This is what our lord feels about gays(males)

This is what our lord feels about gays(males)
Address them as sodomites.

There is no ‘lord.’

The bible was written by men, it reflects man’s ignorance, hate, and fear.

It’s used to maintain ignorance, promote hate, and perpetuate fear.

Dear CCJones:
A. To say there is no lord is like saying there are no laws that naturally exist.
Really? Do you really believe there is no natural occurring sense of law or authority in human nature and the universe? Not science or the laws of nature? Not natural
laws of governance? None of these have any bearing on human conscience as "law"?

Where do you believe the authority of law comes from?
Some internal source projected by man, or pre-existing principles of truth and justice that
affect all humanity?

B. also re: "bible was written by men, it reflects man’s ignorance, hate, and fear.
It’s used to maintain ignorance, promote hate, and perpetuate fear."

if you are addressing "fear" that is what Satan refers to,
not God which represents love of truth, not fear of ignorance which is Satan's influence.

to promote hate and perpetuate fear is what
Satan represents (opposite of following or faith in God), and to embody this in govt/laws is what gives birth to Antichrist (opposite of Christ), and to infect the church and spread false teachings is what the False Prophet refers to (opposite of Holy Spirit).

So what you are preaching against is the same as what Christians preach against.
You may not use the same terms in the Bible, but the concepts are the same
problems that Christianity teaches are solved by overcoming Satan/Antichrist/FalseProphet
by the positive values represented by God/Christ/HolySpirit.

There is no ‘lord’ in that there is no omnipotent entity aware of humanity to whom men may appeal for some sort of remedy or relief from life’s travails.

There is no ‘lord’ in that there is no omnipotent entity that issues edicts commanding humans act one way or another.

See my post about religion as a tool of the politically powerful.

Just as there is no ‘lord’ there is no ‘satan,’ it’s all part of the comprehensive contrivance that is religion. Religion is in essence a con, a very good con, but a con nonetheless.

Religion has been the bane of humankind since man became aware of his own mortality; that a given faith might have some ‘good’ about it in no way mitigates the horrendous cumulative suffering caused over the centuries by religion.

Although the invention of religion might have been inevitable, it does not need to be perpetual.
A. To say there is no lord is like saying there are no laws that naturally exist.
Really? Do you really believe there is no natural occurring sense of law or authority in human nature and the universe? Not science or the laws of nature? Not natural
laws of governance? None of these have any bearing on human conscience as "law"?


You really need to develop your prose before trying to impose your superstitious beliefs on us .
Your opening sentence has no meaning . It is bereft of definition or a causal link .
Christians may think they have a lord but nobody else agrees . You believing something does not in itself make it true -- or remotely interesting , in my view .
As for Laws :- they are neither natural or otherwise . Just Laws .
They either exist or they do not .
Inventing a type of Law to suit your predetermined conclusion is an abuse of language and logic .
Jesus was a good man that helped everyone. God just wants humanity to be moral and honorable.

So why didn't he just make us that way? He fuck up?

We ate from the tree of knowledge against his wishes. :doubt:

Against his wishes? You mean god messed up?

BTW...what kind of parent sets up a temptation right in the middle of all and says...."don't touch this". A bad parent.

But thanks for pointing out that your belief is that your god did not want people to have knowledge.
Jesus was a good man that helped everyone. God just wants humanity to be moral and honorable.

So why didn't he just make us that way? He fuck up?

We ate from the tree of knowledge against his wishes. :doubt:

Why would an omnipotent deity ‘wish’ anything?

And wouldn’t an omnipotent deity be prescient?

If a ‘deity’ has wants, wishes, and desires, then it’s not omnipotent, and consequently not worthy of worship.

Religion and god are clearly creations of men.
Jesus was a good man that helped everyone. God just wants humanity to be moral and honorable.

So why didn't he just make us that way? He fuck up?

We ate from the tree of knowledge against his wishes. :doubt:

Yep. And, I don't think it was necessarily that God didn't want Adam and Eve to eventually eat from it, I think what the problem was is that they weren't ready to have that kind of knowledge because God had other things to teach them first.

Sort of like the teenagers breaking into the liquor cabinet.

And................the original sin WASN'T EATING THE APPLE. The first sin was denying they had (lying) and trying to shift the blame to someone else (avoiding responsibility for one's actions). God asked Adam why he ate, and he said it was because the woman He'd made for him gave him the apple. Then............when God went to Eve, she blamed it on the serpent. Both tried to lie, both tried to avoid being responsible for their actions.

Wonder what the world would have turned out like if Adam and Eve had said "yeah......we ate it and we're sorry" and admitted it? God forgives, right?

And finally, as far as what is and isn't a sin? Keep it simple, because there are only 2 places in the Bible where it talks about God giving Commandments. The first instance is when the Ark landed and God gave Noah the 7 Noahide Commandments.

Then? Later? After He helped Moses get the Israelites out of Egypt, He gave them the 10 Commandments.

If you compare the 7 Noahide and the 10 Commandments, you'll find out they pretty much say the same things.

And nowhere in either of those did I ever hear the commandment "thou shalt not be gay". Leviticus it does talk about a man laying with another man, but they were talking about the Jewish priesthood, and yeah............if you're going to be a priest of God, you shouldn't be messing around with your fellow priests in the Temple, it sets a bad precedent.

And finally....................I dare anyone to find me a verse where Jesus specifically spoke out against homosexuality. Spoiler alert....................He didn't.
The Old Testament has valuable lessons to be learned in its parables. Soddom and Gomorrah were not destroyed because they had gays there. Humanity has always had gays. Those cities were destroyed because the people who lived there accepted homosexuality and only one man objected to the rape of his guests.

You’re free to not accept gays and hate them in accordance with your ignorance and religion.

But you may not seek to codify your hate and ignorance in secular laws.

No one has or has been trying to codify hate into law.
Do heterosexuals need to change their 'carnal nature' as much as homosexuals do? Is that why the Roman Church insists upon 'celibacy' (though I suppose we can set aside the suffering children)?

Everyone needs to repent and be born again.

Say it clearly; do heterosexuals have to give up the way they have sex, too?

How much clearer does it need to be? Anyone having sex outside of a lawful marrriage (Which is definited as a uniting of a man and a woman) needs to repent. Why exactly do you think they would somehow be exempt?
He died 2000 years ago.

True story: my brother kept telling me that he sees jesus and talks to him regularly. I finally had to tell him to shut up or they wouldn't let him out of the mental hospital. He still says he talks to jesus and can see him when he wants. I don't let him around my children.

Dear Ima: My friends who have reported a visitation or vision of Jesus saw him as a light that brought peace of mind. Any entity speaking to a person to give instructions, especially to alienate from other family or friends does not sound like it's coming from the same source.

If your brother would like prayer support to make sure he is spiritually in tune with God, and not veering off hearing voices in his head from something else, could you please have him or someone else in your family call my friend Olivia for help with counseling? She has helped people in the past get rid of voices in their heads by praying spiritually for deliverance.
713 820-0899 This is purely to help people, she answers calls for free, not doing this for money which she doesn't charge. Thank you and I hope things work out! Yours truly, Emily

I have a Mexican gardner named Jesus.

Is that pretty much the same thing?

Only if you have totally ignored the conversation.
It is entirely possible to not judge someone and still not accept what they do. The admonition is forgive the sinner not emulate them.

It's totally irrelevant because we are commanded to judge in the scripture. The admonishment is to judge righteously and not by appearance, because the judgment we use will be the same standard that is used against us.

Those that scream out against being judged are the ones feeling guilty and who know that if they are judged, they will be condemned. I would invite all of them to repent of the things they know are pulling them down.
He died 2000 years ago.

True story: my brother kept telling me that he sees jesus and talks to him regularly. I finally had to tell him to shut up or they wouldn't let him out of the mental hospital. He still says he talks to jesus and can see him when he wants. I don't let him around my children.

And He rose from the dead three days later.

Is he the one with the reindeer? :confused:

Thank you for making my point. I hope someday you will choose to start living in the manner of happiness.
Jesus was a good man that helped everyone. God just wants humanity to be moral and honorable.

So why didn't he just make us that way? He fuck up?

People can only be good if they make a choice between good and evil. Thus God gave us free will and Atonement, so that it would be possible for us to choose God.

So no, He didn't screw up.
A. To say there is no lord is like saying there are no laws that naturally exist.
Really? Do you really believe there is no natural occurring sense of law or authority in human nature and the universe? Not science or the laws of nature? Not natural
laws of governance? None of these have any bearing on human conscience as "law"?


You really need to develop your prose before trying to impose your superstitious beliefs on us .
Your opening sentence has no meaning . It is bereft of definition or a causal link .
Christians may think they have a lord but nobody else agrees . You believing something does not in itself make it true -- or remotely interesting , in my view .
As for Laws :- they are neither natural or otherwise . Just Laws .
They either exist or they do not .
Inventing a type of Law to suit your predetermined conclusion is an abuse of language and logic .

Your lack of knowledge of belief in the Lord, doesn't change the fact that He is there. And all you, or anyone else has to do is humble yourselfs and sincerely seek Him and you will find Him for your own.

Ignorane Divine and Natural law is foolish. Especially when so many people have died to give us this knowledge.
The Old Testament has valuable lessons to be learned in its parables. Soddom and Gomorrah were not destroyed because they had gays there. Humanity has always had gays. Those cities were destroyed because the people who lived there accepted homosexuality and only one man objected to the rape of his guests.

You’re free to not accept gays and hate them in accordance with your ignorance and religion.

But you may not seek to codify your hate and ignorance in secular laws.

You cannot use laws protecting perversion today and apply them to circumstances that occurred more than 2,000 years ago. Unless there is some underlying primordial fear that the nations with such secular laws might he destroyed today.
Secularists cannot discuss religion. It terrifies them too much. All they can do is deny it.
I've noticed that neither yourself nor Avatar has answered the questions posed in my last post Katz.

Are you scared to answer because you can't refute the posting?

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