This Is The Kind Of Monsters That Our Colleges Are Producing

that this is being allowed on these college campuses is another thing. this is DISTRUPTIVE to the other students attending and most of these kids have no idea what they are protesting as they are being LED by the nose by outside groups of Agitators. No more Obama's, no more Hillary, Bernie, etc come 2016. we are tired of this already.

I post this earlier on who is going on these college campus and Stirring up these dumb things.......Parents you need to talk to your children, they are being USED as pawns and tools for others

We should have known this is being driven from outside agitators. tweets and the rest at the site

Reason Mizzou Students May Not Have Wanted Media Taking Pics? Occupy, Ferguson Professional Activists Were On Site Giving Them Advice…

It seemed a strange thing, one would think. Why would you seek media attention for your ’cause’ but then shoo away media you had succeeded in bringing?

Much media has been focused on the students and professors pushing and threatening student journalists, trying to shut them down. The protesters were in a public space area that they were ‘occupying’ with tents. They tried to make a ring around it to make it a ‘safe space’ to keep media out. The question though is why did they want the media out?

But as we can see from the following tweets, the reason may have been because there were Ferguson and Occupy activists there giving them counsel. As most people who have followed the Ferguson and Occupy movements, they are peopled by many of the same folks. The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution.

Already there the day before:

all of it here:
Reason Mizzou Students May Not Have Wanted Media Taking Pics? Occupy, Ferguson Professional Activists Were On Site Giving Them Advice...
It's a public university, they are in a public space, and he is a member of the press. He DOES HAVE A RIGHT to take their picutres.

Of course, the constitution doesn't matter to you anyway, so pointing that out to you is pointless.

Actually, most press organizations won't film or take your picture without a release.

I didn't discuss whether he had a right. i said it was BAD FORM for him to keep doing so when he was asked nicely by these people to stop taking their pictures without their permission.
Actually considering the professor was part of this, and she is an agent of a public university, her actions are covered by the 1st amendment.

NO you are stretching it.

and my response was to Joe, who said the reporter had no right to take the pictures, which is wrong. He has every right to take pictures in a public space of a public university, of people protesting in public.

but he still should have stopped doing it when asked because, you know, manners.

Frankly, I'm impressed by the crowd's restraint. I would have asked him maybe once, and if he kept doing it, he'd be using that camera as a suppository.
But he has a right to be there. Are you saying the protesters have the right to get some "muscle" to get rid of him/her?

Why not? frankly, who knows what kind of creep goes around photographing teenage girls when he's been asked to stop.
1. Where in the video is the campus designated a Public U.?
2. Where is the evidence the antagonist is a reporter?
3. Acting within the law to prevent a potential riot, and ordering the antagonist and the students to move along to prevent what may have become violent is the duty of a peace officer.
4. Fascism? Here's a video of fascism in America:

You don't just have the video to go on, you have other information. That you have suddenly put on blinders and have become a dipshit literalist shows how useless you are.

I had only the video to go on; so my questions were legit. As for the rest of your personal attack, in the words of Dick Cheney, "go fuck yourself".

Willful ignorance is worse than actual stupidity. Its also a hack tactic, but why am I surprised.

and are you going to accuse me of a "micro-agression", like the little sappy wallflowers you are defending?

Here is a macro-agression for you. Fuck off.

That's ^^^ not a "macro-agression", it's evidence you don't have a clue how to respond intelligently.

It's also evident you can't recognize sarcasm.

Oh poor me, I can't recognize sarcasm. "Fuck you" is now sarcasm; something new, and recognizable only by members of the Crazy Right Wing. I'm so ashamed (that Rabbi is sarcasm, even a moron like you might understand).

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

wow, look at all those fucking racist teaming up on one guy.

hope their parents are proud of their gutless hateful fith
Well, there are liberal arts colleges

If there were more "conservative" arts colleges, the OP may suggest sending your teens there.

Then again, we do not know which school these events took place.

one of them was wearing a school jersey.

Protests and stand ins have actually gotten much more mellow than the Berkeley protests in the 1960's - 1970's Vietnam war..Right and Left's marched in it.
The kids don't know any better. The monsters are the radical hypocrite professors like Milessa Click who called for "some muscle" to beat up a student journalist.
She needs to be pistol whipped in her sleep...
Here is from their crime report, makes you think, what the heck? Seems all this has been manufactured?
1 hate crime listed
Thought so....RWrs like the OP want to shut our colleges down.
Of course they do. Education and intelligence are frowned upon by the nutters.

Once again the left wing has it exactly backwards. As with everything.
Liberals on campus feel threatened by everything. It's like they feel that campus is their refuge, and it's where they escape reality.
Aren't you proud of students standing up to racism on campus?

Aren't you curious why one would want to do something that noble in secret? "We are standing up against racism here, no pictures please with spit on your face on top." :)

If anyone wonders why there are so many shootings going on our college campuses.....just watch this video.

The left created these they have to deal with them.

"Who wants to get this reporter out? I need some muscle over hear!!!" ..... Where is Carl Bernstein?

How Nixonian of the Left.
Irrationality is running rampant with our lefties. Let's see, you need to have permission to take someone's picture. Like when police are surrounded by cell phone cameras when they just make a stop. Like,when,the guy filmed a murder by a policeman in South Carolina. How,about when undercover work is being done on abortionists in public places. Did any of the protesters chanting fry em like bacon tell anyone not to take,their pictures. Was this guy only taking pictures of young girls or of everybody, there is no evidence of the former. Do outside agitators have more rights to be there than journalists, were any of them ask d to leave. In short Joe, in this situation, you are as wrong about the photographer as you can be.

In wrys case, we have a video showing a woman aggressively attacking someone whose only crime is being in the same area as this woman. She tried to impersonate someone with authority and bully this person into leaving. She absolutely tried to deny this person the same rights under which she was assembling. She then tried to incite a mob to physically assault this man and physically remove him from the premises. The metaphor is,that the photographer is black and this is a white gathering and no blacks are allowed. Talk about blaming the victim. Anyway wrycarcher is so far off base about this mans rights that he is delusional.

Just two of the most recent examples of left wing obfuscation.
who the hell would want to send their kid to that school now? where the kids/agitators runs the asylum and the adults sit quivering and resigning all over the place. that school just allowed itself to become a massive joke. I wouldn't send my kid there
Irrationality is running rampant with our lefties. Let's see, you need to have permission to take someone's picture. Like when police are surrounded by cell phone cameras when they just make a stop. Like,when,the guy filmed a murder by a policeman in South Carolina. How,about when undercover work is being done on abortionists in public places. Did any of the protesters chanting fry em like bacon tell anyone not to take,their pictures. Was this guy only taking pictures of young girls or of everybody, there is no evidence of the former. Do outside agitators have more rights to be there than journalists, were any of them ask d to leave. In short Joe, in this situation, you are as wrong about the photographer as you can be.

again- guy, go back and learn to read common fucking english.

I didn't say he didn't have a legal right to take people's pictures. I said he was being RUDE and IMPOLITE by continuing to take people's pictures without their permission when he had been asked nicely for SIX MINUTES to stop doing so.

Oh, the guys who took those pictures in the abortion clinics WERE breaking the law. Not that anyone is going to go after them legally, but it actually is against the law to record someone without telling them you are doing so. That's why all those phone service lines say, "this call may be recorded for quality assurance" or some such.

In wrys case, we have a video showing a woman aggressively attacking someone whose only crime is being in the same area as this woman. She tried to impersonate someone with authority and bully this person into leaving. She absolutely tried to deny this person the same rights under which she was assembling. She then tried to incite a mob to physically assault this man and physically remove him from the premises. The metaphor is,that the photographer is black and this is a white gathering and no blacks are allowed. Talk about blaming the victim. Anyway wrycarcher is so far off base about this mans rights that he is delusional.

No metaphor involved.

A group of people were gathering, and a creepy guy who was not a registered journalist was taking their pictures without their permission, and was asked nicely to knock it off. He's lucky he didn't get his ass kicked.
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who the hell would want to send their kid to that school now? where the kids/agitators runs the asylum and the adults sit quivering and resigning all over the place. that school just allowed itself to become a massive joke. I wouldn't send my kid there

I'm sure there are plenty of schools where they teach about Talking Snakes in Science class.
oh yes, I posted on how the DNC/Soros funded OWS and BLM thugs were on the site.

I was talking about the person who said this in this thread about the Student Journalist and how he was inciting a riot:

The fact that he was disturbing the peace on campus was sufficient for him to be detained, if if the evidence was insufficient to file a criminal complaint, he could be released from custody within 48 hours

Yep, that is the job of a peace officer, to preserve the peace. If the antagonist didn't cease and desist the potential for violence was growing. Separate the parties, hear what they have to say, and make your decision to detain or not.

The guy with the camera has a right to an attorney, the right to sue the officer and his or her agency and the right to whine and cry abut his rights, but not resist. The officer has a duty to maintain the peace and by not taking action when it was obvious that the situation was heated leaves the citizens on both sides vulnerable.

As for OWS that was a ligitmate protest, something the Crazy Right Wing (people like you Staph) have conflated into something nefarious.

When one side has has all the violence, it is called a heckler's veto, and is condemned by all except lickspittle fascist apologists such as yourself.

Wherein the Penal Code of any jurisdiction or in a legal dictionary is the term "Heckler's veto"? Define it for me if you can and provide the source (your opinion is not a source of anything).

Interesting argument but it would hold no more water than an amicus curiae and has no weight in affecting the decisions and actions of a law enforcement officer seeking to keep the public peace. An officer would be more inclined and better protected by following the policy of his agency and/or direction from a superior.

As a superior officer (Ret.) from a law enforcement agency my call would be as I posted. Do what is necessary to keep the peace, and I would, if called upon to respond, have sent the officer's supervisor to the scene.

The only people who should have been arrested were the students advocating forceful removal of the journalist.

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