This Country Is Tearing Apart At The Very Seams

The country has competing principals. We used to have common core values that no matter which side of the aisle we sat we could at least agree on those values.
Now they no longer exist. Lies are defended and bad behavior is dismissed. The end justifies the means. That is today's mantra in America.
Until we can decide which core values we can agree on this divide will only grow.
Unfortunately, we currently can't even get THAT far, since normal, honest communication is frowned upon, or beyond the capacity of many.
I offered you honest communication and you declined
I have conversations about this stuff all the time with friends and family.

I never have to explain what I'm talking about or hold their hands through the conversation. They just pick right up on it and run with it.

I tried with you and I failed. I'm burned out on asymmetrical conversations here.
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And as we look at republican gerrymandering and voter suppression, here is a republican claiming democrats want 1 party rule.
Rush says this pretty regularly, so naturally you're going to see it here - THE DEMS WANT ONE PARTY RULE AAAUUUGGGHHH - while pushing for one party rule.

Every time he says it, I just roll my eyes and smile. They somehow don't see the irony, they just swallow it whole and obediently repeat it. Incredible.
You are mistaken about republicans

we do want to win of course

dont you want to win?

but what dems want is complete eradication of any conflicting ideas so that they never have to debate again
I would "win" if both ends realized that this country was built on collaboration, communication and innovation.

No, I don't want one end to "win". Monopoly kills innovation.
“I would win if both ends realized that this country was built on communication, collaboration and innovation”....
WOW...that’s some catchy shit...very captivating....are you sure you want to go there?
This country was also built on the backs of likeminded Caucasians whom practiced Christianity, family values, moralality, decency, accountability, law and order, pride, patriotism.
This country was NOT built by 100 million Mexicans here without an invite or authorization from We The People.
You probably don’t want to revert to what “built this nation” and made it so great once upon a time...RIGHT?
You try hard Mac, I’ll give you that...but the real problem is so simple and it lies right beneath your nose.
MULTICULTURALISM fucked this country up....PERIOD!
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay. And that’s a problem, a big problem. This country is tearing apart at the very seams It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

This nation is comprised primarily of White Christian folk - the core of Nova Europa - the descendants of its explorers and conquerors.

There are good--sized demographic slices of Blacks and Hispanics and others and there is plenty of room for them as well.

There are modest-sized demographic slices of Jews and Buddhists and Atheists and there is room for them as well.

The jury still seems to be out on Muslims, beyond a few 'safe zones', and we can thank 9-11 for that, but that may still work out in the end.

Most Americans don't mind Gay Folk so long as they keep their perversion in the closet and out of their kids faces.

Most Americans want as complete a freedom as can be managed in a very large scale democratic republic.

Most Americans want as little taxation as possible while still accomplishing a number of macro-level societal goals.

Most Americans want an overwhelmingly strong war-making capability, kept in the background when not needed, led by Brave Souls.

Most Americans want integrity and compassion and truth and courage from their elected leadership at all levels.

Most Americans want national sovereignty and meaningful borders and a controlled and minimal influx of newcomers from abroad.

Most Americans tend to their families and their careers and mortgages and bills and recreation and the everyday aspects of life.

Most Americans have little patience for demagogues and under-performing politicians and will reject them once revealed.

Most Americans still support The People and their Republic and its Constitution and will do so unto death if need be.

Most Americans couldn't care less about politics on a daily basis and only wake-up on occasion in the run-up to an election.

We're a long, long, long way from civil war or some other wingnut bed-wetter fantasy about oceans of blood on American streets.

Relatively speaking, everything is just fine, so long as we keep an eye on a handful of demagogues and wing-nuts.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

The article is based on a false premise, a straw man if you will. This country is not tearing apart at the seams. The author experiences life in America much differently than the vast majority of Americans. The author also thinks people with different political views are “dumber than a stump and arrogant about it“. Which pretty much tells you the real arrogance lies within the author himself.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

late 1980's....roger ailles puts rush limbaugh on radio stations all over the country.....hate radio is born!

followed by limbaugh copycats

and fox news
the blaze......

24 hours 7 days a week for 30 years of "LIBERALS are TRAITORS!"

people in their early 30's who grew up on hate radio!

they actually call themselves "affectionately" limbaugh babies

There ya go.
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I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

late 1980's....roger ailles puts rush limbaugh on radio stations all over the country.....hate radio is born!

followed by limbaugh copycats

and fox news
the blaze......

24/7 of "LIBERALS are TRAITORS!"

There ya go.
... and the corresponding reaction from the other tribe just made it worse.

Multiply that by the ubiquitous power of the internet and you have the source of the problem.
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America has some serious identity problems.....

America believes in exceptionalism , while presenting itself a grand hypocrisy to the world

America views itself as the world's police , while cloaking extortionary policy in the guise of freedom

America believes in FF ideals, while actively working to undermine them

America wants to carry the torch of freedom around the world, but fails to be example of it at home

America wants to promote itself as 'best' , by means a monkey could win debates against

America wants to claim science and media 'fake' when it's convenient to do so, much to the chagrin of the rest of the world

America wants isolationist policies at home, while declaring our imposition on other nation states justified

Thanks for proving to the entire forum that you hate America.
“I would win if both ends realized that this country was built on communication, collaboration and innovation”....
WOW...that’s some catchy shit...very captivating....are you sure you want to go there?
This country was also built on the backs of likeminded Caucasians whom practiced Christianity, family values, moralality, decency, accountability, law and order, pride, patriotism.
This country was NOT built by 100 million Mexicans here without an invite or authorization from We The People.
You probably don’t want to revert to what “built this nation” and made it so great once upon a time...RIGHT?
You try hard Mac, I’ll give you that...but the real problem is so simple and it lies right beneath your nose.
MULTICULTURALISM fucked this country up....PERIOD!
I've been participating on bi partisan political message boards for for 12 years and this has to be at the top of the list of the most ignorant statements I've ever seen. There is a cure for ignorant- it's called gaining knowledge- there is no cure for stupid, but to work hard at it, like the above post, is beyond normal, everyday stupid and offers no path to redemption.

Here's some knowledge free of charge: This country was founded on the principle that ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no caveat to "all"- as for once upon a time- the founders, were in fact, illegals in your interpretation since the people didn't invite them- our ancestors then fell to believing they were special and took up bumper sticker slogans to prove it- Manifest Destiny- the only good Indian is a dead Indian- and, IF they weren't believed they would kill you to prove their Christianity was less savage than the savage they killed-

You, sir, are one ignorant, working at being stupid, fuck to ever infect a political message board.
“I would win if both ends realized that this country was built on communication, collaboration and innovation”....
WOW...that’s some catchy shit...very captivating....are you sure you want to go there?
This country was also built on the backs of likeminded Caucasians whom practiced Christianity, family values, moralality, decency, accountability, law and order, pride, patriotism.
This country was NOT built by 100 million Mexicans here without an invite or authorization from We The People.
You probably don’t want to revert to what “built this nation” and made it so great once upon a time...RIGHT?
You try hard Mac, I’ll give you that...but the real problem is so simple and it lies right beneath your nose.
MULTICULTURALISM fucked this country up....PERIOD!
I've been participating on bi partisan political message boards for for 12 years and this has to be at the top of the list of the most ignorant statements I've ever seen. There is a cure for ignorant- it's called gaining knowledge- there is no cure for stupid, but to work hard at it, like the above post, is beyond normal, everyday stupid and offers no path to redemption.

Here's some knowledge free of charge: This country was founded on the principle that ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no caveat to "all"- as for once upon a time- the founders, were in fact, illegals in your interpretation since the people didn't invite them- our ancestors then fell to believing they were special and took up bumper sticker slogans to prove it- Manifest Destiny- the only good Indian is a dead Indian- and, IF they weren't believed they would kill you to prove their Christianity was less savage than the savage they killed-

You, sir, are one ignorant, working at being stupid, fuck to ever infect a political message board.
If only it were an isolated case.

Talk radio created this and Trump enables it, normalizes it and emboldens it.

This is a real problem.
America has some serious identity problems.....

America believes in exceptionalism , while presenting itself a grand hypocrisy to the world

America views itself as the world's police , while cloaking extortionary policy in the guise of freedom

America believes in FF ideals, while actively working to undermine them

America wants to carry the torch of freedom around the world, but fails to be example of it at home

America wants to promote itself as 'best' , by means a monkey could win debates against

America wants to claim science and media 'fake' when it's convenient to do so, much to the chagrin of the rest of the world

America wants isolationist policies at home, while declaring our imposition on other nation states justified

Thanks for proving to the entire forum that you hate America.
Thanks for proving you could give a f*ck as well finger boy....~S~
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

late 1980's....roger ailles puts rush limbaugh on radio stations all over the country.....hate radio is born!

followed by limbaugh copycats

and fox news
the blaze......

24/7 of "LIBERALS are TRAITORS!"

There ya go.

Yep, Rush did it.
Meanwhile, Mexico has ‘discreetly’ stolen four states and counting from our republic...they’ve sent in 100 million of their people to infiltrate from the inside and morph American culture into some weird twisted MexAmerica sort of bullshit...but that has nothing to do with the divide...Rush did it!
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

late 1980's....roger ailles puts rush limbaugh on radio stations all over the country.....hate radio is born!

followed by limbaugh copycats

and fox news
the blaze......

24 hours 7 days a week for 30 years of "LIBERALS are TRAITORS!"

people in their early 30's who grew up on hate radio!

they actually call themselves "affectionately" limbaugh babies

There ya go.

Hillary would have taken Limbaugh off the air
They fail to take advantage of the opportunity America offers to those who are smart and work hard
I'll jump in on this "issue"- not everyone is smart- and working hard is subjective. Smart is determined by using what you have to your advantage- how many people actually understand that? It's somehow been ordained that college is the only path to being smart. That ain't so. In fact, it could be argued, college doesn't make you smart, it adds to the dumbing down leading the not very bright to believe they're something they're not simply because they achieved the award of a sheep skin and so, society should reward them.

America, as currently structured, restricts opportunity at every turn. "Turns" are paths directed by others whose only skin in the game is writing rules for others paths. Those rule writers are considered smart, or something. However, the really smart person looks for ways to circumvent rules. Some "work hard" at it. Some do the same because someone else showed them how. Some come by it naturally. So that begs the question; just how smart are rule writers? If our situation is to be judged by where we are, as it should be, it has to be acknowledged that rule writers are either not very smart, or, the paths they've intentionally left open only allow for a few and they know it, making them exceptionally smart. I prefer the former over the latter since rules have been broken since the first one was written.
Note that when one becomes really successful by society's standards, (material accumulation), they become an enemy and are publicly vilified, on one side, and by the rule writers on one side and the other side glorifies them and both sides of the rule writers immediately sets about rewriting the rules so even fewer can play.

That is "as currently structured" which is an antithesis to original intent which was to have a representative gov't to help ensure (and insure) one didn't have a legal advantage over another- yet, here we are "as currently structured" with so many rules they can't be counted with an estimate being that every person breaks at least three per day- that ain't smart by any matrix.

I read a quote a while back and I don't remember where or verbatim, but, it was something along the lines of; the more rules a gov't writes the more opportunity it offers for tyranny-
The founders fought a war and some lost their fortunes to get out from under a monarchs tyranny- yet, here we are under an oligarch tyranny- how smart is that? How many "work hard" to ensure and insure it remains that way?
I cant quite tell where you are going with that so I will just summarize my own position

in America opportunity exists for everyone who is willing to take advantage of it

if black people are not succeeding its because of mistakes in their own lives rather than some grand conspiracy against them
This is a group effort. We CHOOSE to act this way.
No one is making us, even though we're good at pointing fingers. WE are responsible for what we do and say.
In what ways have the Republicans changed to cause this rift in society?
They have allowed themselves to eschew fundamental curiosity and critical thinking in favor of shallow, tribal, binary thought processes and actions.

You asked, I answered. Neither your agreement nor your approval are required.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

You're seeing things in a very dark setting, here.

Let me bring some light into your world..

The Republicans support private enterprise to the max.
The Democrats support the middle classes, the poor, and the recent immigrants, to the max.

The Republicans think a prison industry is the solution to the problems caused by the poor's sufferings. It's not, btw.

The Democrats have great social plans, but not a clue on how to finance it.
They say 'tax the rich more', but that implies taking away the seed money that keeps your country and it's allies secure in this competitive world.

The solution, i think, is for the Democrats to play their role, but focus on how to pay for their plans a lot better,
and for Republicans to spend a little less on prison industry and more on affordable housing projects, each going up for a specific minority group (which tend to run into conflicts even with each other).

Fact is, the US has plenty of space for entirely new towns, far away from the homes of the rich(er) people.
I don't think you actually know what the Republicans think.
Enlighten me :)

Your first glaring mistake was saying the left support the middle class.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

I don't know how we are going to come together but we have to find a way.

United we stand. Divided we fall.

There's no coming together with communist.
I have to admit I have an obsession. It gnaws at me. I am frequently preoccupied with it, searching for a solution to this puzzle only to be disappointed and frustrated.

How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

I know part of the answer to that question involves Trump, but it’s far more than just that. It’s much deeper and has been in the works for much longer than the political prominence of Donald J. It goes back decades. It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness. There is a strain of person in this country that are frankly dumber than a stump and arrogant about it. Removing Trump either by a vote in the Senate or during the election won’t remove these people, they’re with us to stay.

And that’s a problem, a big problem.

This country is tearing apart at the very seams

It’s the legacy of toxic nativism, hateful racism, know-nothingism and general selfish assholishness.

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Good article.

So, you express your concern about how divided we are, by viciously smearing those that disagree with you?


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