This is an abortion. The World needs to see why this is the killing of an unborn baby

Off topic a tad, but I find it hypocritical for those who yell MY BODY MY CHOICE are the same ones screaming YOUR BODY MY CHOICE when it comes to carrying a vaxx that is not wanted.
Translation: Laws against murdering another human being.

Nobody can "choose" to murder. Abortion is murdering a child. People who don't understand that are either stupid or evil.

SCIENCE: A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. I dumbed down that science about as far as I could for you.

Please quote the "laws" where legal abortion is "murder". Are you suggesting that the Republican SCOTUS Justices authorized "murder" when they passed Roe v. Wade?

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

As I sit here this morning, sipping my morning coffee, a brief moment of peace before the chaos of the day ramps up, and the kids and their spouses arrive, I opened this thread, and know in my heart that my new grand daughter will be here in two weeks.

I can not imagine how I would have felt if the cold, and callous decision to abort young Alexia Nichole. I would have wept....For that would have been a true tragedy.

Think of all of the children that by now could have been solvers of problems, bringers of peace, leaders of nations, if they had only been given a chance to live in this world...It is staggering how cold the pro abortion can be, in the name of convenient contraception.
Glad that there was a CHOICE. That's what it's all about..................CHOICE. Something the anti-abortion anti-woman crowd wants to take away.
So you agree that we need to FORCE those who match someone else to donate bone marrow, skin, or a kidney whether they want to or not, right?

Don't put words in my mouth. That little childish game is lame.

Abortion is murder. That's all there is to it. What part does your stupid ass not understand. Abortion kills a human being. Are you too retarded to grasp that?

All this other stupidity you are spewing out just deflect away from the issue.
Life begins at the point of conception. No one can deny that after a human being is conceived, it will develop into the very same being as those debating this issue.

What astounds me is that those who favor abortion went through an identical development stage as the being they are condemning to death. Would these very same people agree that a similar choice should have been made about their own existence?

How many human lives have been lost that could have added to our society in so many ways?

Abortion today is used primarily as a birth control of convenience because people are too self-centered to take precautions. They prefer their own pleasurable self-indulgence over the care and sanctity of the life they created.

Whatever happened to taking responsibility for one’s actions in this country? Is it too much to ask a woman who has conceived to place the child into adoption? Nine months of discomfort is nothing compared to life in prison for voluntary manslaughter.

And what about consenting to sex with a male — is that part of the equation too? Or has abortion just become another extension of the women’s liberation movement started in the late ‘60s, which coincidentally boosted membership on or about the same date as Roe v. Wade?

Does the father of the child have a say in this? And what about the Constitution of the United States? Are not all people conceived in this country deserving of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

Abortion is a crime against humanity, and should be outlawed. We need to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision and get back to cherishing life in this country. For a country that murders its children cannot be far from self-destruction.
I have often wondered why the pro-life movement does not open women's health clinics across the street of every Planned Parenthood site and provide all the exact same health services sans abortion. I would fully support federal funding for those clinics for as long as PP receives federal funding.

Oh how simple, straight forward and an absolutely sure fire way to end PP's government support.

Which is why this will absolutely never happen.
What rights does a pregnant woman have who is suffering from mental/emotion/financial problems regarding her pregnancy? What about incest and rape?
What amazes me is that there is no teaching anymore, apparently, that teaches women to value and respect themselves and, as an expression of this self-value and self-respect, not spread their legs for just anybody who comes along. They allow themselves to be objects -- semen receptacles for any horny guy. I learned as a teenager that any guy who could have his way with a girl was invariably going to dump her when it was time to get married, and go with the woman who did respect herself. In my experience, the couple who felt a healthy respect for each other is the couple who stayed married. I think the women who have no self-respect are the serial aborters as well, and I have no respect for them as people. My mom taught me that nobody will ever respect me if I obviously don't respect myself.
What rights does a pregnant woman have who is suffering from mental/emotion/financial problems regarding her pregnancy?
That's what contraception is for. Half of all women who seek an abortion did not use birth control. Another fifth used it improperly or inconsistently.

And that is according to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute.

We could literally wipe out at least half of all abortions by getting more people to use contraception and use it correctly and consistently.

That would result in abortion being even more of a stigma, which it should be.

What's more, using abortion as birth control is an incredibly unhealthy thing to do to a woman's body.

What about incest and rape?
There is a morning after pill now for rape victims.

I have sympathy for victims of incest and would not oppose abortion in those cases, so long as the abortion is performed in the first trimester.

Rape and incest account for less than 2 percent of all abortions. To use these victims of the most heinous crimes as human shields to protect the 98 percent of abortions which are convenience abortions is about as sick as it gets.

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