This is what our lord feels about gays(males)

But if god made everything, why did he make satan and sin? To then hope that we don't choose it? That makes no sense.

Satan is the author of sin. God created Lucifer perfect with free will. Lucifer wanted to assume the place of God. Lucifer can never be God. He has been trying to convince man that he can be as God ever since --- and many fall for that lie. God allowed this to happen because God predestined that HE would save an elect from among those HE foresaw and foreknew from an eternity past. PAST < PRESENT < FUTURE are all known to GOD.

And you know this how, without having seen either one of these people?

God reveals this to me through His holy word.
Satan is the author of sin. God created Lucifer perfect with free will. Lucifer wanted to assume the place of God. Lucifer can never be God. He has been trying to convince man that he can be as God ever since --- and many fall for that lie. God allowed this to happen because God predestined that HE would save an elect from among those HE foresaw and foreknew from an eternity past. PAST < PRESENT < FUTURE are all known to GOD.

And you know this how, without having seen either one of these people?

God reveals this to me through His holy word.
The gods revealed something completely different to me.

How will you address your error?
So god made cancer to inflict pain and suffering on us?

I believe satan & sin brought pain and suffering. God allows pain and suffering to remind us that the wages of sin is the end of our moral lives --- the very same reason we all grow old. And that after that there is judgment. Things will not always be as they are presently.

That makes no sense.

Why would an omnipotent deity need to &#8216;remind&#8217; anyone of anything, or &#8216;judge&#8217; anyone &#8211; why punish someone when he is doing exactly as the deity intended, exactly as the deity foresaw.

And let&#8217;s revisit the OP:
This is what our lord feels about gays(males)
Address them as sodomites.

Why would anyone wish to belong to a religion that teaches such hate and ignorance, which also makes no sense; as obviously an omnipotent deity created homosexuals, would have foreseen their homosexual acts, and condone those acts accordingly.

Consequently, this notion of &#8216;free will&#8217; in the context of Christian dogma is idiocy.

Because as a Christian, I have come to see just how hateful and irrational and judgemental and childish people professing to be above all that as atheists and liberals really are. God made Adam and Eve and created them perfect. After they sinned they brought sin into the world. Until that time there were no homosexuals. The first homosexual act recorded is that of Noah and his grandson after the Flood --- while Noah was asleep and drunk.

People are free to do whatever they want and accept the responcibility for the act. The problem is that people today feel that they are entitled to do whatever and there is no hell to pay. The issue is that one either decides to be accountable to the Lord or they become accountable to the devil. This is hte choice.
I can choose to chop off my finger, but if I do, I cannot logically be mad at God because it hurts. And yet this is what people today are doing all the time. They make their own bed and feel that they shouldn't have to lie in it.
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Trying to stay objective and consistent with my religious beliefs I find 3 constants:

1. NO ONE can disprove my religious beliefs no matter what they are. My faith is based on my personal beliefs and no scientific argument can ever prove my religious beliefs wrong. Same with all religious beliefs.
2. NO ONE can prove my religious beliefs and my faith is so strong I do not need any proof.
3. The United States of America is founded on laws that support freedom of religion and The Constitution which protects the rights of the INDIVIDUAL over any specific religion for him/her to freely practice any religion they prefer and respect for the beliefs of their faiths.
Trying to stay objective and consistent with my religious beliefs I find 3 constants:

1. NO ONE can disprove my religious beliefs no matter what they are. My faith is based on my personal beliefs and no scientific argument can ever prove my religious beliefs wrong. Same with all religious beliefs.
2. NO ONE can prove my religious beliefs and my faith is so strong I do not need any proof.
3. The United States of America is founded on laws that support freedom of religion and The Constitution which protects the rights of the INDIVIDUAL over any specific religion for him/her to freely practice any religion they prefer and respect for the beliefs of their faiths.

People can prove that beliefs are inconsistant with what a person says he believes. This can be true even of scientific theories. This is why freedom of religion is dangerous to cults and scientific dogma. Such cannot stand against truth.
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cuz this is what Jesus said about gays:

I think that covers it.

cuz this is what Jesus said about gays:

I think that covers it.

Come one rdean. We both know you dont have a clue what Jesus has said or hasnt said in the Bible. You'd have to read it first.

And you also know that not every word in the Bible is written by Jesus or has to be to accurately convey the word of God.
The Old Testament has valuable lessons to be learned in its parables. Soddom and Gomorrah were not destroyed because they had gays there. Humanity has always had gays. Those cities were destroyed because the people who lived there accepted homosexuality and only one man objected to the rape of his guests.

So being accepting of homosexuality is reason enough for a God to destroy the cities and the people?

Your God is a mass murderer.

My God created you. The reason God destroyed the cities of the plain was because they thought of nothing but their sexual gratification. They were all headed to hell and frankly, destroying them saved them from going to even lower regions in hell. So, God in fact saved them from themselves and from dragging everyone around them to hell along with them. It is like cancer. If nothing is done the whole body is polluted and the person dies younger than otherwise.

So why don't we go and kill hookers, and homosexuals right now? Lets kill sex addicts as well. They all think about their own sexual gratification, so why doesn't God strike them down where they stand?
So being accepting of homosexuality is reason enough for a God to destroy the cities and the people?

Your God is a mass murderer.

My God created you. The reason God destroyed the cities of the plain was because they thought of nothing but their sexual gratification. They were all headed to hell and frankly, destroying them saved them from going to even lower regions in hell. So, God in fact saved them from themselves and from dragging everyone around them to hell along with them. It is like cancer. If nothing is done the whole body is polluted and the person dies younger than otherwise.

So why don't we go and kill hookers, and homosexuals right now? Lets kill sex addicts as well. They all think about their own sexual gratification, so why doesn't God strike them down where they stand?

Because we are prohibitted from unlawfully taking another life. God is merciful to all His children. He gives us all a probationary period where we can repent of our sins and return to Him.

It's only when the wicked are full of iniquity that destruction comes. The Spirit of the Lord withdrawals from the hearts of men because of their iniquity.

I love how Brigham Young explained it:

We are never going to destroy the enemies of God by the evil passions that are in us—never, no never. When those who profess to be Saints contend against the enemies of God through passion or selfwill, it is then man against man, evil against evil, the powers of darkness against the powers of darkness. But when men who are sanctified, purified, do anything, they will do it with coolness as if conversing at their firesides with each other; they will do it with the power of the living God. If they are ever called to wipe out their enemies, they will do it without excitement; they have to do it by the power of the Gods, or not at all. They are not going to do it with wicked hands. Are we prepared to receive the blessings, and let the fighting alone? I do not believe much in fighting, and my faith is to escape such a calamity as to war and fight with either friends or enemies. I want to so have power with God, that he will govern and control and guide and direct the steps of our enemies, until they drive into the ditch. How easy it is for the Almighty to direct the steps of our enemies, until they fall off the precipice and are dashed in pieces, without the efforts of his servants.

Let us be faithful, live our religion, govern our passions, and boast not against our enemies because we live to see the commencement of the fulfilment of this prophecy in our day. The prophecies must be fulfilled. Boast not, then, over your enemies. One might say, “Is it not a delight for us to speak of fulfilment of prophecy?” Yes. If it delights your soul, speak to the Saints; but do not boast to the wicked and ungodly that the Lord is coming out of his hiding-place to vex the nation. They will learn that soon enough. I have heard Joseph say, “You will see the sorrows and misery of the world and the misery that will be upon this land, until you will turn away and pray that your eyes may not be obliged to look upon it.” Said he, “There are men in this Council that will live to see the affliction that will come upon this nation, until their hearts sink within them.” He did not live here to see it, though he will see it. Can yon [you] endure the sight of it? No. Boast not over the misery of your fellow-men. God will fulfil his purposes.


When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power.

When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt.

The Lord will take care of the wicked in His own due time. My responsibility, and the responsibility of everyone who serves the Lord, is to seek to redeem as many as possible by preaching the joy of the Gospel.
^so its okay for God to kill people, but not okay for anyone else?
And this 'probationary' period has lasted for over 2000 years - when does it end?
My God created you. The reason God destroyed the cities of the plain was because they thought of nothing but their sexual gratification. They were all headed to hell and frankly, destroying them saved them from going to even lower regions in hell. So, God in fact saved them from themselves and from dragging everyone around them to hell along with them. It is like cancer. If nothing is done the whole body is polluted and the person dies younger than otherwise.

So why don't we go and kill hookers, and homosexuals right now? Lets kill sex addicts as well. They all think about their own sexual gratification, so why doesn't God strike them down where they stand?

Because we are prohibitted from unlawfully taking another life. God is merciful to all His children. He gives us all a probationary period where we can repent of our sins and return to Him.

It's only when the wicked are full of iniquity that destruction comes. The Spirit of the Lord withdrawals from the hearts of men because of their iniquity.

I love how Brigham Young explained it:

We are never going to destroy the enemies of God by the evil passions that are in us—never, no never. When those who profess to be Saints contend against the enemies of God through passion or selfwill, it is then man against man, evil against evil, the powers of darkness against the powers of darkness. But when men who are sanctified, purified, do anything, they will do it with coolness as if conversing at their firesides with each other; they will do it with the power of the living God. If they are ever called to wipe out their enemies, they will do it without excitement; they have to do it by the power of the Gods, or not at all. They are not going to do it with wicked hands. Are we prepared to receive the blessings, and let the fighting alone? I do not believe much in fighting, and my faith is to escape such a calamity as to war and fight with either friends or enemies. I want to so have power with God, that he will govern and control and guide and direct the steps of our enemies, until they drive into the ditch. How easy it is for the Almighty to direct the steps of our enemies, until they fall off the precipice and are dashed in pieces, without the efforts of his servants.

Let us be faithful, live our religion, govern our passions, and boast not against our enemies because we live to see the commencement of the fulfilment of this prophecy in our day. The prophecies must be fulfilled. Boast not, then, over your enemies. One might say, “Is it not a delight for us to speak of fulfilment of prophecy?” Yes. If it delights your soul, speak to the Saints; but do not boast to the wicked and ungodly that the Lord is coming out of his hiding-place to vex the nation. They will learn that soon enough. I have heard Joseph say, “You will see the sorrows and misery of the world and the misery that will be upon this land, until you will turn away and pray that your eyes may not be obliged to look upon it.” Said he, “There are men in this Council that will live to see the affliction that will come upon this nation, until their hearts sink within them.” He did not live here to see it, though he will see it. Can yon [you] endure the sight of it? No. Boast not over the misery of your fellow-men. God will fulfil his purposes.


When the Supreme Ruler of the universe wishes to destroy a nation, he takes away their wisdom in the first place, and they become insensible to their own interests, and they are filled with wrath; they give way to their anger, and thus lay the foundation of their own destruction. To him who seeks to save, he gives wisdom, which enables any people, nation, or individual to lay the foundation for strength, increase, and power.

When we look abroad upon the nations, we can see this truth verified; and when we look at home in our own nation, it is no less verified. We see that wisdom is actually departing from the lawgiver, and the knowledge and the discretion the judge possessed years ago have vanished. We discern that the very policy adopted by the nations to fortify them in strength is calculated to sap their foundations. The axe is laid at the root of the tree, and all nations are filling up the cup of their guilt.

The Lord will take care of the wicked in His own due time. My responsibility, and the responsibility of everyone who serves the Lord, is to seek to redeem as many as possible by preaching the joy of the Gospel.

You're not though are you? You're preaching the joy of mormonism. Not the same thing. The gospel doesn't say to wear magic underwear, or to believe some non-existant gold plates... Only the con man J Smith did.
Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll to to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity. But he loves you! :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Religion is designed to bring people closer to God and teach us to take care of ourselves and our fellow man.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27)
Wrong again. Religion is designed to separate everyone into little groups who each believe something different and who are taught to hate all the other little groups.
^so its okay for God to kill people, but not okay for anyone else?
And this 'probationary' period has lasted for over 2000 years - when does it end?

Killing is allowed by man to execute judgment (war/criminal/execution). We presently live in an Age of Grace. This "period" will end with the rapture of Christ's CHURCH (the body of all believers). Honestly speaking, this could occure at any moment. The truth is that the Rapture or "catching away" may be timed with the birth of Jesus or His crucifixtion or Pentecost or any number of events. It is certinly will happen at God's perfect timing.
PS> This is likely why we do not know the exact date of the various events. God wants man to live by faith and not by the numbers.
Because we are prohibitted from unlawfully taking another life. God is merciful to all His children. He gives us all a probationary period where we can repent of our sins and return to Him.
God is merciful? Really?

It appears you have never read the bibles. There is no greater mass-murderer in all of history than the gods of the OT / NT.
So being accepting of homosexuality is reason enough for a God to destroy the cities and the people?

Your God is a mass murderer.

My God created you. The reason God destroyed the cities of the plain was because they thought of nothing but their sexual gratification. They were all headed to hell and frankly, destroying them saved them from going to even lower regions in hell. So, God in fact saved them from themselves and from dragging everyone around them to hell along with them. It is like cancer. If nothing is done the whole body is polluted and the person dies younger than otherwise.

So why don't we go and kill hookers, and homosexuals right now? Lets kill sex addicts as well. They all think about their own sexual gratification, so why doesn't God strike them down where they stand?
We are in the Age of Grace. And Christians have opportunity to witness to the lost, sowing seeds of faith in Christ. I do believe that civil execution is still in place for murder and rape. However, the government presently is shirking its responcibilities. But if you notice, even a criminal on "death row," gets not a few visits from ministers, pastors, priests, etc... This is all done to try to save the soul, even when the life has been forfieted. Christians should hate the crime but not the criminal. This is why when atheists yell, "Hate mongers," I see them as not knowing what they are talking about. They hate the individual and seem to care less about what an indivdual goes (as long as it doesn't effect them).

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