This is a TOTAL bastard

Spicy hot stuff is good for heartburn, believe it or not. Old remedy. I dunno about hot sauce--but pepper is.
Love me some Tabasco Sauce.
Try this.....simmer some shrimp/prawns/crawdads in Tabasco Sauce over a flame until they float.
Such'll never go back to the old way.

What is crawdads? I have had the food they have in Louisiana but in Texas, I forget what it is called they have a name for Louisiana food. I also had something called Dirty Rice I think it is something involving chicken, it was very nice.

Crawfish, also known as "the cockroach of the sea". :)
they are fresh water

Some people take "the sea" too literally.
And some people with nothing better to do in their lives, chime in to threads with a catch phrase they don’t understand; because they have nothing more fulfilling in their lives. And that’s how your contribution to this thread came to be...

Fuck off. It's an expression in New Orleans. If you can't handle it, fuck off.
In closing fuck off.

PS -- fuck off.
No can do. You opened your cock holster; and were corrected by southerners. Better luck next time. Maybe start a thread about “salt potatoes” or some shit... Fucking Yankee...

I'm in North Cackalackee so again --- fuck off.
It don’t matter “where” you are. You clearly know Jack shit about southern cuisine, and culture. I was in Baghdad once...
And you even threw the term “Cackalackee” out there!!! So authentic! You must be so for realsies...
Lucy started a light hearted thread and everyone was having a good time, but you gotta come in here with your nasty disposition and turn it into a regular old USMB thread. Learn some manners.

I LOVE salt potatoes. You don't taste the salt -- well, except for on the skins, but it makes the insides of the new potatoes really creamy.
They are quite good. With Tobasco...
I never thought of putting hot sauce on potatoes. I LOVE potatoes but around this time of year they start smelling a little like the cellar they were stored in....not so good as the ones just dug up, the size of a ping pong ball, skins thin as tissue.

I've never heard of salt potatoes anywhere but upstate (western) New York, out in cow country. Where did you have them?
Hate Tabasco, too much vinegar for my tastes. I much prefer Tapatio. Same heat no where near the vinegar taste.

Quoted for truth.

As for the 'heat', it has a lot to do with acidic levels in your blood; you can eat habaneros like candy if your blood chemistry is right.
Love me some Tabasco Sauce.
Try this.....simmer some shrimp/prawns/crawdads in Tabasco Sauce over a flame until they float.
Such'll never go back to the old way.

What is crawdads? I have had the food they have in Louisiana but in Texas, I forget what it is called they have a name for Louisiana food. I also had something called Dirty Rice I think it is something involving chicken, it was very nice.

Cajun? Gumbo?

Dirty rice is just wild rice; it comes in different shades of brown here, not bleached white, hence the 'Dirty'.

You want hot, try some of the Indian dishes; their red pepper, curry, etc., is hotter.
Wild rice is NOT brown rice. It's not even "rice." It's a grass seed. Brown rice is just rice without the hull removed.

The Puerto Ricans make dirty rice with a little ground pork, chicken liver, onion, green pepper and lots of that yellow seasoning they put in everything--Adobo, I think it is. It's the meat that makes it "dirty." But there's only a little.
The southern version in chicken broth sounds good.

Dirty rice is called 'dirty rice' because the long grain brown rice is parboiled, and hence produces a variety of shades of brown; here in the U.S. it came from the African rice fields of Madagascar primarily with the slave ships. The other ingredients are just a dirty rice recipe from Louisiana; other states, like Georgia, have their own local recipes, mostly using chicken or pork. Louisanna uses a variety of recipes, including crawfish and chicken. Later on bleached and polished white rice became available and cheap enough, and the same recipes were used, hence the same names for those recipes regardless of the type of rice. The U.S. rice growing started in Carolina and didn't spread to the Mississippi River regions until later. The term 'dirty rice' is merely a carry over from centuries ago;Louisiana itself doesn't now grow the same breeds of rice it grew in the 18th and 19th centuries, and not even the same rice breeds it grew mostly in the 20th century , either.
I heard on the Food Network that in the south they are trying to coax back some of those heirloom Carolina varieties. They supposedly have better flavor.
I like Basmati and Jasmine rice, too.
This is a TOTAL bastard, Tabasco Sauce. WTF?! I just had some of this and it result in me coughing out of control for MINUTES AND my eyes water also. Whoever invent Tabasco Sauce is obviously a Satanist and should be immediately airdropped into Gitmo AND also shot :smoke:


View attachment 327055

^^^^ This :Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2:

^^^^ Tabasco Sauce illustrate the EVIL at work in this world. I am NOT a happy bunny :( :omg:

Try a few drops on fried eggs or fried chicken for a pleasant surprise.

If I'm eating eggs, I like to have Tabasco on them like you do. Tabasco is also good on hashbrowns.
Gotta do something to make hashbrowns palatable or taste like anythin even if its putting ketchup on them. If there's a choice I chose home fries everytime.
This is a TOTAL bastard, Tabasco Sauce. WTF?! I just had some of this and it result in me coughing out of control for MINUTES AND my eyes water also. Whoever invent Tabasco Sauce is obviously a Satanist and should be immediately airdropped into Gitmo AND also shot :smoke:


View attachment 327055

^^^^ This :Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2:
Tabasco? Why, I can drink that stuff right out of the bottle! That is mother's milk! :D You should try Baron's West Indian Hot Sauce!
This is a TOTAL bastard, Tabasco Sauce. WTF?! I just had some of this and it result in me coughing out of control for MINUTES AND my eyes water also. Whoever invent Tabasco Sauce is obviously a Satanist and should be immediately airdropped into Gitmo AND also shot :smoke:


View attachment 327055

^^^^ This :Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2:
You should try this:

View attachment 327058
I tried that too. An old supervisor bragged it was so hot, it could not be diluted, even a few drops in a big pot of stew. I had him bring it in and I licked big globs of it off my fingers.
This is a TOTAL bastard, Tabasco Sauce. WTF?! I just had some of this and it result in me coughing out of control for MINUTES AND my eyes water also. Whoever invent Tabasco Sauce is obviously a Satanist and should be immediately airdropped into Gitmo AND also shot :smoke:


View attachment 327055

^^^^ This :Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2:

^^^^ Tabasco Sauce illustrate the EVIL at work in this world. I am NOT a happy bunny :( :omg:

Try a few drops on fried eggs or fried chicken for a pleasant surprise.

If I'm eating eggs, I like to have Tabasco on them like you do. Tabasco is also good on hashbrowns.
And a Bloody Mary..? Just ain’t, without Tabasco...

Bloody beers as well. (Beer, tomato juice, salt, and Tabasco).
I can sit and drink those all afternoon. A place down the road used to have dollar beer day on Thursdays. The rub was the beer was Coors on tap. Well that crap is tasteless so I had the bartender make them bloody beers for me. I'd spend all afternoon and sometimes end up closing the place that night.
This is a TOTAL bastard, Tabasco Sauce. WTF?! I just had some of this and it result in me coughing out of control for MINUTES AND my eyes water also. Whoever invent Tabasco Sauce is obviously a Satanist and should be immediately airdropped into Gitmo AND also shot :smoke:


View attachment 327055

^^^^ This :Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2:
Don't be such a pussy. Suck it up and learn to love it. It made C-rations eatible enough so you could to choke them down.

EXACTLY! There was nothing more valuable than the little bottles of Tabasco that came with MRE's. Matter of fact, any time I was on deployment, I had a care package sent to me every month that included the following................

1 box of Captain Crunch
1 bag of Starbucks coffee
1 roll of Copenhagen
1 large bottle of Tabasco

And, if you walked onto the mess decks with either Captain Crunch, or they saw a bottle of Tabasco sitting on your tray, you were suddenly everyone's best friend.

Being in the Infantry in Vietnam we would pick the peppers off the bushes of the locals when we ran out of Tobasco or Texas Pete. When we were out of any hot stuff it would get unbearable in the jungle heat. We would look forward to any care packages from home and Moms and Wives would always send hot sauce and we would grab that bottle and suck down half of it right from the bottle. Them were the days!
Ya gotta be careful over there. They've got some really hot peppers lurking in that neck of the woods especially in Thailand. And it's absolutely clear and looks like water in a sauce. It caught me unawares once and I thought it was burning holes through my throat.
This is a TOTAL bastard, Tabasco Sauce. WTF?! I just had some of this and it result in me coughing out of control for MINUTES AND my eyes water also. Whoever invent Tabasco Sauce is obviously a Satanist and should be immediately airdropped into Gitmo AND also shot :smoke:


View attachment 327055

^^^^ This :Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2:

^^^^ Tabasco Sauce illustrate the EVIL at work in this world. I am NOT a happy bunny :( :omg:

Try a few drops on fried eggs or fried chicken for a pleasant surprise.

If I'm eating eggs, I like to have Tabasco on them like you do. Tabasco is also good on hashbrowns.
And a Bloody Mary..? Just ain’t, without Tabasco...

Bloody beers as well. (Beer, tomato juice, salt, and Tabasco).
I can sit and drink those all afternoon. A place down the road used to have dollar beer day on Thursdays. The rub was the beer was Coors on tap. Well that crap is tasteless so I had the bartender make them bloody beers for me. I'd spend all afternoon and sometimes end up closing the place that night.
A friend of mine does the bloody beers when she wants to stay semi-sober of an evening. You can drink those a long time before you fall down. Our bloody beers get a couple dashes of worcestershire sauce instead of tabasco.
I don’t think Tabasco is hot at all, but I’m very big into hot and spicy foods.
This is a TOTAL bastard, Tabasco Sauce. WTF?! I just had some of this and it result in me coughing out of control for MINUTES AND my eyes water also. Whoever invent Tabasco Sauce is obviously a Satanist and should be immediately airdropped into Gitmo AND also shot :smoke:


View attachment 327055

^^^^ This :Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2:
Don't be such a pussy. Suck it up and learn to love it. It made C-rations eatible enough so you could to choke them down.

EXACTLY! There was nothing more valuable than the little bottles of Tabasco that came with MRE's. Matter of fact, any time I was on deployment, I had a care package sent to me every month that included the following................

1 box of Captain Crunch
1 bag of Starbucks coffee
1 roll of Copenhagen
1 large bottle of Tabasco

And, if you walked onto the mess decks with either Captain Crunch, or they saw a bottle of Tabasco sitting on your tray, you were suddenly everyone's best friend.

Being in the Infantry in Vietnam we would pick the peppers off the bushes of the locals when we ran out of Tobasco or Texas Pete. When we were out of any hot stuff it would get unbearable in the jungle heat. We would look forward to any care packages from home and Moms and Wives would always send hot sauce and we would grab that bottle and suck down half of it right from the bottle. Them were the days!
Ya gotta be careful over there. They've got some really hot peppers lurking in that neck of the woods especially in Thailand. And it's absolutely clear and looks like water in a sauce. It caught me unawares once and I thought it was burning holes through my throat.
Once when good Asian food was a new thing to me, I was at a high end Chinese restaurant and my meal had this skinny little blackened pepper in it. Well, I was eating everything else, so I jabbed it on my fork and put the whole thing in my mouth. I was in the bathroom for ten minutes, choking, nose and eyes running like a faucet. Thought I was gonna die.
I don’t think Tabasco is hot at all, but I’m very big into hot and spicy foods.
That green Chinese spice that is hot but only for a minute, no lingering burn, is good stuff. Can't remember what they call it.
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When I was visiting New Orleans, I was very excited to try BBQ Shrimp. It was supposed to be the best stuff ever. I love shrimp, I love bbq. What could go wrong? So we went to the "best" place in the Quarter, famous for it, waited for a table, anticipation builds......
I should have gotten the appetizer size. I HATED it. Ate two and just couldn't do any more. I don't know what they put on it, but it even smelled awful.
Love me some Tabasco Sauce.
Try this.....simmer some shrimp/prawns/crawdads in Tabasco Sauce over a flame until they float.
Such'll never go back to the old way.

What is crawdads? I have had the food they have in Louisiana but in Texas, I forget what it is called they have a name for Louisiana food. I also had something called Dirty Rice I think it is something involving chicken, it was very nice.

I guess Lucy would hate my Jerk Chicken...
Put four of these in the marinade and the sauce.
The Scotch Bonnet pepper. It tops out at around 350'000 on the scoville chart.

But then these are mild compared to the Carolina Reaper.
I've eaten a couple of them and while very hot they werent as hot as I expected.
This one tops out at around 2'200'000 on the scoville chart


Lucy's nemesis...Tabasco?
It tops out at a paltry 5'000.
This is a TOTAL bastard, Tabasco Sauce. WTF?! I just had some of this and it result in me coughing out of control for MINUTES AND my eyes water also. Whoever invent Tabasco Sauce is obviously a Satanist and should be immediately airdropped into Gitmo AND also shot :smoke:


View attachment 327055

^^^^ This :Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2:

Tabasco sauce is one of my favorite condiments. It's definitely not for everyone, not for the weak of palate, especially.
I guess Lucy would hate my Jerk Chicken...
Put four of these in the marinade and the sauce.
The Scotch Bonnet pepper. It tops out at around 350'000 on the scoville chart.
View attachment 327354
But then these are mild compared to the Carolina Reaper.
I've eaten a couple of them and while very hot they werent as hot as I expected.
This one tops out at around 2'200'000 on the scoville chart

View attachment 327355

Lucy's nemesis...Tabasco?
It tops out at a paltry 5'000.
View attachment 327355
When the pepper you are about to eat looks like a burn probably shouldn't.

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