This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

When I am wrong I admit it, but what was I wrong about? She apologized and resigned, which doesn't mean that she didn't try and save her job. Nothing I posted was incorrect.
can you link to information you have that is evidence she fought for her job...she resigned almost immediately after the video...
She has not resigned. She released a statement because she got busted, but that's it...

Professor Caught Bullying Student Journalist Out of ‘Safe Space’ Releases Statement — Read It Here

She resigned her honorary seat at the school of Journalism (she's a communications professor).

Basically more apology theater.
Missouri assistant professor resigns from courtesy appointment after confrontation with journalist

I got this from Fox News ...they report you decide eh
An assistant communications professor at the Missouri School of Journalism resigned from her courtesy appointment Tuesday after she was caught on video confronting a student journalist and attempting to block him from shooting photos on a public quad
We should have known this is being driven from outside agitators. tweets and the rest at the site

Reason Mizzou Students May Not Have Wanted Media Taking Pics? Occupy, Ferguson Professional Activists Were On Site Giving Them Advice…

It seemed a strange thing, one would think. Why would you seek media attention for your ’cause’ but then shoo away media you had succeeded in bringing?

Much media has been focused on the students and professors pushing and threatening student journalists, trying to shut them down. The protesters were in a public space area that they were ‘occupying’ with tents. They tried to make a ring around it to make it a ‘safe space’ to keep media out. The question though is why did they want the media out?

But as we can see from the following tweets, the reason may have been because there were Ferguson and Occupy activists there giving them counsel. As most people who have followed the Ferguson and Occupy movements, they are peopled by many of the same folks. The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution.

Already there the day before:

all of it here:
Reason Mizzou Students May Not Have Wanted Media Taking Pics? Occupy, Ferguson Professional Activists Were On Site Giving Them Advice...
Obamas community-organizers at work.

I think he needs to be arrested and charged for acts of sedition.

The Sedition Act of 1918 (Pub.L. 65–150, 40 Stat. 553, enacted May 16, 1918) was an Act of the United States Congress that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light or interfered with the sale of government bonds. [1]

It forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt. Those convicted under the act generally received sentences of imprisonment for five to 20 years.[2] The act also allowed the Postmaster General to refuse to deliver mail that met those same standards for punishable speech or opinion. It applied only to times "when the United States is in war." The U.S. was in a declared state of war at the time of passage, involved in the conflict at the time referred to as the Great War but generally later referred to as the First World War.[3] It was repealed on December 13, 1920.[4]

Though the legislation enacted in 1918 is commonly called the Sedition Act, it was actually a set of amendments to the Espionage Act.[5] Therefore many studies of the Espionage Act and the Sedition Act find it difficult to report on the two "acts" separately. For example, one historian reports that "some fifteen hundred prosecutions were carried out under the Espionage and Sedition Acts, resulting in more than a thousand convictions."[6] Court decisions do not use the shorthand term Sedition Act, but the correct legal term for the law, the Espionage Act, whether as originally enacted or as amended in 1918.
Sedition Act of 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Socialism had to adapt the language of liberalism in order to survive as on it is my right to move forward. This would actually run over the reporter which is nothing more than an assault and how could you protest someone's right to move forward. Isn't that a clever thing they thought of?
But of course, the last two major terror attacks on the US were done by Muslims so naturally the left wing makes enemies of "right wing" fringe groups. Yeppers, deflection pure and simple.
You are just changing the subject ....those attacks on 9 11 were not made by leftist student...the left does not and did not condone the 9 11 are just conflating Leftist with know what that makes you :asshole:

And yet you made a post conflating the journalist with right wing fringe groups being a danger. Do you even read what you post or, much like Mrs. Clinton, forget what you said shortly after saying it? YOU changed the subject, i merely responded.
No I did not ...i compared what mush brain morons like you call monsters VS Real Fucking Monsters .........Moron
Teenagers are not normal people. They are generally spoiled and self indulgent. Send them to a college with left wing professors and then they turn into monsters
The Right wing created these two murderous Monsters...they are yours
DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror ..
What does this prove? Either side can point to two people and claim they are murderous examples of the left or right.

are you fucking kidding me are going to compare some overheated students at a demonstration on Campus with two of the nastiest murderers in recent memory..?

Seriously now don't you have any shame to do that? the photographer in the video was not killed or beaten ...

Seriously dude you need to take some medication. What you post 1/2 hour ago is still there even if you forget it is there. Here is what YOU posted to which I responded. How in the hell a story of spoiled brats gone wild can be anywhere connected to what you posted is about the same as saying Mrs Clinton was named after Edmund Hillary.

Here is your words, totally out of context:

You are a mental case of canned Right wing shit..
CNN reported:

A new intelligence assessment, circulated by the Department of Homeland Security this month and reviewed by CNN, focuses on the domestic terror threat from right-wing sovereign citizen extremists and comes as the Obama administration holds a White House conference to focus efforts to fight violent extremism.

Some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to — and in some cases greater than — the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.”
Modern fascism had to adapt the language of liberalism in order to survive as on it is my right to move forward. This would actually run over the reporter which is nothing more than an assault and how could you protest someone's right to move forward.

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.
Yep, they are being led by the nose. they better hope it doesn't come back to bite them later in life.

Unhinged Mizzou Prof Melissa Click Apologizes For Goading Protesters to Assault Reporter

Should read, "Creepy guy keeps taking pictures after six minutes of being asked nicely to stop, gets ass kicked".
No, actually it's people seeking attention getting their pictures taken. Then bitch when they get attention.

They are idiots.
Basically more apology theater.

Maybe a ritual suicide would be better but then you would say she died too easy

How about a good old fashioned firing? Or maybe the person actually meaning the apology?

Or her actually defending what she did and daring them to do something?

Anything but the typical half assed "I'm not sorry but I have to say I'm sorry" crap.
Missouri assistant professor resigns from courtesy appointment after confrontation with journalist

I got this from Fox News ...they report you decide eh
An assistant communications professor at the Missouri School of Journalism resigned from her courtesy appointment Tuesday after she was caught on video confronting a student journalist and attempting to block him from shooting photos on a public quad

At least she admitted she was wrong, now if the rest of you would.

Look at the hate in her face:


This is actually how I picture most of the left wing that posts on this board. Same expression as they smash the keyboard in righteous indignation.
She's still drawing a pay check from the Communication Department. She only resigned from a courtesy appointment--prior to a vote which would have removed her from the position.

A courtesy appointment allows members of one academic unit to serve on graduate committees for students from other academic units. Click teaches mass media in the Communication Department. The School of Journalism is a separate entity.

A vote on whether to end her appointment was about to start, Kurpius said, when Click offered her resignation via telephone.

UPDATE: MU faculty member resigns courtesy appointment, apologizes for photojournalist incident


If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

1. Where is your right to 'space" in a public commons in a public university?

2. How is being a reporter "disturbing the peace"?

3. Detaining someone for taking photographs of a public gathering and your "assurances" he would be released in 48 hours if he did nothing wrong shows your fascist leanings.

Go jump of a bridge and do the world a favor.
You are a mental case of canned Right wing shit..
CNN reported:

A new intelligence assessment, circulated by the Department of Homeland Security this month and reviewed by CNN, focuses on the domestic terror threat from right-wing sovereign citizen extremists and comes as the Obama administration holds a White House conference to focus efforts to fight violent extremism.

Some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to — and in some cases greater than — the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.”

again let me take you through step by are not bright are you
Title of the Thread
This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

The very first posts lays out the thesis you are defending and it is this"The left created these they have to deal with them."

My argument is that the videos shows no monsters... I then posted real monsters... I then posted the DHS report on RW Monsters because you all created REAL Monsters that we now have to deal you get it asshole.........:321:
And I responded to the idiocy of you doing so.

Let me take you step by step
The title of this thread
This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

My position is that this is ridiculous...sure they students did wrong but "Monsters"? so what I did is to show how "real monsters do"

Your position is "the students were monsters like the 9 11 terrorists":banana:

Now do you understand the dimensions of your Stupid ?:ahole-1:

Conservatives are right....students must be monsters to object to racism on campus

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