This Is Why The Democrats Are Losing.


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
This Is Why The Democrats Are Losing.​

October 25, 2012
by TheTamminator // Hillbuzz

Here’s an example of the kind of commercial that the Obama team is airing. Not only is this ad disgusting, but it also represesnts the Obama base: Young, stupid women. Rush Limbaugh refers to these Obama worshippers as “morons”. He couldn’t be more right. Yuck.

[ame=]Lena Dunham: Your First Time - YouTube[/ame]


KD Note: I just had to comment on this video that The Tamminator found (honestly…doesn’t she do a great job in picking up these things? I’m grateful she keeps on top of these ads).

One of the courses I took in college for my political science major was a class on American political ads…which went all the way back to the colonial period. This was in the late-90s, so I think the last campaign we studied was Clinton vs. Dole…and I believe the last ad we talked about wasn’t even an ad, but was the news networks repeatedly playing images of Dole falling off a stage at an event and cementing the idea in people’s heads that he was a doddering old man who was weak and mushy. Which is sad, because I’ve met Dole and he’s a very nice guy…and a HERO for his WWII service…but he was a terrible candidate to run against Clinton.

I’ve never seen a political ad as disgusting as the video above. I actually thought the mocking of Dole for his age was sick in its own way. There is no faster way to get on my bad side than to mock anyone for their age or say someone is too old to run for office (especially not a woman…because it’s usually just men that clowns do this to). There were some pretty disgusting things done to both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin in 2008 when the Left was pulling out all the stops to attack them in service to Barack Obama…but I don’t think any of them made me stand there with mouth agape thinking “this is so sick” the way I do when I see the above video.

This is sick.

People affiliated with a presidential campaign actually made a commercial that’s a double entendre…and they don’t care who will see this. That’s amazing to me. Democrats really crossed a line here, but I thought they had done that during their convention in Charlotte. This is the kind of stuff that the party would have vetoed back in the days when the Clintons ran things…it not only would not have been allowed to air, but no one associated with it would have been used for any PR work in the future. This ad is just bad on so many levels and really leaves me with an “icky” feeling.

Speaking of which…tonight I was checking to see what the Leftists I monitor on Facebook were up to and I really wanted to screen grab some of the best things they are saying…but they’re surprisingly quiet. There was some bluster after the last debate, with them thinking that Bathhouse Barry had won…and they were crowing that the polls would suddenly show this and that miraculously (for them) all of a sudden Americans would want Obama in office another four years. There was some busy-work on their part posting Big Bird, Binders, and “Battleship/Bayonets” stuff…but it was half-hearted. None of these posts got very many comments or “likes”. It seemed pretty perfunctory.

So, I gave it a few days to see if the lefties would perk back up but all they are talking about is Halloween. A lot of gay guys are going as the cast of “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo”, which is some reality show about a little beauty queen in Georgia with a bad attitude and a pet pig named glitzy. Gays who aren’t going as that are just dressing up as jockstrap or speedo clad “Olympians” and a few are going as Big Bird. It looks like this is a year without a lot of big things to dress as, so many are just wearing generic drag. A few black gay friends here in Chicago are doing tributes to Miss Whitney Elizabeth Houston, which I think is great….and one troupe is doing Whitney through the years (which unfortunately includes a Being Bobby Brown/Crack is Whack Whitney…but also includes an angel Whitney too for her home going).

No political stuff, really. We’ll see what happens as things get closer…and I’ll have to see what goes on at the Halloween parade itself in Boystown…but you would not really know there’s an election happening on Facebook.

Here and there, someone will say something bad about Romney…and some gays are making fun of Ann Romney and saying she looks like “The Bride of Chucky” but more often than not someone will leave a remark (that’s allowed to stand on Facebook) saying “It feels like Obama is going to lose in two weeks”.

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Many young women were forced to grow up early the past four years...

That's just stupid. Our nation is in crisis and that is what we are offered?
It's because of those adds, democrats are worried about a few rump rangers like swallow instead of real people's lives
It's because of those adds, democrats are worried about a few rump rangers like swallow instead of real people's lives

Sallow is gay?

He strikes me as pretty straight up. Albeit a political adversary but the left doesn't call me gay for being on the right. Stupid or an idiot maybe but gay?

Seems a bit out of line to me...
Stupid young women?

Earth to dumbass, they are more than aware of the choices they make.
To want the freedom and liberty to make their own decisions about theirselves is not a bad thing. And to have their privelages treated equally like everyone else isn't bad either.

But to make it fair, We should jail all parents who circumsize their kids who are under 18.
We should make it illegal for someone to make another go to curch or any place of religious worship (including those who are underage)
We should allow insurance companies to deny coverage to those who are religious.
And lastly, if you have an injury or sickness, you should be turned away and be told that "God intended for that to happen" and "pray some more. that might work".

Quit being one sided, people.
You can excuse her a little, we were all young and dumb at one time.

True, and this girl certainly is stupid. What is even more stupid are grown-up Democrats putting her stupidity on film and passing it off as a campaign ad. They are the ones with bad judgement and shouldn't be trusted with something as important as running a country.
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Stupid young women?

Earth to dumbass, they are more than aware of the choices they make.
To want the freedom and liberty to make their own decisions about theirselves is not a bad thing. And to have their privelages treated equally like everyone else isn't bad either.

But to make it fair, We should jail all parents who circumsize their kids who are under 18.
We should make it illegal for someone to make another go to curch or any place of religious worship (including those who are underage)
We should allow insurance companies to deny coverage to those who are religious.
And lastly, if you have an injury or sickness, you should be turned away and be told that "God intended for that to happen" and "pray some more. that might work".

Quit being one sided, people.

That dumb girl has no awareness of the consequences of her own decisions, how long do you think it will be before she regrets that big assed tatoo on her right arm. About the time it cost her a good job maybe? She's being used as a damned tool, nothing else.
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Stupid young women?

Earth to dumbass, they are more than aware of the choices they make.
To want the freedom and liberty to make their own decisions about theirselves is not a bad thing. And to have their privelages treated equally like everyone else isn't bad either.

But to make it fair, We should jail all parents who circumsize their kids who are under 18.
We should make it illegal for someone to make another go to curch or any place of religious worship (including those who are underage)
We should allow insurance companies to deny coverage to those who are religious.
And lastly, if you have an injury or sickness, you should be turned away and be told that "God intended for that to happen" and "pray some more. that might work".

Quit being one sided, people.

That dumb girl has no awareness of the consequences of her own decisions, how long do you think it will be before she regrets that big assed tatoo on her right arm. About the time it cost her a good job maybe? She's being used a damned tool, nothing else.

Thats why people use sleeves or get tattoo removal.
If the Republicans are this hysterical now, imagine what they'll be like after their big loss.

I almost feel sorry for them. There they were, being told the Kenyan usurper would lose for sure, and the Tea Party would sweep into control of congress. And none of that is coming true. How can this be? Did their masters lie to them? Not to worry, their masters will give them some fine new conspiracy theories to explain the big loss.
If the Republicans are this hysterical now, imagine what they'll be like after their big loss.

I almost feel sorry for them. There they were, being told the Kenyan usurper would lose for sure, and the Tea Party would sweep into control of congress. And none of that is coming true. How can this be? Did their masters lie to them? Not to worry, their masters will give them some fine new conspiracy theories to explain the big loss.

They should pray to get their way next time.
Stupid young women?

Earth to dumbass, they are more than aware of the choices they make.
To want the freedom and liberty to make their own decisions about theirselves is not a bad thing. And to have their privelages treated equally like everyone else isn't bad either.

But to make it fair, We should jail all parents who circumsize their kids who are under 18.
We should make it illegal for someone to make another go to curch or any place of religious worship (including those who are underage)
We should allow insurance companies to deny coverage to those who are religious.
And lastly, if you have an injury or sickness, you should be turned away and be told that "God intended for that to happen" and "pray some more. that might work".

Quit being one sided, people.

Obviously, you have a problem with religion and insurance companies. Perhaps you should check with your physcian and have your meds upped.

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