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This proud liberal city is throwing out its entire government


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
After a tumultuous four years marked by violent protests and drug decriminalization, Portland is poised for big changes.

PORTLAND, Oregon — Few American cities faced as much chaos as Portland over the last four years. This proudly liberal city has endured more than 100 days of often-violent protests, a fentanyl and homelessness crisis, a pandemic — and, in arguably the nation’s boldest progressive policy experiment in recent history — decriminalization of all drugs.

This November, Portland is undertaking one more chaotic act.

In a sign of either hope or desperation, Rose City voters decided to throw out their entire government structure and replace it with a weaker mayor, expanded City Council and ranked choice voting.

A major driving factor was the passage of “Measure 110” decriminalizing all drugs in 2020, which was backed by 74 percent of Multnomah County’s residents. Voters couldn’t — or at least didn’t — anticipate how this policy change would reshape a city already strapped for money, dealing with a public health crisis and confronting rising rates of homelessness and fentanyl abuse.

Drug use shot up, homelessness worsened and taxpayers fled.

“These were huge issues,” said Carmen Rubio, a City Council member who is now running for mayor. “It was a perfect storm.”

Seemingly everyone wants to be part of fixing the city’s woes. There are 19 people running for mayor and 98 people seeking seats on the City Council. They’re nearly all campaigning on left-of-center platforms — this is Portland, after all. But progressives often put blame for the policy failures on unexpected circumstances like the fentanyl crisis and on problems with implementation, while moderate candidates are bemoaning the city’s far-left shift and pushing for bigger policy corrections.


Pandemic closures, protests, elevated crime rates and rising homelessness buffeted many liberal cities in recent years, including San Francisco and Minneapolis. But policy choices made by the city and state aggravated their impact in Portland.

The ramifications are measurable: Nearly 12,000 people moved out of Multnomah County between 2020 and 2023, per data from Portland State University. The exodus between 2020 and 2021 alone took nearly $1.1 billion in taxable income out of the city, according to data analyzed by the Economic Innovation Group. Portland’s once bustling downtown is nearly empty, and a negative national reputation clouds its economic future.


The City Council instituted some changes that BLM advocates were asking for, like cutting $15 million from the police department budget and shuttering the Gun Violence Reduction Team, following findings that it disproportionately targeted Black and Brown men. But in the aftermath, gun violence shot up, reaching an all-time high of 101 homicides in 2022.

Much more in the article.
So...they decriminalized drugs, and drug use shot up.

They disbanded the Gun Violence Reduction Team, and gun violence shot up.

Meanwhile, people and businesses left and took their $1 billion in income with them.

And the people of Portland are still going to vote for "progressives".

Progressives have about 30 seconds of foresight. Then, when confronted with the reality of the failure of their policies, they blame everyone but themselves.

I urge all normal people of Portland -- if there still are any -- to leave before it gets even worse.
After a tumultuous four years marked by violent protests and drug decriminalization, Portland is poised for big changes.

PORTLAND, Oregon — Few American cities faced as much chaos as Portland over the last four years. This proudly liberal city has endured more than 100 days of often-violent protests, a fentanyl and homelessness crisis, a pandemic — and, in arguably the nation’s boldest progressive policy experiment in recent history — decriminalization of all drugs.

This November, Portland is undertaking one more chaotic act.

In a sign of either hope or desperation, Rose City voters decided to throw out their entire government structure and replace it with a weaker mayor, expanded City Council and ranked choice voting.

A major driving factor was the passage of “Measure 110” decriminalizing all drugs in 2020, which was backed by 74 percent of Multnomah County’s residents. Voters couldn’t — or at least didn’t — anticipate how this policy change would reshape a city already strapped for money, dealing with a public health crisis and confronting rising rates of homelessness and fentanyl abuse.

Drug use shot up, homelessness worsened and taxpayers fled.

“These were huge issues,” said Carmen Rubio, a City Council member who is now running for mayor. “It was a perfect storm.”

Seemingly everyone wants to be part of fixing the city’s woes. There are 19 people running for mayor and 98 people seeking seats on the City Council. They’re nearly all campaigning on left-of-center platforms — this is Portland, after all. But progressives often put blame for the policy failures on unexpected circumstances like the fentanyl crisis and on problems with implementation, while moderate candidates are bemoaning the city’s far-left shift and pushing for bigger policy corrections.


Pandemic closures, protests, elevated crime rates and rising homelessness buffeted many liberal cities in recent years, including San Francisco and Minneapolis. But policy choices made by the city and state aggravated their impact in Portland.

The ramifications are measurable: Nearly 12,000 people moved out of Multnomah County between 2020 and 2023, per data from Portland State University. The exodus between 2020 and 2021 alone took nearly $1.1 billion in taxable income out of the city, according to data analyzed by the Economic Innovation Group. Portland’s once bustling downtown is nearly empty, and a negative national reputation clouds its economic future.


The City Council instituted some changes that BLM advocates were asking for, like cutting $15 million from the police department budget and shuttering the Gun Violence Reduction Team, following findings that it disproportionately targeted Black and Brown men. But in the aftermath, gun violence shot up, reaching an all-time high of 101 homicides in 2022.

Much more in the article.
So the far left government is failing and we need a different far left government. Portland seems to be full of retards.
So...they decriminalized drugs, and drug use shot up.

They disbanded the Gun Violence Reduction Team, and gun violence shot up.

Meanwhile, people and businesses left and took their $1 billion in income with them.

And the people of Portland are still going to vote for "progressives".

Progressives have about 30 seconds of foresight. Then, when confronted with the reality of the failure of their policies, they blame everyone but themselves.

I urge all normal people of Portland -- if there still are any -- to leave before it gets even worse.
Radical Left policies fail.
After a tumultuous four years marked by violent protests and drug decriminalization, Portland is poised for big changes.

PORTLAND, Oregon — Few American cities faced as much chaos as Portland over the last four years. This proudly liberal city has endured more than 100 days of often-violent protests, a fentanyl and homelessness crisis, a pandemic — and, in arguably the nation’s boldest progressive policy experiment in recent history — decriminalization of all drugs.

This November, Portland is undertaking one more chaotic act.

In a sign of either hope or desperation, Rose City voters decided to throw out their entire government structure and replace it with a weaker mayor, expanded City Council and ranked choice voting.

A major driving factor was the passage of “Measure 110” decriminalizing all drugs in 2020, which was backed by 74 percent of Multnomah County’s residents. Voters couldn’t — or at least didn’t — anticipate how this policy change would reshape a city already strapped for money, dealing with a public health crisis and confronting rising rates of homelessness and fentanyl abuse.

Drug use shot up, homelessness worsened and taxpayers fled.

“These were huge issues,” said Carmen Rubio, a City Council member who is now running for mayor. “It was a perfect storm.”

Seemingly everyone wants to be part of fixing the city’s woes. There are 19 people running for mayor and 98 people seeking seats on the City Council. They’re nearly all campaigning on left-of-center platforms — this is Portland, after all. But progressives often put blame for the policy failures on unexpected circumstances like the fentanyl crisis and on problems with implementation, while moderate candidates are bemoaning the city’s far-left shift and pushing for bigger policy corrections.


Pandemic closures, protests, elevated crime rates and rising homelessness buffeted many liberal cities in recent years, including San Francisco and Minneapolis. But policy choices made by the city and state aggravated their impact in Portland.

The ramifications are measurable: Nearly 12,000 people moved out of Multnomah County between 2020 and 2023, per data from Portland State University. The exodus between 2020 and 2021 alone took nearly $1.1 billion in taxable income out of the city, according to data analyzed by the Economic Innovation Group. Portland’s once bustling downtown is nearly empty, and a negative national reputation clouds its economic future.


The City Council instituted some changes that BLM advocates were asking for, like cutting $15 million from the police department budget and shuttering the Gun Violence Reduction Team, following findings that it disproportionately targeted Black and Brown men. But in the aftermath, gun violence shot up, reaching an all-time high of 101 homicides in 2022.

Much more in the article.

When the lights go out...and don't come back on...that filthy, Portland commie scum better stay in their utopia.

civil war red dem or rep.jpg
Portland didn't get any smarter if they supported ranked choice voting. Now they'll get liberal loons nobody really liked the first go around.

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