This is why journalism is dead in the US

After Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, she declared that Trump was an “illegitimate president.”
As the Washington Post aptly characterized it, she also “suggested that ‘he knows’ that he stole the 2016 presidential election.”

This was in 2019,

You mean she said that years after publicly conceding and urging her followers to accept the fact that they lost in 2016, right?

BUT the facts are: Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United States’
Why be like Adam and paraphrase (At least Adam told the world he was paraphrasing)

"As set forth in detail in this report, the Special Counsel’s investigation established that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election principally through two operations. First, a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Second, a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations against entities, employees, and volunteers working on the Clinton Campaign and then released stolen documents. The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign. Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

Their reporting is real and valuable.

The conservative media doesn’t don't do journalism. They most often just talk about the journalism other people are doing, often in The NY Times and WaPo.
Watch the Spin and You Can Hit It Out of the Park

The New York Times is very much like Pravda. They put elaborate, well-hidden twists on everything they trickle down to us. Their snide and smarmy dishonesty makes it impossible for me to read that rag without crumbling it up and throwing it in the trash.

There was an incident over Israeli territory in February, 1973 that showed their slippery pacifist bias. It was very relevant to both the near-defeat in the Yom Kippur War later that year and to 9/11. The Israelis had shot down an off-course Libyan airliner, claiming that they had found out from captured jihadis that the terrorists were planning to hijack an airplane and fly it into a tall building, killing all the people in it.

The self-hating Jews running this Matrix Manual scoffed at the idea, calling the Israeli Air Force trigger-happy fools trying to act like low-class tough guys. The NYTwits' vast influence caused Golda Meir's government to become less vigilant and influenced our own intelligence agencies to follow the Big Apple's pompous opinionists' lead in thinking
that such a threat could be ignored as either Israeli racist paranoia or a cover story for their pilots' unprofessional "shoot first and ask questions later" attitude.

Notice that no one we foolishly rely on to tell us about 9/11 brings up this incident. Their minds have been numbed because of the pretentious prestige of the New York Times scribble-sheet.
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Watch the Spin and You Can Hit It Out of the Park

The New York Times is very much like Pravda. They put elaborate, well-hidden twists on everything they trickle down to us. Their snide and smarmy dishonesty makes it impossible for me to read that rag without crumbling it up and throwing it in the trash.

There was an incident over Israeli territory in February, 1973 that showed their slippery pacifist bias. It was very relevant to both the near-defeat in the Yom Kippur War later that year and to 9/11. The Israelis had shot down an off-course Libyan airliner, claiming that they had found out from captured jihadis that the terrorists were planning to hijack an airplane and fly it into a tall building, killing all the people in it.

The self-hating Jews running this Matrix Manual scoffed at the idea, calling the Israeli Air Force trigger-happy fools trying to act like low-class tough guys. The NYTwits' vast influence caused Golda Meir's government to become less vigilant and influenced our own intelligence agencies to follow the Big Apple's pompous opinionists' lead in thinking
that such a threat could be ignored as either Israeli racist paranoia or a cover story for their pilots' unprofessional "shoot first and ask questions later" attitude.

Notice that no one we foolishly rely on to tell us about 9/11 brings up this incident. Their minds have been numbed because of the pretentious prestige of the New York Times scribble-sheet.
I guess you didn't watch CBS 60 minutes last night where Anderson Cooper repeatedly blamed Fox News for covering Dominion's role in the 2020 election fraud.

Let's see what the courts decisions are about the $10 billion lawsuit by Dominon against Fox.
You have some kind of forum ADHD and can’t post twice on the same topic.

Kari Lake would throw out all of the states votes based on feels. That’s bad. It’s really bad.
What are "feels"??? Also what is your proof that I have a forum "ADHD"? Provide the link.
Kari Lake didn’t feel like Trump lost so she wouldn’t have certified the vote.

The vote count doesn’t matter. Kari Lake’s feelings are all that matters.

It’s a huge problem.
The Neo-GOP is the party of Truthiness.


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