This is what corrupting the DoJ looks like.

Trump isn't being accused of being a mass murderer. He's being accused of the same sorts of things many others have accurately accused him of doing. Perhaps it would be helpful if you considered the preponderance of evidence, given that so many people have reported similar, corrupt behavior. I'm not proposing that all allegations are 100% accurate. Only that as a whole they become more believable because of the volume of them coming from credible sources in a position to know of what they speak.
Trump is the most investigated person in history. Hell, the New York city's DA campaign promise was to get Trump. That was two years ago, and you know what? The DA ended the investigation without any charges being filed. If Trump was as evil as you believe him to be, it shouldn't take 6 years to find enough evidence to get him.

And really at this point, I could give a shit less. UNTIL the Democrats like Hillary are perp walked, my give-a-shit meter won't budge.

That is not the same as having thousands of false votes, as proclaimed by Trump and some in his administration. You have the wrong date for the election. It was for 2016, not 2020.


The only person charged in the Justice Department’s investigation into the origins of the probe of former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and its ties to Russia was spared prison time for altering an email used to support a surveillance application.

Clinesmith forged the document in June of 2017, seven months after the 2016 election. So it was the 2020 election that he was helping the DNC to steal.
The DOJ and the FBI will have to be reformed.
The Democrats have totally corrupted them.
They are illegally using them as political weapons.
Garland should be forced to resign while his abuses of power are investigated.
There should be public hearings with cross examinations.
Clearly Garland has repeatedly lied to us.
The crazy corrupt Democrat cult is turning America into a banana republic.
Trump is the most investigated person in history. Hell, the New York city's DA campaign promise was to get Trump. That was two years ago, and you know what? The DA ended the investigation without any charges being filed. If Trump was as evil as you believe him to be, it shouldn't take 6 years to find enough evidence to get him.

And really at this point, I could give a shit less. UNTIL the Democrats like Hillary are perp walked, my give-a-shit meter won't budge.

You are playing games with the word truth. You clearly do not care about it, and are here to delegitimize what the Law is set to do.

I am glad that the Democrats, Independents and Republicans who have sworn to uphold the Constitution and the Rule of Law are doing their job investigating to get to the truth.

No one is going to be put in jail, or prison if they did not commit a crime or tried to obstruct justice.

You care nothing about the Constitution, the Rule of Law and Justice.

You are here to cry crocodile tears.

Lots of those who were arrested for 1/6 Confessed their crimes. Confessed, because they were caught red handed with all the videos which showed them committing a crime.

THAT is what truth is.

Lock them all up and throw away the key If they broke the law, Trump included.

Now, speaking of oaths and laws. Is your *president upholding his oaths to the constitution?

How about immigration laws, is he following those?

Cause you care about our laws and constitution......Right?!?
Lock them all up and throw away the key If they broke the law, Trump included.

Now, speaking of oaths and laws. Is your *president upholding his oaths to the constitution?

How about immigration laws, is he following those?

Cause you care about our laws and constitution......Right?!?
My President?

He is the President of the United States as voted in by the 2020 elections.

What part of the constitution has he not upheld, so far?

What are you upset about the immigration laws?
Looks like the Supreme Court has something to say about Immigration Laws. What is Biden supposed to do?

The Supreme Court won’t allow the Biden administration to implement a policy that prioritizes deportation of people in the country illegally who pose the greatest public safety risk.

The court’s order Thursday leaves the policy frozen nationwide for now. The vote was 5-4 with conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett joining liberal Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson in saying they would have allowed the Biden administration to put in place the guidance.

The court also announced it would hear arguments in the case, saying they would be in late November.

The order is the first public vote by Jackson since she joined the court June 30following the retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer.

The justices were acting on the administration’s emergency request to the court following conflicting decisions by federal appeals courts over a September directive from the Homeland Security Department that paused deportation unless individuals had committed acts of terrorism, espionage or “egregious threats to public safety.”

The Supreme Court won’t allow the Biden administration to implement a policy that prioritizes deportation of people in the country illegally who pose the greatest public safety risk.

You are for the rule of law right? At least that's what you alluded to.
Substantiating Berman's allegation that Gregory Craig was targeted for political reasons at Trump's request is the following. Once Berman refused to bring charges against Craig due to his belief Craig was innocent after investigating the matter, Billy the Bagman found someone willing to indict Craig in DC.

WashingtonCNN —
A federal grand jury on Thursday indicted Greg Craig, a prominent Democratic attorney who worked for two presidents, charging him with making false statements and concealing material information in connection with work he performed for Ukraine in a case stemming from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Craig, 74, is the highest-profile Democrat to be indicted in a matter connected to Mueller’s work, which resulted in charges against numerous Republicans tied to President Donald Trump.

The case, which is being handled by the US Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia in association with the Justice Department’s national security division, is likely to bring renewed attention to the Justice Department’s application of a once-obscure law applying to unregistered foreign agents, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA.

It took 5 hours for the jury to acquit Craig.

Former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig found not guilty in Mueller spinoff case

Greg Craig, who served as White House counsel early in President Barack Obama’s administration, was found not guilty by a Washington, DC, jury Wednesday after a trial stemming from the Mueller investigation.

Craig had been charged with making false statements in a Justice Department inquiry into whether his law firm Skadden Arps should have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) because of its work for the Ukrainian government.

His prosecution was spun off from former special counsel Robert Mueller’s extensive investigation of Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair who came under scrutiny in the Russia investigation.

Craig’s trial, which lasted about three weeks, boiled down to the question of whether, back in 2013 and 2014, he tried to mislead the Justice Department about what, exactly, he did for Ukraine, in hopes that DOJ would conclude he didn’t have to register as a foreign agent.

Former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig found not guilty in Mueller spinoff case
This coming from the same douchebags who defend Leticia James and her crusade against Trump.
A corrupt DOJ is like the one we currently have that goes rounding up several members of the opposing party to put up in front of kangaroo investigations and courts.
The kangaroo courts have the folks like the Kracken and the Ghouliguy making outlandish and un-provable allegations to the TV audience, but when the rubber meets the road they decline to make those same allegations in front of a real judge. The DOJ has no problem presenting it's case in front of a real judge.
It is a committee made up of people who swore to uphold the Constitution and the Rule of Law, and that is exactly what they have been doing , and will continue to do.

Sending requests to appear to answer questions is not "rounding up" as in the sense of "Jews were rounded up and put into trains".

The Republicans did a lot of that during the Clinton and Obama administrations. But you are against the Law following the Law, and going where it leads.
It's a committee made up of nothing but anti-Trumpers.
The kangaroo courts have the folks like the Kracken and the Ghouliguy making outlandish and un-provable allegations to the TV audience, but when the rubber meets the road they decline to make those same allegations in front of a real judge. The DOJ has no problem presenting it's case in front of a real judge.
The DOJ is being political and doing Democrat's bidding.
[What do you think of this facts? Still a large number of migrants. Trump never stopped the flow. Republicans. The Party of Family values? ]

The president’s midterm-campaign rhetoric of “invasions” and “national emergencies” is distracting us from a vastly different reality at the border. This reality bears no resemblance to what the president describes in his rallies. But we do face a historic humanitarian crisis, and the U.S. government urgently needs to change what it’s doing in order to deal with it.

This “hidden” reality is in full view in U.S. border authorities’ own security and immigration statistics, most of them produced in the past few months. (Source documents are listed and linked at the end of this analysis.)

The data about migration, and about what crosses the U.S.-Mexico border illicitly, point to problems at the border. But they’re not the problems that the president is talking about. Instead, they point to a need to adapt our asylum system to a very different profile of U.S.-bound migration, and to build up our official border crossings—our ports of entry—instead of our walls and barriers.

The number of migrants apprehended by Border Patrol at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018—396,579 people—was the fifth lowest total since 1973. The number of adult migrants traveling without families (239,331) was almost certainly the second-lowest total since 1970.

40 percent of apprehended migrants were children and family members. That’s a new record, and was unthinkable as recently as 2012, when this proportion reached 10 percent for the first time.

For generations before then, the typical profile of an undocumented migrant crossing into the United States from Mexico was a man, traveling without family. This man wasn’t fleeing threats or violence: he was looking for work or to start a new life in the United States. That profile is changing with dizzying speed. Children and entire families are now fleeing El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras: three countries with some of the world’s highest levels of violent crime, where they face direct threats from unrestrained gangs, an utter lack of protection from their own governments, and economies that have collapsed for the poorest.


In 2018, the average Border Patrol agent apprehended 23 migrants all year long, even as his or her agency was assisted by a deployment of 2,400 National Guard soldiers. And since 40 percent of those were families and children—most of whom sought the agents out to request asylum—the average Border Patrol agent, in fact, apprehended 14 single adult migrants during all of 2018. One every 26 days.

This points clearly to a need for more personnel to process asylum claims. It does not, however, point to any need to hire more Border Patrol personnel or erect more physical barriers.


(full article online)


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