This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

So a student journalist is inciting riot by just being there. Yet those screaming in his face, on public land, are not? Really? Is that your argument?

Has anyone answered what it was he was taking pictures of and what was it that was so important for the women to want to hid it enough to create a near riot?
How about a good old fashioned firing? Or maybe the person actually meaning the apology?

Or her actually defending what she did and daring them to do something?

Anything but the typical half assed "I'm not sorry but I have to say I'm sorry" crap.

so you are able to tell somehow that "she did not mean her apology" are yu also able to detect winning lotto numbers? if so share...
And I responded to the idiocy of you doing so.

Let me take you step by step
The title of this thread
This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

My position is that this is ridiculous...sure they students did wrong but "Monsters"? so what I did is to show how "real monsters do"

Your position is "the students were monsters like the 9 11 terrorists":banana:

Now do you understand the dimensions of your Stupid ?:ahole-1:

Conservatives are right....students must be monsters to object to racism on campus

And they do it by getting in the face of a minority, too funny. BTW I didn't see many minorities, other then the photographer in any of the pictures. Some, not many.
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.

Once again the left wing has it exactly backwards. As with everything.
Liberals on campus feel threatened by everything. It's like they feel that campus is their refuge, and it's where they escape reality.
Aren't you proud of students standing up to racism on campus?
How about a good old fashioned firing? Or maybe the person actually meaning the apology?

Or her actually defending what she did and daring them to do something?

Anything but the typical half assed "I'm not sorry but I have to say I'm sorry" crap.

so you are able to tell somehow that "she did not mean her apology" are yu also able to detect winning lotto numbers? if so share...

If you have basic reading comprehension you can tell from the words in the apology, from the attempts to explain her actions, to the token "resignation".
You are a mental case of canned Right wing shit..
CNN reported:

A new intelligence assessment, circulated by the Department of Homeland Security this month and reviewed by CNN, focuses on the domestic terror threat from right-wing sovereign citizen extremists and comes as the Obama administration holds a White House conference to focus efforts to fight violent extremism.

Some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to — and in some cases greater than — the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.”

again let me take you through step by are not bright are you
Title of the Thread
This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

The very first posts lays out the thesis you are defending and it is this"The left created these they have to deal with them."

My argument is that the videos shows no monsters... I then posted real monsters... I then posted the DHS report on RW Monsters because you all created REAL Monsters that we now have to deal you get it asshole.........:321:

Your post was totally out of context, admit it and move on.
We all need to get on our Reps to pass something were we can get out these RADICALS (like Bill Ayers, I mean really? ) that is teaching our children in these colleges and universities.

all we see now is their teaching them to be radicalized and protesters for the Professors in the schools and these outside groups like OWS and the BLM thugs, as we saw with Missouri.
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.

Once again the left wing has it exactly backwards. As with everything.
Liberals on campus feel threatened by everything. It's like they feel that campus is their refuge, and it's where they escape reality.
Aren't you proud of students standing up to racism on campus?

WTF is this 1960, the world has moved on.
Missouri assistant professor resigns from courtesy appointment after confrontation with journalist

I got this from Fox News ...they report you decide eh
An assistant communications professor at the Missouri School of Journalism resigned from her courtesy appointment Tuesday after she was caught on video confronting a student journalist and attempting to block him from shooting photos on a public quad

At least she admitted she was wrong, now if the rest of you would.

Look at the hate in her face:


This is actually how I picture most of the left wing that posts on this board. Same expression as they smash the keyboard in righteous indignation.

And I responded to the idiocy of you doing so.

Let me take you step by step
The title of this thread
This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

My position is that this is ridiculous...sure they students did wrong but "Monsters"? so what I did is to show how "real monsters do"

Your position is "the students were monsters like the 9 11 terrorists":banana:

Now do you understand the dimensions of your Stupid ?:ahole-1:

Conservatives are right....students must be monsters to object to racism on campus

And they do it by getting in the face of a minority, too funny. BTW I didn't see many minorities, other then the photographer in any of the pictures. Some, not many.

What racist names did they call that minority? They have a right to object to him taking pictures....if they objected because of his race it would be a problem

Understand the difference?
And I responded to the idiocy of you doing so.

Let me take you step by step
The title of this thread
This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

My position is that this is ridiculous...sure they students did wrong but "Monsters"? so what I did is to show how "real monsters do"

Your position is "the students were monsters like the 9 11 terrorists":banana:

Now do you understand the dimensions of your Stupid ?:ahole-1:

Conservatives are right....students must be monsters to object to racism on campus

And they do it by getting in the face of a minority, too funny. BTW I didn't see many minorities, other then the photographer in any of the pictures. Some, not many.

What racist names did they call that minority? They have a right to object to him taking pictures....if they objected because of his race it would be a problem

Understand the difference?
They can't prove anyone called him anything. He's been in college for 7 years. Hope he's becoming a doctor.
This makes me want to push for guns on campus even more. Can you imagine shooting that white bitch in the face. Funniest thing ever!
These people are,idiots. Martin Luther King is spinning in his grave. The tail is wagging the dog. Being normal,has become a crime. Professors who are prohibiting free speech and then teaching their students fascist propaganda are not providing higher education. Liberals have no capability of using common sense and judgement and reason to live their lives.

People need to rise up and push back against this cultural idiocy. A bunch of screaming, rude, spoiled brats demanding to not have their feelings hurt, so,we need to call the police, have to be called out for,the fools,that they are. Can you imagine dealing with any of these people on the job Site? They would be ignored and passed by. Americans want solutions for real life, all Americans, not just black Americans. The country is spiraling into anarchy. The kids need to grow up and start acting like adults. The divides in the country are becoming greater and we have no leadership to quell this devolution. Those who don't see the danger to the country are part of the problem, not the solution.

Agreed. And what I have not seen much mention of is the stamina of this young journalist standing of for his/our rights against such a crowd. He did not let them intimidate him with their bullying, what they continually scream out about when applied to themselves. He recognizes and values our Bill of Rights.
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.
This kind of education should be frowned upon.

I fully support ending public education. Why be smart? In fact, I will carry it one step further. Anyone who attempts to get an education will be shot with my musket. Read a book? Bam! Do your trig? Bam! Try to do calculas? Electrocution! Zap!

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