This is a TOTAL bastard

Tabasco sauce is baby food. Chelsea Fire at least has more flavor. You gotta go ghost before you start complaining.
I guess Lucy would hate my Jerk Chicken...
Put four of these in the marinade and the sauce.
The Scotch Bonnet pepper. It tops out at around 350'000 on the scoville chart.
View attachment 327354
But then these are mild compared to the Carolina Reaper.
I've eaten a couple of them and while very hot they werent as hot as I expected.
This one tops out at around 2'200'000 on the scoville chart

View attachment 327355

Lucy's nemesis...Tabasco?
It tops out at a paltry 5'000.
View attachment 327355
When the pepper you are about to eat looks like a burn probably shouldn't.

Thats the thing about the super hot peppers.
They're thin skinned and dont hold the amount of capsicum as the thick skinned peppers like the jalapeno.
I've had japs that were really hot and the heat just wouldnt end!!!
The super hots fade much faster.
I guess Lucy would hate my Jerk Chicken...
Put four of these in the marinade and the sauce.
The Scotch Bonnet pepper. It tops out at around 350'000 on the scoville chart.
View attachment 327354
But then these are mild compared to the Carolina Reaper.
I've eaten a couple of them and while very hot they werent as hot as I expected.
This one tops out at around 2'200'000 on the scoville chart

View attachment 327355

Lucy's nemesis...Tabasco?
It tops out at a paltry 5'000.
View attachment 327355
When the pepper you are about to eat looks like a burn probably shouldn't.

Thats the thing about the super hot peppers.
They're thin skinned and dont hold the amount of capsicum as the thick skinned peppers like the jalapeno.
I've had japs that were really hot and the heat just wouldnt end!!!
The super hots fade much faster.
Man I don't know what my buddy gave me one time but as soon as that thing hit my stomach it tried to kick it right back up...a chocolate something. This is the thing, I only ate about 1/4 of it.

Me and the Mrs. were plant shopping last weekend and I picked up a ghost pepper plant. Gonna grow that and see.
I guess Lucy would hate my Jerk Chicken...
Put four of these in the marinade and the sauce.
The Scotch Bonnet pepper. It tops out at around 350'000 on the scoville chart.
View attachment 327354
But then these are mild compared to the Carolina Reaper.
I've eaten a couple of them and while very hot they werent as hot as I expected.
This one tops out at around 2'200'000 on the scoville chart

View attachment 327355

Lucy's nemesis...Tabasco?
It tops out at a paltry 5'000.
View attachment 327355
When the pepper you are about to eat looks like a burn probably shouldn't.

Thats the thing about the super hot peppers.
They're thin skinned and dont hold the amount of capsicum as the thick skinned peppers like the jalapeno.
I've had japs that were really hot and the heat just wouldnt end!!!
The super hots fade much faster.
Man I don't know what my buddy gave me one time but as soon as that thing hit my stomach it tried to kick it right back up...a chocolate something. This is the thing, I only ate about 1/4 of it.

Me and the Mrs. were plant shopping last weekend and I picked up a ghost pepper plant. Gonna grow that and see.

The Chocolate Bhutlah.
I guess Lucy would hate my Jerk Chicken...
Put four of these in the marinade and the sauce.
The Scotch Bonnet pepper. It tops out at around 350'000 on the scoville chart.
View attachment 327354
But then these are mild compared to the Carolina Reaper.
I've eaten a couple of them and while very hot they werent as hot as I expected.
This one tops out at around 2'200'000 on the scoville chart

View attachment 327355

Lucy's nemesis...Tabasco?
It tops out at a paltry 5'000.
View attachment 327355
When the pepper you are about to eat looks like a burn probably shouldn't.

Thats the thing about the super hot peppers.
They're thin skinned and dont hold the amount of capsicum as the thick skinned peppers like the jalapeno.
I've had japs that were really hot and the heat just wouldnt end!!!
The super hots fade much faster.
Man I don't know what my buddy gave me one time but as soon as that thing hit my stomach it tried to kick it right back up...a chocolate something. This is the thing, I only ate about 1/4 of it.

Me and the Mrs. were plant shopping last weekend and I picked up a ghost pepper plant. Gonna grow that and see.

The Chocolate Bhutlah.
Yeah that was it...lit me up like a Christmas tree.
I guess Lucy would hate my Jerk Chicken...
Put four of these in the marinade and the sauce.
The Scotch Bonnet pepper. It tops out at around 350'000 on the scoville chart.
View attachment 327354
But then these are mild compared to the Carolina Reaper.
I've eaten a couple of them and while very hot they werent as hot as I expected.
This one tops out at around 2'200'000 on the scoville chart

View attachment 327355

Lucy's nemesis...Tabasco?
It tops out at a paltry 5'000.
View attachment 327355
When the pepper you are about to eat looks like a burn probably shouldn't.

Thats the thing about the super hot peppers.
They're thin skinned and dont hold the amount of capsicum as the thick skinned peppers like the jalapeno.
I've had japs that were really hot and the heat just wouldnt end!!!
The super hots fade much faster.

"Thats the thing about the super hot peppers.
They're thin skinned"

They're thin skinned? Oh so you mean they are the Bedwetting Snowflakes of peppers :smoke:
Tabasco sauce is baby food. Chelsea Fire at least has more flavor. You gotta go ghost before you start complaining.

What is this ghost thing? Pogo mention it also.

Ghost pepper.
While hot it's nowhere near the top.

Okay but they say it is very very hot, it is also Indian and this is not a good situation:

I guess Lucy would hate my Jerk Chicken...
Put four of these in the marinade and the sauce.
The Scotch Bonnet pepper. It tops out at around 350'000 on the scoville chart.
View attachment 327354
But then these are mild compared to the Carolina Reaper.
I've eaten a couple of them and while very hot they werent as hot as I expected.
This one tops out at around 2'200'000 on the scoville chart

View attachment 327355

Lucy's nemesis...Tabasco?
It tops out at a paltry 5'000.
View attachment 327355
When the pepper you are about to eat looks like a burn probably shouldn't.

Thats the thing about the super hot peppers.
They're thin skinned and dont hold the amount of capsicum as the thick skinned peppers like the jalapeno.
I've had japs that were really hot and the heat just wouldnt end!!!
The super hots fade much faster.

"Thats the thing about the super hot peppers.
They're thin skinned"

They're thin skinned? Oh so you mean they are the Bedwetting Snowflakes of peppers :smoke:

In a way thats a good analogy.
They burn hot and fast and then go Pantifa.
Tabasco sauce is baby food. Chelsea Fire at least has more flavor. You gotta go ghost before you start complaining.

Tabasco sauce is a baby food?! :eek-52:
Yeah you can remove the cap and slip a nipple on the bottle and babies will suck it right down down south. It's great for easing teething pains too.
That green Chinese spice is Wasabe, which is a ground up kind of horse radish.

I understand that genuine wasabi is very different from horseradish (though it does come from a plant that is in the same family as horseradish), and that it is very difficult and expensive to obtain outside of Japan. Nearly all of what is sold as “wasabi” here in the United States is based on horseradish, which is almost certainly why we westerners think that wasabi is like horseradish.

It's apparently even legal, here in the U.S., to sell something as “wasabi” that contains little actual wasabi, if any at all.

I did note that a tube of “wasabi” that I have, while horseradish-based, does list actual wasabi as one of its ingredients, way down the ingredient list after a number of lesser ingredients. I just wrote the distributor to ask how much wasabi it actually contains.

I am aware that genuine wasabi is very difficult and expensive to obtain, outside of Japan. Here, in the United States, nearly everything that is sold as “wasabi” is actually based on horseradish.

With this in mind, I'm looking at the ingredients list on a tube of your “Prepared Wasabi in Tube”, and I see that while, as expected, it is primarily horseradish, that way down in the ingredients list, after a number of lesser ingredients, wasabi is listed.

I was wondering how much wasabi is actually in this product? Enough to contribute meaningfully to the flavor? Or just enough that you can legally claim that it contains wasabi?

The product bears the UPC 0 74880 02002 1.

Don't know if I'll get an answer.

I've known parents that pour it in their kid's mouth if they swear.

Wouldn't have worked on me.

I developed a taste for it fairly young. I've never been to the point where I would particularly enjoy drinking it straight (though, on a few occasions in my younger days, I've been known to do so just to show off) it's never been unpleasant enough to me that it would have made an effective punishment.
This is a TOTAL bastard, Tabasco Sauce. WTF?! I just had some of this and it result in me coughing out of control for MINUTES AND my eyes water also. Whoever invent Tabasco Sauce is obviously a Satanist and should be immediately airdropped into Gitmo AND also shot :smoke:


View attachment 327055

^^^^ This :Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2::Boom2:
What are you, freaking ten years old? We used to carry Tabasco and Texas Pete in the military to add flavor to C-Rations.
Tabasco sauce is baby food. Chelsea Fire at least has more flavor. You gotta go ghost before you start complaining.

What is this ghost thing? Pogo mention it also.

Ghost pepper.
While hot it's nowhere near the top.

Okay but they say it is very very hot, it is also Indian and this is not a good situation:

View attachment 327492

Ghost peppers are fun. Very easy to grow. I grew a bunch two years ago and made so much hot sauce out of it I was giving it away to everybody and still couldn't keep some from spoiling. The next year I grew Carolina Reapers, also easy (and the hottest). Then I grew Scotch Bonnets but they were rather disappointing. Have not started growing yet this year.

Years ago I was given a very nice Scotch Bonnet-based sauce called "Professor Phartpounder's Colon Cleaner --Elixir of Capsaicin Extremis". Unfortunately they changed their formula to a mustard base and there went that.

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