This saves the Democrats a lot of time , thanks Donny!!!!!

As stupid as you are..... And you really are, guano

You got this one right
why dont LWNJs worry about their own selection of fading, failed candidates?
I don't agree with Common Core either............

One thing about Trump. He doesn't back down and calls a spade a spade................
Will force Walker to respond on the Common Core issue...............

Will he dance or change positions................LOL
How can you not come to the conslusion from the posts of left-wing nutjobs that they obsess on Republican candidates because they lose when discussing their candidates and the issues at hand?
Scott Walker s shifting position on the Common Core education standards PolitiFact Wisconsin

Walker gave a nod to Common Core in his first state budget, which became law in June 2011. It directed Evers’ Department of Public Instruction to come up with a new statewide test for school children, and that test would have to "measure mastery" of the Common Core standards.

Seven months later, in January 2012, a report was issued by the state Read to Lead Task Force, which was formed by Walker and Evers, and chaired by Walker. The report made recommendations on improving children’s reading. It noted Wisconsin was among the first states to adopt the Common Core standards, which it called "rigorous." And one of the recommendations was to ensure that the state’s early learning standards aligned with Common Core.

In April 2013, Alan J. Borsuk, an education fellow at Marquette University, observed in a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel commentary that nearly three years after its adoption in Wisconsin, Common Core was little known outside of education circles. Walker "has been low key in his support, but nonetheless has been on board," Borsuk wrote. "Implementation is one of the things that Walker and Evers have cooperated on. There is criticism and opposition, but it has been pretty low volume."

So, Walker showed tacit support for Common Core during most of his first term.

Then there was change.

Review, repeal

Walker’s second state budget became law in June 2013. It prohibited the Department of Public Instruction from "directing school districts" to do further implementation of Common Core. But Common Core standards adopted by the state superintendent to that point remained in effect.

Seven months later, in January 2014, Walker went further. In a speech at the State Education Convention, the governor said he was working on legislation to create a commission (to be chaired by Evers) to revisit the Common Core standards. Walker said they weren't high enough and were being dictated by people who weren't from Wisconsin, when they should be "driven by people in Wisconsin."

So Walker Flipped and Flopped on the issue...........hmmm.......interesting..........
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How can you not come to the conslusion from the posts of left-wing nutjobs that they obsess on Republican candidates because they lose when discussing their candidates and the issues at hand?
Why? Because America wants to see what nut will get the white christian party nomination! Will it be one of the bible thumping retards or hair trigger donny?
How can you not come to the conslusion from the posts of left-wing nutjobs that they obsess on Republican candidates because they lose when discussing their candidates and the issues at hand?

aint that the truth

How can you not come to the conslusion from the posts of left-wing nutjobs that they obsess on Republican candidates because they lose when discussing their candidates and the issues at hand?
Why? Because America wants to see what nut will get the white christian party nomination! Will it be one of the bible thumping retards or hair trigger donny?

As opposed to what we have now......

Can it be any worse ?

Trump has a way of shining a light on Republicans that are all talk and no action. Republicans that could sell us out like every one of them did before. Hillary looks like a lying packaged and bought politician. It's so obvious even Democrats know it. They have to be wondering what their alternatives are right now. They've flooded the states with illegal votes for so many years it's easier for them to win than it is for a Republican because of the electoral college. But still, Hillary is doing terrible and she's sinking badly across the country. Trump is sucking all of the air out of the race.
Trump was right in calling out anyone over common core. If Walker supports that crap, he should have to answer for it.

Common core is one of those issues that Americans reject.

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