas

just one would be a start

how about the deficit?

do you believe in a balanced budget?

if so suggest a compromise that you think repubs and dems could agree on
I belch out more original ideas here than anyone.

I don't expect ALL lefties and righties to agree. As I said, many simply don't have the capacity to collaborate and innovate.

My plan for health care, post 387: ...but wait! I thought if I liked my plan I could keep my plan?!

My plan to address illegal immigration and trade issues at one time, line 4 of my sig: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

You'll find a lot that you don't like. Some of it you might. That's fine. That's where we start.
You are not being very clear

i didnt ask about healthcare of the invasion of illegal aliens

though I am interested in those topics also dont send me to the middle of an ongoing conversation you had with someone else and expect me to figure it out

this is a discussion between you and me

if you dont want to discuss the budget you can pick another topic so have at it
Briefly? Good gawd.

I agree with each party on some things, but you're missing a point.

INNOVATION means WORKING TOGETHER to create something ALL NEW. Like our CONSTITUTION. That way, everyone has input, and everyone has responsibility for both the implementation and the results. That's how it works in dynamic businesses, with people who completely disagree at first. They're human beings, so I don't believe that we can't apply the same approach to politics.
I thought I would test YOUR communication skills since you are so critical of ours

by briefly I meant pick out the most important issue in your mind and show us were repub and dems principles overlap and compromise is possible
So everything I just said has been wasted.

There are very few issues that CAN'T be approached by finding common ground. Abortion and the death penalty, maybe.
Whether its wasted depends on you

You have our attention

but if you just want to sit back and let others do the heavy lifting then you are no better than the rest of us

instead jump in here with your ideas

just one would be a start

how about the deficit?

do you believe in a balanced budget?

if so suggest a compromise that you think repubs and dems could agree on
I belch out more original ideas here than anyone.

I don't expect ALL lefties and righties to agree. As I said, many simply don't have the capacity to collaborate and innovate.

My plan for health care, post 387: ...but wait! I thought if I liked my plan I could keep my plan?!

My plan to address illegal immigration and trade issues at one time, line 4 of my sig: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

You'll find a lot that you don't like. Some of it you might. That's fine. That's where we start.
You are not being very clear

i didnt ask about healthcare of the invasion of illegal aliens

though I am interested in those topics also dont send me to the middle of an ongoing conversation you had with someone else and expect me to figure it out

this is a discussion between you and me

if you dont want to discuss the budget you can pick another topic so have at it
Good gawd. Never mind. I just laid out two comprehensive examples for you.

Good luck "beating" the other "side".
I told you how I "win".

There will be people who lack the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate. They have given up and bought into the notion that it's "us vs. them". They just won't be a part of the process. If it ever happens.

Briefly tell me what the democrats get right and where they are wrong

then do the same for repubs
Briefly? Good gawd.

I agree with each party on some things, but you're missing a point.

INNOVATION means WORKING TOGETHER to create something ALL NEW. Like our CONSTITUTION. That way, everyone has input, and everyone has responsibility for both the implementation and the results. That's how it works in dynamic businesses, with people who completely disagree at first. They're human beings, so I don't believe that we can't apply the same approach to politics.
I thought I would test YOUR communication skills since you are so critical of ours

by briefly I meant pick out the most important issue in your mind and show us were repub and dems principles overlap and compromise is possible
So everything I just said has been wasted.

There are very few issues that CAN'T be approached by finding common ground. Abortion and the death penalty, maybe.
Whether its wasted depends on you

You have our attention

but if you just want to sit back and let others do the heavy lifting then you are no better than the rest of us

instead jump in here with your ideas

just one would be a start

how about the deficit?

do you believe in a balanced budget?

if so suggest a compromise that you think repubs and dems could agree on

You want to end the deficit? You want a balanced budget?

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable”

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level with possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime and unemployment would be reduced. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. Study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have as a country stems from the denying opportunities for people of color due to racism.

This is the monetary cost to this nation of continuing racism.
Last edited:
I thought I would test YOUR communication skills since you are so critical of ours

by briefly I meant pick out the most important issue in your mind and show us were repub and dems principles overlap and compromise is possible
So everything I just said has been wasted.

There are very few issues that CAN'T be approached by finding common ground. Abortion and the death penalty, maybe.
Whether its wasted depends on you

You have our attention

but if you just want to sit back and let others do the heavy lifting then you are no better than the rest of us

instead jump in here with your ideas

just one would be a start

how about the deficit?

do you believe in a balanced budget?

if so suggest a compromise that you think repubs and dems could agree on
I belch out more original ideas here than anyone.

I don't expect ALL lefties and righties to agree. As I said, many simply don't have the capacity to collaborate and innovate.

My plan for health care, post 387: ...but wait! I thought if I liked my plan I could keep my plan?!

My plan to address illegal immigration and trade issues at one time, line 4 of my sig: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

You'll find a lot that you don't like. Some of it you might. That's fine. That's where we start.
You are not being very clear

i didnt ask about healthcare of the invasion of illegal aliens

though I am interested in those topics also dont send me to the middle of an ongoing conversation you had with someone else and expect me to figure it out

this is a discussion between you and me

if you dont want to discuss the budget you can pick another topic so have at it
Good gawd. Never mind. I just laid out two comprehensive examples for you.

Good luck "beating" the other "side".
All you did was try to send me off to some other topic instead of engaging me with you ideas here and now

thats a typical dodge from the holier-than-thou middle of the road crowd

cant you name one specific topic here on you own thread that left and right can agree on?

Briefly tell me what the democrats get right and where they are wrong

then do the same for repubs
Briefly? Good gawd.

I agree with each party on some things, but you're missing a point.

INNOVATION means WORKING TOGETHER to create something ALL NEW. Like our CONSTITUTION. That way, everyone has input, and everyone has responsibility for both the implementation and the results. That's how it works in dynamic businesses, with people who completely disagree at first. They're human beings, so I don't believe that we can't apply the same approach to politics.
I thought I would test YOUR communication skills since you are so critical of ours

by briefly I meant pick out the most important issue in your mind and show us were repub and dems principles overlap and compromise is possible
So everything I just said has been wasted.

There are very few issues that CAN'T be approached by finding common ground. Abortion and the death penalty, maybe.
Whether its wasted depends on you

You have our attention

but if you just want to sit back and let others do the heavy lifting then you are no better than the rest of us

instead jump in here with your ideas

just one would be a start

how about the deficit?

do you believe in a balanced budget?

if so suggest a compromise that you think repubs and dems could agree on

You want to end the deficit? You want a balanced budget?

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable”

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level with possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime and unemployment would be reduced. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. Study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have as a country stems from the denying opportunities for people of color due to racism.

This is the monetary cost to this nation of continuing racism.
You are of course mistaken about the racial wealth gap

it does exist but only because black people are underperforming

They fail to take advantage of the opportunity America offers to those who are smart and work hard
This Country Is Tearing Apart At The Very Seams

LMAO best TDS snowflake thread title ever. :auiqs.jpg: Just relax snowflakes the country isn't tearing itself apart. Out in the real world the vast majority of Americans get along and are doing fine. You freaks on the left just have a sour puss pouty face because Americans have rejected you and your stupid shit policies. We are not Europe we are Americans we don't like to be told what to do and ruled. That's why we kicked England's ass and forged our own country. :itsok:
The country has competing principals. We used to have common core values that no matter which side of the aisle we sat we could at least agree on those values.

Now they no longer exist. Lies are defended and bad behavior is dismissed. The end justifies the means. That is today's mantra in America.

Until we can decide which core values we can agree on this divide will only grow.
The country has competing principals. We used to have common core values that no matter which side of the aisle we sat we could at least agree on those values.
Now they no longer exist. Lies are defended and bad behavior is dismissed. The end justifies the means. That is today's mantra in America.
Until we can decide which core values we can agree on this divide will only grow.
Unfortunately, we currently can't even get THAT far, since normal, honest communication is frowned upon, or beyond the capacity of many.
The country has competing principals. We used to have common core values that no matter which side of the aisle we sat we could at least agree on those values.
Now they no longer exist. Lies are defended and bad behavior is dismissed. The end justifies the means. That is today's mantra in America.
Until we can decide which core values we can agree on this divide will only grow.
Unfortunately, we currently can't even get THAT far, since normal, honest communication is frowned upon, or beyond the capacity of many.

Yes, I agree. That's why I only post here for short periods of time. I could not participate regularly. It would be too depressing and I would end up insulting people and that's not my goal.
The country has competing principals. We used to have common core values that no matter which side of the aisle we sat we could at least agree on those values.
Now they no longer exist. Lies are defended and bad behavior is dismissed. The end justifies the means. That is today's mantra in America.
Until we can decide which core values we can agree on this divide will only grow.
Unfortunately, we currently can't even get THAT far, since normal, honest communication is frowned upon, or beyond the capacity of many.

Yes, I agree. That's why I only post here for short periods of time. I could not participate regularly. It would be too depressing and I would end up insulting people and that's not my goal.
What concerns me the most is that this stuff is clearly metastasizing far beyond our politics and into our everyday culture.

The deeper that goes, the tougher it will be to fix.
The country has competing principals. We used to have common core values that no matter which side of the aisle we sat we could at least agree on those values.
Now they no longer exist. Lies are defended and bad behavior is dismissed. The end justifies the means. That is today's mantra in America.
Until we can decide which core values we can agree on this divide will only grow.
Unfortunately, we currently can't even get THAT far, since normal, honest communication is frowned upon, or beyond the capacity of many.

Yes, I agree. That's why I only post here for short periods of time. I could not participate regularly. It would be too depressing and I would end up insulting people and that's not my goal.
What concerns me the most is that this stuff is clearly metastasizing far beyond our politics and into our everyday culture.

The deeper that goes, the tougher it will be to fix.

Yes. I'm embarrassed to say that I have allowed the current environment to influence who I spend time with.
Not sure what the question is getting at, but I agree in general. And we're certainly allowing this to continue.

as in a symptom of systemic failure , that one could find in any given political arrangement Mac

I don't expect ALL lefties and righties to agree.

that wouldn't keep the lights on for long here....:114:

“The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”,

Only you could equate race to deficits IM2, :alcoholic: yet in your defense even MLK pointed out our penchant for classism was the underlying motive for racism

iirc, he didn't last long afterwards...


I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

From 2001-2009 those like you proclaimed the country was tearing at the seams but when Obama was elected the right version of you said the same thing from 2009-2017...

So my point?

Stop being a damn drama queen and the sky is not falling even if Trump is President!
The country has competing principals. We used to have common core values that no matter which side of the aisle we sat we could at least agree on those values.
Now they no longer exist. Lies are defended and bad behavior is dismissed. The end justifies the means. That is today's mantra in America.
Until we can decide which core values we can agree on this divide will only grow.
Unfortunately, we currently can't even get THAT far, since normal, honest communication is frowned upon, or beyond the capacity of many.
I offered you honest communication and you declined
They fail to take advantage of the opportunity America offers to those who are smart and work hard
I'll jump in on this "issue"- not everyone is smart- and working hard is subjective. Smart is determined by using what you have to your advantage- how many people actually understand that? It's somehow been ordained that college is the only path to being smart. That ain't so. In fact, it could be argued, college doesn't make you smart, it adds to the dumbing down leading the not very bright to believe they're something they're not simply because they achieved the award of a sheep skin and so, society should reward them.

America, as currently structured, restricts opportunity at every turn. "Turns" are paths directed by others whose only skin in the game is writing rules for others paths. Those rule writers are considered smart, or something. However, the really smart person looks for ways to circumvent rules. Some "work hard" at it. Some do the same because someone else showed them how. Some come by it naturally. So that begs the question; just how smart are rule writers? If our situation is to be judged by where we are, as it should be, it has to be acknowledged that rule writers are either not very smart, or, the paths they've intentionally left open only allow for a few and they know it, making them exceptionally smart. I prefer the former over the latter since rules have been broken since the first one was written.
Note that when one becomes really successful by society's standards, (material accumulation), they become an enemy and are publicly vilified, on one side, and by the rule writers on one side and the other side glorifies them and both sides of the rule writers immediately sets about rewriting the rules so even fewer can play.

That is "as currently structured" which is an antithesis to original intent which was to have a representative gov't to help ensure (and insure) one didn't have a legal advantage over another- yet, here we are "as currently structured" with so many rules they can't be counted with an estimate being that every person breaks at least three per day- that ain't smart by any matrix.

I read a quote a while back and I don't remember where or verbatim, but, it was something along the lines of; the more rules a gov't writes the more opportunity it offers for tyranny-
The founders fought a war and some lost their fortunes to get out from under a monarchs tyranny- yet, here we are under an oligarch tyranny- how smart is that? How many "work hard" to ensure and insure it remains that way?

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