This mayor wants to publicize who’s on welfare and where they live

And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed public Ally?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Unemployment, Medicare, and Social Security are all programs working people paid into most of their lives. Apples and oranges.

Wrong. 40% of Medicare is paid for out of the general fund.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Next: Fox
January 8, 2014 6:24 PM MST

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's poverty rate was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

The statistics provided by Ray really do need discussion, don't you think? That is 15 trillion with a very large T of nothing more than transfer of wealth from working peoples pockets, to none working peoples pockets. And now, in many cases; from Americans, to none Americans.

Doesn't anyone think if the person collecting is over 18, and NOT in medical distress, there should be a cap on benefits over a certain period of time?
You have no concept of what contributed to our debt

Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
Yes they take our money...and contribute less and less to the society that supports them.

Working Americans are receiving less and less.....the wealthy just pocket the profit
You have no concept of what contributed to our debt

Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
You are in error they are selling shit to people. These giants have forced out small business enterprises in order to supplement what people want with what they think people should be willing to accept. People do not want crap food and processed garbage but both parties have willingly subsidized these bastards and even passed laws to make everyone accept their agenda on the people. Farm subsidies, insurance subsidies, banking subsidies, pharmaceutical subsidies and now you are going to get college subsidies for colleges that teach people an agenda verses educating them to actually perform but yet you are going to say the poor are now at fault for being poor when they are not healthy nor bright enough to fight back at this point.

No, people chose to be sold shit. It's why Walmart is number one today and has been number one for a while. They didn't run anybody out of town. They opened up stores and people flocked to them.

A couple of years ago I had a taste for chicken. So I went to my local KFC and they were closed. So I went to one a litter further, and they were closed too.

Looking into it, KFC's were not only closing all around me, but around the country as well. They were making a killing out in China, and they weren't even selling chicken there.

KFC is the most expensive fast food chicken place in the country, and people rejected them. They went to Church's or Popeye's or other such places. KFC was losing too much money to keep these places open.

I'm an older guy and I feel sorry for younger people today that like fast food. They don't know what a real Big Mac tasted like. They don't know what a real Whopper from Burger King tasted like. As time went on and these places wanted to stay competitive, they kept purchasing cheaper and cheaper products to make their burgers with.

Consumers drive our providers with what they sell. If Americans were just the opposite and rejected cheap food and products, our stores wouldn't be selling them.

Yep...a fast food burger today pales in comparison to what they were thirty years ago.
The youngsters can go to say a Five Guys burger joint to get an idea of what Burger King used to be like.
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed public Ally?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Unemployment, Medicare, and Social Security are all programs working people paid into most of their lives. Apples and oranges.
How about Section Eight rent subsidy checks? Should those recipients be listed on a public website?
The statistics provided by Ray really do need discussion, don't you think? That is 15 trillion with a very large T of nothing more than transfer of wealth from working peoples pockets, to none working peoples pockets. And now, in many cases; from Americans, to none Americans.

Doesn't anyone think if the person collecting is over 18, and NOT in medical distress, there should be a cap on benefits over a certain period of time?
You have no concept of what contributed to our debt

Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
Yes they take our money...and contribute less and less to the society that supports them.

Working Americans are receiving less and less.....the wealthy just pocket the profit

Sorry, but a worker is only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job.

If you think you are worth more money, then go to someplace that's willing to pay you the kind of money you think you're worth. If nobody is offering to pay you the wage you demand, obviously you are not worth that pay scale. But that's not the fault of the employers, it's your own fault. It's up to you to make yourself worth more.

As long as these Democrats keep allowing these foreigners to come here and take our jobs for next to nothing, pay increases will be hard to come by in this country for a long time.
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed public Ally?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Unemployment, Medicare, and Social Security are all programs working people paid into most of their lives. Apples and oranges.
How about Section Eight rent subsidy checks? Should those recipients be listed on a public website?

I believe section 8 houses are already listed on web sites. As a citizen of your city or town, you also have access to public records on Section 8 houses in your area.

I found out my former neighbor was renting to section 8 through my city. I had to call the cops on them about four times in a thee month period.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Next: Fox
January 8, 2014 6:24 PM MST

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's poverty rate was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

The statistics provided by Ray really do need discussion, don't you think? That is 15 trillion with a very large T of nothing more than transfer of wealth from working peoples pockets, to none working peoples pockets. And now, in many cases; from Americans, to none Americans.

Doesn't anyone think if the person collecting is over 18, and NOT in medical distress, there should be a cap on benefits over a certain period of time?
You have no concept of what contributed to our debt

Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

And the policies that allow that to happen are far left policies that you support without questions or hesitation, just like a good little far left drone.
The progs think its okay to shame people for operating their own businesses...publicly shaming welfare takers is perfectly copacetic with their philosophy.
Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
You are in error they are selling shit to people. These giants have forced out small business enterprises in order to supplement what people want with what they think people should be willing to accept. People do not want crap food and processed garbage but both parties have willingly subsidized these bastards and even passed laws to make everyone accept their agenda on the people. Farm subsidies, insurance subsidies, banking subsidies, pharmaceutical subsidies and now you are going to get college subsidies for colleges that teach people an agenda verses educating them to actually perform but yet you are going to say the poor are now at fault for being poor when they are not healthy nor bright enough to fight back at this point.

No, people chose to be sold shit. It's why Walmart is number one today and has been number one for a while. They didn't run anybody out of town. They opened up stores and people flocked to them.

A couple of years ago I had a taste for chicken. So I went to my local KFC and they were closed. So I went to one a litter further, and they were closed too.

Looking into it, KFC's were not only closing all around me, but around the country as well. They were making a killing out in China, and they weren't even selling chicken there.

KFC is the most expensive fast food chicken place in the country, and people rejected them. They went to Church's or Popeye's or other such places. KFC was losing too much money to keep these places open.

I'm an older guy and I feel sorry for younger people today that like fast food. They don't know what a real Big Mac tasted like. They don't know what a real Whopper from Burger King tasted like. As time went on and these places wanted to stay competitive, they kept purchasing cheaper and cheaper products to make their burgers with.

Consumers drive our providers with what they sell. If Americans were just the opposite and rejected cheap food and products, our stores wouldn't be selling them.

Yep...a fast food burger today pales in comparison to what they were thirty years ago.
The youngsters can go to say a Five Guys burger joint to get an idea of what Burger King used to be like.

What I wouldn't pay to have an original Big Mac or Quarter Pounder today. I think the only restaurant that hasn't changed much is Wendy's, but I was never a real lover of their food. Because they still use quality ingredients, you are going to pay for a meal.
Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
You are in error they are selling shit to people. These giants have forced out small business enterprises in order to supplement what people want with what they think people should be willing to accept. People do not want crap food and processed garbage but both parties have willingly subsidized these bastards and even passed laws to make everyone accept their agenda on the people. Farm subsidies, insurance subsidies, banking subsidies, pharmaceutical subsidies and now you are going to get college subsidies for colleges that teach people an agenda verses educating them to actually perform but yet you are going to say the poor are now at fault for being poor when they are not healthy nor bright enough to fight back at this point.

No, people chose to be sold shit. It's why Walmart is number one today and has been number one for a while. They didn't run anybody out of town. They opened up stores and people flocked to them.

A couple of years ago I had a taste for chicken. So I went to my local KFC and they were closed. So I went to one a litter further, and they were closed too.

Looking into it, KFC's were not only closing all around me, but around the country as well. They were making a killing out in China, and they weren't even selling chicken there.

KFC is the most expensive fast food chicken place in the country, and people rejected them. They went to Church's or Popeye's or other such places. KFC was losing too much money to keep these places open.

I'm an older guy and I feel sorry for younger people today that like fast food. They don't know what a real Big Mac tasted like. They don't know what a real Whopper from Burger King tasted like. As time went on and these places wanted to stay competitive, they kept purchasing cheaper and cheaper products to make their burgers with.

Consumers drive our providers with what they sell. If Americans were just the opposite and rejected cheap food and products, our stores wouldn't be selling them.

Yep...a fast food burger today pales in comparison to what they were thirty years ago.
The youngsters can go to say a Five Guys burger joint to get an idea of what Burger King used to be like.
Neigh! Neigh!
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed publicly?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Not sure what your logic is here.

Taking it to the extreme is not a valid argument.

You can address the issue or try the "slippery slope" fallacy.

Which is it ?
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
You are in error they are selling shit to people. These giants have forced out small business enterprises in order to supplement what people want with what they think people should be willing to accept. People do not want crap food and processed garbage but both parties have willingly subsidized these bastards and even passed laws to make everyone accept their agenda on the people. Farm subsidies, insurance subsidies, banking subsidies, pharmaceutical subsidies and now you are going to get college subsidies for colleges that teach people an agenda verses educating them to actually perform but yet you are going to say the poor are now at fault for being poor when they are not healthy nor bright enough to fight back at this point.

No, people chose to be sold shit. It's why Walmart is number one today and has been number one for a while. They didn't run anybody out of town. They opened up stores and people flocked to them.

A couple of years ago I had a taste for chicken. So I went to my local KFC and they were closed. So I went to one a litter further, and they were closed too.

Looking into it, KFC's were not only closing all around me, but around the country as well. They were making a killing out in China, and they weren't even selling chicken there.

KFC is the most expensive fast food chicken place in the country, and people rejected them. They went to Church's or Popeye's or other such places. KFC was losing too much money to keep these places open.

I'm an older guy and I feel sorry for younger people today that like fast food. They don't know what a real Big Mac tasted like. They don't know what a real Whopper from Burger King tasted like. As time went on and these places wanted to stay competitive, they kept purchasing cheaper and cheaper products to make their burgers with.

Consumers drive our providers with what they sell. If Americans were just the opposite and rejected cheap food and products, our stores wouldn't be selling them.

Yep...a fast food burger today pales in comparison to what they were thirty years ago.
The youngsters can go to say a Five Guys burger joint to get an idea of what Burger King used to be like.
Neigh! Neigh!

Whoa Nelly!

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades
Next: Fox
January 8, 2014 6:24 PM MST

Months after JFK's assassination, Lyndon Johnson told congress and the nation that he was declaring "an unconditional war on poverty in America." Five decades and $15 trillion later, that war is lost.

Taxpayers have been bilked trillions of dollars.

Back in 1964, America's poverty rate was 19 percent. Today, it's 15 percent and the number is rising thanks to failed programs. The government borrowed money and forced taxpayers to spend $15 trillion in anti-poverty programs. However, bureaucrats and politicians have not been held accountable for squandering America's wealth.

War on poverty: US spent $15 trillion over 5 decades

The statistics provided by Ray really do need discussion, don't you think? That is 15 trillion with a very large T of nothing more than transfer of wealth from working peoples pockets, to none working peoples pockets. And now, in many cases; from Americans, to none Americans.

Doesn't anyone think if the person collecting is over 18, and NOT in medical distress, there should be a cap on benefits over a certain period of time?
You have no concept of what contributed to our debt

Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

I don't disagree...but you should provide an example dataset.
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
You are in error they are selling shit to people. These giants have forced out small business enterprises in order to supplement what people want with what they think people should be willing to accept. People do not want crap food and processed garbage but both parties have willingly subsidized these bastards and even passed laws to make everyone accept their agenda on the people. Farm subsidies, insurance subsidies, banking subsidies, pharmaceutical subsidies and now you are going to get college subsidies for colleges that teach people an agenda verses educating them to actually perform but yet you are going to say the poor are now at fault for being poor when they are not healthy nor bright enough to fight back at this point.

No, people chose to be sold shit. It's why Walmart is number one today and has been number one for a while. They didn't run anybody out of town. They opened up stores and people flocked to them.

A couple of years ago I had a taste for chicken. So I went to my local KFC and they were closed. So I went to one a litter further, and they were closed too.

Looking into it, KFC's were not only closing all around me, but around the country as well. They were making a killing out in China, and they weren't even selling chicken there.

KFC is the most expensive fast food chicken place in the country, and people rejected them. They went to Church's or Popeye's or other such places. KFC was losing too much money to keep these places open.

I'm an older guy and I feel sorry for younger people today that like fast food. They don't know what a real Big Mac tasted like. They don't know what a real Whopper from Burger King tasted like. As time went on and these places wanted to stay competitive, they kept purchasing cheaper and cheaper products to make their burgers with.

Consumers drive our providers with what they sell. If Americans were just the opposite and rejected cheap food and products, our stores wouldn't be selling them.

Yep...a fast food burger today pales in comparison to what they were thirty years ago.
The youngsters can go to say a Five Guys burger joint to get an idea of what Burger King used to be like.

What I wouldn't pay to have an original Big Mac or Quarter Pounder today. I think the only restaurant that hasn't changed much is Wendy's, but I was never a real lover of their food. Because they still use quality ingredients, you are going to pay for a meal.

They don't grill fast food burgers anymore. The food is really not much different than microwaving pre-cooked food.
You have no concept of what contributed to our debt

Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
Yes they take our money...and contribute less and less to the society that supports them.

Working Americans are receiving less and less.....the wealthy just pocket the profit

Sorry, but a worker is only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job.

If you think you are worth more money, then go to someplace that's willing to pay you the kind of money you think you're worth. If nobody is offering to pay you the wage you demand, obviously you are not worth that pay scale. But that's not the fault of the employers, it's your own fault. It's up to you to make yourself worth more.

As long as these Democrats keep allowing these foreigners to come here and take our jobs for next to nothing, pay increases will be hard to come by in this country for a long time.
In an ideal world, there are ample better paying jobs available to every employee. But when there are three applicants for every job, the employer gets to play the ......don't like it ...leave card

Now our corporations can claim they can't afford better jobs...but they can
Corporate cash reserves are at record level. Employers like keeping their workforce hungry and afraid with nobody to stand up for them but the government
Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
You are in error they are selling shit to people. These giants have forced out small business enterprises in order to supplement what people want with what they think people should be willing to accept. People do not want crap food and processed garbage but both parties have willingly subsidized these bastards and even passed laws to make everyone accept their agenda on the people. Farm subsidies, insurance subsidies, banking subsidies, pharmaceutical subsidies and now you are going to get college subsidies for colleges that teach people an agenda verses educating them to actually perform but yet you are going to say the poor are now at fault for being poor when they are not healthy nor bright enough to fight back at this point.

No, people chose to be sold shit. It's why Walmart is number one today and has been number one for a while. They didn't run anybody out of town. They opened up stores and people flocked to them.

A couple of years ago I had a taste for chicken. So I went to my local KFC and they were closed. So I went to one a litter further, and they were closed too.

Looking into it, KFC's were not only closing all around me, but around the country as well. They were making a killing out in China, and they weren't even selling chicken there.

KFC is the most expensive fast food chicken place in the country, and people rejected them. They went to Church's or Popeye's or other such places. KFC was losing too much money to keep these places open.

I'm an older guy and I feel sorry for younger people today that like fast food. They don't know what a real Big Mac tasted like. They don't know what a real Whopper from Burger King tasted like. As time went on and these places wanted to stay competitive, they kept purchasing cheaper and cheaper products to make their burgers with.

Consumers drive our providers with what they sell. If Americans were just the opposite and rejected cheap food and products, our stores wouldn't be selling them.

Yep...a fast food burger today pales in comparison to what they were thirty years ago.
The youngsters can go to say a Five Guys burger joint to get an idea of what Burger King used to be like.

What I wouldn't pay to have an original Big Mac or Quarter Pounder today. I think the only restaurant that hasn't changed much is Wendy's, but I was never a real lover of their food. Because they still use quality ingredients, you are going to pay for a meal.

They don't grill fast food burgers anymore. The food is really not much different than microwaving pre-cooked food.

A bunch of over processed crap.
Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
Yes they take our money...and contribute less and less to the society that supports them.

Working Americans are receiving less and less.....the wealthy just pocket the profit

Sorry, but a worker is only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job.

If you think you are worth more money, then go to someplace that's willing to pay you the kind of money you think you're worth. If nobody is offering to pay you the wage you demand, obviously you are not worth that pay scale. But that's not the fault of the employers, it's your own fault. It's up to you to make yourself worth more.

As long as these Democrats keep allowing these foreigners to come here and take our jobs for next to nothing, pay increases will be hard to come by in this country for a long time.
In an ideal world, there are ample better paying jobs available to every employee. But when there are three applicants for every job, the employer gets to play the ......don't like it ...leave card

Now our corporations can claim they can't afford better jobs...but they can
Corporate cash reserves are at record level. Employers like keeping their workforce hungry and afraid with nobody to stand up for them but the government

This is where we part.

Maybe on the East Coast...but in other parts of the country companies can't find the help they need (qualified help).
Exactly how does that response answer the question? I am not talking of debt on this thread, I am talking transfer of wealth. Nice pivot though, a true politician!
If that was your are looking in the wrong direction

All economic indicators show that transfer of wealth has gone from working Americans to the wealthy. The poor are still poor

Of course there is a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They are the people that sell us the products and services we desire.

Sometime this week, you, I and everybody here will be transferring our money to the top; probably several times this week.

We may buy gasoline from those multi-billion dollar oil companies, we may buy a new computer or computer program. We may stop at McDonald's for a hamburger or three. We may be ordering pay-per-view or buy a movie on DVD. Maybe buy a new smart phone.

No matter, we will all be transferring our money to the top this week and you are no exception. It's been going on for years.
Yes they take our money...and contribute less and less to the society that supports them.

Working Americans are receiving less and less.....the wealthy just pocket the profit

Sorry, but a worker is only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job.

If you think you are worth more money, then go to someplace that's willing to pay you the kind of money you think you're worth. If nobody is offering to pay you the wage you demand, obviously you are not worth that pay scale. But that's not the fault of the employers, it's your own fault. It's up to you to make yourself worth more.

As long as these Democrats keep allowing these foreigners to come here and take our jobs for next to nothing, pay increases will be hard to come by in this country for a long time.
In an ideal world, there are ample better paying jobs available to every employee. But when there are three applicants for every job, the employer gets to play the ......don't like it ...leave card

Now our corporations can claim they can't afford better jobs...but they can
Corporate cash reserves are at record level. Employers like keeping their workforce hungry and afraid with nobody to stand up for them but the government

Lack of economic growth due to high taxes, excessive regulation, and Big Government crowding out the private sector Really Sucks for job seekers.
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed public Ally?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Unemployment, Medicare, and Social Security are all programs working people paid into most of their lives. Apples and oranges.
How about Section Eight rent subsidy checks? Should those recipients be listed on a public website?

I believe section 8 houses are already listed on web sites. As a citizen of your city or town, you also have access to public records on Section 8 houses in your area.

I found out my former neighbor was renting to section 8 through my city. I had to call the cops on them about four times in a thee month period.
Not Section Eight houses. And such houses areNOT listed as public information.

I know because I am the Section Eight housing inspector for my county. I know.

I asked about Section Eight rent subsidy check recipients. Should their personal information be listed on a public website?
And he's wrong why ?

When you tie into the get a lot more than you want.
Should the elderly recipients of Social Scecurity and Medicare benefits also be listed for public consumption? How about those receiving unemployment benefits?

Should those receiving benefits from Mental Health associations be listed publicly?

How much privacy should citizens expect from their government? Why are Conservatives so eager to bring this government interference into the lives of individuals?

Not sure what your logic is here.

Taking it to the extreme is not a valid argument.

You can address the issue or try the "slippery slope" fallacy.

Which is it ?
What's the point of listing welfare recipients on a public website anyway? What purpose does it serve?

If it's just another Conservative idea to harass and embarrass the poor, the slippery slope argument applies.

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