This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

That moment you realize you've Clicked from anonymous college professor to famous Internet retard.

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"This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing"

This fails as a composition fallacy.

It's an example of the ridiculous hyperbole and demagoguery common to many on the right.

There was no hyperbole with the silly Left Wing crap that was going on at the university these last few days.

You just don't get it.

Some students, some facility members and some of the Black football players were spoiled little Libtard assholes that need to pull their heads out of their filthy Left Wing asses and grow up.

They are not getting an education. They are being taught how to be politically correct entitlement assholes.

It is disgusting.

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

So a student journalist is inciting riot by just being there. Yet those screaming in his face, on public land, are not? Really? Is that your argument?

Has anyone answered what it was he was taking pictures of and what was it that was so important for the women to want to hid it enough to create a near riot?

these people have to be getting paid to say such stupid stuff. I mean really saying the Student Journalist is causing a riot. holy smokes

They aren't a grassroots organization.

They're paid agitators, that anyone with half a brain can recognize.
They're taking advantage of young minds and weak personalities.

oh yes, I posted on how the DNC/Soros funded OWS and BLM thugs were on the site.

I was talking about the person who said this in this thread about the Student Journalist and how he was inciting a riot:

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours
That moment you realize you've Clicked from college professor to full Internet retard.


She will be nominated for the Libtard Asshole of the Year Award. Mark my words.

I would bet money she is a proud member of the LGBT community. Just looking at that hateful Moon Bat face I would suspect no guy except maybe a flannel pajama wearing Obamacare loving Libtard pussy would have anything to do with her.

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

1. Where is your right to 'space" in a public commons in a public university?

2. How is being a reporter "disturbing the peace"?

3. Detaining someone for taking photographs of a public gathering and your "assurances" he would be released in 48 hours if he did nothing wrong shows your fascist leanings.

Go jump of a bridge and do the world a favor.

1. Where in the video is the campus designated a Public U.?
2. Where is the evidence the antagonist is a reporter?
3. Acting within the law to prevent a potential riot, and ordering the antagonist and the students to move along to prevent what may have become violent is the duty of a peace officer.
4. Fascism? Here's a video of fascism in America:

You don't just have the video to go on, you have other information. That you have suddenly put on blinders and have become a dipshit literalist shows how useless you are.
I post this earlier on who is going on these college campus and Stirring up these dumb things.......Parents you need to talk to your children, they are being USED as pawns and tools for others

We should have known this is being driven from outside agitators. tweets and the rest at the site

Reason Mizzou Students May Not Have Wanted Media Taking Pics? Occupy, Ferguson Professional Activists Were On Site Giving Them Advice…

It seemed a strange thing, one would think. Why would you seek media attention for your ’cause’ but then shoo away media you had succeeded in bringing?

Much media has been focused on the students and professors pushing and threatening student journalists, trying to shut them down. The protesters were in a public space area that they were ‘occupying’ with tents. They tried to make a ring around it to make it a ‘safe space’ to keep media out. The question though is why did they want the media out?

But as we can see from the following tweets, the reason may have been because there were Ferguson and Occupy activists there giving them counsel. As most people who have followed the Ferguson and Occupy movements, they are peopled by many of the same folks. The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution.

Already there the day before:

all of it here:
Reason Mizzou Students May Not Have Wanted Media Taking Pics? Occupy, Ferguson Professional Activists Were On Site Giving Them Advice...

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

So a student journalist is inciting riot by just being there. Yet those screaming in his face, on public land, are not? Really? Is that your argument?

Has anyone answered what it was he was taking pictures of and what was it that was so important for the women to want to hid it enough to create a near riot?

these people have to be getting paid to say such stupid stuff. I mean really saying the Student Journalist is causing a riot. holy smokes

They aren't a grassroots organization.

They're paid agitators, that anyone with half a brain can recognize.
They're taking advantage of young minds and weak personalities.

oh yes, I posted on how the DNC/Soros funded OWS and BLM thugs were on the site.

I was talking about the person who said this in this thread about the Student Journalist and how he was inciting a riot:

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours

Yep, that is the job of a peace officer, to preserve the peace. If the antagonist didn't cease and desist the potential for violence was growing. Separate the parties, hear what they have to say, and make your decision to detain or not.

The guy with the camera has a right to an attorney, the right to sue the officer and his or her agency and the right to whine and cry abut his rights, but not resist. The officer has a duty to maintain the peace and by not taking action when it was obvious that the situation was heated leaves the citizens on both sides vulnerable.

As for OWS that was a ligitmate protest, something the Crazy Right Wing (people like you Staph) have conflated into something nefarious.

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

1. Where is your right to 'space" in a public commons in a public university?

2. How is being a reporter "disturbing the peace"?

3. Detaining someone for taking photographs of a public gathering and your "assurances" he would be released in 48 hours if he did nothing wrong shows your fascist leanings.

Go jump of a bridge and do the world a favor.

1. Where in the video is the campus designated a Public U.?
2. Where is the evidence the antagonist is a reporter?
3. Acting within the law to prevent a potential riot, and ordering the antagonist and the students to move along to prevent what may have become violent is the duty of a peace officer.
4. Fascism? Here's a video of fascism in America:

You don't just have the video to go on, you have other information. That you have suddenly put on blinders and have become a dipshit literalist shows how useless you are.

I had only the video to go on; so my questions were legit. As for the rest of your personal attack, in the words of Dick Cheney, "go fuck yourself".
The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

So a student journalist is inciting riot by just being there. Yet those screaming in his face, on public land, are not? Really? Is that your argument?

Has anyone answered what it was he was taking pictures of and what was it that was so important for the women to want to hid it enough to create a near riot?

these people have to be getting paid to say such stupid stuff. I mean really saying the Student Journalist is causing a riot. holy smokes
They aren't a grassroots organization.

They're paid agitators, that anyone with half a brain can recognize.
They're taking advantage of young minds and weak personalities.
oh yes, I posted on how the DNC/Soros funded OWS and BLM thugs were on the site.

I was talking about the person who said this in this thread about the Student Journalist and how he was inciting a riot:

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours

Yep, that is the job of a peace officer, to preserve the peace. If the antagonist didn't cease and desist the potential for violence was growing. Separate the parties, hear what they have to say, and make your decision to detain or not.

The guy with the camera has a right to an attorney, the right to sue the officer and his or her agency and the right to whine and cry abut his rights, but not resist. The officer has a duty to maintain the peace and by not taking action when it was obvious that the situation was heated leaves the citizens on both sides vulnerable.

As for OWS that was a ligitmate protest, something the Crazy Right Wing (people like you Staph) have conflated into something nefarious.

When one side has has all the violence, it is called a heckler's veto, and is condemned by all except lickspittle fascist apologists such as yourself.

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

1. Where is your right to 'space" in a public commons in a public university?

2. How is being a reporter "disturbing the peace"?

3. Detaining someone for taking photographs of a public gathering and your "assurances" he would be released in 48 hours if he did nothing wrong shows your fascist leanings.

Go jump of a bridge and do the world a favor.

1. Where in the video is the campus designated a Public U.?
2. Where is the evidence the antagonist is a reporter?
3. Acting within the law to prevent a potential riot, and ordering the antagonist and the students to move along to prevent what may have become violent is the duty of a peace officer.
4. Fascism? Here's a video of fascism in America:

You don't just have the video to go on, you have other information. That you have suddenly put on blinders and have become a dipshit literalist shows how useless you are.

I had only the video to go on; so my questions were legit. As for the rest of your personal attack, in the words of Dick Cheney, "go fuck yourself".

Willful ignorance is worse than actual stupidity. Its also a hack tactic, but why am I surprised.

and are you going to accuse me of a "micro-agression", like the little sappy wallflowers you are defending?

Here is a macro-agression for you. Fuck off.
So a student journalist is inciting riot by just being there. Yet those screaming in his face, on public land, are not? Really? Is that your argument?

Has anyone answered what it was he was taking pictures of and what was it that was so important for the women to want to hid it enough to create a near riot?

these people have to be getting paid to say such stupid stuff. I mean really saying the Student Journalist is causing a riot. holy smokes
They aren't a grassroots organization.

They're paid agitators, that anyone with half a brain can recognize.
They're taking advantage of young minds and weak personalities.
oh yes, I posted on how the DNC/Soros funded OWS and BLM thugs were on the site.

I was talking about the person who said this in this thread about the Student Journalist and how he was inciting a riot:

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours

Yep, that is the job of a peace officer, to preserve the peace. If the antagonist didn't cease and desist the potential for violence was growing. Separate the parties, hear what they have to say, and make your decision to detain or not.

The guy with the camera has a right to an attorney, the right to sue the officer and his or her agency and the right to whine and cry abut his rights, but not resist. The officer has a duty to maintain the peace and by not taking action when it was obvious that the situation was heated leaves the citizens on both sides vulnerable.

As for OWS that was a ligitmate protest, something the Crazy Right Wing (people like you Staph) have conflated into something nefarious.

When one side has has all the violence, it is called a heckler's veto, and is condemned by all except lickspittle fascist apologists such as yourself.

Wherein the Penal Code of any jurisdiction or in a legal dictionary is the term "Heckler's veto"? Define it for me if you can and provide the source (your opinion is not a source of anything).
The video suggests nothing of the sort. It shows a man with a camera creating a public disturbance, and invading the space of students on a campus.

Easy enough to claim his purpose was nefarious,as it is easy enough to make a claim that his actions had some noble purpose.

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours.

1. Where is your right to 'space" in a public commons in a public university?

2. How is being a reporter "disturbing the peace"?

3. Detaining someone for taking photographs of a public gathering and your "assurances" he would be released in 48 hours if he did nothing wrong shows your fascist leanings.

Go jump of a bridge and do the world a favor.

1. Where in the video is the campus designated a Public U.?
2. Where is the evidence the antagonist is a reporter?
3. Acting within the law to prevent a potential riot, and ordering the antagonist and the students to move along to prevent what may have become violent is the duty of a peace officer.
4. Fascism? Here's a video of fascism in America:

You don't just have the video to go on, you have other information. That you have suddenly put on blinders and have become a dipshit literalist shows how useless you are.

I had only the video to go on; so my questions were legit. As for the rest of your personal attack, in the words of Dick Cheney, "go fuck yourself".

Willful ignorance is worse than actual stupidity. Its also a hack tactic, but why am I surprised.

and are you going to accuse me of a "micro-agression", like the little sappy wallflowers you are defending?

Here is a macro-agression for you. Fuck off.

That's ^^^ not a "macro-agression", it's evidence you don't have a clue how to respond intelligently.
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Yep, the Right is suspicious of anyone with higher education.

Not really, many of us are products of higher education.... our, or at least my issue is with the notion that just because you spent 12 years in college studying some drivel such as women's studies or other useless nonsense, somehow this makes you smarter than everyone else. Then t hey can't get a job so they take to the streets screaming and hollering about the one-percenters or other such stupidity. Hey, that's why I thought it through and went through the accounting curriculum... you know, do something that might actually payoff.
Well, there are liberal arts colleges

If there were more "conservative" arts colleges, the OP may suggest sending your teens there.

Then again, we do not know which school these events took place.
OH they exist !
Here's the line to take the entrance exam
these people have to be getting paid to say such stupid stuff. I mean really saying the Student Journalist is causing a riot. holy smokes
They aren't a grassroots organization.

They're paid agitators, that anyone with half a brain can recognize.
They're taking advantage of young minds and weak personalities.
oh yes, I posted on how the DNC/Soros funded OWS and BLM thugs were on the site.

I was talking about the person who said this in this thread about the Student Journalist and how he was inciting a riot:

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours

Yep, that is the job of a peace officer, to preserve the peace. If the antagonist didn't cease and desist the potential for violence was growing. Separate the parties, hear what they have to say, and make your decision to detain or not.

The guy with the camera has a right to an attorney, the right to sue the officer and his or her agency and the right to whine and cry abut his rights, but not resist. The officer has a duty to maintain the peace and by not taking action when it was obvious that the situation was heated leaves the citizens on both sides vulnerable.

As for OWS that was a ligitmate protest, something the Crazy Right Wing (people like you Staph) have conflated into something nefarious.

When one side has has all the violence, it is called a heckler's veto, and is condemned by all except lickspittle fascist apologists such as yourself.

Wherein the Penal Code of any jurisdiction or in a legal dictionary is the term "Heckler's veto"? Define it for me if you can and provide the source (your opinion is not a source of anything).
these people have to be getting paid to say such stupid stuff. I mean really saying the Student Journalist is causing a riot. holy smokes
They aren't a grassroots organization.

They're paid agitators, that anyone with half a brain can recognize.
They're taking advantage of young minds and weak personalities.
oh yes, I posted on how the DNC/Soros funded OWS and BLM thugs were on the site.

I was talking about the person who said this in this thread about the Student Journalist and how he was inciting a riot:

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours

Yep, that is the job of a peace officer, to preserve the peace. If the antagonist didn't cease and desist the potential for violence was growing. Separate the parties, hear what they have to say, and make your decision to detain or not.

The guy with the camera has a right to an attorney, the right to sue the officer and his or her agency and the right to whine and cry abut his rights, but not resist. The officer has a duty to maintain the peace and by not taking action when it was obvious that the situation was heated leaves the citizens on both sides vulnerable.

As for OWS that was a ligitmate protest, something the Crazy Right Wing (people like you Staph) have conflated into something nefarious.

When one side has has all the violence, it is called a heckler's veto, and is condemned by all except lickspittle fascist apologists such as yourself.

Wherein the Penal Code of any jurisdiction or in a legal dictionary is the term "Heckler's veto"? Define it for me if you can and provide the source (your opinion is not a source of anything).

Where in the penal code does it say one party can be removed from a public area because other people "don't like them?"
1. Where is your right to 'space" in a public commons in a public university?

2. How is being a reporter "disturbing the peace"?

3. Detaining someone for taking photographs of a public gathering and your "assurances" he would be released in 48 hours if he did nothing wrong shows your fascist leanings.

Go jump of a bridge and do the world a favor.

1. Where in the video is the campus designated a Public U.?
2. Where is the evidence the antagonist is a reporter?
3. Acting within the law to prevent a potential riot, and ordering the antagonist and the students to move along to prevent what may have become violent is the duty of a peace officer.
4. Fascism? Here's a video of fascism in America:

You don't just have the video to go on, you have other information. That you have suddenly put on blinders and have become a dipshit literalist shows how useless you are.

I had only the video to go on; so my questions were legit. As for the rest of your personal attack, in the words of Dick Cheney, "go fuck yourself".

Willful ignorance is worse than actual stupidity. Its also a hack tactic, but why am I surprised.

and are you going to accuse me of a "micro-agression", like the little sappy wallflowers you are defending?

Here is a macro-agression for you. Fuck off.

That's ^^^ not a "macro-agression", it's evidence you don't have a clue how to respond intelligently.

I respond to the level of the respondee, your level being "barely cognitive dullard twat"
1. Where is your right to 'space" in a public commons in a public university?

2. How is being a reporter "disturbing the peace"?

3. Detaining someone for taking photographs of a public gathering and your "assurances" he would be released in 48 hours if he did nothing wrong shows your fascist leanings.

Go jump of a bridge and do the world a favor.

1. Where in the video is the campus designated a Public U.?
2. Where is the evidence the antagonist is a reporter?
3. Acting within the law to prevent a potential riot, and ordering the antagonist and the students to move along to prevent what may have become violent is the duty of a peace officer.
4. Fascism? Here's a video of fascism in America:

You don't just have the video to go on, you have other information. That you have suddenly put on blinders and have become a dipshit literalist shows how useless you are.

I had only the video to go on; so my questions were legit. As for the rest of your personal attack, in the words of Dick Cheney, "go fuck yourself".

Willful ignorance is worse than actual stupidity. Its also a hack tactic, but why am I surprised.

and are you going to accuse me of a "micro-agression", like the little sappy wallflowers you are defending?

Here is a macro-agression for you. Fuck off.

That's ^^^ not a "macro-agression", it's evidence you don't have a clue how to respond intelligently.

It's also evident you can't recognize sarcasm.
They aren't a grassroots organization.

They're paid agitators, that anyone with half a brain can recognize.
They're taking advantage of young minds and weak personalities.
oh yes, I posted on how the DNC/Soros funded OWS and BLM thugs were on the site.

I was talking about the person who said this in this thread about the Student Journalist and how he was inciting a riot:

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours

Yep, that is the job of a peace officer, to preserve the peace. If the antagonist didn't cease and desist the potential for violence was growing. Separate the parties, hear what they have to say, and make your decision to detain or not.

The guy with the camera has a right to an attorney, the right to sue the officer and his or her agency and the right to whine and cry abut his rights, but not resist. The officer has a duty to maintain the peace and by not taking action when it was obvious that the situation was heated leaves the citizens on both sides vulnerable.

As for OWS that was a ligitmate protest, something the Crazy Right Wing (people like you Staph) have conflated into something nefarious.

When one side has has all the violence, it is called a heckler's veto, and is condemned by all except lickspittle fascist apologists such as yourself.

Wherein the Penal Code of any jurisdiction or in a legal dictionary is the term "Heckler's veto"? Define it for me if you can and provide the source (your opinion is not a source of anything).

Interesting argument but it would hold no more water than an amicus curiae and has no weight in affecting the decisions and actions of a law enforcement officer seeking to keep the public peace. An officer would be more inclined and better protected by following the policy of his agency and/or direction from a superior.

As a superior officer (Ret.) from a law enforcement agency my call would be as I posted. Do what is necessary to keep the peace, and I would, if called upon to respond, have sent the officer's supervisor to the scene.

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