This Republican has got it right.

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

No measures have been introduced to ‘confiscate’ guns – the notion is a rightwing lie and more baseless demagoguery from conservatives.

Pretending for a second that you aren't for banning guns. You are flat out lying when you say your party isn't out to do that. And we both know if/when they do, you will be silent.

Democrats are stupid people who think everyone else is as stupid as you are
One cannot reason with dishonest liars, which is who conservatives are.

Conservatives lie about gun ‘bans’ and gun ‘confiscation’ that never come about.

Indeed, for eight years when President Obama was in office conservatives lied about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Eight years later not one gun ‘confiscated.’

Conservatives lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ is just more of their tedious fearmongering and demagoguery.

Explain how you get to ignore all the Democrats who say they are for outright banning guns on the board and nationally in the party
Show one person, any one person, that has advocated the outright banning of all guns.

Democrats already ban guns in almost every major US city. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Where would Democrats stop? Tell me what we could do today where Democrats would be happy and if anyone went further than Democrats would be on the pro-gun right side and stay there
Great, then you should have no problem naming the city, and providing the ordinance, that bans ALL guns. I'll wait.
No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

No measures have been introduced to ‘confiscate’ guns – the notion is a rightwing lie and more baseless demagoguery from conservatives.

Pretending for a second that you aren't for banning guns. You are flat out lying when you say your party isn't out to do that. And we both know if/when they do, you will be silent.

Democrats are stupid people who think everyone else is as stupid as you are
One cannot reason with dishonest liars, which is who conservatives are.

Conservatives lie about gun ‘bans’ and gun ‘confiscation’ that never come about.

Indeed, for eight years when President Obama was in office conservatives lied about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Eight years later not one gun ‘confiscated.’

Conservatives lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ is just more of their tedious fearmongering and demagoguery.

Explain how you get to ignore all the Democrats who say they are for outright banning guns on the board and nationally in the party
Show one person, any one person, that has advocated the outright banning of all guns.

Democrats already ban guns in almost every major US city. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Where would Democrats stop? Tell me what we could do today where Democrats would be happy and if anyone went further than Democrats would be on the pro-gun right side and stay there
Ban assault weapons and large capacity magazines.
Close the gun show loophole
Remove liability protection for gun manufacturers
Require registration of all handguns and allow law enforcement access to the database
Completely revoke the Dickey amendment
No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

No measures have been introduced to ‘confiscate’ guns – the notion is a rightwing lie and more baseless demagoguery from conservatives.

Pretending for a second that you aren't for banning guns. You are flat out lying when you say your party isn't out to do that. And we both know if/when they do, you will be silent.

Democrats are stupid people who think everyone else is as stupid as you are
One cannot reason with dishonest liars, which is who conservatives are.

Conservatives lie about gun ‘bans’ and gun ‘confiscation’ that never come about.

Indeed, for eight years when President Obama was in office conservatives lied about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Eight years later not one gun ‘confiscated.’

Conservatives lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ is just more of their tedious fearmongering and demagoguery.

Explain how you get to ignore all the Democrats who say they are for outright banning guns on the board and nationally in the party
Show one person, any one person, that has advocated the outright banning of all guns.

Democrats already ban guns in almost every major US city. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Where would Democrats stop? Tell me what we could do today where Democrats would be happy and if anyone went further than Democrats would be on the pro-gun right side and stay there
Great, then you should have no problem naming the city, and providing the ordinance, that bans ALL guns. I'll wait.

Seriously? San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, LA, Seattle, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC all virtually ban guns
No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

No measures have been introduced to ‘confiscate’ guns – the notion is a rightwing lie and more baseless demagoguery from conservatives.

Pretending for a second that you aren't for banning guns. You are flat out lying when you say your party isn't out to do that. And we both know if/when they do, you will be silent.

Democrats are stupid people who think everyone else is as stupid as you are
One cannot reason with dishonest liars, which is who conservatives are.

Conservatives lie about gun ‘bans’ and gun ‘confiscation’ that never come about.

Indeed, for eight years when President Obama was in office conservatives lied about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Eight years later not one gun ‘confiscated.’

Conservatives lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ is just more of their tedious fearmongering and demagoguery.

Explain how you get to ignore all the Democrats who say they are for outright banning guns on the board and nationally in the party
Show one person, any one person, that has advocated the outright banning of all guns.

Democrats already ban guns in almost every major US city. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Where would Democrats stop? Tell me what we could do today where Democrats would be happy and if anyone went further than Democrats would be on the pro-gun right side and stay there
Ban assault weapons and large capacity magazines.
Close the gun show loophole
Remove liability protection for gun manufacturers
Require registration of all handguns and allow law enforcement access to the database
Completely revoke the Dickey amendment

Then Democrats will be happy and there will be no more push from the left to ban guns? You're insane. Most US cities are far more restrictive than that now and the left doesn't bat an eye at demanding more restriction.

If we banned guns entirely the left would not be satisfied, they would still attack us for not having banned guns sooner and they would still blame us for bad guys having guns.

If you want to make the left even angrier than they already are, the best thing you can do is give them what they ask for. It just pisses them off. The more the left gets, the more hysterical they become that they have nothing
No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

No measures have been introduced to ‘confiscate’ guns – the notion is a rightwing lie and more baseless demagoguery from conservatives.

Pretending for a second that you aren't for banning guns. You are flat out lying when you say your party isn't out to do that. And we both know if/when they do, you will be silent.

Democrats are stupid people who think everyone else is as stupid as you are
One cannot reason with dishonest liars, which is who conservatives are.

Conservatives lie about gun ‘bans’ and gun ‘confiscation’ that never come about.

Indeed, for eight years when President Obama was in office conservatives lied about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Eight years later not one gun ‘confiscated.’

Conservatives lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ is just more of their tedious fearmongering and demagoguery.

Explain how you get to ignore all the Democrats who say they are for outright banning guns on the board and nationally in the party
Show one person, any one person, that has advocated the outright banning of all guns.

Democrats already ban guns in almost every major US city. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Where would Democrats stop? Tell me what we could do today where Democrats would be happy and if anyone went further than Democrats would be on the pro-gun right side and stay there
Great, then you should have no problem naming the city, and providing the ordinance, that bans ALL guns. I'll wait.

Seriously? San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, LA, Seattle, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC all virtually ban guns
So, no city bans all guns You can't produce a single politician or even poster here, that advocates banning all guns. In short, you are full of shit.
Oh the irony. You want hate speech, racism and condemnation of anyone without ramifications.
That's why America is the exhaust pipe of society in all them.
You can receive penalties for all those if pursued through the courts so to think you are free to be an arsehole, is wrong.
Oh the irony. You want hate speech, racism and condemnation of anyone without ramifications.
That's why America is the exhaust pipe of society in all them.
You can receive penalties for all those if pursued through the courts so to think you are free to be an arsehole, is wrong.

You stupid little fucking commie, you might want to check US supreme court precedents on speech. Agreeable speech doesn't need protection, so you can take your speech police and shove them up your commie ass.

How has communism involved in this?
Is that the only defence you have?
The fact remains if you open your big ignorant mouth with any of the aforementioned discussion, you can be prosecuted.
Unless your a Republican that is afforded that luxury of being a racist like you.
No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

No measures have been introduced to ‘confiscate’ guns – the notion is a rightwing lie and more baseless demagoguery from conservatives.

Pretending for a second that you aren't for banning guns. You are flat out lying when you say your party isn't out to do that. And we both know if/when they do, you will be silent.

Democrats are stupid people who think everyone else is as stupid as you are
One cannot reason with dishonest liars, which is who conservatives are.

Conservatives lie about gun ‘bans’ and gun ‘confiscation’ that never come about.

Indeed, for eight years when President Obama was in office conservatives lied about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Eight years later not one gun ‘confiscated.’

Conservatives lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ is just more of their tedious fearmongering and demagoguery.

Explain how you get to ignore all the Democrats who say they are for outright banning guns on the board and nationally in the party
Show one person, any one person, that has advocated the outright banning of all guns.

Democrats already ban guns in almost every major US city. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Where would Democrats stop? Tell me what we could do today where Democrats would be happy and if anyone went further than Democrats would be on the pro-gun right side and stay there
Great, then you should have no problem naming the city, and providing the ordinance, that bans ALL guns. I'll wait.

Seriously? San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, LA, Seattle, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC all virtually ban guns
So, no city bans all guns You can't produce a single politician or even poster here, that advocates banning all guns. In short, you are full of shit.

So you believe you can get a gun say in New York and carry it to defend yourself. You really believe that?
What is an assault rifle and how does it differ from a regular rifle?

One is designed to kill 20 people in 10 seconds and the other one isn't.
One is designed for military use and warfare, the other one isn't.
Any other incredibly stupid questions?
They know you mean combat weapons. The ones with no legitimate purpose.

If some weapon had no legitimate purpose, then why would anyone make or sell them?
Rifles like an AR-15 are some of the least powerful and least deadly rifles made.
The tiny .223 bullet was adopted by the military because they decided it made winning easier if they stopped killing people.
The bullet the AR-15 shoots is designed to not be able to kill, but to wound instead.
They are so weak that most states do not allow AR-15s to be used to hunt deer, as they are not lethal enough and cause a slow death.

But really, in a country founded by violent armed rebellion, and with all governments only lasting about 300 years before they become corrupt and need to be destroyed, anyone who does not have combat ready weapons in a democratic republic, is extremely irresponsible, to the point of being a traitor.
I know quite a bit about guns, I own some, I just think the usual arguments the right trots out are stupid and meant to shirk all the responsibility of responsible gun ownership.

I've had access to guns all my life and have owned them for 58+ years. Not one of them have harmed a person, would you call that responsible gun ownership?

Are you actually responsible with them or are you just a statistical anomaly?

Are you a troll or just an ignorant assed commie?

Are you just a total dumbass or are you also a complete moron?
Yeah, I figured.
No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

No measures have been introduced to ‘confiscate’ guns – the notion is a rightwing lie and more baseless demagoguery from conservatives.

Pretending for a second that you aren't for banning guns. You are flat out lying when you say your party isn't out to do that. And we both know if/when they do, you will be silent.

Democrats are stupid people who think everyone else is as stupid as you are
One cannot reason with dishonest liars, which is who conservatives are.

Conservatives lie about gun ‘bans’ and gun ‘confiscation’ that never come about.

Indeed, for eight years when President Obama was in office conservatives lied about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Eight years later not one gun ‘confiscated.’

Conservatives lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ is just more of their tedious fearmongering and demagoguery.

Explain how you get to ignore all the Democrats who say they are for outright banning guns on the board and nationally in the party
Show one person, any one person, that has advocated the outright banning of all guns.

Democrats already ban guns in almost every major US city. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Where would Democrats stop? Tell me what we could do today where Democrats would be happy and if anyone went further than Democrats would be on the pro-gun right side and stay there
Great, then you should have no problem naming the city, and providing the ordinance, that bans ALL guns. I'll wait.

Seriously? San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, LA, Seattle, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC all virtually ban guns
So, no city bans all guns You can't produce a single politician or even poster here, that advocates banning all guns. In short, you are full of shit.

So you believe you can get a gun say in New York and carry it to defend yourself. You really believe that?

How has communism involved in this?
Is that the only defence you have?
The fact remains if you open your big ignorant mouth with any of the aforementioned discussion, you can be prosecuted.
Unless your a Republican that is afforded that luxury of being a racist like you.

Once again you prove your ignorance, I provided two examples that met your requirements and all you've done is deflect and try to make it personal. But hey feel free to call the fucking police and give prosecution a try, just remember that's not an anonymous process. It's a lot different than being some eurotrash spouting commie shit on a message board. FOAD

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

No measures have been introduced to ‘confiscate’ guns – the notion is a rightwing lie and more baseless demagoguery from conservatives.

Pretending for a second that you aren't for banning guns. You are flat out lying when you say your party isn't out to do that. And we both know if/when they do, you will be silent.

Democrats are stupid people who think everyone else is as stupid as you are
One cannot reason with dishonest liars, which is who conservatives are.

Conservatives lie about gun ‘bans’ and gun ‘confiscation’ that never come about.

Indeed, for eight years when President Obama was in office conservatives lied about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Eight years later not one gun ‘confiscated.’

Conservatives lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ is just more of their tedious fearmongering and demagoguery.

Explain how you get to ignore all the Democrats who say they are for outright banning guns on the board and nationally in the party
Show one person, any one person, that has advocated the outright banning of all guns.

Democrats already ban guns in almost every major US city. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Where would Democrats stop? Tell me what we could do today where Democrats would be happy and if anyone went further than Democrats would be on the pro-gun right side and stay there
Great, then you should have no problem naming the city, and providing the ordinance, that bans ALL guns. I'll wait.

Seriously? San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, LA, Seattle, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC all virtually ban guns
So, no city bans all guns You can't produce a single politician or even poster here, that advocates banning all guns. In short, you are full of shit.

So you believe you can get a gun say in New York and carry it to defend yourself. You really believe that?

That only says there is the existence of a NY carry permit, not that you can get one.

What are you claiming exactly? As long as NY issues one permit then guns aren't illegal there and Democrats didn't ban guns?
No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

No measures have been introduced to ‘confiscate’ guns – the notion is a rightwing lie and more baseless demagoguery from conservatives.

Pretending for a second that you aren't for banning guns. You are flat out lying when you say your party isn't out to do that. And we both know if/when they do, you will be silent.

Democrats are stupid people who think everyone else is as stupid as you are
One cannot reason with dishonest liars, which is who conservatives are.

Conservatives lie about gun ‘bans’ and gun ‘confiscation’ that never come about.

Indeed, for eight years when President Obama was in office conservatives lied about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Eight years later not one gun ‘confiscated.’

Conservatives lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ is just more of their tedious fearmongering and demagoguery.

Explain how you get to ignore all the Democrats who say they are for outright banning guns on the board and nationally in the party
Show one person, any one person, that has advocated the outright banning of all guns.

Democrats already ban guns in almost every major US city. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Where would Democrats stop? Tell me what we could do today where Democrats would be happy and if anyone went further than Democrats would be on the pro-gun right side and stay there
Great, then you should have no problem naming the city, and providing the ordinance, that bans ALL guns. I'll wait.

Seriously? San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, LA, Seattle, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC all virtually ban guns
So, no city bans all guns You can't produce a single politician or even poster here, that advocates banning all guns. In short, you are full of shit.

So you believe you can get a gun say in New York and carry it to defend yourself. You really believe that?

That only says there is the existence of a NY carry permit, not that you can get one.

What are you claiming exactly? As long as NY issues one permit then guns aren't illegal there and Democrats didn't ban guns?
Yes, you can get a permit for concealed carry in New York. You might want to hire a lawyer, and you need to provide a valid reason, like carrying large amounts of cash or valuables, a credible threat, or being famous.
No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ guns.

No measures have been introduced to ‘confiscate’ guns – the notion is a rightwing lie and more baseless demagoguery from conservatives.

Pretending for a second that you aren't for banning guns. You are flat out lying when you say your party isn't out to do that. And we both know if/when they do, you will be silent.

Democrats are stupid people who think everyone else is as stupid as you are
One cannot reason with dishonest liars, which is who conservatives are.

Conservatives lie about gun ‘bans’ and gun ‘confiscation’ that never come about.

Indeed, for eight years when President Obama was in office conservatives lied about guns being ‘confiscated.’

Eight years later not one gun ‘confiscated.’

Conservatives lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ is just more of their tedious fearmongering and demagoguery.

Explain how you get to ignore all the Democrats who say they are for outright banning guns on the board and nationally in the party
Show one person, any one person, that has advocated the outright banning of all guns.

Democrats already ban guns in almost every major US city. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Where would Democrats stop? Tell me what we could do today where Democrats would be happy and if anyone went further than Democrats would be on the pro-gun right side and stay there
Great, then you should have no problem naming the city, and providing the ordinance, that bans ALL guns. I'll wait.

Seriously? San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, LA, Seattle, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC all virtually ban guns
So, no city bans all guns You can't produce a single politician or even poster here, that advocates banning all guns. In short, you are full of shit.

So you believe you can get a gun say in New York and carry it to defend yourself. You really believe that?

That only says there is the existence of a NY carry permit, not that you can get one.

What are you claiming exactly? As long as NY issues one permit then guns aren't illegal there and Democrats didn't ban guns?
Yes, you can get a permit for concealed carry in New York. You might want to hire a lawyer, and you need to provide a valid reason, like carrying large amounts of cash or valuables, a credible threat, or being famous.

Just FYI I lived in NY.

A valid reason does not include

- It's your constitutional right

- You want to be able to defend your family and yourself

- Someone is trying to kill you

You actually would have to prove the third one for it to work. Like you'd have to provide threatening letters.

Yes, for all practical purposes guns are banned in NY. You're a liar and a racist
I personally believe the founding fathers would be horrified that every whack-job in the country has access to weapons that can empty out an entire theater in a few moments.
There are two chains of thought for the 2nd amendment. One involves the people as members of the militia, giving the right toward that purpose, and that the 2nd applies to the individual.

The militia idea would translate to allowing people to possess weapons of war, such as machine guns. While the individual right can actually limit the weapons a person possess to those needed by the individual.

The assault weapon question, like the judge who overturned the california assault weapons ban using a strange legal argument. That people can't be prevented from owning assault weapons because of their popularity and general usage. Had states banned them more effectively, thus preventing their popularity, the ban would have stood.

Which is why conservatives have come to loathe the Heller decision, codifying the individual right paradigm.

Pursuant to that paradigm, the individual right exists to facilitate the use of firearms for personal self-defense, unconnected to militia service – and the types of weapons that might be used by a militia.

That’s why the district court in the California AWB case made reference to the Swiss army knife, military in origin but now in common use by civilians having nothing to do with militia or military service – just like the AR 15.
that's why they made an Amendment to the US Constitution that gave every person in the Country access to weapons and went on to say that Right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED !!

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court – including the Second Amendment.

And current Second Amendment case law holds that the right enshrined in the Amendment is neither unlimited nor absolute, that it is not a right to “keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose,” and that it is an individual right to possess a firearm for lawful self-defense unconnected with militia service.

It is therefore perfectly lawful and Constitutional for government to place limits and restrictions concerning the possession of firearms provided those limits and restrictions comport with current Second Amendment case law – limits and restrictions that in no manner ‘infringe’ on the Second Amendment right.
Until you make an effective argument, that the previous assault weapon ban significantly affected the ability of citizens to own "arms", it is completely constitutional to restore that ban.

And that argument is that the AR 15 is ‘in common use’: like handguns, the AR 15 constitutes a class of weapons “that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense.”

Ultimately the Supreme Court will determine how effective that argument is.

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