This is the kind of stupidity & blatant racism that marginalizes the left and they're blind to it.

If a white person said that all hell would have broken loose. Jesss!

I'm rooting for all the white people....

Not im rooting for the best or people I know, just blacks.
Do you really not understand the difference between white male christians and all other groups in this country? White male christians are not a minority group with a history of oppression. Its like calling women's rights advocates or people that cheer success for women as sexist. All ask again, do you really not get it?
What I understand (and apparently you don't) is that you are supporting a double standard. Which really is the definition of liberal policy. (idiocy) LOL
Well if you understand it so well then how about you explain it and not make empty pointless statements like you just did.
Uh, no it's not. Sorry, you don't get to bend definitions to fit the case.

If that were the case Affirmative Action laws and doctors treating sickle cell anemia or lactose intolerance would be "racist".

So I got no answer to post 10. Or to post 9. OP runs away. :gay:
Prolly cowering in fear that I'll call out the strawman in his OP.
so you say it's ok to treat people differently because of their race?

keep in mind in this scenario YOU don't get to define the difference, just said it's ok.

Racism - Wikipedia

not gonna buy into your singular use of the term. sorry. while i agree that's a lot of the definition, treating people with hate or antagonism due to their "race" is in fact racism. i won't leave that out because you don't happen to like it.

now - when people criticized obama and his policies how come THEY were racist when they never claimed racial superiority?

could it be someone is "bending" the term to fit their own agenda? maybe you should stop them too before this all gets out of hand.
If people criticized Obama for his policies then that is not racist. If they were questioning he citizenship and calling him a muslim then that is racist. If we are being honest then we should both be able to admit that some on the Right were called racist without cause while some on the right had very racist intent at the base of their critiques on Obama.

With that said, how was the lady in the OP's topic being racist? how was it showing hatred or antagonism towards a racial group per your definition?
i would agree sometimes people are in fact, racist. however to claim everyone racist because they don't like what someone who happens to be of another race would not be.

now given the definition provided in that you believe your race is superior than another, how does calling obama a muslim make them racist?

also - muslim isn't a race, so how would that work in this example? it's "bending" the definition to fit your needs, much like i was being accused of being - even though i don't hold to racism ONLY being about this. but if we single out muslims and say negative talk to them is racist, then what is it when done to catholics? baptists? jehova witnesses?

as to the op and the point there - no way in hell is that racism and *to me* the overuse of the word has only given credibility to stupid people like this making blanket claims.
Calling Obama a Muslim with the intent of degrading him is inflammatory and antagonistic. Of course people who are accepting and supportive of muslims won't care or find offense in the claim but again it is all about the intent of the person using the language. Many people used those type of attacks in combination with the birther movement... "The black guy isn't a real American". It was very flagrant and transparent and have very much to do with the way he looked
yes, i would agree on the intent. however, is it racism?

looked? you don't think many of his actions come across as pro-muslim?
Yes i think he was very pro muslim. Many liberals who believe in religious freedom or who support minorities have similar views. I don't want to get into the word games, but there was a good wave of bigots and racists that attacked Obama. There were also a good amount of conservatives that attacked him legitimately for his policies. The race card was over used when applied to the policy people. The reaction to the real bigots that surged harsh and sensitive as this is the nature of that kind of hate. I'm not make an excuse for overreacting but I do understand why it happens.
Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.
"Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy. From your kind, it is.
See? You don't even have to bait these dumbfucks. They're happy to expose their ignorance freely
They literally can't help themselves. "Codespeak for White Supremacy."
Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.
"Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy. From your kind, it is.
See? You don't even have to bait these dumbfucks. They're happy to expose their ignorance freely
They literally can't help themselves. "Codespeak for White Supremacy."
Oddly enough I've never uttered the words nor written them until this thread but you know.... My kind and all lol
HBO star Issa Rae backs African-Americans at the Emmys | Daily Mail Online

Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.
Lol,,, she doesn't even realize how racist she is! Stupid is as stupid says!

Racism is defined as the belief that one race is superior to another.

Where does she say that?

Serious question, I didn't read the whole article if it's in there, please quote.

That is the classical definition of racism, however today it's quite acceptable that what this woman said is indeed racist.

Oh fer fuxsake, here come the Doublethinkers with their movable feast of definitions for a single word depending on what serves them in the moment.

Piss off Charley. Definitions are already in place; they're not up for rewrite just because you have a false equation that you wish would work but doesn't.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
"a program to combat racism"
synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
"Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.​

Copy and paste all you want, the fact of the matter is, today, if a white person made these same remarks they would be labeled a 'racist', regardless of the original definitions of 'racism'.

Blacks can get away with it, white people can't.

Not true . If an Italian American talks about fellow pizons, no one cares .

I'm rooting for all the white people....

Not im rooting for the best or people I know, just blacks.
Do you really not understand the difference between white male christians and all other groups in this country? White male christians are not a minority group with a history of oppression. Its like calling women's rights advocates or people that cheer success for women as sexist. All ask again, do you really not get it?
What I understand (and apparently you don't) is that you are supporting a double standard. Which really is the definition of liberal policy. (idiocy) LOL
Well if you understand it so well then how about you explain it and not make empty pointless statements like you just did.
so you say it's ok to treat people differently because of their race?

keep in mind in this scenario YOU don't get to define the difference, just said it's ok.

Racism - Wikipedia

not gonna buy into your singular use of the term. sorry. while i agree that's a lot of the definition, treating people with hate or antagonism due to their "race" is in fact racism. i won't leave that out because you don't happen to like it.

now - when people criticized obama and his policies how come THEY were racist when they never claimed racial superiority?

could it be someone is "bending" the term to fit their own agenda? maybe you should stop them too before this all gets out of hand.
If people criticized Obama for his policies then that is not racist. If they were questioning he citizenship and calling him a muslim then that is racist. If we are being honest then we should both be able to admit that some on the Right were called racist without cause while some on the right had very racist intent at the base of their critiques on Obama.

With that said, how was the lady in the OP's topic being racist? how was it showing hatred or antagonism towards a racial group per your definition?
i would agree sometimes people are in fact, racist. however to claim everyone racist because they don't like what someone who happens to be of another race would not be.

now given the definition provided in that you believe your race is superior than another, how does calling obama a muslim make them racist?

also - muslim isn't a race, so how would that work in this example? it's "bending" the definition to fit your needs, much like i was being accused of being - even though i don't hold to racism ONLY being about this. but if we single out muslims and say negative talk to them is racist, then what is it when done to catholics? baptists? jehova witnesses?

as to the op and the point there - no way in hell is that racism and *to me* the overuse of the word has only given credibility to stupid people like this making blanket claims.
Calling Obama a Muslim with the intent of degrading him is inflammatory and antagonistic. Of course people who are accepting and supportive of muslims won't care or find offense in the claim but again it is all about the intent of the person using the language. Many people used those type of attacks in combination with the birther movement... "The black guy isn't a real American". It was very flagrant and transparent and have very much to do with the way he looked
yes, i would agree on the intent. however, is it racism?

looked? you don't think many of his actions come across as pro-muslim?
Yes i think he was very pro muslim. Many liberals who believe in religious freedom or who support minorities have similar views. I don't want to get into the word games, but there was a good wave of bigots and racists that attacked Obama. There were also a good amount of conservatives that attacked him legitimately for his policies. The race card was over used when applied to the policy people. The reaction to the real bigots that surged harsh and sensitive as this is the nature of that kind of hate. I'm not make an excuse for overreacting but I do understand why it happens.
but what i am saying is - if you attack someone and calling them MUSLIM is racist, then attacking trump and calling him a white supremecist would also be "racist". at least in this instance *race* is a factor in this. if trump was in fact a WS then you'd have a point. if obama was in fact muslim they would have a point.

so far i don't see either of those panning out well unless you just hate either dude and won't let go of your hate-stick.

what i tire of is attacks on white people yet it's not racist. do blacks who do this feel inferior because they're black? i agree if someone comes at them and treats them as inferior due to race, lay into 'em. i'll help. but to call white people racist because they disagree with you? that's been "accepted" far too long and like "we just want to remove 1 flag" has gotten way out of hand, so has this playing card.

sometimes people are just a dumbass and race has nothing to do with it.

i think for the most part we do agree on things and we're down to getting pretty picky and i usually like to avoid that unless i'm just arguing with someone who's trolling. you're not doing that and while we do disagree widely on things, i appreciate the tone of how you make these discussions as this is why i like forums like this.

not the "trumpkins" or "crooked hillary" crap.
HBO star Issa Rae backs African-Americans at the Emmys | Daily Mail Online

Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.

How is it, in this day and age, with the internet at your fingertips, that you don't understand the definition of racism?
You mean if you disagree with an ignorant black man, you're automatically a racist? That kind of racism? Your race card expired, go home.
HBO star Issa Rae backs African-Americans at the Emmys | Daily Mail Online

Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.

How is it, in this day and age, with the internet at your fingertips, that you don't understand the definition of racism?
You mean if you disagree with an ignorant black man, you're automatically a racist? That kind of racism? Your race card expired, go home.
if the simple disagreement means you feel superior in race and that is the definition of racism, then everyone is racist to the core.

yet you break it down and simplify the stupid behind the thought process, they usually start going NO NO NO - ONLY IN THIS DIRECTION! and when people start to narrow down conditions for things like this to such a limited view, i tend to walk away. licking a shit covered stone is more fun than having to talk to an idiot.

well i have to be honest here. it does depend on the shit.
Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.
"Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy. From your kind, it is.
See? You don't even have to bait these dumbfucks. They're happy to expose their ignorance freely
They literally can't help themselves. "Codespeak for White Supremacy."
Oddly enough I've never uttered the words nor written them until this thread but you know.... My kind and all lol
If you don't utter them yourself, the Regressives will utter them for you, in their minds.

Which, you have to admit, makes this easier for them!

Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.
"Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy. From your kind, it is.
See? You don't even have to bait these dumbfucks. They're happy to expose their ignorance freely
They literally can't help themselves. "Codespeak for White Supremacy."
Oddly enough I've never uttered the words nor written them until this thread but you know.... My kind and all lol
If you don't utter them yourself, the Regressives will utter them for you, in their minds.

Which, you have to admit, makes this easier for them!

lord knows i like to lob out a DITTO from time to time. :)
HBO star Issa Rae backs African-Americans at the Emmys | Daily Mail Online

Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.
Lol,,, she doesn't even realize how racist she is! Stupid is as stupid says!

Racism is defined as the belief that one race is superior to another.

Where does she say that?

Serious question, I didn't read the whole article if it's in there, please quote.
Whenever someone favors one race over another the way she was....that's an indication that she feels they are superior and deserve special treatment.
HBO star Issa Rae backs African-Americans at the Emmys | Daily Mail Online

Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.
Lol,,, she doesn't even realize how racist she is! Stupid is as stupid says!

Racism is defined as the belief that one race is superior to another.

Where does she say that?

Serious question, I didn't read the whole article if it's in there, please quote.
Whenever someone favors one race over another the way she was....that's an indication that she feels they are superior and deserve special treatment.

No, that's a leap. Causation is not established. This leap stems from a bizzare need to dictate to other people what their own motivations are.

The concept is already articulated a couple of posts above, to wit:
If you don't utter them yourself, the Regressives will utter them for you, in their minds.

I favor my baseball team over others, that doesn't mean they're superior. In fact I already know they're not. So you're ass-uming motivations not in evidence.
Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.
"Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy. From your kind, it is.
See? You don't even have to bait these dumbfucks. They're happy to expose their ignorance freely
They literally can't help themselves. "Codespeak for White Supremacy."
Oddly enough I've never uttered the words nor written them until this thread but you know.... My kind and all lol

Actually it's right in your OP, post number one. Wanna see?

Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.

The memory is the second thing to go.
What kind of moron compares a baseball team that is full of many races and cultures to a single incident of one race only racism?
What kind of moron compares a baseball team that is full of many races and cultures to a single incident of one race only racism?

:dunno: Beats me. Where did you do that?

Ironic you should mention baseball though because I myself just used a baseball-related analogy.

A poster (and you as well) made the grand ASS ---sumption that if a wish is expressed that some group should excel or win awards, that the motivation must be a belief in that group's superiority.. I then came in and gave an example to the contrary where I wished for a baseball team to win, even though I already know they're not 'superior'. This blows the ASS-suption out of the water.

Matter of fact you did the same thing three days ago when you came on this board and expressed a desire for the Kansas City Chiefs to win, even though you already know they too are inferior.

Sorry you missed that point. It was good stuff.
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HBO star Issa Rae backs African-Americans at the Emmys | Daily Mail Online

Outright racism that is ignored while phrases like "Make America Great Again" are labeled codespeak for white supremacy.
Lol,,, she doesn't even realize how racist she is! Stupid is as stupid says!

Racism is defined as the belief that one race is superior to another.

Where does she say that?

Serious question, I didn't read the whole article if it's in there, please quote.
Whenever someone favors one race over another the way she was....that's an indication that she feels they are superior and deserve special treatment.

No, that's a leap. Causation is not established. This leap stems from a bizzare need to dictate to other people what their own motivations are.

The concept is already articulated a couple of posts above, to wit:
If you don't utter them yourself, the Regressives will utter them for you, in their minds.

I favor my baseball team over others, that doesn't mean they're superior. In fact I already know they're not. So you're ass-uming motivations not in evidence.
We aren't talking about baseball. We're talking about race. In competition you wear uniforms and are part of a team. You don't try to score for the opposing team. You also don't mix in with your opponents. That's why they wear uniforms.
Anyone who believes that races shouldn't mix, or one race deserves special consideration is a classic racist. Rooting for black people over white people is just as racist as Jim Crow laws.
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