This is my friend's relationship advice to men which I personally thinks makes him look like a fool


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
But what do I know since im still home alone in my underwear

He said that in order to keep a woman you have to be willing to be

1. Her psychiatrist
2. Her personal ATM

LOL If thats the case Im in no rush
I married a woman with good heartland America Conservative values. She has been a great wife, excellent mother and fantastic grandmother. We have been married for 50 years this year.

It is all about finding the right person.

I don't have to be her psychiatrists or ATM machine. She pulls her own weight both emotionally and financially.
I am not anyone's ATM machine.

But being willing and able to listen is an important aspect of a relationship. And often she doesn't want you to solve her problem, just listen. Now if it is constant, she needs professional help. But listening is not too much to ask.
But what do I know since im still home alone in my underwear

He said that in order to keep a woman you have to be willing to be

1. Her psychiatrist
2. Her personal ATM

LOL If thats the case Im in no rush
To me, a woman should be more than willing to do her share of the money making load and in my opinion, talking about your problems might only make a person even more upset.

God bless you always!!!

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I married a woman with good heartland America Conservative values. She has been a great wife, excellent mother and fantastic grandmother. We have been married for 50 years this year.

It is all about finding the right person.

I don't have to be her psychiatrists or ATM machine. She pulls her own weight both emotionally and financially.
Same here, 43 years
But what do I know since im still home alone in my underwear

He said that in order to keep a woman you have to be willing to be

1. Her psychiatrist
2. Her personal ATM

LOL If thats the case Im in no rush
She swipes her "card" through your butt crack.
I married a woman with good heartland America Conservative values. She has been a great wife, excellent mother and fantastic grandmother. We have been married for 50 years this year.

It is all about finding the right person.

I don't have to be her psychiatrists or ATM machine. She pulls her own weight both emotionally and financially.
45 years here. Good post!
Men are from Mars women are from Venus- or vice versa- LOL

I was just thinking while out on my patio a few minutes ago while watching a couple of female red birds- they ain't as pretty as the males btw, but, males still mate with them, so what is the attraction? It's chemistry- or, FM, (fucking magic)- finding that chemistry is a shot in the dark where humans are concerned, so, it comes down to, for me; it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all- but, I can honestly tell you, that at 73, IDGAFF- it's been a helluva journey and I'm happy to be where I am- alone (except for my cat) and he don't care as long as I feed him and pay attention to him when he wants me to, which is up to him, if I'm home- he greets me when I get home if I go somewhere, sometimes, sometimes not-

Yes, it took a while to get here- but, here I am, not there.
I married a woman with good heartland America Conservative values. She has been a great wife, excellent mother and fantastic grandmother. We have been married for 50 years this year.

It is all about finding the right person.

I don't have to be her psychiatrists or ATM machine. She pulls her own weight both emotionally and financially.

Congratulations, man! Your story makes me sincerely happy, and I pray I end up the same way. My wife and I will be married 25 years in November. She is my equal, and we have gratefully accepted the traditional roles we have.
Dont marry a chick that makes less than you.

When I met my wife I had been in the Army and was then going to college. Engineering school.

She was a young school teacher.

I was living on the GI Bill and some savings. She had a decent income.

When we went to see the pastor for the pre wedding counseling he told us that his only concern was she made more money than me and she was college educated and I wasn't. LOL! .
But what do I know since im still home alone in my underwear

He said that in order to keep a woman you have to be willing to be

1. Her psychiatrist
2. Her personal ATM

LOL If thats the case Im in no rush
If you have to be both those things then that will not be a good thing for you. The difficult thing today is that you do not know if that is the way you end up. It is not how they bill them selves in the beginning. Wish I could be of better help on the relationship thing but I sit in a house right now that is nearly a full rehab. My soon to be ex after 29 years tore the crap out of it. I have about four weeks to complete the rehab before having to go to the lake and get ready for the charter season. What I can help with is being single. I fill my time with hunting, fishing, flying and friends. Fill your time with things you enjoy and you won't mind being single.
I am not anyone's ATM machine.

But being willing and able to listen is an important aspect of a relationship. And often she doesn't want you to solve her problem, just listen. Now if it is constant, she needs professional help. But listening is not too much to ask.
Good advice to which I will add, for my personal needs, make me laugh and be kind and love to make love. Touching in tender ways and often makes me very happy. :bow3:
But what do I know since im still home alone in my underwear

He said that in order to keep a woman you have to be willing to be

1. Her psychiatrist
2. Her personal ATM

LOL If thats the case Im in no rush
To me, a woman should be more than willing to do her share of the money making load and in my opinion, talking about your problems might only make a person even more upset.

God bless you always!!!

I agree Holly. If a woman has a LOT of problems, best to get a woman friend who may have a lot of her own and need someone to share. I don't expect a man to sit and do all the back-and-forth some women need to do.
Dont marry a chick that makes less than you.

When I met my wife I had been in the Army and was then going to college. Engineering school.

She was a young school teacher.

I was living on the GI Bill and some savings. She had a decent income.

When we went to see the pastor for the pre-wedding counseling he told us that his only concern was she made more money than me and she was college-educated and I wasn't. LOL.
Regarding your last paragraph, it has often been my observation women whose income is more than their husbands/partners have caused more problems for the husband/partner than the wife/partner. An ego issue, generally.
Dont marry a chick that makes less than you.

When I met my wife I had been in the Army and was then going to college. Engineering school.

She was a young school teacher.

I was living on the GI Bill and some savings. She had a decent income.

When we went to see the pastor for the pre-wedding counseling he told us that his only concern was she made more money than me and she was college-educated and I wasn't. LOL.
Regarding your last paragraph, it has often been my observation women whose income is more than their husbands/partners have caused more problems for the husband/partner than the wife/partner. An ego issue, generally.

That is what the pastor was saying.

However, when I graduated from Engineering school that was not an issue. During most of the time we were working my income was around five times hers.
Dont marry a chick that makes less than you.

When I met my wife I had been in the Army and was then going to college. Engineering school.

She was a young school teacher.

I was living on the GI Bill and some savings. She had a decent income.

When we went to see the pastor for the pre-wedding counseling he told us that his only concern was she made more money than me and she was college-educated and I wasn't. LOL.
Regarding your last paragraph, it has often been my observation women whose income is more than their husbands/partners have caused more problems for the husband/partner than the wife/partner. An ego issue, generally.

That is what the pastor was saying.

However, when I graduated from Engineering school that was not an issue. During most of the time we were working my income was around five times hers.
Yes, I had determined that from this sentence you wrote: "When I met my wife I had been in the Army and was then going to college. Engineering school."

My post was addressing the pastor's advice in a general sense and not your reality. :)

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