This is your moment, Mr. President

His comments yesterday were balanced and heartfelt. But they were not strong enough.

He has to cross political barriers and get mad here.
What, exactly, do you want him to say?

That black people get treated fairly by police and/or the justice system?!???

If so, not gonna happen, because it's not true. It's simply just, not, true.

Perhaps you and your ilk should take your advice and step out your own political comfort zones and face reality.

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MARC you're so full of shit again. We want him to say, hey lets cool down and WAIT for the facts, that never happens with this president. And if you want blacks treated fairly, since you claim they aren't, how about standardized punishments.....why do liberals hate equal justice for everyone?
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.
The best part of the Obama era is all the racial healing.
What, exactly, do you want him to say?

That black people get treated fairly by police and/or the justice system?!???

If so, not gonna happen, because it's not true. It's simply just, not, true.

Perhaps you and your ilk should take your advice and step out your own political comfort zones and face reality.

So what do you propose we do, Marc? Draw up a whole new set of standards and laws that apply to people if they are black? Criminals who break laws don't get "treated fairly" by the police, they get apprehended and arrested. Criminals who are guilty of crimes they perpetrated don't get "treated fairly" by the justice system, they get convicted and sent to jail. It makes no difference what color their skin happens to be... that's what happens. (unless your name is Clinton!)

Perhaps you and your ilk should stop being so hypersensitive about your skin color? ....Look.... SOME people are racists! That's a fact of life. Nothing we can ever do will change that fact of life. We can deal with it on a case by case basis when it rears it's ugly head or we can continue to scream racism every time something happens and diminish the actual incidents of racism. There is no law we can pass or action we can take that will forever eliminate all racists from society.... that's not ever going to happen, Marc.
MARC you're so full of shit again. We want him to say, hey lets cool down and WAIT for the facts, that never happens with this president. And if you want blacks treated fairly, since you claim they aren't, how about standardized punishments.....why do liberals hate equal justice for everyone?
Are you suggesting that President said for people to be angry and go out and cause havoc? Is that it?

Also, WTH is "standardized punishments?" Expound on that for me please.

MARC you're so full of shit again. We want him to say, hey lets cool down and WAIT for the facts, that never happens with this president. And if you want blacks treated fairly, since you claim they aren't, how about standardized punishments.....why do liberals hate equal justice for everyone?
Are you suggesting that President said for people to be angry and go out and cause havoc? Is that it?

Also, WTH is "standardized punishments?" Expound on that for me please.

We are suggesting the president lead....and Obama failed in the regard.....repeatedly....
So what do you propose we do, Marc? Draw up a whole new set of standards and laws that apply to people if they are black? Criminals who break laws don't get "treated fairly" by the police, they get apprehended and arrested. Criminals who are guilty of crimes they perpetrated don't get "treated fairly" by the justice system, they get convicted and sent to jail. It makes no difference what color their skin happens to be... that's what happens. (unless your name is Clinton!)

Perhaps you and your ilk should stop being so hypersensitive about your skin color? ....Look.... SOME people are racists! That's a fact of life. Nothing we can ever do will change that fact of life. We can deal with it on a case by case basis when it rears it's ugly head or we can continue to scream racism every time something happens and diminish the actual incidents of racism. There is no law we can pass or action we can take that will forever eliminate all racists from society.... that's not ever going to happen, Marc.
I rarely, if ever, interact with you, there's a reason for that.

Listen bub, if you can't see the unfair, inhumane and horrific treatment experienced by your fellow brothers and sisters then I don't know what to tell you.

I'm not even going to address your asinine and ignorant talk about "treating criminals with kid gloves" claptrap.

You are a fool. Plain and simple.
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.
The best part of the Obama era is all the racial healing.

Very, very true
The racists came out of the woodwork once Obama was elected. We had thought those days were over

But could we really have expected racial healing once our first black President was elected? There is still a lot of pent up hatred out there
We are suggesting the president lead....and Obama failed in the regard.....repeatedly....
He is leading. Doing a darn good job of it too.

Oh yeah, look around and see what a great fucking job he's doing...

Pull your hero-worshiping head out of his ass and look around sometime.
What did Obama cause? Because clearly you're tiptoeing around blaming him for something. So go ahead and do it. Spell it out coward.
We are suggesting the president lead....and Obama failed in the regard.....repeatedly....
He is leading. Doing a darn good job of it too.

Oh yeah, look around and see what a great fucking job he's doing...

Pull your hero-worshiping head out of his ass and look around sometime.
What did Obama cause? Because clearly you're tiptoeing around blaming him for something. So go ahead and do it. Spell it out coward.

Actually, he hasn't done anything, that is the real problem.
We are suggesting the president lead....and Obama failed in the regard.....repeatedly....
He is leading. Doing a darn good job of it too.

Oh yeah, look around and see what a great fucking job he's doing...

Pull your hero-worshiping head out of his ass and look around sometime.
What did Obama cause? Because clearly you're tiptoeing around blaming him for something. So go ahead and do it. Spell it out coward.
No's what Obama didn't cause....

Take your liberal parsing somewhere else....else you look the fool......
No's what Obama didn't cause....

Take your liberal parsing somewhere else....else you look the fool......
Spell it out coward. Stop tiptoeing around the issue and dancing and prancing like a little girl. Say exactly what you mean.
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.
The best part of the Obama era is all the racial healing.

Very, very true
The racists came out of the woodwork once Obama was elected. We had thought those days were over

But could we really have expected racial healing once our first black President was elected? There is still a lot of pent up hatred out there
There go the moonbats - everyone opposed to Obama is a racist.

The blood in Dallas is on your hands.
We are suggesting the president lead....and Obama failed in the regard.....repeatedly....
He is leading. Doing a darn good job of it too.

Oh yeah, look around and see what a great fucking job he's doing...

Pull your hero-worshiping head out of his ass and look around sometime.
What did Obama cause? Because clearly you're tiptoeing around blaming him for something. ...

Not "tip-toeing" at all. obama has, on several occasions, gone out of his way to inject himself into incidents involving questions of race in such a manner as to make matters worse. He has inflamed and exacerbated racial tensions rather than being an agent of progress or even a symbol of unity as had been promised. As with foreign policy and trade, he has made everything he touches much, much worse.
Traditional white/black racism. Pretending that traditional white/black racism doesn't still exist. Not doing everything it can to put an end to it.

No, not the whole Right. No, not most of the Right. But it still exists, regardless of what the other "side" is doing to exacerbate it.
I think you digging for something that is meaningless.

Blacks in this country are terribly mistreated by....wait for it....GOVERNMENT. Their government schools stink, many of their neighborhoods are full of crime, drugs, gangs, prostitution, blacks killing blacks is a decades old horrendous problem...welfare has destroyed the family unit, illegitimacy is off the charts, illiteracy is too, abortion kills as many as are born, etc....

and you are demanding something of the right.

You need to take stock and look at the big picture...even though it is appalling...all thanks to government.
I've said it multiple times already: This is an issue both sides have to address honestly.

That can't be done as long as they're pointing the finger. This is ultimately a cultural issue and that's where this has to start.
Not sure you making any sense.

The right has pointed out the horrendous conditions in many black communities, yet the Left yawns and does nothing. The Left controls things in black communities and has for decades.

Chicago and Detroit for example, are cities controlled by the D party for decades. Yet, nothing is done by the pols in those cities to fix the dysfunction.
So would you say that the Right has no part in this? White/black racism and bigotry have been eliminated?
I did not state racism has been eliminated.

Are you blaming the right for racism?

since this president was elected? for the most part.

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