This warm winter we're having

Old Rocks, you're a fucking brainwashed fool.

OK, you ignorant ass, post the articles from peer reviewed scientific journals proving that. All you have ever posted is brainless flap yap. Show us that your IQ is above two digits and give us some scientific basis for your opinion.

CO2 makes the world a greener place. It combats desertification and causes higher yields in food crops.

BTW, IQ = 158.

So, what you are saying is that you concede that the amount of CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere is changing our climate, but that we need to "Try it, you'll like it". Might be a hard sell to a lot of Americans that have lost their homes this year to fires and floods.

oh shit, come on rocks you know this is a full out drama post. Holy crap dude, you love to exaggerate don't you? Why don't you show us how powerful CO2 is by posting one experiment that shows that CO2 increases pressures and moves jet streams. Can you do that? nope you can't. What you can do is play drama queen.

I think he's brainwashed. And not very intelligent.

I think Old Rocks is smarter than you two multiplied. IQ=158? HAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa...

The improvement in crop yields would be vastly overwhelmed by the negative consequences. BTW, CO2 is already up 43%. Where are those huge crop yield improvements?
Old Rocks, you're a fucking brainwashed fool.

OK, you ignorant ass, post the articles from peer reviewed scientific journals proving that. All you have ever posted is brainless flap yap. Show us that your IQ is above two digits and give us some scientific basis for your opinion.

CO2 makes the world a greener place. It combats desertification and causes higher yields in food crops.

BTW, IQ = 158.

So, what you are saying is that you concede that the amount of CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere is changing our climate, but that we need to "Try it, you'll like it". Might be a hard sell to a lot of Americans that have lost their homes this year to fires and floods.

oh shit, come on rocks you know this is a full out drama post. Holy crap dude, you love to exaggerate don't you? Why don't you show us how powerful CO2 is by posting one experiment that shows that CO2 increases pressures and moves jet streams. Can you do that? nope you can't. What you can do is play drama queen.

I think he's brainwashed. And not very intelligent.

I think Old Rocks is smarter than you two multiplied. IQ=158? HAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa...

The improvement in crop yields would be vastly overwhelmed by the negative consequences. BTW, CO2 is already up 43%. Where are those huge crop yield improvements?
so show me the work that states how much CO2 should be in the atmosphere. Go for it, I'd love to see it.
Old Rocks, you're a fucking brainwashed fool.

OK, you ignorant ass, post the articles from peer reviewed scientific journals proving that. All you have ever posted is brainless flap yap. Show us that your IQ is above two digits and give us some scientific basis for your opinion.

CO2 makes the world a greener place. It combats desertification and causes higher yields in food crops.

BTW, IQ = 158.

So, what you are saying is that you concede that the amount of CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere is changing our climate, but that we need to "Try it, you'll like it". Might be a hard sell to a lot of Americans that have lost their homes this year to fires and floods.

oh shit, come on rocks you know this is a full out drama post. Holy crap dude, you love to exaggerate don't you? Why don't you show us how powerful CO2 is by posting one experiment that shows that CO2 increases pressures and moves jet streams. Can you do that? nope you can't. What you can do is play drama queen.

I think he's brainwashed. And not very intelligent.

I think Old Rocks is smarter than you two multiplied. IQ=158? HAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa...

The improvement in crop yields would be vastly overwhelmed by the negative consequences. BTW, CO2 is already up 43%. Where are those huge crop yield improvements?
Practically all over the planet.

After record-shattering September, 2015 in commanding lead for Earth’s hottest year on record

Now that couldn't possibly have anything at all to do with the record warmth, could it? LOL

You guys are really getting desperate. Two record warm years in a row, a third in the making, and the GHGs that we are putting into the atmosphere cannot possibly have anything to do with it.

Well, nearly two hundred nations now disagree with your blindness. We are now halfway to the 2 degree increase. Sad news is, we are going to blow right by that.

Clown has to add in "excess heat" "Absorbed" by the deep oceans to make his numbers work
Never mind, I looked it up myself. You were correct. Increased atmospheric CO2 has increased the yield of several food crops studied for just this effect.
I was reminded of that meeting when I came across a 2008 presentation to the Northeastern Weed Science Society, by USDA-ARS scientist Lewis Ziska describing his research on how increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 might affect agriculture and the weeds that so many folks combat. For those who think of pasture weeds as problems, the results of research aren’t good news. Yes, CO2 does increase your pasture weeds, and the weeds seem to do better than our grasses.

In his presentation, Ziska shared results of research showing that:

• Initial evidence indicates that warmer winters are a factor in the northward spread of Kudzu. His work shows that it is likely to spread as far north as the Great Lakes region by 2019. He said that “Data suggest that the link between global warming and the spread of an invasive species is real, not hypothetical.”

• For those of us in the west where cheatgrass is expanding its range, data shows that higher levels of atmospheric CO2 make cheatgrass more combustible. This lowers the point at which cheatgrass becomes a fire fuel and increases fire intensity. Though additional research needs to be done, Ziska said that, overall, the likelihood of fire in cheatgrass has increased as a function of recent increases in CO2. Increased CO2 also reduces the digestibility of many grasses, including cheatgrass. In regions where the spring flush of cheatgrass is the primary forage for cattle, this is not good news.

• Ziska’s work with Canada thistle and CO2 indicates that Canada thistle does quite well as atmospheric CO2 increases. The plant, which can spread by roots (rhizomes) increases root growth as CO2 increases whether nitrogen is present in the soil or not.

• Finally, increasing CO2 appears to reduce the effectiveness of glyphosate (Roundup).

He concluded his presentation by saying that we need new management strategies for weeds and that we “Can no longer assume that what worked in the past will work in the future.

- See more at: Does Increased CO2 Increase Weeds?

Not just crops
Enjoy your Christmas. Got kids? Think about what theirs will be like when they're as old as you are now.
I have 6 kids. I think about that all the time. It's why I am such an avid environmentalist in the first place.

Before I had children I probably didn't give a fuck about anything.
OK, Muh, you care about your children. And that is what a man should care about, more than anything. So, who developed the vaccines that prevent your children from getting the diseases like measles and polio? Scientists. And who developed the high yield crops that allow you to feed your children well, and still have some of your paycheck left? Scientists. And who developed the technology that makes our lives so much richer than our grandparents? Again, scientists.

And who is saying that the GHGs we are putting into the atmosphere are a danger to the coming generations? Scientists. Seems to me that on the record of what they have already done for your children you would at least research the whys of what they are saying. Just blindly repeating stupid political mantras will not help your children at all.
LOL So now jc thinks that we can experiment on the whole earth? Well, in a way, we can. And the Scientists have observed that if you lower the gradient between the polar temperatures, and that of the temperate zone, you get slower moving and deeper Rossby waves in the jet stream. Now, as the GHGs in the atmosphere warm the oceans and atmosphere, the Arctic warms. And that lowers the gradient between the temperate and polar zones. Which results in some very strong affects on the jet stream.

Here is a real scientist to explain that to those actually able to comprehend science. Don't bother to watch it, jc, won't do you any good.

^ Not science.
OK, Muh, you care about your children. And that is what a man should care about, more than anything. So, who developed the vaccines that prevent your children from getting the diseases like measles and polio? Scientists. And who developed the high yield crops that allow you to feed your children well, and still have some of your paycheck left? Scientists. And who developed the technology that makes our lives so much richer than our grandparents? Again, scientists.

And who is saying that the GHGs we are putting into the atmosphere are a danger to the coming generations? Scientists. Seems to me that on the record of what they have already done for your children you would at least research the whys of what they are saying. Just blindly repeating stupid political mantras will not help your children at all.
Another ridiculous logical fallacy.

WTF dude?

Are you really as stupid as Old Rocks? Is that what you are trying to prove?
OK, Muh, you care about your children. And that is what a man should care about, more than anything. So, who developed the vaccines that prevent your children from getting the diseases like measles and polio? Scientists. And who developed the high yield crops that allow you to feed your children well, and still have some of your paycheck left? Scientists. And who developed the technology that makes our lives so much richer than our grandparents? Again, scientists.

And who is saying that the GHGs we are putting into the atmosphere are a danger to the coming generations? Scientists. Seems to me that on the record of what they have already done for your children you would at least research the whys of what they are saying. Just blindly repeating stupid political mantras will not help your children at all.
Another ridiculous logical fallacy.

WTF dude?

Are you really as stupid as Old Rocks? Is that what you are trying to prove?

He really is
So, Frank, Muhammed: all climate scientists are stupid, evil liars involved in a massive conspiracy to defraud the world. All other scientists are good and smart.

So, Frank, Muhammed: all climate scientists are stupid, evil liars involved in a massive conspiracy to defraud the world. All other scientists are good and smart.

I am a climate scientist.

You are a very ignorant person.

When is the last time you looked at your barometer?

Would you like to learn?
Last edited:

After record-shattering September, 2015 in commanding lead for Earth’s hottest year on record

Now that couldn't possibly have anything at all to do with the record warmth, could it? LOL

You guys are really getting desperate. Two record warm years in a row, a third in the making, and the GHGs that we are putting into the atmosphere cannot possibly have anything to do with it.

Well, nearly two hundred nations now disagree with your blindness. We are now halfway to the 2 degree increase. Sad news is, we are going to blow right by that.
Why is one of the lines thicker than all of the others?

Is it because you are blind, or simply a dumbass?
So, Frank, Muhammed: all climate scientists are stupid, evil liars involved in a massive conspiracy to defraud the world. All other scientists are good and smart.

I am a climate scientist.

You are a very ignorant person.

When is the last time you looked at your barometer?

Would you like to learn?

You are not a climate scientist.
So, Frank, Muhammed: all climate scientists are stupid, evil liars involved in a massive conspiracy to defraud the world. All other scientists are good and smart.


The vast majority of people involved in climate warming can't even be called "Scientists" they're Cultists

NASA is now saying fossil fuels LOWER temperature

What exactly is "Settled" in this "Settled science" of yours?


Settled Science
Science Settled

So, Frank, Muhammed: all climate scientists are stupid, evil liars involved in a massive conspiracy to defraud the world. All other scientists are good and smart.

I am a climate scientist.

You are a very ignorant person.

When is the last time you looked at your barometer?

Would you like to learn?
No, you are not a climate scientist, you are an ignorant jackass, braying out your ignorance for the whole world to see.

2014, 2015, and 2016 are going to put the denialists lies away once and for all.

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