This is what our lord feels about gays(males)

Is this site the centre of Hilly Billy thinking and belief ?

It certainly is full up with Bigots and moralists from the stone ages .
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Do heterosexuals need to change their 'carnal nature' as much as homosexuals do? Is that why the Roman Church insists upon 'celibacy' (though I suppose we can set aside the suffering children)?

Everyone needs to repent and be born again.
The Old Testament has valuable lessons to be learned in its parables. Soddom and Gomorrah were not destroyed because they had gays there. Humanity has always had gays. Those cities were destroyed because the people who lived there accepted homosexuality and only one man objected to the rape of his guests.

But it was cool to offer them his virgin daughters. :eusa_whistle:
A GIFT is not a Gift, IF strings are attached... God gave us the gift of salvation, through His strings attached Avatar....

there is no, ''IF they repent'' required.... unless it wasn't a 'gift' at all...?

Gift is worthless if it isnt accepted. Repentence is required.

repentance isn't REQUIRED.... it's something that comes from being soooo grateful for the gift you were given freely.....

Christ did NOT say to the adulteress about to be stoned, Repent! THEN your sins will be forgiven....

HE forgave her FIRST, ''your sins are forgiven'' (BEFORE she even had time to repent), then he said, ''now go, and sin no more''

That gift of forgiveness, given freely, is so awesome, so wonderful, so undeserved, and IS what makes people repent and change on their own.... not through the fear of burning in hell, but through the underserved LOVE they have felt from a merciful God....

you are not saved through any ''works'' of your own...if that were the case, then there is no need for Jesus Christ and his are NOT saved by your ''works'', you are saved through your Faith and the Grace of God first, and this is what makes your inner self, change and repent, in time, on your own....

Of course Repentence is required. The fact that we are saved by grace doesn't change the fact that God requires our faith to repentence to access that grace. Without the grace of God, Repentence would be impossible.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ (Matthew 7:21-23)

Was Jesus lying here? Was He incorrect? Was He unaware that we are saved by Grace? Or did He just realize that expecting His disciples to follow the will of the Father didn't change the fact that salvation was through Grace?

It is through obedience to the commandments that we obtain the powers of godliness here on earth. That is one of the reasons George Washington was always encouraging his troops to turn to the Lord and be obedient to His commandments. Because then the hand of Divine Providence can act more abundantly in their lives.

Faith leads to repentence. A man who will not repent of his sins, does not have faith in Christ. Repentence leads to grace, which leads to awareness of more things you need to repent of in your life which leads to more grace.

If you think that somehow works you into salvation, then I ask you to please study the scriptures more and seek the Spirit. Because you are incorrect there.
No one should sit in judgment on homosexuals and say they are sinners. That's not the job of people. That's the job of God who warns us not to judge others. The individual is to judge only HIMSELF and guide his own behavior into sin or not.

We don't have to sit in judgment of them and say they are sinners. They are sinners. So am I. So are you. We are all sinners. We all fall short of the Glory of God. And He invites us all to repent of our sins. He offers us forgiveness by His grace. And by His grace He gives us power to keep His commandments, so that despite being unholy, we can become Holy through His Eternal Sacrifice.

All of us need to put off the natural man and yeild to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. Because in our natural, fallen state we are an enemy to God. That is why we need an Atonement. To change our very natures.
No one should sit in judgment on homosexuals and say they are sinners. That's not the job of people. That's the job of God who warns us not to judge others. The individual is to judge only HIMSELF and guide his own behavior into sin or not.

We don't have to sit in judgment of them and say they are sinners. They are sinners. So am I. So are you. We are all sinners. We all fall short of the Glory of God. And He invites us all to repent of our sins. He offers us forgiveness by His grace. And by His grace He gives us power to keep His commandments, so that despite being unholy, we can become Holy through His Eternal Sacrifice.

All of us need to put off the natural man and yeild to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. Because in our natural, fallen state we are an enemy to God. That is why we need an Atonement. To change our very natures.

I heard that you can repent a second before you die and you'll be forgiven. That's what i plan on doing... just in case. :D
I heard that you can repent a second before you die and you'll be forgiven. That's what i plan on doing... just in case. :D

Then you don't understand repentence. Nor what it means to be born again.

You also have no idea when you will die. You could end up dying walking across the street in an hour. You could live for decades only to have a heart attack. What makes you think you are going to have time realize you are dying and change? And why would you want to rob yourself of being happy in this life to do so?

Your spirit will have the same disposition and nature in the next life that you have now. If you have no desire to improve your life now, you won't suddenly have it then. This life is the time to prepare and meet God. It's much easier to repent while in our mortal bodies than it is when we have separated from them.
I heard that you can repent a second before you die and you'll be forgiven. That's what i plan on doing... just in case. :D

Then you don't understand repentence. Nor what it means to be born again.

You also have no idea when you will die. You could end up dying walking across the street in an hour. You could live for decades only to have a heart attack. What makes you think you are going to have time realize you are dying and change? And why would you want to rob yourself of being happy in this life to do so?

Your spirit will have the same disposition and nature in the next life that you have now. If you have no desire to improve your life now, you won't suddenly have it then. This life is the time to prepare and meet God. It's much easier to repent while in our mortal bodies than it is when we have separated from them.
What makes you suppose that I'm not already happy?
In my next life? So now you believe in re-incarnation?
Why would god want me to repent? He's never said that to me? :dunno:
What makes you suppose that I'm not already happy?
In my next life? So now you believe in re-incarnation?
Why would god want me to repent? He's never said that to me? :dunno:

1) You're trolling on an internet message board.
2) You've clearly indicated that you don't take matters of righteousness seriously. Righteousness is the way to happiness. The fruits of the Spirit are joy and love. When you've felt the joy and love the Lord brings, you cannot deny it and want to live life according to the way of happiness.
3) Next life meaning your post-mortal life.
4) So you can be happy. So you can recieve a fulness of joy. So He can bless you in ways that you've never imagined.

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