This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live

This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”
Should we also publish the name of our legislators who are willing to indulge the moral turpitude of bearing false witness to our own laws regarding employment at will and being faith-less to a god in that manner and fashion, due merely to political ideology.
This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”

Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

Other countries have different reasons. We are talking about poor in the US, but I know you're trying to divert the discussion here.
This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”

Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

Other countries have different reasons. We are talking about poor in the US, but I know you're trying to divert the discussion here.
So you still carry that archaic black and white view, eh?
Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
You are in error they are selling shit to people. These giants have forced out small business enterprises in order to supplement what people want with what they think people should be willing to accept. People do not want crap food and processed garbage but both parties have willingly subsidized these bastards and even passed laws to make everyone accept their agenda on the people. Farm subsidies, insurance subsidies, banking subsidies, pharmaceutical subsidies and now you are going to get college subsidies for colleges that teach people an agenda verses educating them to actually perform but yet you are going to say the poor are now at fault for being poor when they are not healthy nor bright enough to fight back at this point.

No, people chose to be sold shit. It's why Walmart is number one today and has been number one for a while. They didn't run anybody out of town. They opened up stores and people flocked to them.

A couple of years ago I had a taste for chicken. So I went to my local KFC and they were closed. So I went to one a litter further, and they were closed too.

Looking into it, KFC's were not only closing all around me, but around the country as well. They were making a killing out in China, and they weren't even selling chicken there.

KFC is the most expensive fast food chicken place in the country, and people rejected them. They went to Church's or Popeye's or other such places. KFC was losing too much money to keep these places open.

I'm an older guy and I feel sorry for younger people today that like fast food. They don't know what a real Big Mac tasted like. They don't know what a real Whopper from Burger King tasted like. As time went on and these places wanted to stay competitive, they kept purchasing cheaper and cheaper products to make their burgers with.

Consumers drive our providers with what they sell. If Americans were just the opposite and rejected cheap food and products, our stores wouldn't be selling them.

Yep...a fast food burger today pales in comparison to what they were thirty years ago.
The youngsters can go to say a Five Guys burger joint to get an idea of what Burger King used to be like.

What I wouldn't pay to have an original Big Mac or Quarter Pounder today. I think the only restaurant that hasn't changed much is Wendy's, but I was never a real lover of their food. Because they still use quality ingredients, you are going to pay for a meal.

You know Ray, I always wondered if Mcdonalds would allow a franchisee to open a Mcdonalds; probably along an interstate, that sold BOTH todays fare, and its former magnificent fare, including the original fries. Do you realize how much money would be made!

Of course, the food Nazis would picket it, but that would be 1/2 the fun.

I always thought that opening up an original McDonald's would be quite an experiment. I mean, are there more people like me that would gladly pay $8.00 for a quality Big Mac combo? Oh, and remember that coffee they used to have?

One thing that they never changed is their chocolate milkshakes. They are still the best in the world. But they cost over $3.50 for a large which isn't really that large at all. But I don't care, I'm willing to pay for it. I could OD on those McDonald's chocolate milkshakes. LOL!

Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

Other countries have different reasons. We are talking about poor in the US, but I know you're trying to divert the discussion here.
So you still carry that archaic black and white view, eh?

Yep, that's pretty much it. It is black and white.

In my country, anybody can be just about anybody they desire. It may take a lot of work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it can be done.

In other places, not so much. There are no opportunities in many other places. It's one of the things that's most frustrating here. We have people privileged enough.... lucky enough to be born in this great country, and they spit at opportunities instead of embellishing them. They complain instead that things aren't good enough for them. They worry about the success of other people more than worry about their own success. When asked why they don't elevate themselves, they make excuse after excuse.

The reality is that there are no successful excuse makers. All the excuse makers I've ever known are failures.
Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

Other countries have different reasons. We are talking about poor in the US, but I know you're trying to divert the discussion here.
So you still carry that archaic black and white view, eh?

Yep, that's pretty much it. It is black and white.

In my country, anybody can be just about anybody they desire. It may take a lot of work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it can be done.

In other places, not so much. There are no opportunities in many other places. It's one of the things that's most frustrating here. We have people privileged enough.... lucky enough to be born in this great country, and they spit at opportunities instead of embellishing them. They complain instead that things aren't good enough for them. They worry about the success of other people more than worry about their own success. When asked why they don't elevate themselves, they make excuse after excuse.

The reality is that there are no successful excuse makers. All the excuse makers I've ever known are failures.
The complete ignorance of your post is noted. Poverty is not black and white, especially in america.
You ignore virtually everything:
Rising rent costs. Stagnant Wages. Rising costs of higher education. The recession. Rising cost of living. People losing everything following CONservative advice and trying to play the stock market. Accidents. Medical bills. Cost of insurance. Financial problems after a child is born.

Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

They are to blame because they put nutjobs like Mao Tse Tung, Idi Amin and Nelson Mandela in power. No government can stand without the acquiescences of the people.
Nelson Mandela is a nutjob? I'm pretty sure the chinese didn't want Mao in power, kind of sucks when you have a oppressive communist government, doesn't it?

China had an oppressive communist government because it was full of morons like you who support all the main tenets of communism. They hated the rich and wanted to destroy them. Communism and mass starvation is what you get when you pursue such policies.

Yeah, Nelson Mandela was a communist - a nut job, in other words. His ideological successors are destroying South Africa. It's on the road to Zimbabwe.
I have a better plan

Why not publish everyone's tax returns so we can know how our neighbors stack up
Why would my neighbor be entitled to know what's on my tax return?
How do you benefit from knowing which of your neighbors gets assistance?

If some of them own snow mobiles and live in $500,000 homes, we can report it to the authorities, for one thing.

How about if they own a $500,000 farm?

Then they should sell it and find another line of work.
Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

They are to blame because they put nutjobs like Mao Tse Tung, Idi Amin and Nelson Mandela in power. No government can stand without the acquiescences of the people.
Nelson Mandela is a nutjob? I'm pretty sure the chinese didn't want Mao in power, kind of sucks when you have a oppressive communist government, doesn't it?

China had an oppressive communist government because it was full of morons like you who support all the main tenets of communism. They hated the rich and wanted to destroy them. Communism and mass starvation is what you get when you pursue such policies.

Yeah, Nelson Mandela was a communist - a nut job, in other words. His ideological successors are destroying South Africa. It's on the road to Zimbabwe.
I'm not a communist, and you're a moron if you believe liberals are communists.
Your employer is not the government Welfare is not a paycheck. just as the taxpayers have a right to know which government contractors are recieving government payments, it has a right to know anyone else who is recieving checks from the government, especially when they are not rendering any service or product in exchange.

So, you want all people receiving SSI, SSDI, and Medicare to be listed?

Theoretically, SSI and Medicare benefits are paid for by contributions from the beneficiaries. Furthermore, that would include almost everyone at some point in their lives, so , no, they should be listed. However, welfare beneficiaries have done nothing in exchange for what they receive. Taxpayers are paying their bills.
So everyone else including farm subsidies, Section Eight landlords, banks and financial institutions that get bailed out, they should all get listed as government beneficiaries.

I believe landlords are forced to accept section #8 vouchers. The people who use them should be listed. The landlord gains nothing.

All farm subsidies should be public records. Also bank bailouts, but they already are.
If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

They are to blame because they put nutjobs like Mao Tse Tung, Idi Amin and Nelson Mandela in power. No government can stand without the acquiescences of the people.
Nelson Mandela is a nutjob? I'm pretty sure the chinese didn't want Mao in power, kind of sucks when you have a oppressive communist government, doesn't it?

China had an oppressive communist government because it was full of morons like you who support all the main tenets of communism. They hated the rich and wanted to destroy them. Communism and mass starvation is what you get when you pursue such policies.

Yeah, Nelson Mandela was a communist - a nut job, in other words. His ideological successors are destroying South Africa. It's on the road to Zimbabwe.
I'm not a communist, and you're a moron if you believe liberals are communists.

Few things are more common than communists who deny they are communist.
I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

They are to blame because they put nutjobs like Mao Tse Tung, Idi Amin and Nelson Mandela in power. No government can stand without the acquiescences of the people.
Nelson Mandela is a nutjob? I'm pretty sure the chinese didn't want Mao in power, kind of sucks when you have a oppressive communist government, doesn't it?

China had an oppressive communist government because it was full of morons like you who support all the main tenets of communism. They hated the rich and wanted to destroy them. Communism and mass starvation is what you get when you pursue such policies.

Yeah, Nelson Mandela was a communist - a nut job, in other words. His ideological successors are destroying South Africa. It's on the road to Zimbabwe.
I'm not a communist, and you're a moron if you believe liberals are communists.

Few things are more common than communists who deny they are communist.
If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

Other countries have different reasons. We are talking about poor in the US, but I know you're trying to divert the discussion here.
So you still carry that archaic black and white view, eh?

Yep, that's pretty much it. It is black and white.

In my country, anybody can be just about anybody they desire. It may take a lot of work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it can be done.

In other places, not so much. There are no opportunities in many other places. It's one of the things that's most frustrating here. We have people privileged enough.... lucky enough to be born in this great country, and they spit at opportunities instead of embellishing them. They complain instead that things aren't good enough for them. They worry about the success of other people more than worry about their own success. When asked why they don't elevate themselves, they make excuse after excuse.

The reality is that there are no successful excuse makers. All the excuse makers I've ever known are failures.
The complete ignorance of your post is noted. Poverty is not black and white, especially in america.
You ignore virtually everything:
Rising rent costs. Stagnant Wages. Rising costs of higher education. The recession. Rising cost of living. People losing everything following CONservative advice and trying to play the stock market. Accidents. Medical bills. Cost of insurance. Financial problems after a child is born.

Than stop electing democrats and get on board stopping the massive influx of immigrants.
If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

Other countries have different reasons. We are talking about poor in the US, but I know you're trying to divert the discussion here.
So you still carry that archaic black and white view, eh?

Yep, that's pretty much it. It is black and white.

In my country, anybody can be just about anybody they desire. It may take a lot of work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it can be done.

In other places, not so much. There are no opportunities in many other places. It's one of the things that's most frustrating here. We have people privileged enough.... lucky enough to be born in this great country, and they spit at opportunities instead of embellishing them. They complain instead that things aren't good enough for them. They worry about the success of other people more than worry about their own success. When asked why they don't elevate themselves, they make excuse after excuse.

The reality is that there are no successful excuse makers. All the excuse makers I've ever known are failures.
The complete ignorance of your post is noted. Poverty is not black and white, especially in america.
You ignore virtually everything:
Rising rent costs. Stagnant Wages. Rising costs of higher education. The recession. Rising cost of living. People losing everything following CONservative advice and trying to play the stock market. Accidents. Medical bills. Cost of insurance. Financial problems after a child is born.

Nothing you posted is specific to any one group of people. We all face those and more challenges in life.

Why does rent increase? Mostly because of taxes to the landlord.

Stagnant wages? Yes, because foreigners are taking our jobs and keeping our wages lower. The Democrats highly support this.

Rising cost of higher education? Yes, those liberal institutions are making a killing. It's called Supply and Demand. When demand is greater than supply, prices increase. But nobody has to go to college. It's an option.

Financial bills after a child is born? That's the parents fault for having children they can't afford.

Medical bills? Well, we know who to blame for that one.

You see, nothing you listed is specific to any group of people.
I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

Other countries have different reasons. We are talking about poor in the US, but I know you're trying to divert the discussion here.
So you still carry that archaic black and white view, eh?

Yep, that's pretty much it. It is black and white.

In my country, anybody can be just about anybody they desire. It may take a lot of work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it can be done.

In other places, not so much. There are no opportunities in many other places. It's one of the things that's most frustrating here. We have people privileged enough.... lucky enough to be born in this great country, and they spit at opportunities instead of embellishing them. They complain instead that things aren't good enough for them. They worry about the success of other people more than worry about their own success. When asked why they don't elevate themselves, they make excuse after excuse.

The reality is that there are no successful excuse makers. All the excuse makers I've ever known are failures.
The complete ignorance of your post is noted. Poverty is not black and white, especially in america.
You ignore virtually everything:
Rising rent costs. Stagnant Wages. Rising costs of higher education. The recession. Rising cost of living. People losing everything following CONservative advice and trying to play the stock market. Accidents. Medical bills. Cost of insurance. Financial problems after a child is born.

Nothing you posted is specific to any one group of people. We all face those and more challenges in life.

Why does rent increase? Mostly because of taxes to the landlord.

Stagnant wages? Yes, because foreigners are taking our jobs and keeping our wages lower. The Democrats highly support this.

Rising cost of higher education? Yes, those liberal institutions are making a killing. It's called Supply and Demand. When demand is greater than supply, prices increase. But nobody has to go to college. It's an option.

Financial bills after a child is born? That's the parents fault for having children they can't afford.

Medical bills? Well, we know who to blame for that one.

You see, nothing you listed is specific to any group of people.
Taxes on the landlords? LOL. Back that up, rent has been going up for decades.
Show me a connection between immigrants and the decades of stagnant wages.
Medical bills are blamed on the people who get sick? Great idea, fucking twat.
This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”

Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

Other countries have different reasons. We are talking about poor in the US, but I know you're trying to divert the discussion here.
Excellent point

We are talking about the poor in the wealthiest country on earth
I'd like it to be known ray believes the 40 hour work week is an example of an entitlement. This is who we're dealing with.
Other countries have different reasons. We are talking about poor in the US, but I know you're trying to divert the discussion here.
So you still carry that archaic black and white view, eh?

Yep, that's pretty much it. It is black and white.

In my country, anybody can be just about anybody they desire. It may take a lot of work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it can be done.

In other places, not so much. There are no opportunities in many other places. It's one of the things that's most frustrating here. We have people privileged enough.... lucky enough to be born in this great country, and they spit at opportunities instead of embellishing them. They complain instead that things aren't good enough for them. They worry about the success of other people more than worry about their own success. When asked why they don't elevate themselves, they make excuse after excuse.

The reality is that there are no successful excuse makers. All the excuse makers I've ever known are failures.
The complete ignorance of your post is noted. Poverty is not black and white, especially in america.
You ignore virtually everything:
Rising rent costs. Stagnant Wages. Rising costs of higher education. The recession. Rising cost of living. People losing everything following CONservative advice and trying to play the stock market. Accidents. Medical bills. Cost of insurance. Financial problems after a child is born.

Nothing you posted is specific to any one group of people. We all face those and more challenges in life.

Why does rent increase? Mostly because of taxes to the landlord.

Stagnant wages? Yes, because foreigners are taking our jobs and keeping our wages lower. The Democrats highly support this.

Rising cost of higher education? Yes, those liberal institutions are making a killing. It's called Supply and Demand. When demand is greater than supply, prices increase. But nobody has to go to college. It's an option.

Financial bills after a child is born? That's the parents fault for having children they can't afford.

Medical bills? Well, we know who to blame for that one.

You see, nothing you listed is specific to any group of people.
Taxes on the landlords? LOL. Back that up, rent has been going up for decades.
Show me a connection between immigrants and the decades of stagnant wages.
Medical bills are blamed on the people who get sick? Great idea, fucking twat.

Nope, I meant medical bills are the blame of DumBama since many of us lost our health insurance coverage through our employer thanks to Commie Care.

None of my tenants have seen a rent increase. The people who have been here the longest have been with me over 6 years. I have no plans on increasing rents but we haven't had a property tax increase in a while. In fact, my property taxes are going to be a little lower this year.

Yes, like any other business, when our costs go up, we shift that loss to other people. What I do to offset those costs and keep my rents lower is to ask going price on any vacant unit I'm going to rent out. Let the new people pay. I have one opening up in December (supposedly) and I will get top dollar for it if possible. And if they stay with me for a long time, they too will likely not see any rent increase provided they are good tenants.

In my line of work we are loaded with foreigners. Why? Because we can't get Americans to do the work. Thousands of jobs out there that Americans would sooner ignore. The problem is these foreigners will work for next to nothing. They keep income lower for the rest of us. They are terrible drivers to boot. I have no idea how they even get a license.

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