This Is Why They Can’t Have Our Guns

Dennis Prager always says that if you don't believe in evil, you fight those who fight evil....that is exactly the problem with the left.
Yep, make up a fake boogeyman to fight who can’t hurt you.

You all know climate change and pollution is a huge threat, yet in every post you deny it. Talk about burying your heads in the sand. LOL
They can have your guns if you do nothing. Fact.

Nearly 150 CEOs urge Senate to take action on gun violence
Nearly 150 CEOs urge Senate to take action on gun violence

Are they addressing the real problem; Leftist policies that create and coddle criminals and mental illness? NO.

You can rest assured most of these CEO's that would like to see Americans disarmed are themselves protected by armed security.
You are probably supporting the Gun Grabbers and don't even know it.

Do you even know who these CEO's and their gun grabbing companies are?
Are you actively finding out and actively avoiding doing business with them and telling others?

Then you're part of the problem. Sitting on your farm in hicksville USA hugging your guns is not going to keep them from coming and taking them.

All this is required for evil men to prevail is for "good" men to do nothing.

Dennis Prager always says that if you don't believe in evil, you fight those who fight evil....that is exactly the problem with the left.
Yep, make up a fake boogeyman to fight who can’t hurt you.

You all know climate change and pollution is a huge threat, yet in every post you deny it. Talk about burying your heads in the sand. LOL

Dennis Prager always says that if you don't believe in evil, you fight those who fight evil....that is exactly the problem with the left.
Yep, make up a fake boogeyman to fight who can’t hurt you.

You all know climate change and pollution is a huge threat, yet in every post you deny it. Talk about burying your heads in the sand. LOL

It's not a huge threat..... if it was a huge threat, the priests of the man made global warming cult wouldn't be going everywhere in private jets, and buying 15 million dollar homes on the coasts....
Climate Change is a critical issue

Should they mention the threat of the radical right?
They are the ones attacking us today not radical Islam
I'm old enough to remember when AIDS was the left's boogyman.

And Y2K, and Ebola, and Acid Rain, And the Ozone Hole.....
No, this is why they can't have our guns:

Nazi Germany
Soviet Union

Again, all good reasons that we must not allow them to disarm us......

But.....if we do nothing, they will....I can guarantee you that.
Sitting at home with our guns will not stop them. That's a fantasy.
Voting with our feet and wallets and becoming active might.

We've become silenced and in fear, and that is EXACTLY where they want us.
It's how Venezuela and many fascists states came to be.
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somebody has been "going to get our guns" ever since day one of posting on the internet - guess what?

No, this is why they can't have our guns:

Nazi Germany
Soviet Union

Again, all good reasons that we must not allow them to disarm us......

But.....if we do nothing, they will....I can guarantee you that.
Sitting at home with our guns will not stop them. That's a fantasy.
Voting with our feet and wallets and becoming active might.

We've become silenced and in fear, and that is EXACTLY where they want us.
It's how Venezuela and many fascists states fell.

Agreed. Be active. And don't worry.

We are not as a people given to becoming overly enamored of our elected civil servants, as other cultures are of their leaders, and despite the bullshit polls on this issue they and their media continually poop out they themselves are well aware of the actual position of the Americans.

Any such attempt to disarm America would levy a cost upon them from which they would never recover.

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