This is breaking speculation maybe? Trump to announce.

The ONLY thing that Democrats have going for them is Trump. He's the ONLY reason why they keep winning.

Why the fuck can't so many on the right see this?
Winning .. How.Or for who.Surely Not for the American people.
Be specific.What are democrats winning at.
It isn't real. The Jan 6 committee isn't real because their basis for being is to get Trump. Pelosi would not let Trump friendly congressmen on the committee. Nothing the committee does is legal in any way, shape or form. They have 0 evidence, only hearsay that they decide to make public. Where is the rest of the security video? They won't let you see it....Ever ask yourself why? You TDSers may as well be brain dead like your POTUS.
The J6 Committee is VERY real!
Just keep hiding and watching.
You'll see.
You hope, but the party has learned about it's Democrat foe hopefully, and it will adjust accordingly.
We’ll see.

We’re already seeing Trump starting to attack DeSantis and we’re starting to see Republicans drawing lines in the sand - Team Trump or Team DeSantis.
I knew you’d fail to grasp it. Thanks for confirming. I’ve said it before. I hereby repeat it for your benefit:

Not one single viable charge can be predicated on any document which isn’t classified. Possession of them may violate the PRA, but that’s NOT a Criminal statute.

The three statutes in the affidavit do not depend on classification status of the documents. I have explained this repeatedly.

So, I couldn’t give a rat’s twat about the “possible” crimes listed in the s/w affidavit. That’s silliness. For example, you can’t be guilty of obstructing an investigation into a non crime.

It is a crime to ignore a suboeona.

Also you can be guilty of obstruction of justice whether or not the charge you attempt to obstruct is ultimately proven or not.

Use common sense. Based on your logic any successful obstruction of justice could never be prosecuted.

He engaged in negotiations. You still don’t get that. And you claim his lawyer “lied.” Once again, it falls to me to educate a lib: words have actual meaning. Yiur use of the word “lie” doesn’t.

She said their were no classified documents but their were. She signed her name to a document that said she had done a diligent search of the property for classified documents and none were left. She hardly did a diligent search if she failed to find 15 boxes of documents in Trump's home. It's not like the documents were stored in a secret basement with a James bond level hidden latch mechanism.

Are you not a liberal? If not, why?

Not exactly. Your make overly broad assertions devoid of nexus to the actual statute. Besides, as noted above, the PRA is STILL not a criminal statute.

Perhaps not but the three statutes the DoJ is investigating are.

We aren’t. You remain ignorant and wrong.

Stupid you. That would require (among other things) that any of the documents actually being classified.

The classification is irrelevant to the statutes listed in the affidavit.

An “investigation” into non crimes. Lol. Good luck.

That is why we have an investigation. To determine if their is a crime.

Again. evidence of any of that.

Lol. Still mocking what you don’t even understand.

He didn’t, Stupid. You can’t “ignore” the very thing you and the other side are negotiating over. You derp.

Ignoring a suboeona is not negotiation... however if this goes to court I am sure Trump will provided copies of all the texts, emails and other correspondence of these "negotiations" and perhaps this will help him.

You keep misusing that term, you dolt.

Prove that it was false. Prove that even if it was incorrect it was made with any such intent. Being wrong is not the same as lying, you imbecile.

I explained above. She could not have been diligent if she didn't find the documents.

It’s not enough to cite a definition, kid. Your ability to understand it is at issue. In fact, your inability is on display. 👍
Yeah, you keep saying that but in my opinion you are wrong. I guess we will to wait and see what the courts think if it gets that far. Maybe you could be a lawyer for the defense?
The J6 Committee is VERY real!
Just keep hiding and watching.
You'll see.
Well, it isn't a real objective committee looking for the truth. It's a committee set up presuming the guilt of 1 person.
Stay away from this poster.because he or she has no conscience.
Truth means less than nothing to this person.State fact and this
leftist enjoys acting like it means nothing.True definition of
a Sociopath.They live in a world devoid of interest in the rights
and facts of others,who they disagree.
I doubt this person could hold a job or have nice friends.
The ramification for being a one-sided cyclops know-it-all.
It's not that I don't have patience with those of this ilk.
But they are a lost cause.Too far gone.They cannot bear anything
other than themself.Acting both the expert and fault-finder.
Similar to hosts at CNN and MSNBC.
Nice rant.

Rarely have I seen this level of flailing in a poster.
If it's irrelevant perhaps you should ask delldude why he brought it up?

He should have turned the documents when or before the suboeana was issued.

What I understand is you think Trump can steal our documents, ignore a suboeona and his lawyer can lie about it on a federal form.
What you refuse to understand is that you have no idea what you are babbling about.
The issue of ignoring a subpoena is being addressed by his lawyers and has not yet been decided.

Yet you, not being a lawyer, have decided it has been decided.
Well, it isn't a real objective committee looking for the truth. It's a committee set up presuming the guilt of 1 person.
True. It is not a court of law.
It is an investigative committee charged with investigating any crimes that Trump may have committed on January 6, 2021.
More like law enforcement gathering evidence of a crime.
What the committee is doing is perfectly constitutional, legal, and within the duties and responsibilities of The House of Representatives.

Republicans had the option to launch a bipartisan investigation but they turned that down.
So then they wanted to staff the committee with a bunch of loony, election denying, co-conspirators in the very crime being investigated.....and Dems said "no."
Republicans would have done the same thing.

In fact they have.
Think back on a few Republican led investigations.
Think Benghazi.
True. It is not a court of law.
It is an investigative committee charged with investigating any crimes that Trump may have committed on January 6, 2021.
More like law enforcement gathering evidence of a crime.
What the committee is doing is perfectly constitutional, legal, and within the duties and responsibilities of The House of Representatives.

Republicans had the option to launch a bipartisan investigation but they turned that down.
So then they wanted to staff the committee with a bunch of loony, election denying, co-conspirators in the very crime being investigated.....and Dems said "no."
Republicans would have done the same thing.

In fact they have.
Think back on a few Republican led investigations.
Think Benghazi.
Why would Republicans have an investigation? There was never any need for it except for Nancy Pelosi wanting to yet again falsely accuse Trump of something, anything. She set up the select committee and disallowed Trump friendly congressmen on the committee. Jan 6th was no more a crime then when BLM rioted and burned a church in DC. Democrats have been lying about Trump ever since 2016, why should anyone believe them now? Adam Schiff is a proven liar and was poking a Chinese spy, but yet, there he sits on the committee. Liz Cheney is an enemy of Trump yet there she is supposedly heading this 'fact finding' sham. What more evidence do you need to show that this committee is nothing more than an inquisition looking for a crime? Oh yeah, you personally don't like Trump and swallow Democrat propaganda like mother's milk.
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The three statutes in the affidavit do not depend on classification status of the documents. I have explained this repeatedly.

Gawd you’re verbose and obtuse. I didn’t say they depended on classification. You imbecile. I said that any “possible crime” which isn’t predicated on “classification” won’t be a crime. I then proceeded to explore those alleged “possible crimes” which are pure fantasy under the facts of this case.

I won’t bother to reply to your reiteration of your vapid “miss the point” nonsense.
Gawd you’re verbose and obtuse. I didn’t say they depended on classification. You imbecile. I said that any “possible crime” which isn’t predicated on “classification” won’t be a crime.

Based on what? Don't just make the statement; provide a supporting argument or supping link. Otherwise it is just thoughts and feelings.

I then proceeded to explore those alleged “possible crimes” which are pure fantasy under the facts of this case.

So you think keeping our documents against the law is fantasy?

I won’t bother to reply to your reiteration of your vapid “miss the point” nonsense.
Yeah, I know you won't. That is a pattern. You make outlandish claims, don't respond when questioned about those claims and then post about how you already did explain, yet you didn't, and then of course this is punctuated by ad hominem attacks.

Propaganda 102.
Based on what? Don't just make the statement; provide a supporting argument or supping link. Otherwise it is just thoughts and feelings.

So you think keeping our documents against the law is fantasy?

Yeah, I know you won't. That is a pattern. You make outlandish claims, don't respond when questioned about those claims and then post about how you already did explain, yet you didn't, and then of course this is punctuated by ad hominem attacks.

Propaganda 102.
BA was an attorney.
Why would Republicans have an investigation? There was never any need for it except for Nancy Pelosi wanting to yet again falsely accuse Trump of something, anything. She set up the select committee and disallowed Trump friendly congressmen on the committee. Jan 6th was no more a crime then when BLM rioted and burned a church in DC. Democrats have been lying about Trump ever since 2016, why should anyone believe them now? Adam Schiff is a proven liar and was poking a Chinese spy, but yet, there he sits on the committee. Liz Cheney is an enemy of Trump yet there she is supposedly heading this 'fact finding' sham. What more evidence do you need to show that this committee is nothing more than an inquisition looking for a crime? Oh yeah, you personally don't like Trump and swallow Democrat propaganda like mother's milk.
Bless your little heart!
You are SUCH a good trained parrot.
I have heard all of these propaganda talking points you have strung together here and repeated.
I know where they come from.
Do you?

Here's another question.
Do you ever have any thoughts of your OWN on anything?
Or do you just repeat party propaganda?
Based on what? Don't just make the statement; provide a supporting argument or supping link. Otherwise it is just thoughts and feelings.

You’re good at giving advice that you, yourself, don’t bother to comply with.

Besides, I already did. So, to sum up: practice what you preach, don’t direct me to dO what I’ve already done and, crucially, GFY.
You’re good at giving advice that you, yourself, don’t bother to comply with.

Besides, I already did. So, to sum up: practice what you preach, don’t direct me to dO what I’ve already done and, crucially, GFY.
Feel free to let me know which one of my posts you want validated.
Bless your little heart!
You are SUCH a good trained parrot.
I have heard all of these propaganda talking points you have strung together here and repeated.
I know where they come from.
Do you?

Here's another question.
Do you ever have any thoughts of your OWN on anything?
Or do you just repeat party propaganda?
Oh stop projecting, you are a Democrat parrot. All you have are Democrat talking points. The TRUTH is obvious. Democrats have been lying about Trump. We have the Democrat false Dossier which the Democrat controlled FBI lied and said it was verified in order to fool the FISA court. The Select Committee was chosen by Pelosi who disallowed Trump supporters. Adam Schiff has been caught in lie after lie and WAS fucking a Chinese spy. Liz Cheney DOES hate Trump and has no business heading up a supposedly objective committee investigating the PROTEST on Jan 6th. Seems to me YOU are the trained parrot here, all you do is arrogantly spew leftist propaganda and accuse others of what you yourself are doing.
Oh stop projecting, you are a Democrat parrot. All you have are Democrat talking points. The TRUTH is obvious. Democrats have been lying about Trump. We have the Democrat false Dossier which the Democrat controlled FBI lied and said it was verified in order to fool the FISA court. The Select Committee was chosen by Pelosi who disallowed Trump supporters. Adam Schiff has been caught in lie after lie and WAS fucking a Chinese spy. Liz Cheney DOES hate Trump and has no business heading up a supposedly objective committee investigating the PROTEST on Jan 6th. Seems to me YOU are the trained parrot here, all you do is arrogantly spew leftist propaganda and accuse others of what you yourself are doing.

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