This warm winter we're having

So, TemplarKomac, do you now understand that failing to prove that something is false does not prove - or even provide evidence - that it is true.

No. Because claiming there's a "97% consensus" or that "100+ nations agree on climate change" does not constitute as "evidence." So the failure is yours, Crick.

1) My comment was an attempt to introduce you to some of the more basic rules of logic. I think perhaps my choice of the term "failing" was a mistake as it has allowed you to make an incorrect assumption. I was not speaking of attempting but failing to make a proof, I was speaking of doing nothing at all. I sit here watching TV and nothing else. I have failed to prove that tides do not drive ENSO. That (my sitting on the couch) does not prove that tides DO drive ENSO. It proves nothing at all.
2) The 97% consensus and that all national science organizations accept AGW and that more than 194 nations have signed on to Paris's COP-21 accords, ARE evidence that AGW is real and all for the same reason. They indicate that a very large proportion of the experts who can be safely assumed to have examined the detailed, scientific evidence, find that evidence sufficient.
3) The consensus issue has no bearing one way or the other on the rules of logic.

There are an infinite number of statements that have not been falsified.

Again, these have no bearing on the rules of logic. However, that second one should have been brought up in the thread "Where's the Confession".

Not having proved that the ENSO cycle is NOT driven by tidal motion (which no one has ever even suggested) does not prove that it is, or even that it might be.

Think about this, there are many factors involved which move the water. Air currents, atmospheric pressure, planetary rotation and etc. Moving the water can do lots of things, most namely alter the temperature.

Tidal motion DOES heat the world's oceans. But, as I think Old Rocks pointed out, it's been doing so on a diurnal basis for a very long time. Nothing has changed in those cycles that would cause heat to accumulate deep in the western Pacific. The tides do NOT cause ENSO. Period.

The moon is 1/3 the size of Earth

Did you get past geometry? The radius (diameter, circumference of the moon is 0.273 times the Earth's, so closer to a fourth than a third. But that makes it's volume (and thus its approximate mass) 2% of the Earth's (actually 1.23%).

and you're going to sit there and tell me it has no effect on the ENSO? With all that gravitation exertion? If the moon can cause tides, just imagine what it would do to ENSO.

You ARE funny. Yes, I am going to tell you that the moon, which causes our tides, does not cause ENSO. If you're not convinced, why don't you try to explain to us the difference between the tides that cause the el Nino and the tides that cause the la Nina. Are they going in different directions?

You might also ask yourself - if that tidal effect is so obvious and irrefutable - how the actual experts missed it.
So, Frank, Muhammed: all climate scientists are stupid, evil liars involved in a massive conspiracy to defraud the world. All other scientists are good and smart.

I am a climate scientist.

You are a very ignorant person.

When is the last time you looked at your barometer?

Would you like to learn?
No, you are not a climate scientist, you are an ignorant jackass, braying out your ignorance for the whole world to see.

2014, 2015, and 2016 are going to put the denialists lies away once and for all.

But you have less spiders than last time.

If they don't change their ways in a serious auto accident with fatalities.
Ol' TK is about 26 years old, and has stated that he has wisdom far beyond his years. I think he meant wisdom is beyond his ears. LOL

Yes, a warm winter, followed by a warm summer. I think it likely that we will have 3 years in a row that exceed 1998. And then some years that are not as warm as 2015, until the next strong El Nino. Then a new record, once or twice, or even three times again.
Ol' TK is about 26 years old, and has stated that he has wisdom far beyond his years. I think he meant wisdom is beyond his ears. LOL

Yes, a warm winter, followed by a warm summer. I think it likely that we will have 3 years in a row that exceed 1998. And then some years that are not as warm as 2015, until the next strong El Nino. Then a new record, once or twice, or even three times again.

You are starting to sound like AL gore
I wouldn't make any predictions if I were you...

Never mind go ahead and this thread is bookmarked :)
Excellent. I made some predicitons about 5 years back. Concerning what would happen on the next strong El Nino. And people, particularly Mr. Westwall, said exactly what you are saying. And he will deny it, just as you will deny that I ever made this prediction on the advent of the next strong El Nino. He predicted, and continues to predict a cooling. 1998, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2015, and 2016. See the pattern?
Excellent. I made some predicitons about 5 years back. Concerning what would happen on the next strong El Nino. And people, particularly Mr. Westwall, said exactly what you are saying. And he will deny it, just as you will deny that I ever made this prediction on the advent of the next strong El Nino. He predicted, and continues to predict a cooling. 1998, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2015, and 2016. See the pattern?

I'm going to make a prediction of my own. This coming rest of winter will be marked by bitter cold and abnormally cold temperatures in the southeast US. Something sort of like the 2014 event.

Now, pull that crystal ball out of your rear end and get a refund. Winters over the past century have been getting colder, not warmer. You act as if the weather should suddenly shift towards cold immediately after the winter solstice. It doesn't work that way.


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Well now, let us give those who are interested a chance to judge for themselves whether Dr. Jennifer Francis is a 'crazy lady'. That was Frankie Boys term, and to see you use it, once more drops you in my estimation. First, people that are worried about what the consequences of the warming are termed 'Commies', and now a respected researcher is called 'Crazy Lady' by you. About as classy as Crusader Frank. It that where you want to be?

And here is a shorter version;

I aspire to be more Frank-like in many ways.

Didn't call her a crazy lady.. I called her "the Crazy Hands Lady".. Big diff.

But my summary of her data you made me wade thru was totally accurate. Has it CHANGED?

The woman is bat shit crazy.. Her so called evidence is not even conjecture, its fantasy! She might have a PHD but it only means Piled Higher and Deeper.
Excellent. I made some predicitons about 5 years back. Concerning what would happen on the next strong El Nino. And people, particularly Mr. Westwall, said exactly what you are saying. And he will deny it, just as you will deny that I ever made this prediction on the advent of the next strong El Nino. He predicted, and continues to predict a cooling. 1998, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2015, and 2016. See the pattern?

I'm going to make a prediction of my own. This coming rest of winter will be marked by bitter cold and abnormally cold temperatures in the southeast US. Something sort of like the 2014 event.

Now, pull that crystal ball out of your rear end and get a refund. Winters over the past century have been getting colder, not warmer. You act as if the weather should suddenly shift towards cold immediately after the winter solstice. It doesn't work that way.




Right on the money!

global temp drop 12-25-15.jpg

The northern hemisphere took the plunge about 12-12 and has been cooling ever since. Currently dropped -1.18 Deg C and setting at +0.12 Deg C anomaly. The shift in the Polar jet is very obvious and the weather patterns are shifting fast..
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So, Frank, Muhammed: all climate scientists are stupid, evil liars involved in a massive conspiracy to defraud the world. All other scientists are good and smart.

I am a climate scientist.

You are a very ignorant person.

When is the last time you looked at your barometer?

Would you like to learn?

You are not a climate scientist.

OOOOOO... Now this is funny.. Better watch out, crick might put a quote in his sig line calling you a liar....

And yet he cant prove what CO2 does and has zero empirical evidence to prove any statement he makes...
So, TemplarKomac, do you now understand that failing to prove that something is false does not prove - or even provide evidence - that it is true.

No. Because claiming there's a "97% consensus" or that "100+ nations agree on climate change" does not constitute as "evidence." So the failure is yours, Crick.

There are an infinite number of statements that have not been falsified.

Tell it to these guys.

UN Scientists Who Have Turned on the UN IPCC & Man-Made Climate Fears -- A Climate Depot Flashback Report

BREAKING NEWS: scientist admits IPCC used fake data to pressure policy makers

Not having proved that the ENSO cycle is NOT driven by tidal motion (which no one has ever even suggested) does not prove that it is, or even that it might be.

Think about this, there are many factors involved which move the water. Air currents, atmospheric pressure, planetary rotation and etc. Moving the water can do lots of things, most namely alter the temperature. The moon is 1/3 the size of Earth, and you're going to sit there and tell me it has no effect on the ENSO? With all that gravitation exertion? If the moon can cause tides, just imagine what it would do to ENSO.
Climate Depot has all the scientific credibility of the National Enquirer.
Says the moron who thinks Wiki and SKS are reliable sources...:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Excellent. I made some predicitons about 5 years back. Concerning what would happen on the next strong El Nino. And people, particularly Mr. Westwall, said exactly what you are saying. And he will deny it, just as you will deny that I ever made this prediction on the advent of the next strong El Nino. He predicted, and continues to predict a cooling. 1998, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2015, and 2016. See the pattern?

I don't deny anything if I was wrong and not being sarcastic at the time I said it.

Who made those predictions?
I stated in 2010 that the next major El Nino was going to set some records. That was based on exchange of heat between the ocean and the atmosphere in 1998. And the present prediction is based on what we have seen in 1998 and this year.

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