This Man Truly Is An Idiot

Thanks for the apologies from the two that called me a liar. Very big of them. :rolleyes:
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
REALLY? › 5620936 › donald-trump-revolutionary-war › politics › donald-trump › us-news › video › news › world › planes-revolutionary-war › trump-praises-the-armys-takeover-of › news › trump-says-revolutionary-war › life › 2019 › donald-trump-blames › politics › politics-news › donald-trump-says-airports

First of all I must have missed something because I didn't see a single article that backs up your claims. Second of all he's right. The radical left has tried to cancel the 4th of July because they hate this country.

Enough to change your mind at all yet, Potterhead?

No. I already said he wasn't perfect oh and for the record on a follow-up of what I said earlier,.. if Sleepy Joe Biden hadn't kept trying to interrupt him during the debate, and if the media didn't hate him so much and always twist his words around maybe he wouldn't be so rude towards some people.
A Trumper is trying to say "others" interrupt TRUMP?
No one in politics is a bigger blowhard than Trump.

Of course, the "media" used their jedi-mind tricks to force, the orange retard to say the things he did.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Obviously he's trying to hide something.

I'd be more worried about the country, than the man.

The US is massively in decline, it's destroying itself from within. Presidents come and go and they're just a symptom of the problem, like Biden, like Trump.....

The real talking points should be about how to change the country do it doesn't decline. But, if you've ever looked up why Rome fell, you realize that it's pretty similar.

7) "A Broken Political System"

"Towards the end of imperial Rome, the capital had become an incredibly corrupt place. People could buy their positions in politics, and so the will of the people was often ignored in favor of whoever was willing to pay."

Sounds just like the US right now.

4) "Wasting Money"

"They wasted money for the sake of their own enjoyment."

" Colosseum entertainment was incredibly costly and the people wanted to see it every single day."

We could say that politics has become entertainment. Those who are entertaining, Trump, Acasio-Cortez and that Marjorie Taylor Greene being the ones that are getting noticed, because they're entertaining.

The US can't even change dollar bills, because the company that makes the cotton bills is in MA and the politicians there make sure that business always gets its business, no matter how much it costs the taxpayers.

3) "Making Too Many Enemies"

When Trump literally went out and tried to make enemies of US allies.....

"1- Decline in values and morals"

Well, the US has been bombing and invading other countries for so long now, the people don't even notice that it's bad.

"2- Public health and diseases"

Point being why would anybody vote for him if he didn't campaign and give them a reason why?
He DID give us reasons why. I knew he would be more welcoming to immigration and focus more on the impact of Covid. I knew he would not continue to tolerate racists and white nationals with a wink while calling them with dog whistles. Biden is a decent, caring man who doesn't spend his time tearing down everyone around him and focusing on vendettas. He gets informed before he makes decisions. He knows how to behave himself. He knows how government operates.
I think he also wants to try and hide the fact that he uses a teleprompter for everything as if we didn't already know it. :rolleyes:
Nothing like your retarded dear leader.

July 5 2019
"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief," Trump said during his address Thursday.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket's red glare it had nothing but victory."

"We had a lot of rain. I stood in the rain. The teleprompter went out," he said in response to a question from NBC's Kelly O'Donnell. "It kept going on, and then at the end, it just went out. It went kaput!"

Blames HIS stupidity on the rain?

Then the moron needed a teleprompter to pardon two turkeys.

And yet you were silent with HIllary saying that she got out of her plane under enemy sniper fire.....
Wow, if Trump stated that, it wouldn't even rank in his top 500.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Point being why would anybody vote for him if he didn't campaign and give them a reason why?
He DID give us reasons why. I knew he would be more welcoming to immigration and focus more on the impact of Covid. I knew he would not continue to tolerate racists and white nationals with a wink while calling them with dog whistles. Biden is a decent, caring man who doesn't spend his time tearing down everyone around him and focusing on vendettas. He gets informed before he makes decisions. He knows how to behave himself. He knows how government operates.
He's been a corrupt parasite for almost 50 years and he's literally demented.

You're retarded lady. (smh)
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
And absurd uninformed remarks like that identify you as a crazy trump supporter. I'll bet you are one of those idiots that thought if George Floyd was able to talk, he was just fine.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
And absurd uninformed remarks like that identify you as a crazy trump supporter. I'll bet you are one of those idiots that thought if George Floyd was able to talk, he was just fine.

I worked in an ER 5 nights a week for the entire thing..... I know more about it than all the rest of you put together.

And it ain't shit and never was.
lol ....

biden is prez & you'll just hafta deal with it.

ha ha ha.

Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
It was just like the Bubonic Plague! How on earth did anyone survive the Democrat Scamdemic???!!!
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
And absurd uninformed remarks like that identify you as a crazy trump supporter. I'll bet you are one of those idiots that thought if George Floyd was able to talk, he was just fine.

I worked in an ER 5 nights a week for the entire thing..... I know more about it than all the rest of you put together.

And it ain't shit and never was.
Sorry buddy. I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of my daughter, the ER doctor, as well as the experts over some anonymous idiot on a discussion board, like you.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
It was just like the Bubonic Plague! How on earth did anyone survive the Democrat Scamdemic???!!!
More than 600,000 didn't.
Yes. On this one. I was here as Grace. Then I became Gracie. And before that, I was IMEURU. The board has switched servers many times...and threads were lost.

Ask a mod. Lots of history here. And I was in it.

Newbs. Y'all know nothing. Don't assume. And I am not a liar.

Plus, counting isn't in your forte'. Look at my message count, reaction score, points.


airplanemechanic Potterhead2021

Sorry, my bad.

He earned my vote. if I didn't like what he has to offer I wouldn't have voted at all.

So he earned your vote how exactly? Just by sitting in his basement all day? My cat does more than he did to gain a spot in the white house. :rolleyes:

He DID give us reasons why. I knew he would be more welcoming to immigration and focus more on the impact of Covid. I knew he would not continue to tolerate racists and white nationals with a wink while calling them with dog whistles. Biden is a decent, caring man who doesn't spend his time tearing down everyone around him and focusing on vendettas. He gets informed before he makes decisions. He knows how to behave himself. He knows how government operates.

Okay, please don't take this the wrong way because we're friends and all,.. but you do realize that he doesn't give a damn about security and is letting illegal people who want to kill us into this country right?
So he earned your vote how exactly? Just by sitting in his basement all day? My cat does more than he did to gain a spot in the white house.
Don't you idiots ever get tired of spewing the same crap?
Do you need to go to a rally to know what a candidate stands for?
I have never been to a trump rally but I know what he stands for and its all about him.
You idiots are too stupid to realize he's been bullshitting you the whole time.
He doesn't give a fuck about this country.
The ONLY person that matters to him is him.
Why in the name of god would I voted for a piece of human garbage like that.
Biden was Vice President under Obama.
I knew what he was about long before he became a candidate, and that is the reason he earned my vote.
Don't you idiots ever get tired of spewing the same crap?
Do you need to go to a rally to know what a candidate stands for?
I have never been to a trump rally but I know what he stands for and its all about him.
You idiots are too stupid to realize he's been bullshitting you the whole time.
He doesn't give a fuck about this country.
The ONLY person that matters to him is him.
Why in the name of god would I voted for a piece of human garbage like that.
Biden was Vice President under Obama.
I knew what he was about long before he became a candidate, and that is the reason he earned my vote.

He cared enough about this country to build a WALL to keep our enemies out of this country and stood up for our constitutional rights. What has your heroes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris done besides steal the election, raise gas prices, kill helpless newborn infants, and try to rewrite the constitution by revoking the second amendment so we won't even be given the right to protect ourselves once terrorists storm into our country and try to control us and kill us? Notice that Trump is finally the one who went to the border to help protect our security btw.

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