This is no witch hunt and there are no spies

Um, maybe you should go back and read the posts in this thread again. Here's a hint: Start on page one.
Sonny, I don't need to go back to any page. No evidence has been presented that there were spies. None! Get over it, and yourself. The Thursday meeting was a "nothing burger".
Except the evidence in post #2...Sonny.
I've seen desperation before, but damn boss, you're a special kind of desperate.

First off, that planted nonsense never has Clapper saying anything about the government planting a spy. Clapper said that there was an informant used to spy on Russia not the Trump campaign. Boss, are you so deaf that you didn't hear and see Clapper say that? You folks are either some more kind of special stupid, or serial liars? Maybe it's both?
Thanks, you proved I was right with your funny face surrender.
The video is there for everyone to see, moron. You're in serious denial.
And you're an idiot and a liar.
‘There's a tendency to write this latest Trump claim off as Trump being Trump. He has proven time and again that he is willing to stray from established facts in pursuit of a narrative that is more favorable to him -- from the size of his inauguration crowds to the idea that Obama ordered a wiretap on him during the last presidential campaign.

But the fact that this is what Trump does shouldn't distract us from the allegations here: Donald Trump is saying his predecessor as president used the leading law enforcement entity in the country to spy on him because Obama/the "deep state" didn't want someone as unconventional as Trump to be president.

To be clear: There is zero public evidence that Trump's claims are anywhere close to the truth.’

Don't miss what Donald Trump is doing with his 'spy' allegations - CNNPolitics

Straying from established facts is called lying.
The big LIE is that Trump colluded with the Russians.
Democrats are big fat LIARS.
You Democrat Cultist need a reality check.
CNN is 24/7 left wing lies.
You aren't debating anything, because of a total lack of debatable facts or evidence from your corner. You should be ashamed and embarrassed by your lies.
Got Collusion ?
No, we have a known proven conspiracy by team Trump to defraud the U.S. in an American election. That is a crime.
It is time for the frog march parade, Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Rice.....
who did I leave out?
A president can be indicted, but Trump won't be.
Not a sitting president. There are only 3 ways he can leave office. Resignation, impeachment, or death.

Not true my friend.

Donald Trump should not assume he's above the law. A sitting president can be indicted.


The surpreme court has ruled that a sitting president enjoys no special immunity to indictment. There is no explicit declaration in the text of our Constitution that provides immunity to the president while in office for crimes that he or she commits.
Nope. He can be indicted but only AFTER impeachment, not while he is still in office. Otherwise, partisan politicians would be indicting presidents for minor offenses, preventing him from being able to fulfill his duties as president.
No because he's innocent. If an investigation has turned up nothing for over a year, it's done.

Hillary lost, suck it up, move on.
Except the investigation has already gathered up twenty plus people with various charges, who are directly and indirectly tied to Trump, with more on the way. And they have already proven obstruction and conspiracy to defraud the U.S.

Boss, you can holler until the cows come home about "nothing there", and it won't change reality.

When the Sheep finally realize all the grass has been eaten, they'll simply follow Trump off the cliff.

Not a single indictment has been tied to Trump or his campaign.
Sonny, I don't need to go back to any page. No evidence has been presented that there were spies. None! Get over it, and yourself. The Thursday meeting was a "nothing burger".
Except the evidence in post #2...Sonny.
I've seen desperation before, but damn boss, you're a special kind of desperate.

First off, that planted nonsense never has Clapper saying anything about the government planting a spy. Clapper said that there was an informant used to spy on Russia not the Trump campaign. Boss, are you so deaf that you didn't hear and see Clapper say that? You folks are either some more kind of special stupid, or serial liars? Maybe it's both?
Thanks, you proved I was right with your funny face surrender.
The video is there for everyone to see, moron. You're in serious denial.
And you're an idiot and a liar.
I guess the video is lying too, right?
Clapper looks a little like Nosferatu.
He has sheared the needle off of my BS detector several times

WTP must be one of the deep state actors trying to run every angle here, and this in an attempt to probe the minds of all the possibilities that could come for his cohorts soon. LOL.

Probably best to just act all crazy just to send him over in the corner while the justice system does real law work in investigating the deep state actors who possibly conspired to sabatoge an election in order to make Hilly-Billy the new prez in order to carry out the multiple agendas they had promised themselves..
WTP must be one of the deep state actors trying to run every angle here, and this in an attempt to probe the minds of all the possibilities that could come for his cohorts soon. LOL.

Probably best to just act all crazy just to send him over in the corner while the justice system does real law work in investigating the deep state actors who possibly conspired to sabatoge an election in order to make Hilly-Billy the new prez in order to carry out the multiple agendas they had promised themselves..
He may be a deep state actor but I'm sure they didn't ask him to be. He's way too stupid. And they probably want adults.
When you open an investigation under the auspices of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and then go after private citizens trying to dig up any dirt you can, what else do you call it? Do you have something more PC than "witch hunt"? That is a perfectly accurate name for Mueller's folly.
That folly has around twenty something people in trouble, with more to come in the coming weeks. All those private citizens had Russians surrounding them before and after the campaign. Digging up dirt on them, hasn't exactly been the hardest thing to find, when you consider the number of players involved.
When you have a DOJ hellbent on taking down President Trump, it isn't surprising that they have handed out indictments. Remember that 13 of the indictments were against Russian citizens so those were for show only and to up the indictment count. The DOJ can indict or not indict anyone they want. Since the DOJ is compromised, these indictments mean nothing.
A president can be indicted, but Trump won't be.
Not a sitting president. There are only 3 ways he can leave office. Resignation, impeachment, or death.

Not true my friend.

Donald Trump should not assume he's above the law. A sitting president can be indicted.


The surpreme court has ruled that a sitting president enjoys no special immunity to indictment. There is no explicit declaration in the text of our Constitution that provides immunity to the president while in office for crimes that he or she commits.
Nope. He can be indicted but only AFTER impeachment, not while he is still in office. Otherwise, partisan politicians would be indicting presidents for minor offenses, preventing him from being able to fulfill his duties as president.
You are not to keen on interpreting SC decisions; When Five Supreme Court Justices Said a President Can Be Indicted
When you open an investigation under the auspices of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and then go after private citizens trying to dig up any dirt you can, what else do you call it? Do you have something more PC than "witch hunt"? That is a perfectly accurate name for Mueller's folly.
That folly has around twenty something people in trouble, with more to come in the coming weeks. All those private citizens had Russians surrounding them before and after the campaign. Digging up dirt on them, hasn't exactly been the hardest thing to find, when you consider the number of players involved.
When you have a DOJ hellbent on taking down President Trump, it isn't surprising that they have handed out indictments.
When you make up such statements without evidence, it isn't surprising that you injected lies as your defense.
Remember that 13 of the indictments were against Russian citizens so those were for show only and to up the indictment count.
Yea, all show with Trump team members on the campaign playing footsie with Russians and multiple meetings throughout the campaign. And after that, they lied about the meetings. Nothing to see here people. Keep watching Fox. Seriously boss, how stupid do you have to be to think people aren't right on top of this criminal activity, while you pretend it's all show?
The DOJ can indict or not indict anyone they want. Since the DOJ is compromised, these indictments mean nothing.
They'll indict, based on the accumulation of incriminating consistent evidence, where there is a pattern. And boy howdy, do we see a pattern. And a pattern of evidence means everything.
When you open an investigation under the auspices of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and then go after private citizens trying to dig up any dirt you can, what else do you call it? Do you have something more PC than "witch hunt"? That is a perfectly accurate name for Mueller's folly.
That folly has around twenty something people in trouble, with more to come in the coming weeks. All those private citizens had Russians surrounding them before and after the campaign. Digging up dirt on them, hasn't exactly been the hardest thing to find, when you consider the number of players involved.
When you have a DOJ hellbent on taking down President Trump, it isn't surprising that they have handed out indictments.
When you make up such statements without evidence, it isn't surprising that you injected lies as your defense.
Remember that 13 of the indictments were against Russian citizens so those were for show only and to up the indictment count.
Yea, all show with Trump team members on the campaign playing footsie with Russians and multiple meetings throughout the campaign. And after that, they lied about the meetings. Nothing to see here people. Keep watching Fox. Seriously boss, how stupid do you have to be to think people aren't right on top of this criminal activity, while you pretend it's all show?
The DOJ can indict or not indict anyone they want. Since the DOJ is compromised, these indictments mean nothing.
They'll indict, based on the accumulation of incriminating consistent evidence, where there is a pattern. And boy howdy, do we see a pattern. And a pattern of evidence means everything.
Better hurry before the entire plan backfires.
What you figure is that the deep state is holding all the hidden cards, but quickly the bluff is being called on the deep state to either put up or shut up. Taxpayers are done being fools in the bullcrap.

Either Mueller has something or he is milking this for money to no end.

How gullable do you figure the nation is ??
WTP must be one of the deep state actors trying to run every angle here, and this in an attempt to probe the minds of all the possibilities that could come for his cohorts soon. LOL.

Probably best to just act all crazy just to send him over in the corner while the justice system does real law work in investigating the deep state actors who possibly conspired to sabatoge an election in order to make Hilly-Billy the new prez in order to carry out the multiple agendas they had promised themselves..
Are you done making an idiot of yourself? Good! Now, get off that horse instead of fighting this thing like a coward, while hiding on top of that saddle as some third party. Do you bring any debatable, factual, or intellectual, value to this discussion? Hell no! Take yourself out there with the rest of Trump's Sheep. You'll be in good company. It's where cowards go to graze.
Yea, Trump is totally innocent of a non-crime of "collusion."
Collusion = the crime of "conspiracy". Your ignorance on full display here. Lol! You folks are a trip.
None of you morons have ever proven Trump colluded to steal the election. You can't even tell us how such a thing would be accomplished. Even Obama said nobody from Russia can affect our elections.
WTP must be one of the deep state actors trying to run every angle here, and this in an attempt to probe the minds of all the possibilities that could come for his cohorts soon. LOL.

Probably best to just act all crazy just to send him over in the corner while the justice system does real law work in investigating the deep state actors who possibly conspired to sabatoge an election in order to make Hilly-Billy the new prez in order to carry out the multiple agendas they had promised themselves..
Are you done making an idiot of yourself? Good! Now, get off that horse instead of fighting this thing like a coward, while hiding on top of that saddle as some third party. Do you bring any debatable, factual, or intellectual, value to this discussion? Hell no! Take yourself out there with the rest of Trump's Sheep. You'll be in good company. It's where cowards go to graze.
Oh did I ruffle your chicken little feathers ?? When you got nothing but bullcrap insults to comeback with, then you lose lefty.

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