This is why journalism is dead in the US

YOU wrote: "Journalism dies when people decide they donā€™t really want to pay for it"
You opened the topic of "journalism dies"!

But the major problem with you is your personal bias (which is fine by the way...) presents information without any
sourcing which is contrary to "journalism" courses I took in the 60s were the major requirement.
Personal, subjective comments were verboten. Again the 5 "Ws". Today when "journalists" become "opinion editors" presenting the "news" DO influence decisions.
Most recent example is the recent questioning by a"journalist" of Kari Lake as an "Election Denier"....
Now her response totally pointed out how the "journalists" called her an "election denier" but how many MSM called
Hillary an election denier"? Yet...Hillary and prior election losers said the following:
After Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, she declared that Trump was an ā€œillegitimate president.ā€ As the Washington Post aptly characterized it, she also ā€œsuggested that ā€˜he knowsā€™ that he stole the 2016 presidential election.ā€
Being a Democrat Means Never Having to Accept an Election Loss
and again... FACTS: 50 examples of democrat election deniers...

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Are you seriously going to compare the efforts by Trump (supported by Kari Lake) to overturn the election?

We arenā€™t just talking about rhetoric here. These are actual actions that Kari Lake supports that would damage democracy beyond repair. She canā€™t hide behind false equivalencies if we have actual journalists who report on the actual damage these people want to do.
Are you seriously going to compare the efforts by Trump (supported by Kari Lake) to overturn the election?

We arenā€™t just talking about rhetoric here. These are actual actions that Kari Lake supports that would damage democracy beyond repair. She canā€™t hide behind false equivalencies if we have actual journalists who report on the actual damage these people want to do.
Again... why is it so difficult to provide links to show the sources of your subjective, personalized and grossly uninformed statements???

So what was this:

Being a Democrat Means Never Having to Accept an Election Loss​

After Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, she declared that Trump was an ā€œillegitimate president.ā€
As the Washington Post aptly characterized it, she also ā€œsuggested that ā€˜he knowsā€™ that he stole the 2016 presidential election.ā€

This was in 2019, after Democrats in Congress and hostesses on MSNBC spent years trying to prove a false conspiracy theory that Russia somehow rigged the election in Trumpā€™s favor.

BUT did you hear about that on the MSM?
Did you hear ABC,CBS,etc. claiming night after night "Hillary is an election denier"? NOPE!!!

But what YOU did hear from the biased MSM that donated 90% to Biden was
"documented Russian interference on behalf of Trump."
Even today Wikipedia:
"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goals of harming the campaign of Hillary Clinton, boosting the candidacy of Donald Trump, and increasing political and social discord in the United States."

BUT the facts are: Special counsel Robert Muellerā€™s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trumpā€™s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United Statesā€™ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice.

So "journalists" favor Democrats...having donated 96% to Hillary and 90% to Biden which YOU"VE yet to refute!
But you can't and even if you could, you are not inclined to provide proof of your subjective, statements.
Again... why is it so difficult to provide links to show the sources of your subjective, personalized and grossly uninformed statements???

So what was this:

Being a Democrat Means Never Having to Accept an Election Loss​

After Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, she declared that Trump was an ā€œillegitimate president.ā€
As the Washington Post aptly characterized it, she also ā€œsuggested that ā€˜he knowsā€™ that he stole the 2016 presidential election.ā€

This was in 2019, after Democrats in Congress and hostesses on MSNBC spent years trying to prove a false conspiracy theory that Russia somehow rigged the election in Trumpā€™s favor.

BUT did you hear about that on the MSM?
Did you hear ABC,CBS,etc. claiming night after night "Hillary is an election denier"? NOPE!!!

But what YOU did hear from the biased MSM that donated 90% to Biden was
"documented Russian interference on behalf of Trump."
Even today Wikipedia:
"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goals of harming the campaign of Hillary Clinton, boosting the candidacy of Donald Trump, and increasing political and social discord in the United States."

BUT the facts are: Special counsel Robert Muellerā€™s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trumpā€™s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United Statesā€™ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice.

So "journalists" favor Democrats...having donated 96% to Hillary and 90% to Biden which YOU"VE yet to refute!
But you can't and even if you could, you are not inclined to provide proof of your subjective, statements.
Clinton conceded the election. She didnā€™t attempt to engage in unprecedented and often illegal attempts to change the outcome. Thatā€™s what Trump did and supported by Kari Lake.

Kari Lake said she wouldnā€™t have certified the 2020 election.

Thatā€™s unprecedented that a governor would refuse to do so because of political beliefs.

Russia did work to swing the election in Trumpā€™s failure. Muellerā€™s report showed this. Volume 1 goes into great depth as to all the things Russia did to help him. Thatā€™s not a conspiracy theory. Thatā€™s reality. Clinton is justifiably angry about this illegal action that harmed her candidacy.
Clinton conceded the election. She didnā€™t attempt to engage in unprecedented and often illegal attempts to change the outcome. Thatā€™s what Trump did and supported by Kari Lake.

Kari Lake said she wouldnā€™t have certified the 2020 election.

Thatā€™s unprecedented that a governor would refuse to do so because of political beliefs.

Russia did work to swing the election in Trumpā€™s failure. Muellerā€™s report showed this. Volume 1 goes into great depth as to all the things Russia did to help him. Thatā€™s not a conspiracy theory. Thatā€™s reality. Clinton is justifiably angry about this illegal action that harmed her candidacy.
Prove it. Show the links. And I would agree with her in not certifying the election.
Tell me which of these signatures of AZ voters were by the same voter.
So how was it possible that over 2 times as many mail-in ballots in 2020 vs 2016 BUT the rejection rate was less?
How could any one comparing a ballot signature is the same as the voter signature... in 5 seconds or less?
Trump lost the 11 AZ electoral votes by 10,457. Were all those 10,457 votes for Biden legitimately signed?


Nearly four-in-ten Trump voters (37%) say they voted in person on Election Day, while just 17% of Biden voters say they cast their ballot at a polling place on Nov. 3.

Have you had college courses in journalism as I have had? Where we learned in the 1960s (but no longer as the below shows) without subjectivity but to do the 5 "Ws" equally without favor. Do some research before you make unsubstantiated ,personal and definitely subjective statements.

More importantly please REFUTE these facts which in contrast to YOUR comment are supported with links!

And then we have "journalism" paying Democrats ... please refute the following and explain how wrong it is!
The three broadcast networks,ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in 3 months or 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
The new study analyzed all coverage of the two contenders on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20.
What they found was, as Trump himself might say, sad:
"Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history ā€”92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20
How I came to $400 million donations...
The average TV advertising cost to run a 30-second commercial on a national network is $104,700 times 3,924 commercials-[32.7 hours equals 3,924 commercials running 30 seconds ] or over $410 million in NEWS time taken to make negative news about President Trump.

Then we have MSM donations directly to Democrats...

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I'm not going to read all that.

Yes, the media has historically leaned left, if that's your point. I was in it for 18 years. I know exactly how the game is played on both ends.

That has nothing to do with my point. Major media and right wing media are not equidistant from the center. Right wing media is far further right than major media is left. Not even close. I know you don't agree. I don't care.
I'm not going to read all that.

Yes, the media has historically leaned left, if that's your point. I was in it for 18 years. I know exactly how the game is played on both ends.

That has nothing to do with my point. Major media and right wing media are not equidistant from the center. Right wing media is far further right than major media is left. Not even close. I know you don't agree. I don't care.
So as far as you are concerned with 96% of media donating to Hillary, then spent 92% of news about Trump negative and then spent 90% on Biden IS NOT further LEFT than the right wing media being more extreme? Really?
You probably believe the Walter Cronkite was a great newsperson. And he was Mr. centralist according to your ilk.
But what is really revealing about you is you don't care who is right! Y
ou are telling me by your response that you prefer socialism over capitalism.
You prefer one size fits all rather than letting people decide their local decisions, local state and the national decisions related to national well being. You are not for equal rights it appears as you from your turning your logic off which your response ..
"I'don't care" indicates. Your common sense is shut off because you probably agree with Biden "rid fossil fuels". You probably from your attitude "I don't care" indicates the attitude of the "woke" community.
So as far as you are concerned with 96% of media donating to Hillary, then spent 92% of news about Trump negative and then spent 90% on Biden IS NOT further LEFT than the right wing media being more extreme? Really?
You probably believe the Walter Cronkite was a great newsperson. And he was Mr. centralist according to your ilk.
But what is really revealing about you is you don't care who is right! Y
ou are telling me by your response that you prefer socialism over capitalism.
You prefer one size fits all rather than letting people decide their local decisions, local state and the national decisions related to national well being. You are not for equal rights it appears as you from your turning your logic off which your response ..
"I'don't care" indicates. Your common sense is shut off because you probably agree with Biden "rid fossil fuels". You probably from your attitude "I don't care" indicates the attitude of the "woke" community.
Holy crap, a post chock full o' assumptions and fantasy.

This is why I no longer bother with Trumpsters here.
Holy crap, a post chock full o' assumptions and fantasy.

This is why I no longer bother with Trumpsters here.
Holy crap, a post chock full o' assumptions and fantasy.

This is why I no longer bother with Trumpsters here.
So you don't believe this?

AND YOU don't believe Biden wants to rid fossil fuels as you do?

"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuelsā€...

And I guess you don't blame the Democrats and especially Biden for encouraging illegals to "surge to the border"?

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

And you think that "Holy crap, a post chock full o' assumptions and fantasy."
All of the above ARE assumptions and fantasy?
I bet you believe EVs are the answer to Co2 emissions.
I am looking forward to hearing your bleating when your electricity to your home is shut off when just 10% of cars/trucks are EVs!
This thread is about a journalist who was shot.

One can very easily find a dozen articles about it in newspapers and other journalistic publications.

Your accusation is a lie. Itā€™s not ignored.

This is why it's a complete waste of time even trying to converse with you, you're beyond help, you have no ability for discernment or common sense.
Are you seriously going to compare the efforts by Trump (supported by Kari Lake) to overturn the election?

We arenā€™t just talking about rhetoric here. These are actual actions that Kari Lake supports that would damage democracy beyond repair. She canā€™t hide behind false equivalencies if we have actual journalists who report on the actual damage these people want to do.

You should seriously give up, I'm not sure if it's possible to make yourself appear as any more of a mindless drone than you already have, but you never know, you could go lower.
So you don't believe this?
View attachment 714944

AND YOU don't believe Biden wants to rid fossil fuels as you do?

"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuelsā€...

And I guess you don't blame the Democrats and especially Biden for encouraging illegals to "surge to the border"?

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

And you think that "Holy crap, a post chock full o' assumptions and fantasy."
All of the above ARE assumptions and fantasy?
I bet you believe EVs are the answer to Co2 emissions.
I am looking forward to hearing your bleating when your electricity to your home is shut off when just 10% of cars/trucks are EVs!

Excellent posts in here! :cool:
Because democrats murder journalists they don't like
Such bullshit. When reporters are killed by the State, like under Neo-GOP friend Putin's Russia, no one is held accountable. That's the power the New Republican crave, they just project a lot.
This is why it's a complete waste of time even trying to converse with you, you're beyond help, you have no ability for discernment or common sense.

These days we have more news analysts than reporters.. like Fox news.
But YOU are a USEFUL "troll"????
You have some kind of forum ADHD and canā€™t post twice on the same topic.

Kari Lake would throw out all of the states votes based on feels. Thatā€™s bad. Itā€™s really bad.

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