Zone1 This is why merit should outrank “blackness” and “gayness” for new hire


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
First, I’m not saying that blacks and/or gays are never the best qualified, but statistics show they are not likely to be In the vast majority of cases.

But when you’ve hired someone for blackness or gayness, despite their obvious incompetence for the job, it becomes near impossible to get rid of them. They are a “protected” class, and thus you are stuck with complete failures.

Karime Jean Pierre is a prime example. She can’t answer questions or think on her feet - and continues to read answers from her book. But because she is a Democrat trifecta - blackness, gayness, and immigrantness - she can’t be fired.

We need to prioritize merit over all over factors.

First, I’m not saying that blacks and/or gays are never the best qualified, but statistics show they are not likely to be In the vast majority of cases.

But when you’ve hired someone for blackness or gayness, despite their obvious incompetence for the job, it becomes near impossible to get rid of them. They are a “protected” class, and thus you are stuck with complete failures.

Karime Jean Pierre is a prime example. She can’t answer questions or think on her feet - and continues to read answers from her book. But because she is a Democrat trifecta - blackness, gayness, and immigrantness - she can’t be fired.

We need to prioritize merit over all over factors.

Yep, my dude. Its rather obvious. Common sense, Something Democrats sorely lack.
First, I’m not saying that blacks and/or gays are never the best qualified, but statistics show they are not likely to be In the vast majority of cases.

But when you’ve hired someone for blackness or gayness, despite their obvious incompetence for the job, it becomes near impossible to get rid of them. They are a “protected” class, and thus you are stuck with complete failures.

Karime Jean Pierre is a prime example. She can’t answer questions or think on her feet - and continues to read answers from her book. But because she is a Democrat trifecta - blackness, gayness, and immigrantness - she can’t be fired.

We need to prioritize merit over all over factors.

And it's made worse when the do-gooders keep lowering standards so that more of the 'special groups' can qualify and to exalt 'diversity' as the most important goal to achieve. Consequently too many black young people have little incentive to put in the hard work to achieve excellence. Those who do can compete with anybody.

I'll have to say though that the obviously gay man who is capable of common sense is usually pretty smart and can be a lot of fun though maybe not suitable for all jobs. (Think Dylan Mulvaney on the Bud Lite cans.) But I have worked with more mainstream gay guys and gals over the years, had one for a boss, had them for employees and most were excellent in their jobs. But that was back when you hired somebody for what they could contribute to the job. And if they didn't cut it you could fire them no matter who they were.

Now I wouldn't even consider a black person or gay person or white person or ANYBODY who was part of the 'woke'/climate religionist/DEI/NWO/Marxist cult because they would almost certainly cause unnecessary problems and if I had to discipline them or fire them or lay them off, I would be much more at risk of a lawsuit for discrimination. It just isn't worth it to most employers.
Heels up Harris

Lloyd Austin

Pete Buttplug

Sam Brinton

Richard Levin

Then there's this flamer....

Heels up Harris

Lloyd Austin

Pete Buttplug

Sam Brinton

Richard Levin

Then there's this flamer....

What about that ”guy” who stole the suitcases?

We really need to hire people based on competence, not skin color or what type of genitals you’re attracted to.
First, I’m not saying that blacks and/or gays are never the best qualified, but statistics show they are not likely to be In the vast majority of cases.

But when you’ve hired someone for blackness or gayness, despite their obvious incompetence for the job, it becomes near impossible to get rid of them. They are a “protected” class, and thus you are stuck with complete failures.

Karime Jean Pierre is a prime example. She can’t answer questions or think on her feet - and continues to read answers from her book. But because she is a Democrat trifecta - blackness, gayness, and immigrantness - she can’t be fired.

We need to prioritize merit over all over factors.

So, what is Trump’s excuse? How did he mess up so badly? 91 felony counts… And we can’t seem to get rid of the orange douchebag.
Whites don't have a damn thing because of merit. It has been whiteness that has given them everything. Race was fine when whites were the only race allowed, but now that whites have to conmplete we see a psychosis evolving tha thas them speaking as if everything they have, they earned based on merit.
Whites don't have a damn thing because of merit. It has been whiteness that has given them everything. Race was fine when whites were the only race allowed, but now that whites have to conmplete we see a psychosis evolving tha thas them speaking as if everything they have, they earned based on merit.
Whiteness put our boys on the moon to play Golf & Drive Dune buggies and bring them back over 50 years ago
In 1992-93, I was involved in a class-action lawsuit against R.L. Polk and Company for sexual harassment and racial discrimination. Due to information volunteered to us by assistants to the Nationall Tel X manager, we found that he would instruct his assistants to stop hiring blacks once enough blacks were hired to meet the EEOC requirements. He would white out parts of documents and put in numbers showing that either he met EEOC requirements or that not enough minorities were applying and send copies of the doctored paperwork to the EEOC.

I had applied for a management position in one of the divisions. At the time I applied, I had worked in every division in the company, plus I had 8 years of management experience. I was living with a white woman who had none, and had not worked in every department but she was promoted to manager. There were other whites there who were promoted who had less experience and who had not worked in every department. So by merit, I had earned a management position, but due to my skin color, I did not get one. This is why DEI or Affirmative Action was and is necessary. After all in 1993, whites like you guys were singingthe same tired tune you sing today about how racism was a thing of the past.

And then we have this example I will show once agan from Flash.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

He said this in 2020. So from the year 2000 until he retired in 2020 he denied blacks a chance to get a job based not on merit, but only because the name sounded black. So whites were not getting hired because of merit, only because they were white. And don't try lyng about that being an anecdote because thats done millions of times right now.

Payscale did a two-year study from 2017 to 2019, and this is their conclusion: "we find equal pay for equal work is still not a reality." They studied the earnings of white men and men of color using data from 1.8 million employees. They found that no matter how far they advanced, black men made less than white men with the same qualifications. According to the study, “black men were the only racial/ethnic group not achieving pay parity with white men at some level." The study showed that black men had the most significant pay gap relative to white men and that on average, black men earned 87 cents for every dollar a white man earned. The Payscale study showed that black men are paid less compared to all other men. Even when black and white men had the same job, experience, education, and worked at the same geographic location, the study shows that black men earned less.

And black women get it even worse. Don't try making excuses because:

The Payscale study showed that black men are paid less compared to all other men even when black and white men had the same job, experience, education, and worked at the same geographic location.


The National Women’s Law Center also showed that black women are paid less than other women. Black women are paid 63 cents for every dollar paid to white men based on calculations used in the study. White women get pretty much the same as black men.

Assuming that only whites get things based on merit is racist. Leaving out whites when you say that things should be based on merit as if every white person is there based on merit but others aren't is racist. Especially when the reality is that is has been whites who have consistently denied others who earned opportunity based on merit because of their skin color or sexual orientation.

And Lisa, you only bring up blacks. What about Asians, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, handicapped, and WOMEN? Once again you show your anti black racism.
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Whiteness put our boys on the moon to play Golf & Drive Dune buggies and bring them back over 50 years ago
Whiteness alone did not do that. And lets not brag about things whites didn't allow blacks to do.
In 1992-93, I was involved in a class-action lawsuit against R.L. Polk and Company for sexual harassment and racial discrimination. Due to information volunteered to us by assistants to the Nationall Tel X manager, we found that he would instruct his assistants to stop hiring blacks once enough blacks were hired to meet the EEOC requirements. He would white out parts of documents and put in numbers showing that either he met EEOC requirements or that not enough minorities were applying and send copies of the doctored paperwork to the EEOC.

I had applied for a management position in one of the divisions. At the time I applied, I had worked in every division in the company, plus I had 8 years of management experience. I was living with a white woman who had none, and had not worked in every department but she was promoted to manager. There were other whites there who were promoted who had less experience and who had not worked in every department. So by merit, I had earned a management position, but due to my skin color, I did not get one. This is why DEI or Affirmative Action was and is necessary. After all in 1993, whites like you guys were singingthe same tired tune you sing today about how racism was a thing of the past.

And then we have this example I will show once agan from Flash.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

He said this in 2020. So from the year 2000 until he retired in 2020 he denied blacks a chance to get a job based not on merit, but only because the name sounded black. So whites were not getting hired because of merit, only because they were white. And don't try lyng about that being an anecdote because thats done millions of times right now.

Payscale did a two-year study from 2017 to 2019, and this is their conclusion: "we find equal pay for equal work is still not a reality." They studied the earnings of white men and men of color using data from 1.8 million employees. They found that no matter how far they advanced, black men made less than white men with the same qualifications. According to the study, “black men were the only racial/ethnic group not achieving pay parity with white men at some level." The study showed that black men had the most significant pay gap relative to white men and that on average, black men earned 87 cents for every dollar a white man earned. The Payscale study showed that black men are paid less compared to all other men. Even when black and white men had the same job, experience, education, and worked at the same geographic location, the study shows that black men earned less.

And black women get it even worse. Don't try making excuses because:

The Payscale study showed that black men are paid less compared to all other men even when black and white men had the same job, experience, education, and worked at the same geographic location.


The National Women’s Law Center also showed that black women are paid less than other women. Black women are paid 63 cents for every dollar paid to white men based on calculations used in the study. White women get pretty much the same as black men.

Assuming that only whites get things based on merit is racist. Leaving out whites when you say that things should be based on merit as if every white person is there based on merit but others aren't is racist. Especially when the reality is that is has been whites who have consistently denied others who earned opportunity based on merit because of their skin color or sexual orientation.

And Lisa, you only bring up blacks. What about Asians, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, handicapped, and WOMEN? Once again you show your anti black racism.
Nice story, but it contradicts the stories you have told about the companies you have started and the career as a community organizer. y
You might not remember the nonsense that you post, but the rest of us do.
White Culture ( Wagner ) ( Alexander The Great ) ( Marxism ) ( Skateboarding ) ( NASCAR )
Alexander got his ass whipped by African Hannibal whose military maneuvers are studied today in places like West Point and Annapolis.
Whites don't have a damn thing because of merit. It has been whiteness that has given them everything. Race was fine when whites were the only race allowed, but now that whites have to conmplete we see a psychosis evolving tha thas them speaking as if everything they have, they earned based on merit.

But what is your point ?

Is it that as a group you are so near to bottom of IQ by ethnicity? And you are bleating ?

Perhaps like the Jews you must accept that you are not the Chosen Ones . Just a team in the race helping to make up numbers .

So do your best but stop whining .
So, what is Trump’s excuse? How did he mess up so badly? 91 felony counts… And we can’t seem to get rid of the orange douchebag.
The poorly educated, low income whites Trump pretends to love - while privately despising - love Trump because Trump's low class personality reminds them of themselves and their friends. Trump lives the way a poor man would live if the poor man became rich.

Rich Republicans, who would never invite Trump to their country clubs, appreciate the fact that Trump cut their taxes, and intends to cut them even more if he is reelected,

In between are middle class college graduates who wince a bit at Trump's personality and character. Nevertheless, they agree with him on the issues of race, crime, and immigration.
So, what is Trump’s excuse? How did he mess up so badly? 91 felony counts… And we can’t seem to get rid of the orange douchebag.
How did he mess up so badly?! We had a great economy, energy independence, and peace in the world.

And 91 felony counts over nothing means NOTHING.
Perhaps like the Jews you must accept that you are not the Chosen Ones .

Jews are the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population.

I agree with another Gentile named Charles Murray that Jews are the Chosen Ones.
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Whiteness put our boys on the moon to play Golf & Drive Dune buggies and bring them back over 50 years ago
It also gave us antibiotics, electricity, phones, cars, computers, air conditioning, jet travel (or airplanes in general), televisions, refrigerators, etc. - all of which IM2 enjoys.
How did he mess up so badly?! We had a great economy, energy independence, and peace in the world.

And 91 felony counts over nothing means NOTHING.
Biden is not responsible for the inflation. Currently it is a global phenomenon. Trump's only cure is more tax cuts for the rich. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza just happened. The President of the United States does not control everything.

This is how Trump responded to Covid-19:


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