This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live

And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed publicly?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Not sure what your logic is here.

Taking it to the extreme is not a valid argument.

You can address the issue or try the "slippery slope" fallacy.

Which is it ?
What's the point of listing welfare recipients on a public website anyway? What purpose does it serve?

If it's just another Conservative idea to harass and embarrass the poor, the slippery slope argument applies.
I would think taxpayers have the right to know what, where and to whom their money goes.
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed publicly?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Not sure what your logic is here.

Taking it to the extreme is not a valid argument.

You can address the issue or try the "slippery slope" fallacy.

Which is it ?
What's the point of listing welfare recipients on a public website anyway? What purpose does it serve?

If it's just another Conservative idea to harass and embarrass the poor, the slippery slope argument applies.


Did you read the article ?

Who wants to harrass and embarrass the poor ? Did he say that was his cause.

Maybe it's so that things stay in perspective.

I have a friend who'se neighbor is on disability and collects other forms of assistance.

He takes regular vacations and has a boat and jet skis in his front yard (you could say....his parents bought those for him..they just showed up.....but that brings up another topic).

There are good reasons to do this.
Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
Yes they take our money...and contribute less and less to the society that supports them.

Working Americans are receiving less and less.....the wealthy just pocket the profit

Sorry, but a worker is only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job.

If you think you are worth more money, then go to someplace that's willing to pay you the kind of money you think you're worth. If nobody is offering to pay you the wage you demand, obviously you are not worth that pay scale. But that's not the fault of the employers, it's your own fault. It's up to you to make yourself worth more.

As long as these Democrats keep allowing these foreigners to come here and take our jobs for next to nothing, pay increases will be hard to come by in this country for a long time.
In an ideal world, there are ample better paying jobs available to every employee. But when there are three applicants for every job, the employer gets to play the ......don't like it ...leave card

Now our corporations can claim they can't afford better jobs...but they can
Corporate cash reserves are at record level. Employers like keeping their workforce hungry and afraid with nobody to stand up for them but the government

Cash is irrelevant to a company. What counts is growth because it's growth that attracts investors. Investors could care less how much cash a company has.

I chose a career where I pick the job I want--not the other way around. I can't see why it's so difficult for everybody to put themselves in the same situation. If competition is so strong in your line of work that you can't make any kind of money, it's time to change your line of work or work for yourself.
You have no concept of what contributed to our debt

Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
You are in error they are selling shit to people. These giants have forced out small business enterprises in order to supplement what people want with what they think people should be willing to accept. People do not want crap food and processed garbage but both parties have willingly subsidized these bastards and even passed laws to make everyone accept their agenda on the people. Farm subsidies, insurance subsidies, banking subsidies, pharmaceutical subsidies and now you are going to get college subsidies for colleges that teach people an agenda verses educating them to actually perform but yet you are going to say the poor are now at fault for being poor when they are not healthy nor bright enough to fight back at this point.

No, people chose to be sold shit. It's why Walmart is number one today and has been number one for a while. They didn't run anybody out of town. They opened up stores and people flocked to them.

A couple of years ago I had a taste for chicken. So I went to my local KFC and they were closed. So I went to one a litter further, and they were closed too.

Looking into it, KFC's were not only closing all around me, but around the country as well. They were making a killing out in China, and they weren't even selling chicken there.

KFC is the most expensive fast food chicken place in the country, and people rejected them. They went to Church's or Popeye's or other such places. KFC was losing too much money to keep these places open.

I'm an older guy and I feel sorry for younger people today that like fast food. They don't know what a real Big Mac tasted like. They don't know what a real Whopper from Burger King tasted like. As time went on and these places wanted to stay competitive, they kept purchasing cheaper and cheaper products to make their burgers with.

Consumers drive our providers with what they sell. If Americans were just the opposite and rejected cheap food and products, our stores wouldn't be selling them.
Big deal you ain't got a KFC and you eat at Popeye's; you just showed us you are city folk to the max.
I'm old enough to recall when it was all mom and pop establishments that actually were the little deli's and fast food joints. A & W's still had girls that served you wearing rollers skates.

Your conglomerates run your food supplies everywhere, even out of China.

Its like this; You don't get to decide whether you can have natural vitamin C or the shit that is actually made out of black mold because our government says those are equal products when in fact they are not. They are exact opposites. Crap like that is what our government supports and again it is Democrats and Republicans both willing to sell out. The Monsanto's Bayer and Dow chemical corps pay off enough aids, campaigns and everything in between to keep the government subsidizing their operations.

You went through all your brags so here I'll give you a few of my own (I can only say that as a brag because God blessed me immeasurable so I would be able one day to see what is actually happening for myself, it is an ask and you shall receive request answered). I bought my first home when I was sixteen. It needed some repairs. Sold that when I was 18 due to the divorce deal (made a hell of a profit I might add). Bought the second house when I was nineteen, it also needed some repairs. May a bad decision went out with an asshole that stalked me and ended up moving out of that area for that reason. Sold that house eventually.

Being I could not find a job even in areas where I had experience I started my own business after a short stint at being a waitress. Within a few years after actually teaching myself on the job and getting paid for it I was making more than my union pipe-fitter brother and dad for that matter. I started another business shortly after a stint of being so sick I nearly died (damn I was on welfare up until that point for the children would not freeze or go hungry).

In time that business supported forty other families. My husband was crushed by a bus tranny at work (they paid him twenty grand for a life long partial disability. So he help me in my business). All during that time I keep up with those customers I had built over the years with my first business enterprise. Now here is the clincher. I retired before forty. My husband and I had everything paid for house, car, pickups, rental properties, investment properties and all of his heavy equipment and we had also saved a sizable amount that we invested in US savings bonds. By the time I reached forty I had also started another PT business just like the first one where I worked a few weeks out of the year making anywhere between ten to twenty thousand dollars. Used that money generally to spend the winters in Florida.
Then I started another business. It was a mining operation and I would not sell out to corporate's so they took me out, literally blew up my equipment while I was filling my first contract for road materials. Plus a national bank shorted loan funds about eighty grand, made up 120 erroneous documents, stole husbands heavy equipment we bought over the years with assistance from a fraudulent court fiasco and left us both as poor as church mice. Now I was really getting somewhere.

I started searching for the answer to a question a fed posed to me, "Why would they do that?" He asked that after he told me he believed every word I told him as I showed him the counterfeit documents the bank used to fraud our government. When that question was asked I could not answer it but now I can.

I looked at every aspect of every false accusation made against us and them some. I am still searching it out today as we chat here on this forum.

It goes back to the "control the food control the world". But see they cannot control the food or the world unless it is subsidized. In order to make the round robin of these subsidizes you have to control banking, insurance, farming, medical, schools, etc. etc..........and make the people believe a lie. Just as you believe the lie or want others to believe the lie.
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
You are in error they are selling shit to people. These giants have forced out small business enterprises in order to supplement what people want with what they think people should be willing to accept. People do not want crap food and processed garbage but both parties have willingly subsidized these bastards and even passed laws to make everyone accept their agenda on the people. Farm subsidies, insurance subsidies, banking subsidies, pharmaceutical subsidies and now you are going to get college subsidies for colleges that teach people an agenda verses educating them to actually perform but yet you are going to say the poor are now at fault for being poor when they are not healthy nor bright enough to fight back at this point.

No, people chose to be sold shit. It's why Walmart is number one today and has been number one for a while. They didn't run anybody out of town. They opened up stores and people flocked to them.

A couple of years ago I had a taste for chicken. So I went to my local KFC and they were closed. So I went to one a litter further, and they were closed too.

Looking into it, KFC's were not only closing all around me, but around the country as well. They were making a killing out in China, and they weren't even selling chicken there.

KFC is the most expensive fast food chicken place in the country, and people rejected them. They went to Church's or Popeye's or other such places. KFC was losing too much money to keep these places open.

I'm an older guy and I feel sorry for younger people today that like fast food. They don't know what a real Big Mac tasted like. They don't know what a real Whopper from Burger King tasted like. As time went on and these places wanted to stay competitive, they kept purchasing cheaper and cheaper products to make their burgers with.

Consumers drive our providers with what they sell. If Americans were just the opposite and rejected cheap food and products, our stores wouldn't be selling them.

Yep...a fast food burger today pales in comparison to what they were thirty years ago.
The youngsters can go to say a Five Guys burger joint to get an idea of what Burger King used to be like.

What I wouldn't pay to have an original Big Mac or Quarter Pounder today. I think the only restaurant that hasn't changed much is Wendy's, but I was never a real lover of their food. Because they still use quality ingredients, you are going to pay for a meal.

You know Ray, I always wondered if Mcdonalds would allow a franchisee to open a Mcdonalds; probably along an interstate, that sold BOTH todays fare, and its former magnificent fare, including the original fries. Do you realize how much money would be made!

Of course, the food Nazis would picket it, but that would be 1/2 the fun.
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed publicly?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Not sure what your logic is here.

Taking it to the extreme is not a valid argument.

You can address the issue or try the "slippery slope" fallacy.
exposure should extend to everyone who cashes a government check. Medicare, Social
Which is it ?
What's the point of listing welfare recipients on a public website anyway? What purpose does it serve?

If it's just another Conservative idea to harass and embarrass the poor, the slippery slope argument applies.
I would think taxpayers have the right to know what, where and to whom their money goes.
So that exp
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed publicly?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Not sure what your logic is here.

Taking it to the extreme is not a valid argument.

You can address the issue or try the "slippery slope" fallacy.

Which is it ?
What's the point of listing welfare recipients on a public website anyway? What purpose does it serve?

If it's just another Conservative idea to harass and embarrass the poor, the slippery slope argument applies.
I would think taxpayers have the right to know what, where and to whom their money goes.
So that exposure should extend to everyone who cashes a government check. Social Security, Medicare, farm subsidies, Section Eight landlords, federal bailouts to banks and investment firms. Everyone who gets a government check.

Otherwise, it's just another harassment of the poor.
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed publicly?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Not sure what your logic is here.

Taking it to the extreme is not a valid argument.

You can address the issue or try the "slippery slope" fallacy.
exposure should extend to everyone who cashes a government check. Medicare, Social
Which is it ?
What's the point of listing welfare recipients on a public website anyway? What purpose does it serve?

If it's just another Conservative idea to harass and embarrass the poor, the slippery slope argument applies.
I would think taxpayers have the right to know what, where and to whom their money goes.
So that exp
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed publicly?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Not sure what your logic is here.

Taking it to the extreme is not a valid argument.

You can address the issue or try the "slippery slope" fallacy.

Which is it ?
What's the point of listing welfare recipients on a public website anyway? What purpose does it serve?

If it's just another Conservative idea to harass and embarrass the poor, the slippery slope argument applies.
I would think taxpayers have the right to know what, where and to whom their money goes.
So that exposure should extend to everyone who cashes a government check. Social Security, Medicare, farm subsidies, Section Eight landlords, federal bailouts to banks and investment firms. Everyone who gets a government check.

Otherwise, it's just another harassment of the poor.

That connection has not been established.

Nice try though.
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed publicly?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Not sure what your logic is here.

Taking it to the extreme is not a valid argument.

You can address the issue or try the "slippery slope" fallacy.
exposure should extend to everyone who cashes a government check. Medicare, Social
Which is it ?
What's the point of listing welfare recipients on a public website anyway? What purpose does it serve?

If it's just another Conservative idea to harass and embarrass the poor, the slippery slope argument applies.
I would think taxpayers have the right to know what, where and to whom their money goes.
So that exp
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed publicly?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Not sure what your logic is here.

Taking it to the extreme is not a valid argument.

You can address the issue or try the "slippery slope" fallacy.

Which is it ?
What's the point of listing welfare recipients on a public website anyway? What purpose does it serve?

If it's just another Conservative idea to harass and embarrass the poor, the slippery slope argument applies.
I would think taxpayers have the right to know what, where and to whom their money goes.
So that exposure should extend to everyone who cashes a government check. Social Security, Medicare, farm subsidies, Section Eight landlords, federal bailouts to banks and investment firms. Everyone who gets a government check.

Otherwise, it's just another harassment of the poor.
Sure, except social security. Since almost all paid into it and it is required by government, it cannot be considered free stuff.
Your employer is not the government Welfare is not a paycheck. just as the taxpayers have a right to know which government contractors are recieving government payments, it has a right to know anyone else who is recieving checks from the government, especially when they are not rendering any service or product in exchange.

So, you want all people receiving SSI, SSDI, and Medicare to be listed?

Theoretically, SSI and Medicare benefits are paid for by contributions from the beneficiaries. Furthermore, that would include almost everyone at some point in their lives, so , no, they should be listed. However, welfare beneficiaries have done nothing in exchange for what they receive. Taxpayers are paying their bills.
The poor need to be shamed so they don't enjoy being poor so much

Only through suffering and humiliation will the poor give up their ways
Was that in the gospel of mark? :2up:

As Jesus once said to a beggar in the street.......Get a job freeloader!

Well that's the difference between the time of Jesus (which you on the left don't understand) and America today.

Back in Jesus's day, if you were born poor, you stayed poor because there were no choices. In a great country like ours, you have all the choices in the world including getting out of poverty.

There are still places like that where you have no choices but to be poor. Those people are trying to get into this country just to have a chance. Poverty in the US is a choice for most people.
I think you are starting to get it

If you are born stay poor

That is what has happened to our economy. The ladder to success is broken. Jobs in those communities have dried up. Those jobs that are available do not provide job progression
Used to be you could get a nice union job and you could work your way up

Now.....born poor, stay poor

You mean if you are an illegitimate child and your mother has been on the dole her entire life, then you are going to be on the dole as well. Only a liberal turd wouldn't understand the cause-effect relationship there.
Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
You are in error they are selling shit to people. These giants have forced out small business enterprises in order to supplement what people want with what they think people should be willing to accept. People do not want crap food and processed garbage but both parties have willingly subsidized these bastards and even passed laws to make everyone accept their agenda on the people. Farm subsidies, insurance subsidies, banking subsidies, pharmaceutical subsidies and now you are going to get college subsidies for colleges that teach people an agenda verses educating them to actually perform but yet you are going to say the poor are now at fault for being poor when they are not healthy nor bright enough to fight back at this point.

No, people chose to be sold shit. It's why Walmart is number one today and has been number one for a while. They didn't run anybody out of town. They opened up stores and people flocked to them.

A couple of years ago I had a taste for chicken. So I went to my local KFC and they were closed. So I went to one a litter further, and they were closed too.

Looking into it, KFC's were not only closing all around me, but around the country as well. They were making a killing out in China, and they weren't even selling chicken there.

KFC is the most expensive fast food chicken place in the country, and people rejected them. They went to Church's or Popeye's or other such places. KFC was losing too much money to keep these places open.

I'm an older guy and I feel sorry for younger people today that like fast food. They don't know what a real Big Mac tasted like. They don't know what a real Whopper from Burger King tasted like. As time went on and these places wanted to stay competitive, they kept purchasing cheaper and cheaper products to make their burgers with.

Consumers drive our providers with what they sell. If Americans were just the opposite and rejected cheap food and products, our stores wouldn't be selling them.

Yep...a fast food burger today pales in comparison to what they were thirty years ago.
The youngsters can go to say a Five Guys burger joint to get an idea of what Burger King used to be like.
Neigh! Neigh!

Whoa Nelly!
This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”

Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?
This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”

Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

They are to blame because they put nutjobs like Mao Tse Tung, Idi Amin and Nelson Mandela in power. No government can stand without the acquiescences of the people.
This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”

Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?

They are to blame because they put nutjobs like Mao Tse Tung, Idi Amin and Nelson Mandela in power. No government can stand without the acquiescences of the people.
Nelson Mandela is a nutjob? I'm pretty sure the chinese didn't want Mao in power, kind of sucks when you have a oppressive communist government, doesn't it?
Your employer is not the government Welfare is not a paycheck. just as the taxpayers have a right to know which government contractors are recieving government payments, it has a right to know anyone else who is recieving checks from the government, especially when they are not rendering any service or product in exchange.

So, you want all people receiving SSI, SSDI, and Medicare to be listed?

Theoretically, SSI and Medicare benefits are paid for by contributions from the beneficiaries. Furthermore, that would include almost everyone at some point in their lives, so , no, they should be listed. However, welfare beneficiaries have done nothing in exchange for what they receive. Taxpayers are paying their bills.
So everyone else including farm subsidies, Section Eight landlords, banks and financial institutions that get bailed out, they should all get listed as government beneficiaries.
I have a better plan

Why not publish everyone's tax returns so we can know how our neighbors stack up
Why would my neighbor be entitled to know what's on my tax return?
How do you benefit from knowing which of your neighbors gets assistance?

If some of them own snow mobiles and live in $500,000 homes, we can report it to the authorities, for one thing.
I have a better plan

Why not publish everyone's tax returns so we can know how our neighbors stack up
Why would my neighbor be entitled to know what's on my tax return?
How do you benefit from knowing which of your neighbors gets assistance?

If some of them own snow mobiles and live in $500,000 homes, we can report it to the authorities, for one thing.

How about if they own a $500,000 farm?
This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”

Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?
It has to do with laziness and wanting free stuff
This mayor is a moron.
This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live
If you receive government assistance in the state of Maine, Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald thinks the public has a right to know about it.

In a Thursday column for the Twin City Times, Macdonald said a bill will be submitted during Maine’s next legislative session“asking that a Web site be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.”

He added: “After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent.”

Proposals to target welfare recipients and reform assistance programs have become lightning rods for broader discussions on how the poor are treatedand how taxpayer dollars are used.

Kansas lawmakers received both national criticism and praise this summer after approving a law limiting how people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program can use their benefits. And at least 13 states have some sort of drug testing laws for public public assistance applicants or recipients.

[Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime]

Macdonald, a local Republican mayor who is up for reelection in November, can’t submit a state bill himself, so he would need a state lawmaker to back the plan in the legislature.

In his column Thursday, he wrote that Maine has a Web site listing the pension amounts individuals receive — something “taxpayers have a right to know,” he said — and wondered why welfare recipients’ information isn’t also publicly posted.

“The answer: our liberal, progressive legislators and their social-service allies have made them a victimized, protected class,” Macdonald wrote. “It’s none of your business how much of your money they get and spend. Who are you to question it? Just shut up and pay!”

Blaming poor people for being poor. The great American (Republcian Nut Job) way.

If you can't blame poor people for being poor, who do you blame? Who's fault is it when somebody is poor?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the 80% of the world population why it is that they are poor?
It has to do with laziness and wanting free stuff
Exactly, 80% of the world is simply to damn lazy and wants free stuff. LOL. Idiots actually believe this.

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