This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

And I responded to the idiocy of you doing so.

Let me take you step by step
The title of this thread
This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

My position is that this is ridiculous...sure they students did wrong but "Monsters"? so what I did is to show how "real monsters do"

Your position is "the students were monsters like the 9 11 terrorists":banana:

Now do you understand the dimensions of your Stupid ?:ahole-1:

Conservatives are right....students must be monsters to object to racism on campus

And they do it by getting in the face of a minority, too funny. BTW I didn't see many minorities, other then the photographer in any of the pictures. Some, not many.

What racist names did they call that minority? They have a right to object to him taking pictures....if they objected because of his race it would be a problem

Understand the difference?

I didn't say they called him anything. But if this were a black woman and it was white men treating her like this minority was treated you damn well know the reaction.
Ask for the press to cover a story. When a reporter shows up, demand he leaves. :cuckoo:

Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.

Once again the left wing has it exactly backwards. As with everything.
Liberals on campus feel threatened by everything. It's like they feel that campus is their refuge, and it's where they escape reality.
Aren't you proud of students standing up to racism on campus?

Aren't you curious why one would want to do something that noble in secret? "We are standing up against racism here, no pictures please with spit on your face on top." :)
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.

Once again the left wing has it exactly backwards. As with everything.
Liberals on campus feel threatened by everything. It's like they feel that campus is their refuge, and it's where they escape reality.
Aren't you proud of students standing up to racism on campus?

Not when it is mis-guided. Are you proud of how they treated a minority?
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.

Once again the left wing has it exactly backwards. As with everything.
Liberals on campus feel threatened by everything. It's like they feel that campus is their refuge, and it's where they escape reality.
Aren't you proud of students standing up to racism on campus?

I'm cool with racism. It is and has always been an overblown issue by the left in this country because no one really gives a shit if some dude happen to think a negative thought about your ethnicity for a microsecond.
by the way my position is the students and others were wrong to prevent picture taking... I do not defend the Police when they try to prevent filming and pictures so I am not defending what was done in the video......
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.
This kind of education should be frowned upon.

I fully support ending public education. Why be smart? In fact, I will carry it one step further. Anyone who attempts to get an education will be shot with my musket. Read a book? Bam! Do your trig? Bam! Try to do calculas? Electrocution! Zap!
Lol college kids are dumb and emotional. If you led them to a cliff and said jump off it's good for the environment, they would.
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.

I think most of us are simply looking for more of a balance. Fewer America hating professors, and more traditional loving ones, that give students a more rounded education, and one that doesn't send them out in the world bitter and blaming America for all the ill's in the world.
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.

Once again the left wing has it exactly backwards. As with everything.
Liberals on campus feel threatened by everything. It's like they feel that campus is their refuge, and it's where they escape reality.
Aren't you proud of students standing up to racism on campus?

WTF is this 1960, the world has moved on.

Racism is still racism and does not need to be tolerated

Peaceful protest is the way to do it, wouldn't you agree

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

1. Where is your right to 'space" in a public commons in a public university?

2. How is being a reporter "disturbing the peace"?

3. Detaining someone for taking photographs of a public gathering and your "assurances" he would be released in 48 hours if he did nothing wrong shows your fascist leanings.

Go jump of a bridge and do the world a favor.

1. Where in the video is the campus designated a Public U.?
2. Where is the evidence the antagonist is a reporter?
3. Acting within the law to prevent a potential riot, and ordering the antagonist and the students to move along to prevent what may have become violent is the duty of a peace officer.
4. Fascism? Here's a video of fascism in America:

Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.
This kind of education should be frowned upon.

I fully support ending public education. Why be smart? In fact, I will carry it one step further. Anyone who attempts to get an education will be shot with my musket. Read a book? Bam! Do your trig? Bam! Try to do calculas? Electrocution! Zap!
Lol college kids are dumb and emotional. If you led them to a cliff and said jump off it's good for the environment, they would.
Sounds like conservatives

Fox says jump...they ask how high?

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

So a student journalist is inciting riot by just being there. Yet those screaming in his face, on public land, are not? Really? Is that your argument?

Has anyone answered what it was he was taking pictures of and what was it that was so important for the women to want to hid it enough to create a near riot?

these people have to be getting paid to say such stupid stuff. I mean really saying the Student Journalist is causing a riot. holy smokes
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.
This kind of education should be frowned upon.

I fully support ending public education. Why be smart? In fact, I will carry it one step further. Anyone who attempts to get an education will be shot with my musket. Read a book? Bam! Do your trig? Bam! Try to do calculas? Electrocution! Zap!
Lol college kids are dumb and emotional. If you led them to a cliff and said jump off it's good for the environment, they would.
Sounds like conservatives

Fox says jump...they ask how high?
Melissa Click has secured her place on the Internet as the poster child for Unhinged, Intolerant College Professors. Her meme generators will have a more promising career than she will ever have.


If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

So a student journalist is inciting riot by just being there. Yet those screaming in his face, on public land, are not? Really? Is that your argument?

Has anyone answered what it was he was taking pictures of and what was it that was so important for the women to want to hid it enough to create a near riot?

these people have to be getting paid to say such stupid stuff. I mean really saying the Student Journalist is causing a riot. holy smokes

They aren't a grassroots organization.

They're paid agitators, that anyone with half a brain can recognize.
They're taking advantage of young minds and weak personalities.
Melissa Click has secured her place on the Internet as the poster child for Unhinged, Intolerant College Professors. Her meme generators will have a more promising career than she will ever have.

I met a couple of those while attending college.

They're living in the 60s.

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

So a student journalist is inciting riot by just being there. Yet those screaming in his face, on public land, are not? Really? Is that your argument?

Has anyone answered what it was he was taking pictures of and what was it that was so important for the women to want to hid it enough to create a near riot?

these people have to be getting paid to say such stupid stuff. I mean really saying the Student Journalist is causing a riot. holy smokes

They aren't a grassroots organization.

They're paid agitators, that anyone with half a brain can recognize.
They're taking advantage of young minds and weak personalities.


Do they get medical and dental too?

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