This is what our lord feels about gays(males)

So being accepting of homosexuality is reason enough for a God to destroy the cities and the people?

Your God is a mass murderer.

My God created you. The reason God destroyed the cities of the plain was because they thought of nothing but their sexual gratification. They were all headed to hell and frankly, destroying them saved them from going to even lower regions in hell. So, God in fact saved them from themselves and from dragging everyone around them to hell along with them. It is like cancer. If nothing is done the whole body is polluted and the person dies younger than otherwise.
So god made cancer to inflict pain and suffering on us?

I believe satan & sin brought pain and suffering. God allows pain and suffering to remind us that the wages of sin is the end of our moral lives --- the very same reason we all grow old. And that after that there is judgment. Things will not always be as they are presently.
My God created you. The reason God destroyed the cities of the plain was because they thought of nothing but their sexual gratification. They were all headed to hell and frankly, destroying them saved them from going to even lower regions in hell. So, God in fact saved them from themselves and from dragging everyone around them to hell along with them. It is like cancer. If nothing is done the whole body is polluted and the person dies younger than otherwise.
So god made cancer to inflict pain and suffering on us?

I believe satan & sin brought pain and suffering. God allows pain and suffering to remind us that the wages of sin is the end of our moral lives --- the very same reason we all grow old. And that after that there is judgment. Things will not always be as they are presently.

As a Christian I in no way believe God allows the suffering that 3 year old with cancer is going through down at Emory Hospital today.
No fucking way God allows that. What these kids go through down there God plays no role in it.
If he did they would not be suffering.
That 3 year old has no clue what sin is.
My God created you. The reason God destroyed the cities of the plain was because they thought of nothing but their sexual gratification. They were all headed to hell and frankly, destroying them saved them from going to even lower regions in hell. So, God in fact saved them from themselves and from dragging everyone around them to hell along with them. It is like cancer. If nothing is done the whole body is polluted and the person dies younger than otherwise.
So god made cancer to inflict pain and suffering on us?

I believe satan & sin brought pain and suffering. God allows pain and suffering to remind us that the wages of sin is the end of our moral lives --- the very same reason we all grow old. And that after that there is judgment. Things will not always be as they are presently.
But if god made everything, why did he make satan and sin? To then hope that we don't choose it? That makes no sense.
Remind us again of the one sin Jesus said could not be forgiven. I don't remember its being 'homosexual' (even if we accept that is a sin).

The sin that one cannot be forgiven of is the rejection of Jesus Christ as one's personal Savior.

Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll to to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity. But he loves you! :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Actually, God demands payment for any sin we commit. And God paid that penalty HIMSELF. He now only asks that we put our faith and trust in JESUS CHRIST as the final sacrafice. If one cannot even do that, that person is lost.
So god made cancer to inflict pain and suffering on us?

I believe satan & sin brought pain and suffering. God allows pain and suffering to remind us that the wages of sin is the end of our moral lives --- the very same reason we all grow old. And that after that there is judgment. Things will not always be as they are presently.
But if god made everything, why did he make satan and sin? To then hope that we don't choose it? That makes no sense.

Satan is the author of sin. God created Lucifer perfect with free will. Lucifer wanted to assume the place of God. Lucifer can never be God. He has been trying to convince man that he can be as God ever since --- and many fall for that lie. God allowed this to happen because God predestined that HE would save an elect from among those HE foresaw and foreknew from an eternity past. PAST < PRESENT < FUTURE are all known to GOD.
Gift is worthless if it isnt accepted. Repentence is required.

repentance isn't REQUIRED.... it's something that comes from being soooo grateful for the gift you were given freely.....

Christ did NOT say to the adulteress about to be stoned, Repent! THEN your sins will be forgiven....

HE forgave her FIRST, ''your sins are forgiven'' (BEFORE she even had time to repent), then he said, ''now go, and sin no more''

That gift of forgiveness, given freely, is so awesome, so wonderful, so undeserved, and IS what makes people repent and change on their own.... not through the fear of burning in hell, but through the underserved LOVE they have felt from a merciful God....

you are not saved through any ''works'' of your own...if that were the case, then there is no need for Jesus Christ and his are NOT saved by your ''works'', you are saved through your Faith and the Grace of God first, and this is what makes your inner self, change and repent, in time, on your own....

Of course Repentence is required. The fact that we are saved by grace doesn't change the fact that God requires our faith to repentence to access that grace. Without the grace of God, Repentence would be impossible.

What I am saying is that if you didn't change, then you never accepted and believed in the awesome gift, in the first place. It's the gift that saves you, NOT the works...Yes, "Faith without works is dead" but you are NOT, in any way, saved by your "works". Like I said previously, there would be absolutely no need for Jesus Christ to have died for OUR sins, IF you could save yourself through your own "works"..... Repentance is taught by near every religion out there and repentance is even a part of Atheistic living as well....what makes Christianity different from these other religions, is that Christ died for your sins....this act of HIS, is what has saved you.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ (Matthew 7:21-23)
Was Jesus lying here? Was He incorrect? Was He unaware that we are saved by Grace? Or did He just realize that expecting His disciples to follow the will of the Father didn't change the fact that salvation was through Grace?

AGAIN, these were people who CLAIMED to have accepted the gift given to them...they were people who shouted from the roof tops that they were Christians following Christ, following God's will....but they never truly accepted Christ's gift of salvation....they didn't believe in it....they mocked it.

It is through obedience to the commandments that we obtain the powers of godliness here on earth. That is one of the reasons George Washington was always encouraging his troops to turn to the Lord and be obedient to His commandments. Because then the hand of Divine Providence can act more abundantly in their lives.

Is the term "Divine Providence" even in the Bible?

Faith leads to repentence. A man who will not repent of his sins, does not have faith in Christ. Repentence leads to grace, which leads to awareness of more things you need to repent of in your life which leads to more grace.

Yes, agree.....only the way you have been portraying it, is that ''repentance saves you''....and this is not true with Christianity...Christ is who has "saved you"....NOT your own works.

If you think that somehow works you into salvation, then I ask you to please study the scriptures more and seek the Spirit. Because you are incorrect there.

Repentance comes from the heart and through humbling yourself, and sometimes it takes time...and that time could be tomorrow, or in years or in decades....little by little by little....God knows what He is doing, and He is patient with those who need it, and seek it, yet struggle.

''We ALL fall short of the Glory of God'', your good works will NEVER be good enough ALONE, to save you.... is what Christianity teaches.
none of us are ever finished human being until the day we die.

You can choose to be a better being every day.

That is a real choice no matter which religion you see as truth
I believe satan & sin brought pain and suffering. God allows pain and suffering to remind us that the wages of sin is the end of our moral lives --- the very same reason we all grow old. And that after that there is judgment. Things will not always be as they are presently.
But if god made everything, why did he make satan and sin? To then hope that we don't choose it? That makes no sense.

Satan is the author of sin. God created Lucifer perfect with free will. Lucifer wanted to assume the place of God. Lucifer can never be God. He has been trying to convince man that he can be as God ever since --- and many fall for that lie. God allowed this to happen because God predestined that HE would save an elect from among those HE foresaw and foreknew from an eternity past. PAST < PRESENT < FUTURE are all known to GOD.

And you know this how, without having seen either one of these people?
So god made cancer to inflict pain and suffering on us?

I believe satan & sin brought pain and suffering. God allows pain and suffering to remind us that the wages of sin is the end of our moral lives --- the very same reason we all grow old. And that after that there is judgment. Things will not always be as they are presently.
But if god made everything, why did he make satan and sin? To then hope that we don't choose it? That makes no sense.

Same reason why someone builds a model plane or plays a game. :eusa_whistle: Think about it as it would be really fucking borning if everything was "all good".

It may sound bad but just put yourselve in his position. :eusa_whistle: Imagine if you had all the power would you want to make it interesting?
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I believe satan & sin brought pain and suffering. God allows pain and suffering to remind us that the wages of sin is the end of our moral lives --- the very same reason we all grow old. And that after that there is judgment. Things will not always be as they are presently.
But if god made everything, why did he make satan and sin? To then hope that we don't choose it? That makes no sense.

Same reason why someone builds a model plane or plays a game. :eusa_whistle: Think about it as it would be really fucking borning if everything was "all good".

It may sound bad but just put yourselve in his position. :eusa_whistle:

If you hadn't used the word "fucking", I probably would have thought you were serious. :D
God's LAW is the judge. But Jesus Christ can save --- whosoever will may come.

Do you ask forgiveness for wearing mixed fiber clothing and then refrain from doing it again? That too is God's LAW. How about shellfish and pork? God's LAW. Do you only eat beet killed in accordance with God's LAW?

It's all very nice to say you are forgiven, but you're supposed to stop doing what you are being forgiven for. It is not a get out of jail free card that allows you to continue to violate God's LAW with impunity. Either you follow it or you don't. If you don't, then you really have nothing to say about what others might do.

Those are God's law for those who are called to follow them to that extent.
But that is not necessary if someone is called to follow laws or teachings given by other sources equally from God. Some people relate to God's truth through science, or Buddhism or secular humanism, etc. not necessarily through the scriptures in the Bible verbatim.

By God's laws there is the Golden Rule of Reciprocity.
Whatever laws you enforce, those shall be enforced for you.

And if some people are called to recognize certain customs or holidays as holy,
then you respect that; but it doesn't mean you have to be under that custom.

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's.

If you and others commit to following the Bible to the letter, then yes you
are free to enforce that consistently.

By natural laws which God also created for all humanity, people will follow their own culture and will resist if someone from another culture or outside authority attempts to impose.

Ok. So as long as I don't worry about what goes on in your bedroom, you don't get to worry about what goes on in mine. I can certainly agree with that.
I've noticed that neither yourself nor Avatar has answered the questions posed in my last post Katz.

Are you scared to answer because you can't refute the posting?

going back and skimming what you did, you didn't actually pose a question. Christ spoke out against sexual immorality, why you want specific examples against homosexuality as though it's some special exception to the rules is beyond me.

Both the old and new testament speak about about all sexual immorality. Our bodies are Temples for the Holy Spirit. We are, through the Atonement and grace of God, to make them Holy and clean. Everyone who commits sexual sin, regardless of the type of sin, needs to repent and be born again. They need to exercise the Atonement to cease their sin and learn line upon line, grace upon grace in their journey to be more christ-like. don't have anything to prove me wrong (in other words, you can't provide a verse that Jesus spoke against homosexuality), yet you think you're right?

Tell ya what ass hat.....................get some facts together, get some verses to prove you're right and then we'll talk.

Until then? Be known as a pussy who is scared to debate............

Jesus spoke out against all sexual immorality. In fact, He spoke out on even looking at someone else in lust. Yet, you seem to think that homosexual behavior was somehow exempt, despite the fact that the law at the time was that those who engaged in such behavior could be put to death?

You are the one who insisted I talk with you to begin with. I didn't care what you were saying. So the fact that you don't want to talk doesn't really bother me. Why on earth would you think it would?
We ate from the tree of knowledge against his wishes. :doubt:

And finally....................I dare anyone to find me a verse where Jesus specifically spoke out against homosexuality. Spoiler alert....................He didn't.

Your greatest error is to apply logic , reason and scholarship to these matters .
Once believers have convinced themselves that the Bible is a Holy Book of God's wishes and commands , they will believe anything that suits their convenience . And believing that jesus is " our " lord allows them to dream and fantasise ad nauseam .
Let these people comfort themselves . Christians do little harm . A few perverts but most obey the law and pay taxes .They are useful workers .
And if their stories bring them solace and give them life aims , so be it . They are a harmless bunch , however irrational they may be .

Your greatest error is thinking that logic and reason have anything to do with his argument. Which is essentially "If Jesus didn't say it specifically in his ministry than it's permitted in the Bible" Most of the Bible isn't the mortal ministry of Jesus Christ.
Jesus was a good man that helped everyone. God just wants humanity to be moral and honorable.

Jesus was more than a good man. He was the Son of God, the promised Messiah and Savior of the World.

Have any real proof of what you claim?

I asked God. The Holy Spirit revealed it to me. You don't have to take my word for it. You can go directly to the source and find out for yourself. But you won't. And I don't plan on giving you more. When you humble yourself and seek the Lord in sincerity, you will find Him and know for yourself. Until then, it's much more merciful for you to remain ignorant.
So why didn't he just make us that way? He fuck up?

People can only be good if they make a choice between good and evil. Thus God gave us free will and Atonement, so that it would be possible for us to choose God.

So no, He didn't screw up.

Like I said, god didn't have to make evil, he made it, and then punishes people for being of a quality that he himself made. Kinda douche, don't you think?

Good and evil are Eternal principles. They are neither created nor destroyed.

You cannot choose good without opposition.
More Christian revenge fantasies?

What could possibly be more damaging to a child than telling him over and over from the time he's an infant that there exists an invisible person who is unwilling to prove he exists watching him every second of every day and reading his thoughts and if he doesn't believe in the invisible person he will be tortured for eternity? Yet we tell that same child that monsters don't exist so it's silly to be scared of monsters.

Religion is one of the most serious mental illnesses of today. It is the inablity to face the reality of life and the finality of death. It affects as high as 85% of the American Society. Approximately 75% of the American victims of this mental illness are Christians. The more pathetic and desperate a persons life, the more likely they are to believe in a god. Typically, people with otherwise empty lives, are the stongest believers. It gives them the false hope that there is a higher meaning to their sad and pathetic lives. The strongest of believers would admittedly be suicidal without religion and/or a god in their lives providing a mental safety valve.

Christians would have you believe atheists do not have as high as morals as Christians. They want you to believe they are somehow better people than atheists. Yet, the Federal Bureau of Prisons 1997 statistics show that a Christian is 50 times more likely to end up in prison than an atheist.

Many Christians have made statements like, "Doctor Smith is a good man, he is a Christian". If a doctor believed in the Easter Bunny, would you allow this doctor to operate on you? The belief in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost is no more than the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. The next time you go to a doctor, you may want to consider if you want to put your health in the hands of a delusional person.

It is a statistical fact that the higher your education, income, and intelligence, the more likely you are not to believe in a god. For every college student that converts to a religious belief system, 17 college students convert to secular or atheist beliefs. "Secular Humanists" have an average intelligence of 15 I.Q. points above their Christian conterparts. Studies have shown the average atheist to have an I.Q. of 9 points higher than the typical Christian.

A religion by definition is a superstition. A religion is the belief in a supernatural being or beings. A superstition is the belief in magic or phenomena beyond or outside of nature. A religious belief then is a superstitious belief.

Religions seem to usually require a God, Prophets and Profits. God is usually very powerful. Not too powerful because that messes up convenient concepts like free will. Too much God power makes bad things hard to explain. The optimum amount of power can be vague and variable but usually permits granting of certain perks, like an after life. This provides a useful motivational tool. God supposedly talks through Prophets. Prophets are like schizophrenics but since most lived before psychiatrists diagnosed schizophrenia they were believed to be really talking to God. Nowadays they would be sent for treatment.

A common symptom of religion is delusion. Often including notions of resurrection. But face it, you are not coming back. Well, no one has yet, with any convincing evidence, and an awful lot of people have died.

Recognizing religion as a class of mental illness would be a start in curing this disease. We should develop support groups, maybe along the lines of Alcoholics Anonymous - “My name’s (fill in the blank) and I’m a recovering Christian ..:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Revenge? Why would any Christian need to seek revenge on you?

Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Countless witnesses have see Him. They felt His wounds. More importantly the Holy Spirit will testify to anyone who will listen that Jesus Christ lives.

And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto them saying:

Arise and come forth unto me, that ye may thrust your hands into my side, and also that ye may feel the prints of the nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God of Israel, and the God of the whole earth, and have been slain for the sins of the world.

And it came to pass that the multitude went forth, and thrust their hands into his side, and did feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet; and this they did do, going forth one by one until they had all gone forth, and did see with their eyes and did feel with their hands, and did know of a surety and did bear record, that it was he, of whom it was written by the prophets, that should come.

And when they had all gone forth and had witnessed for themselves, they did cry out with one accord, saying:

Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Most High God! And they did fall down at the feet of Jesus, and did worship him. (3 Nephi 11:13-17)

There is countless evidence. But the beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is you don't have to take anyone's word for it. If you humble yourself before God and seek the truth through study and prayer, the Holy Spirit will testify to you that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and rose from the dead.

God can prove His own Word. But He will only do so to those who seek Him and follow His instructions on how to learn.
Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll to to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity. But he loves you! :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Religion is designed to bring people closer to God and teach us to take care of ourselves and our fellow man.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27)
''We ALL fall short of the Glory of God'', your good works will NEVER be good enough ALONE, to save you.... is what Christianity teaches.

I never claimed otherwise. That's my point. You're arguing against a claim I never made.

The fact that the Lord commands us to repent to recieve forgiveness in no way changes the face that it is the Grace of God that ultimately gives us that forgiveness. Nor that it's the grace of God that empowers us to overcome our sins.
none of us are ever finished human being until the day we die.

You can choose to be a better being every day.

That is a real choice no matter which religion you see as truth

I completely agree. That's why I always encourage you to work on your communication skills.
My God created you. The reason God destroyed the cities of the plain was because they thought of nothing but their sexual gratification. They were all headed to hell and frankly, destroying them saved them from going to even lower regions in hell. So, God in fact saved them from themselves and from dragging everyone around them to hell along with them. It is like cancer. If nothing is done the whole body is polluted and the person dies younger than otherwise.
So god made cancer to inflict pain and suffering on us?

I believe satan & sin brought pain and suffering. God allows pain and suffering to remind us that the wages of sin is the end of our moral lives --- the very same reason we all grow old. And that after that there is judgment. Things will not always be as they are presently.

That makes no sense.

Why would an omnipotent deity need to ‘remind’ anyone of anything, or ‘judge’ anyone – why punish someone when he is doing exactly as the deity intended, exactly as the deity foresaw.

And let’s revisit the OP:

This is what our lord feels about gays(males)
Address them as sodomites.

Why would anyone wish to belong to a religion that teaches such hate and ignorance, hate and ignorance which also makes no sense; as obviously an omnipotent deity created homosexuals, would have foreseen their homosexual acts, and condone those acts accordingly.

Consequently, this notion of ‘free will’ in the context of Christian dogma is idiocy.

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