This Man Truly Is An Idiot

I think he also wants to try and hide the fact that he uses a teleprompter for everything as if we didn't already know it. :rolleyes:
Nothing like your retarded dear leader.

July 5 2019
"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief," Trump said during his address Thursday.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket's red glare it had nothing but victory."

"We had a lot of rain. I stood in the rain. The teleprompter went out," he said in response to a question from NBC's Kelly O'Donnell. "It kept going on, and then at the end, it just went out. It went kaput!"

Blames HIS stupidity on the rain?

Then the moron needed a teleprompter to pardon two turkeys.

And yet you were silent with HIllary saying that she got out of her plane under enemy sniper fire.....
TOO FUNNY. CBS's host was named Vladimir? Did I hear that right?
LOL I just still can't get over the fact how Biden was so defensive when he told everybody that he didn't need a memory test or a drug test. He's obviously a fraud and a fake.

Joe Biddum's fear of, angst over, and angry refusal to take even a simple cognitive test whereas Trump gladly took one and easily passed it would seem to blow up Coyote's tattered theory that Trump, not Joe, was running on fumes of borrowed time.
Anyone seen this test?

Yes, Trump showed the test last year during an interview. It was very basic.
TOO FUNNY. CBS's host was named Vladimir? Did I hear that right?
LOL I just still can't get over the fact how Biden was so defensive when he told everybody that he didn't need a memory test or a drug test. He's obviously a fraud and a fake.

Joe Biddum's fear of, angst over, and angry refusal to take even a simple cognitive test whereas Trump gladly took one and easily passed it would seem to blow up Coyote's tattered theory that Trump, not Joe, was running on fumes of borrowed time.
Anyone seen this test?
If you get off your ass and look ,you can easily find the White House Doctor (who has been there for the last few Presidents so don’t even try your “Trump supporters” bullshit) stating he gave Trump a cognitive test and demands Xiden take the same one. Which he refuses to do.

Now you can go back to ignoring blatant rules violations by leftards here.
This is the same doctor who called Trump (obese and with high cholesterol) the healthiest man ever? The one Trump tried to reward by giving him a cabinet position...that guy?

I think Trump is losing weight now. Here is a recent picture of him playing golf at one of his country clubs taken from an article that was rather critical of Trump's past business history.

TOO FUNNY. CBS's host was named Vladimir? Did I hear that right?
LOL I just still can't get over the fact how Biden was so defensive when he told everybody that he didn't need a memory test or a drug test. He's obviously a fraud and a fake.
Joe Biddum's fear of, angst over, and angry refusal to take even a simple cognitive test whereas Trump gladly took one and easily passed it would seem to blow up Coyote's tattered theory that Trump, not Joe, was running on fumes of borrowed time.
Anyone seen this test?
If you get off your ass and look ,you can easily find the White House Doctor (who has been there for the last few Presidents so don’t even try your “Trump supporters” bullshit) stating he gave Trump a cognitive test and demands Xiden take the same one. Which he refuses to do. Now you can go back to ignoring blatant rules violations by leftards here.
Keep laughing dumbfuck Coyote. You just got the truth shoved in your face and you can’t even refute it. Your forfeit is noted.

Lantern, don't you think that language is rather unnecessary, unfair and unbecoming of you? I don't see where Coyote has said or done a thing to deserve that, c'mon.

Lantern, don't you think that language is rather unnecessary, unfair and unbecoming of you? I don't see where Coyote has said or done a thing to deserve that, c'mon.

Thank you as she hasn't. She's one of the sweetest people on here. That's why I've been defending her. I agree with them but not their attitude.
TOO FUNNY. CBS's host was named Vladimir? Did I hear that right?
LOL I just still can't get over the fact how Biden was so defensive when he told everybody that he didn't need a memory test or a drug test. He's obviously a fraud and a fake.

Joe Biddum's fear of, angst over, and angry refusal to take even a simple cognitive test whereas Trump gladly took one and easily passed it would seem to blow up Coyote's tattered theory that Trump, not Joe, was running on fumes of borrowed time.
Anyone seen this test?
If you get off your ass and look ,you can easily find the White House Doctor (who has been there for the last few Presidents so don’t even try your “Trump supporters” bullshit) stating he gave Trump a cognitive test and demands Xiden take the same one. Which he refuses to do.

Now you can go back to ignoring blatant rules violations by leftards here.
Keep laughing dumbfuck Coyote. You just got the truth shoved in your face and you can’t even refute it. Your forfeit is noted.
Has anyone actually seen the results of this test?
The doctor who administered it. Mic drop.
Uh huh....never made public interesting.
Have your doctors test results been made public? Funny how you want to ignore HIPA laws when it comes to Trump. Xiden refuses to take the same test and crickets from you tards. Again, stick to ignoring leftard rule violations. You stink at this.

I saw part of the test Trump took. It's a cognitive test, not IQ. Pretty basic really, unless you have actual cognitive losses!

I don't recall how or why he took it, actual concerns for oneself, to put aside MSM stories he was "incompetent," or by some internal requirement, but he took it.

I think Joe should take it. At his age and circumstances (recent past history), he should maybe be REQUIRED to take it, but I agree that his refusal to take it has bad optics; if I were him, I'd take and pass it with flying colors just to shove it in Trump's face! But apparently, Joe or his handlers don't want to, so we are left assuming that Joe's mental ramblings are just part of his /style/.

And again, I think if you have an issue with moderation, especially with evidence to back it up, you should take that to PRIVATE MAIL.
This is the same doctor who called Trump (obese and with high cholesterol) the healthiest man ever? The one Trump tried to reward by giving him a cabinet position...that guy?
Are you an M.D.? If not, on what basis do you declare anyone obese with high cholesterol?
Obviously he's trying to hide something.

Biden always shows his nasty temper when confronted with questions he can't or doesn't want to answer. It's worse today with his constantly declining mental cognition.
Those with dementia often sink into angry tirades.

View attachment 508781

Dementia ridden angry tirades...

View attachment 508804View attachment 508805View attachment 508806View attachment 508807View attachment 508808

Your selectively chosen still pics prove nothing. I can find similar still shots of Biden, Pelosi and all the Democrat geriatric-dementia gang.
Really? It just popped up on my news this morning. He replied awfully quickly though,.. and just for the record I would test him for drugs too the way he worded his response.
Why, are you a doctor? Are you even aware that he's always had a speech impediment?
I'm no fan of Biden, but ffs grab a clue.
TOO FUNNY. CBS's host was named Vladimir? Did I hear that right?
LOL I just still can't get over the fact how Biden was so defensive when he told everybody that he didn't need a memory test or a drug test. He's obviously a fraud and a fake.

Joe Biddum's fear of, angst over, and angry refusal to take even a simple cognitive test whereas Trump gladly took one and easily passed it would seem to blow up Coyote's tattered theory that Trump, not Joe, was running on fumes of borrowed time.
Anyone seen this test?
If you get off your ass and look ,you can easily find the White House Doctor (who has been there for the last few Presidents so don’t even try your “Trump supporters” bullshit) stating he gave Trump a cognitive test and demands Xiden take the same one. Which he refuses to do.

Now you can go back to ignoring blatant rules violations by leftards here.
Keep laughing dumbfuck Coyote. You just got the truth shoved in your face and you can’t even refute it. Your forfeit is noted.
Has anyone actually seen the results of this test?
The doctor who administered it. Mic drop.
Uh huh....never made public interesting.
Have your doctors test results been made public? Funny how you want to ignore HIPA laws when it comes to Trump. Xiden refuses to take the same test and crickets from you tards. Again, stick to ignoring leftard rule violations. You stink at this.
Uh huh. Nothing stopping Trump from making it public though is there?
Nothing to stop Xiden from taking that same test is there? Another swing and miss.

Anyway...:2cents:....Trump is an asshole. But that asshole did a damn good job as potus, loves his country, and is not an idiot. He's just a very good troll and doesn't hold back. Period. AND still do what he was voted in to do.

Biden is a racist, always has been, lost his marbles, has an embarrassing son who is a con artist and traitor, and has no clue where he is or what he is signing. And he can be mouthy as well but not as snarky at Trump is.

With that said...this is not high school. If someone wants to bash Coyote, she damn sure doesn't need help with her own battles. She is the complete opposite of what I think and feel except for her love of her pets, plus she DOES have a kind heart. But I still will not harass people for giving her shit NOR does she expect it although she probably appreciates a certain extent.

Drives me bugshit when one person gets attacked and then here comes someone to "defend".

Now I am sure you Potterhead, will get peeved at me but as I said..its my opinion. I have been here over 10 years and Coyote is NOT my friend. I like her alot, but friend? Takes more than that to use that term. You have known her for what....14 days? Give it a rest. Coyote can handle herself. AND she knows how I feel about her. We respect each other regardless of whether I get peeved at her....or just wanna hug her.
Just so you know she does the same thing for her friends and considers me a friend as well. Just saying.
I don’t have to be an MD.
Yeah, you just spew your ignorant TDS crap. Your own link says he's in good shape. Admit it, you just hate him. Compared to Biden, Trump is an athlete. He has massive energy and runs circles around the geriatric half-dead Biden.
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I guess I just have a different opinion on what "friend" means. Which would be a great new topic in a new thread.

/over and out
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.
Biden won the electoral college by how many votes total? How many of those ballots contained votes only for him and no down-ballot races? Something stinks to high heaven and your nasty ass probably has to do with it.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
That's funny! He caught COVID from someone in the White House. DUH!
Meanwhile...not quite "over and out" yet cuz I have to comment on the obese crap. Who ISN'T overweight? Most americans are fat. Has nothing to do with their brain function. Might not look pretty but oh fucking well. I'm fat now. Gained 6 lbs since I slacked off on smoking. Still have one now and then but dammit...I knew I would gain.

Anyway...Trump is a big man. Over 6 feet tall. He can carry it well.

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