This is what our lord feels about gays(males)

You can't know what jesus needed.

Fine. Feel free to ask Him and let me know what He says He needs to be saved from.

He died 2000 years ago.

True story: my brother kept telling me that he sees jesus and talks to him regularly. I finally had to tell him to shut up or they wouldn't let him out of the mental hospital. He still says he talks to jesus and can see him when he wants. I don't let him around my children.
You can't know what jesus needed.

Fine. Feel free to ask Him and let me know what He says He needs to be saved from.

He died 2000 years ago.

True story: my brother kept telling me that he sees jesus and talks to him regularly. I finally had to tell him to shut up or they wouldn't let him out of the mental hospital. He still says he talks to jesus and can see him when he wants. I don't let him around my children.

And He rose from the dead three days later.
I'm having a coffee with Jesus tomorrow @ 11'30 on the seafront cafe
The Old Testament has valuable lessons to be learned in its parables. Soddom and Gomorrah were not destroyed because they had gays there. Humanity has always had gays. Those cities were destroyed because the people who lived there accepted homosexuality and only one man objected to the rape of his guests.

But it was cool to offer them his virgin daughters. :eusa_whistle:

Rather than see the entire city destroyed? Every man , woman, child, babies in cribs, the old, all destroyed. He might have thought saving all those lives would have been very cool. What happened was that the men were intent on raping other men. Sodomizing those men was so important that if cost the lives of everyone in the city, their dicks were going to shoved up the asses of their victims. How cool is that?

That's why destroying Sodom and Gamorrah was the right thing to do.

Is that the reason why every civilization that normalizes homosexuality is destroyed?
Fine. Feel free to ask Him and let me know what He says He needs to be saved from.

He died 2000 years ago.

True story: my brother kept telling me that he sees jesus and talks to him regularly. I finally had to tell him to shut up or they wouldn't let him out of the mental hospital. He still says he talks to jesus and can see him when he wants. I don't let him around my children.

And He rose from the dead three days later.

Didn't he eat a poisoned apple from his evil step-mother or something?
Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24). "

You don't judge other "people" unless you want to be judged by the same.

However we are called to judge as in assess right and wrong, and make corrections thereby.
Just not judge people personally, and especially not pass judgment by group associations.
Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

God's LAW is the judge. But Jesus Christ can save --- whosoever will may come.

Do you ask forgiveness for wearing mixed fiber clothing and then refrain from doing it again? That too is God's LAW. How about shellfish and pork? God's LAW. Do you only eat beet killed in accordance with God's LAW?

It's all very nice to say you are forgiven, but you're supposed to stop doing what you are being forgiven for. It is not a get out of jail free card that allows you to continue to violate God's LAW with impunity. Either you follow it or you don't. If you don't, then you really have nothing to say about what others might do.

Those are God's law for those who are called to follow them to that extent.
But that is not necessary if someone is called to follow laws or teachings given by other sources equally from God. Some people relate to God's truth through science, or Buddhism or secular humanism, etc. not necessarily through the scriptures in the Bible verbatim.

By God's laws there is the Golden Rule of Reciprocity.
Whatever laws you enforce, those shall be enforced for you.

And if some people are called to recognize certain customs or holidays as holy,
then you respect that; but it doesn't mean you have to be under that custom.

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's.

If you and others commit to following the Bible to the letter, then yes you
are free to enforce that consistently.

By natural laws which God also created for all humanity, people will follow their own culture and will resist if someone from another culture or outside authority attempts to impose.
Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

Christians have a habit of judging everyone they meet.

All people tend to judge by comparing with others, based on our experiences.
When we make mistakes, such as projecting generalizations that turn out to be hurtful false
or unfair, we cause trespasses on each other because none of is perfect and without bias.

The key to growing in Christian faith and understanding is forgiving and correcting when these mutual conflicts arise, in order to learn for our benefit and
to restore and build stronger good faith relations with neighbors.
Do heterosexuals need to change their 'carnal nature' as much as homosexuals do? Is that why the Roman Church insists upon 'celibacy' (though I suppose we can set aside the suffering children)?

Everyone needs to repent and be born again.

Say it clearly; do heterosexuals have to give up the way they have sex, too?

I'd say yes, that sexual relations that are not appropriate for that relationship, but which constitute some form of "relationship abuse" or "sexual abuse" are a sign that the person or people need to resolve their issues first that are otherwise causing relations to be abused (regardless if these are heterosexual, homosexual etc.)

To be totally freed of past patterns and influences, which can cause abuse or self-imposed destruction or suffering, is what it means to be "born again" and to leave the old ways.
You can't know what jesus needed.

Fine. Feel free to ask Him and let me know what He says He needs to be saved from.

He died 2000 years ago.

True story: my brother kept telling me that he sees jesus and talks to him regularly. I finally had to tell him to shut up or they wouldn't let him out of the mental hospital. He still says he talks to jesus and can see him when he wants. I don't let him around my children.

Dear Ima: My friends who have reported a visitation or vision of Jesus saw him as a light that brought peace of mind. Any entity speaking to a person to give instructions, especially to alienate from other family or friends does not sound like it's coming from the same source.

If your brother would like prayer support to make sure he is spiritually in tune with God, and not veering off hearing voices in his head from something else, could you please have him or someone else in your family call my friend Olivia for help with counseling? She has helped people in the past get rid of voices in their heads by praying spiritually for deliverance.
713 820-0899 This is purely to help people, she answers calls for free, not doing this for money which she doesn't charge. Thank you and I hope things work out! Yours truly, Emily
Fine. Feel free to ask Him and let me know what He says He needs to be saved from.

He died 2000 years ago.

True story: my brother kept telling me that he sees jesus and talks to him regularly. I finally had to tell him to shut up or they wouldn't let him out of the mental hospital. He still says he talks to jesus and can see him when he wants. I don't let him around my children.

Dear Ima: My friends who have reported a visitation or vision of Jesus saw him as a light that brought peace of mind. Any entity speaking to a person to give instructions, especially to alienate from other family or friends does not sound like it's coming from the same source.

If your brother would like prayer support to make sure he is spiritually in tune with God, and not veering off hearing voices in his head from something else, could you please have him or someone else in your family call my friend Olivia for help with counseling? She has helped people in the past get rid of voices in their heads by praying spiritually for deliverance.
713 820-0899 This is purely to help people, she answers calls for free, not doing this for money which she doesn't charge. Thank you and I hope things work out! Yours truly, Emily

I have a Mexican gardner named Jesus.

Is that pretty much the same thing?
It is entirely possible to not judge someone and still not accept what they do. The admonition is forgive the sinner not emulate them.
This is what our lord feels about gays(males)
Address them as sodomites.

There is no ‘lord.’

The bible was written by men, it reflects man’s ignorance, hate, and fear.

It’s used to maintain ignorance, promote hate, and perpetuate fear.

Dear CCJones:
A. To say there is no lord is like saying there are no laws that naturally exist.
Really? Do you really believe there is no natural occurring sense of law or authority in human nature and the universe? Not science or the laws of nature? Not natural
laws of governance? None of these have any bearing on human conscience as "law"?

Where do you believe the authority of law comes from?
Some internal source projected by man, or pre-existing principles of truth and justice that
affect all humanity?

B. also re: "bible was written by men, it reflects man’s ignorance, hate, and fear.
It’s used to maintain ignorance, promote hate, and perpetuate fear."

if you are addressing "fear" that is what Satan refers to,
not God which represents love of truth, not fear of ignorance which is Satan's influence.

to promote hate and perpetuate fear is what
Satan represents (opposite of following or faith in God), and to embody this in govt/laws is what gives birth to Antichrist (opposite of Christ), and to infect the church and spread false teachings is what the False Prophet refers to (opposite of Holy Spirit).

So what you are preaching against is the same as what Christians preach against.
You may not use the same terms in the Bible, but the concepts are the same
problems that Christianity teaches are solved by overcoming Satan/Antichrist/FalseProphet
by the positive values represented by God/Christ/HolySpirit.
Fine. Feel free to ask Him and let me know what He says He needs to be saved from.

He died 2000 years ago.

True story: my brother kept telling me that he sees jesus and talks to him regularly. I finally had to tell him to shut up or they wouldn't let him out of the mental hospital. He still says he talks to jesus and can see him when he wants. I don't let him around my children.

Dear Ima: My friends who have reported a visitation or vision of Jesus saw him as a light that brought peace of mind. Any entity speaking to a person to give instructions, especially to alienate from other family or friends does not sound like it's coming from the same source.

If your brother would like prayer support to make sure he is spiritually in tune with God, and not veering off hearing voices in his head from something else, could you please have him or someone else in your family call my friend Olivia for help with counseling? She has helped people in the past get rid of voices in their heads by praying spiritually for deliverance.
713 820-0899 This is purely to help people, she answers calls for free, not doing this for money which she doesn't charge. Thank you and I hope things work out! Yours truly, Emily
Your friends must be as insane as my brother. :cuckoo:
Fine. Feel free to ask Him and let me know what He says He needs to be saved from.

He died 2000 years ago.

True story: my brother kept telling me that he sees jesus and talks to him regularly. I finally had to tell him to shut up or they wouldn't let him out of the mental hospital. He still says he talks to jesus and can see him when he wants. I don't let him around my children.

And He rose from the dead three days later.

Is he the one with the reindeer? :confused:
The Old Testament has valuable lessons to be learned in its parables. Soddom and Gomorrah were not destroyed because they had gays there. Humanity has always had gays. Those cities were destroyed because the people who lived there accepted homosexuality and only one man objected to the rape of his guests.

You’re free to not accept gays and hate them in accordance with your ignorance and religion.

But you may not seek to codify your hate and ignorance in secular laws.
This is what our lord feels about gays(males)
Address them as sodomites.

There is no ‘lord.’

The bible was written by men, it reflects man’s ignorance, hate, and fear.

It’s used to maintain ignorance, promote hate, and perpetuate fear.

Your so wrong, hope you figure it out before it's too late...

Of course it is.

Why do you think for millennia ruling classes blended religion and government, church and state; prior to the advent of the Modern Era holy men, priests, and other members of the clergy would act as the ‘cop on the street,’ keeping citizens obedient to the state. Order was maintained not by fear of being arrested and sent to jail but fear of being condemned as a heretic and sent to hell.

So, again, religion and god are creations of men, a means of governing and controlling, using ignorance, hate, and fear as the instruments of that control.

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