This Is Why Racist Democrats Lost


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Part of why they lost is what they simply REFUSE to do like protect our boarders. But the bigger issue is the total LACK of ethics in regards to the freedoms and rights of the American people.

The democratic party has become BOTH abusive and oppressive like many tyrant powers of days past. Their open ability to COMMIT crimes and their public display of cover ups.

African and Euro and Asian and Hispanic ALL stood TOGETHER on the 2014 election with one voice and said "We WILL overcome the abuse the oppression and the lawlessness of the democratic party. We WILL overcome the bigotry the hate the corruption of the democratic party.

Their party their direction their "plan" has brought us riots and looters and arson and death. Their "plan" has brought us NEW levels of corruption at the highest levels of government turning agencies that ARE supposed to help people and run government smoothly into back stabbing back alley revenge for THEIR agenda.

Now they put up their BIGGEST most corrupt LIAR and say elect the woman to PROVE you are not sexist. They are flaunting a CRIMINAL for leadership. A criminal so vile that her history for over THREE DECADES shows nothing but LIES and THEFT and COVER UPS.

I have NO objection about a woman being president but we do NOT elect based on color or gender. We ARE supposed to elect based on honesty and ethics. They are telling us that we need to overlook that.

YOU democrats lost 2014 for one very big reason. America has grown weary of your empty words and worthless promises. YOU democrats have taken cities once shinning examples of investment of jobs of building and turned them into cess pools of filth of poverty of regulation of OVER taxation.

While republicans moved into the rural areas to build NEW cities NEW wealth and better services you democrats INFESTED the cities with your hate your bigotry and raped the coffers of once rich cities both in culture and money.

YOU democrats TAUGHT the black man YOUR hate YOUR racist ways and also taught him THEFT was protest that ARSON was protest and THUGGING was a right. Pandering is NOT going to get you off this time, not now nor in the future.

The country is getting ready to drop on you like a brick wall so deny and jest and party you worthless bags of scum. When the wall falls and it will it WILL fall on you. 2014 was just the tune up ass whipping. You got a fight coming so you best get ready because we are.

The name on that wall maybe Cruz or Paul or Rubio but it's STILL OUR wall.
Here's some Ted from the past. YOU democrats SHOULD have watched this because the words are almost prophetic.

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The democrats lost in 2014 because of Furgason....People got sick of seeing these bastards making excuses for criminal behavior. Every single minimum wage ballot was approved and all but the 60% pot one was also. The democrat pc war against whites is hurting them badly and starting to back fire on them.

I feel the vast majority in this country wants infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage and a moderate government that isn't extreme. They want to see people working together. Just that many don't want to see our cities burn or called RACIST!
Part of why they lost is what they simply REFUSE to do like protect our boarders. But the bigger issue is the total LACK of ethics in regards to the freedoms and rights of the American people.

The democratic party has become BOTH abusive and oppressive like many tyrant powers of days past. Their open ability to COMMIT crimes and their public display of cover ups.

African and Euro and Asian and Hispanic ALL stood TOGETHER on the 2014 election with one voice and said "We WILL overcome the abuse the oppression and the lawlessness of the democratic party. We WILL overcome the bigotry the hate the corruption of the democratic party.

Their party their direction their "plan" has brought us riots and looters and arson and death. Their "plan" has brought us NEW levels of corruption at the highest levels of government turning agencies that ARE supposed to help people and run government smoothly into back stabbing back alley revenge for THEIR agenda.

Now they put up their BIGGEST most corrupt LIAR and say elect the woman to PROVE you are not sexist. They are flaunting a CRIMINAL for leadership. A criminal so vile that her history for over THREE DECADES shows nothing but LIES and THEFT and COVER UPS.

I have NO objection about a woman being president but we do NOT elect based on color or gender. We ARE supposed to elect based on honesty and ethics. They are telling us that we need to overlook that.

YOU democrats lost 2014 for one very big reason. America has grown weary of your empty words and worthless promises. YOU democrats have taken cities once shinning examples of investment of jobs of building and turned them into cess pools of filth of poverty of regulation of OVER taxation.

While republicans moved into the rural areas to build NEW cities NEW wealth and better services you democrats INFESTED the cities with your hate your bigotry and raped the coffers of once rich cities both in culture and money.

YOU democrats TAUGHT the black man YOUR hate YOUR racist ways and also taught him THEFT was protest that ARSON was protest and THUGGING was a right. Pandering is NOT going to get you off this time, not now nor in the future.

The country is getting ready to drop on you like a brick wall so deny and jest and party you worthless bags of scum. When the wall falls and it will it WILL fall on you. 2014 was just the tune up ass whipping. You got a fight coming so you best get ready because we are.

The name on that wall maybe Cruz or Paul or Rubio but it's STILL OUR wall.
Here's some Ted from the past. YOU democrats SHOULD have watched this because the words are almost prophetic.

The senate and White House will belong to the Democrats after 2016 :thup:
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*yawn* anoother race baiting hate thread from the wetback teaper who doesn't understand politics and can't spell 'Border'
African and Euro and Asian and Hispanic ALL stood TOGETHER on the 2014 election with one voice and said "We WILL overcome the abuse the oppression and the lawlessness of the democratic party. We WILL overcome the bigotry the hate the corruption of the democratic party.

All? Because you go on to say this:

YOU democrats TAUGHT the black man YOUR hate YOUR racist ways and also taught him THEFT was protest that ARSON was protest and THUGGING was a right. Pandering is NOT going to get you off this time, not now nor in the future.

Doesn't jive. You also might want to save the bold text for the fancy fucking words that actually mean something.
"This Is Why Racist Democrats Lost"

The great bulk of racism manifests on the right; racists most often identify as conservative and republican.

The proof of this can be found on this very forum.
Democrats are the party of historic racism. During the 60's it was the democrat party that blocked schools and promoted segregation. If you checked the wallets of Klan members back then you would find a democrat registration in every one of them. LBJ created the ironically named "great society" in order to establish a federal plantation where Black people would be suppressed and supported by poverty pimps who would dole out money in exchange for votes for democrats. Barry Hussein was one of those community agitator poverty pimps and he was a puppet for former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers who ran the democrat party dirty tricks in Chicago. Mainstream media was and still is nothing but a propaganda arm of the democrat party so when they found a particularly juicy cartoon depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy, after she was appointed secretary of state by President Bush, they ran with it and never apologized for the incomprehensible racism because votes for democrats always trumped the feelings of the Black plantation. Baltimore has been a democrat stronghold for decades and it seems that they are willing to eat their own Police Department and support anarchy as long as they they can blame republicans.
Part of why they lost is what they simply REFUSE to do like protect our boarders

They did spray for bed bugs, but you are probably going to need to fumigate, so all boarders need to pack to move to the border of the US/Mexican area...
"This Is Why Racist Democrats Lost"

The great bulk of racism manifests on the right; racists most often identify as conservative and republican.

The proof of this can be found on this very forum.
The ONLY racist comment on this thread so far comes from a liberal. That would be comment number 4. But he is one of YOURS so I guess its okay huh?
If I was running the democrat party I'd focus the campaign on
-Infrastructure funding...This is falling apart. We can do better!
-Funding for science institutions and programs! Lets be the best!
-A promise of educational reform...We can be within the top 5 again!
-Pro green energy!!!
-A national increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour as a major platform.
-Legalizion of pot!
-Removal of prison time over 3 years for drug use.
-Pro-American small business policies. Sorry, but the big corps need to stop outsourcing to Asia. I'd raise a massive tariff on them.
-A close of loopholes on all corporate and income taxes.
-A tax increase for people making more then 2 million per year. Maybe as high as 5-7%!

Now this platform would win. I'd stay away from screaming racist, sexist and saying you're evil to entire groups of people. I think the democrats need to raise above such things.
African and Euro and Asian and Hispanic ALL stood TOGETHER on the 2014 election with one voice and said "We WILL overcome the abuse the oppression and the lawlessness of the democratic party. We WILL overcome the bigotry the hate the corruption of the democratic party.

All? Because you go on to say this:

YOU democrats TAUGHT the black man YOUR hate YOUR racist ways and also taught him THEFT was protest that ARSON was protest and THUGGING was a right. Pandering is NOT going to get you off this time, not now nor in the future.

Doesn't jive. You also might want to save the bold text for the fancy fucking words that actually mean something.
I like my bold text. You don't? Move on.
African and Euro and Asian and Hispanic ALL stood TOGETHER on the 2014 election with one voice and said "We WILL overcome the abuse the oppression and the lawlessness of the democratic party. We WILL overcome the bigotry the hate the corruption of the democratic party.

All? Because you go on to say this:

YOU democrats TAUGHT the black man YOUR hate YOUR racist ways and also taught him THEFT was protest that ARSON was protest and THUGGING was a right. Pandering is NOT going to get you off this time, not now nor in the future.

Doesn't jive. You also might want to save the bold text for the fancy fucking words that actually mean something.
I like my bold text. You don't? Move on.

Hey, compensate for whatever it is you are lacking all you want.
Part of why they lost is what they simply REFUSE to do like protect our boarders. But the bigger issue is the total LACK of ethics in regards to the freedoms and rights of the American people.

The democratic party has become BOTH abusive and oppressive like many tyrant powers of days past. Their open ability to COMMIT crimes and their public display of cover ups.

African and Euro and Asian and Hispanic ALL stood TOGETHER on the 2014 election with one voice and said "We WILL overcome the abuse the oppression and the lawlessness of the democratic party. We WILL overcome the bigotry the hate the corruption of the democratic party.

Their party their direction their "plan" has brought us riots and looters and arson and death. Their "plan" has brought us NEW levels of corruption at the highest levels of government turning agencies that ARE supposed to help people and run government smoothly into back stabbing back alley revenge for THEIR agenda.

Now they put up their BIGGEST most corrupt LIAR and say elect the woman to PROVE you are not sexist. They are flaunting a CRIMINAL for leadership. A criminal so vile that her history for over THREE DECADES shows nothing but LIES and THEFT and COVER UPS.

I have NO objection about a woman being president but we do NOT elect based on color or gender. We ARE supposed to elect based on honesty and ethics. They are telling us that we need to overlook that.

YOU democrats lost 2014 for one very big reason. America has grown weary of your empty words and worthless promises. YOU democrats have taken cities once shinning examples of investment of jobs of building and turned them into cess pools of filth of poverty of regulation of OVER taxation.

While republicans moved into the rural areas to build NEW cities NEW wealth and better services you democrats INFESTED the cities with your hate your bigotry and raped the coffers of once rich cities both in culture and money.

YOU democrats TAUGHT the black man YOUR hate YOUR racist ways and also taught him THEFT was protest that ARSON was protest and THUGGING was a right. Pandering is NOT going to get you off this time, not now nor in the future.

The country is getting ready to drop on you like a brick wall so deny and jest and party you worthless bags of scum. When the wall falls and it will it WILL fall on you. 2014 was just the tune up ass whipping. You got a fight coming so you best get ready because we are.

The name on that wall maybe Cruz or Paul or Rubio but it's STILL OUR wall.
Here's some Ted from the past. YOU democrats SHOULD have watched this because the words are almost prophetic.

"Lost" what?

The mid-term?? :eusa_doh:

Whichever party has the White House always loses in the mid-term, Junior. Go learn some history.

There have been exactly three exceptions in all the time these two party have existed. Three.
If I was running the democrat party I'd focus the campaign on
-Infrastructure funding...This is falling apart. We can do better!
-Funding for science institutions and programs! Lets be the best!
-A promise of educational reform...We can be within the top 5 again!
-Pro green energy!!!
-A national increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour as a major platform.
-Legalizion of pot!
-Removal of prison time over 3 years for drug use.
-Pro-American small business policies. Sorry, but the big corps need to stop outsourcing to Asia. I'd raise a massive tariff on them.
-A close of loopholes on all corporate and income taxes.
-A tax increase for people making more then 2 million per year. Maybe as high as 5-7%!

Now this platform would win. I'd stay away from screaming racist, sexist and saying you're evil to entire groups of people. I think the democrats need to raise above such things.

Matthew will be planting a "Bernie Sanders for President" sign outside of his trailer.
Part of why they lost is what they simply REFUSE to do like protect our boarders. But the bigger issue is the total LACK of ethics in regards to the freedoms and rights of the American people.

The democratic party has become BOTH abusive and oppressive like many tyrant powers of days past. Their open ability to COMMIT crimes and their public display of cover ups.

African and Euro and Asian and Hispanic ALL stood TOGETHER on the 2014 election with one voice and said "We WILL overcome the abuse the oppression and the lawlessness of the democratic party. We WILL overcome the bigotry the hate the corruption of the democratic party.

Their party their direction their "plan" has brought us riots and looters and arson and death. Their "plan" has brought us NEW levels of corruption at the highest levels of government turning agencies that ARE supposed to help people and run government smoothly into back stabbing back alley revenge for THEIR agenda.

Now they put up their BIGGEST most corrupt LIAR and say elect the woman to PROVE you are not sexist. They are flaunting a CRIMINAL for leadership. A criminal so vile that her history for over THREE DECADES shows nothing but LIES and THEFT and COVER UPS.

I have NO objection about a woman being president but we do NOT elect based on color or gender. We ARE supposed to elect based on honesty and ethics. They are telling us that we need to overlook that.

YOU democrats lost 2014 for one very big reason. America has grown weary of your empty words and worthless promises. YOU democrats have taken cities once shinning examples of investment of jobs of building and turned them into cess pools of filth of poverty of regulation of OVER taxation.

While republicans moved into the rural areas to build NEW cities NEW wealth and better services you democrats INFESTED the cities with your hate your bigotry and raped the coffers of once rich cities both in culture and money.

YOU democrats TAUGHT the black man YOUR hate YOUR racist ways and also taught him THEFT was protest that ARSON was protest and THUGGING was a right. Pandering is NOT going to get you off this time, not now nor in the future.

The country is getting ready to drop on you like a brick wall so deny and jest and party you worthless bags of scum. When the wall falls and it will it WILL fall on you. 2014 was just the tune up ass whipping. You got a fight coming so you best get ready because we are.

The name on that wall maybe Cruz or Paul or Rubio but it's STILL OUR wall.
Here's some Ted from the past. YOU democrats SHOULD have watched this because the words are almost prophetic.

"Lost" what?

The mid-term?? :eusa_doh:

Whichever party has the White House always loses in the mid-term, Junior. Go learn some history.

There have been exactly three exceptions in all the time these two party have existed. Three. ain't too bad for liberal canadian.
Typical uninformed RW rant, I'd say. Personally, I'd rather have my insides eaten by ravenous fire-breathing soldier ants than to listen to another second of what Ted Cruz has to say. And when you lose the 2016 election as you surely will, who will you blame for the loss?
Part of why they lost is what they simply REFUSE to do like protect our boarders

They did spray for bed bugs, but you are probably going to need to fumigate, so all boarders need to pack to move to the border of the US/Mexican area...

Careful now -- he's got an IQ of 214 so he must be right and the dictionary is wrong..
African and Euro and Asian and Hispanic ALL stood TOGETHER on the 2014 election with one voice and said "We WILL overcome the abuse the oppression and the lawlessness of the democratic party. We WILL overcome the bigotry the hate the corruption of the democratic party.

All? Because you go on to say this:

YOU democrats TAUGHT the black man YOUR hate YOUR racist ways and also taught him THEFT was protest that ARSON was protest and THUGGING was a right. Pandering is NOT going to get you off this time, not now nor in the future.

Doesn't jive. You also might want to save the bold text for the fancy fucking words that actually mean something.
I like my bold text. You don't? Move on.

Everybody else thinks it makes you a self-absorbed jackass. And we're the ones who have to read it.
If you're writing for yourself -- you don't need a message board.

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