This warm winter we're having


After record-shattering September, 2015 in commanding lead for Earth’s hottest year on record

Now that couldn't possibly have anything at all to do with the record warmth, could it? LOL

You guys are really getting desperate. Two record warm years in a row, a third in the making, and the GHGs that we are putting into the atmosphere cannot possibly have anything to do with it.

Well, nearly two hundred nations now disagree with your blindness. We are now halfway to the 2 degree increase. Sad news is, we are going to blow right by that.
Why is one of the lines thicker than all of the others?

Is it because you are blind, or simply a dumbass?
For blind fools like you. Are you contesting the data, or just once again emphasizing the point that you are extremely stupid.
So, Frank, Muhammed: all climate scientists are stupid, evil liars involved in a massive conspiracy to defraud the world. All other scientists are good and smart.

I am a climate scientist.

You are a very ignorant person.

When is the last time you looked at your barometer?

Would you like to learn?
No, you are not a climate scientist, you are an ignorant jackass, braying out your ignorance for the whole world to see.

2014, 2015, and 2016 are going to put the denialists lies away once and for all.


After record-shattering September, 2015 in commanding lead for Earth’s hottest year on record

Now that couldn't possibly have anything at all to do with the record warmth, could it? LOL

You guys are really getting desperate. Two record warm years in a row, a third in the making, and the GHGs that we are putting into the atmosphere cannot possibly have anything to do with it.

Well, nearly two hundred nations now disagree with your blindness. We are now halfway to the 2 degree increase. Sad news is, we are going to blow right by that.
Why is one of the lines thicker than all of the others?

Is it because you are blind, or simply a dumbass?
For blind fools like you. Are you contesting the data, or just once again emphasizing the point that you are extremely stupid.
You are a lying brainwashed ignorant fool.
So, TemplarKomac, do you now understand that failing to prove that something is false does not prove - or even provide evidence - that it is true.

No. Because claiming there's a "97% consensus" or that "100+ nations agree on climate change" does not constitute as "evidence." So the failure is yours, Crick.

There are an infinite number of statements that have not been falsified.

Tell it to these guys.

UN Scientists Who Have Turned on the UN IPCC & Man-Made Climate Fears -- A Climate Depot Flashback Report

BREAKING NEWS: scientist admits IPCC used fake data to pressure policy makers

Not having proved that the ENSO cycle is NOT driven by tidal motion (which no one has ever even suggested) does not prove that it is, or even that it might be.

Think about this, there are many factors involved which move the water. Air currents, atmospheric pressure, planetary rotation and etc. Moving the water can do lots of things, most namely alter the temperature. The moon is 1/3 the size of Earth, and you're going to sit there and tell me it has no effect on the ENSO? With all that gravitation exertion? If the moon can cause tides, just imagine what it would do to ENSO.
So, TemplarKomac, do you now understand that failing to prove that something is false does not prove - or even provide evidence - that it is true.

No. Because claiming there's a "97% consensus" or that "100+ nations agree on climate change" does not constitute as "evidence." So the failure is yours, Crick.

There are an infinite number of statements that have not been falsified.

Tell it to these guys.

UN Scientists Who Have Turned on the UN IPCC & Man-Made Climate Fears -- A Climate Depot Flashback Report

BREAKING NEWS: scientist admits IPCC used fake data to pressure policy makers

Not having proved that the ENSO cycle is NOT driven by tidal motion (which no one has ever even suggested) does not prove that it is, or even that it might be.

Think about this, there are many factors involved which move the water. Air currents, atmospheric pressure, planetary rotation and etc. Moving the water can do lots of things, most namely alter the temperature. The moon is 1/3 the size of Earth, and you're going to sit there and tell me it has no effect on the ENSO? With all that gravitation exertion? If the moon can cause tides, just imagine what it would do to ENSO.
Climate Depot has all the scientific credibility of the National Enquirer.
So, TemplarKomac, do you now understand that failing to prove that something is false does not prove - or even provide evidence - that it is true.

No. Because claiming there's a "97% consensus" or that "100+ nations agree on climate change" does not constitute as "evidence." So the failure is yours, Crick.

There are an infinite number of statements that have not been falsified.

Tell it to these guys.

UN Scientists Who Have Turned on the UN IPCC & Man-Made Climate Fears -- A Climate Depot Flashback Report

BREAKING NEWS: scientist admits IPCC used fake data to pressure policy makers

Not having proved that the ENSO cycle is NOT driven by tidal motion (which no one has ever even suggested) does not prove that it is, or even that it might be.

Think about this, there are many factors involved which move the water. Air currents, atmospheric pressure, planetary rotation and etc. Moving the water can do lots of things, most namely alter the temperature. The moon is 1/3 the size of Earth, and you're going to sit there and tell me it has no effect on the ENSO? With all that gravitation exertion? If the moon can cause tides, just imagine what it would do to ENSO.
Nothing at all. The tides occur all the time, every day. ENSO has to do with the effects of the accumulation of heat in the Pacific Ocean.
So, Frank, Muhammed: all climate scientists are stupid, evil liars involved in a massive conspiracy to defraud the world. All other scientists are good and smart.

I am a climate scientist.

You are a very ignorant person.

When is the last time you looked at your barometer?

Would you like to learn?
No, you are not a climate scientist, you are an ignorant jackass, braying out your ignorance for the whole world to see.

2014, 2015, and 2016 are going to put the denialists lies away once and for all.

Crick, the genicodial lunatic resurfaces
So, Frank, Muhammed: all climate scientists are stupid, evil liars involved in a massive conspiracy to defraud the world. All other scientists are good and smart.

I am a climate scientist.

You are a very ignorant person.

When is the last time you looked at your barometer?

Would you like to learn?
No, you are not a climate scientist, you are an ignorant jackass, braying out your ignorance for the whole world to see.

2014, 2015, and 2016 are going to put the denialists lies away once and for all.

Crick, the genicodial lunatic resurfaces
What's he up to now? Trying to cause chaos by flooding the Earth with his parents' garden hose again?
Crick, the genicodial lunatic resurfaces

What's he up to now? Trying to cause chaos by flooding the Earth with his parents' garden hose again?

Is THAT what genicodial means? I couldn't find it in any dictionary.

Sea levels are already too high and getting higher and my parents have been dead for a great many years. Perhaps I could use your Mommy's or your Daddy's hoses (they've each got their own, don't they) to wash the bullshit from your postings. Such as the one where you claimed to be a climate scientist. Are you maintaining that claim?
I don't think it was a typo Frank. Considering the faulty grasp of English required to interpret my oft-repeated quote as you and other have done, I haven't the slightest doubt that till five minutes ago, you didn't have the faintest idea how to correctly spell genocidal or a great many other words.
I don't think it was a typo Frank. Considering the faulty grasp of English required to interpret my oft-repeated quote as you and other have done, I haven't the slightest doubt that till five minutes ago, you didn't have the faintest idea how to correctly spell genocidal or a great many other words.

Celebrate your typo win, Crick. Your wins are so few and far between this must feel like an Olympic Gold Medal for you.
So, TemplarKomac, do you now understand that failing to prove that something is false does not prove - or even provide evidence - that it is true.

No. Because claiming there's a "97% consensus" or that "100+ nations agree on climate change" does not constitute as "evidence." So the failure is yours, Crick.

There are an infinite number of statements that have not been falsified.

Tell it to these guys.

UN Scientists Who Have Turned on the UN IPCC & Man-Made Climate Fears -- A Climate Depot Flashback Report

BREAKING NEWS: scientist admits IPCC used fake data to pressure policy makers

Not having proved that the ENSO cycle is NOT driven by tidal motion (which no one has ever even suggested) does not prove that it is, or even that it might be.

Think about this, there are many factors involved which move the water. Air currents, atmospheric pressure, planetary rotation and etc. Moving the water can do lots of things, most namely alter the temperature. The moon is 1/3 the size of Earth, and you're going to sit there and tell me it has no effect on the ENSO? With all that gravitation exertion? If the moon can cause tides, just imagine what it would do to ENSO.
Nothing at all. The tides occur all the time, every day. ENSO has to do with the effects of the accumulation of heat in the Pacific Ocean.
how do you supposed the heat moves?
So, you're admitting that it wasn't a typo? That's silly, Frank. You should have just dropped it. No one cares. It was repartee for having called me genocidal (or genicodial). That was a pretty asshole-ish thing to do Frank.

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