This warm winter we're having

I've been hearing this nonsense about how "global warming" is causing this abnormally warm winter we're having all across the Eastern US right now. So, I'm about to drop some basic climatology on the the unsuspecting. Don't blame me if your political biases get in the way of understanding what I'm about to lay down. Google is your friend. From this point forward, I will not be accommodating the closely held religious beliefs of The Church of Sanders, who believe climate change is linked to global terrorism.

So, let's just put it like this. Two events are playing critical roles (one lesser, the other greater) in the record winter warmth in the Eastern United States right now. None of which have to do with "climate change."

The lesser factor is the monster El Nino event happening currently, the greater factor is what's known as the AO, or the Arctic Oscillation. Namely the AO at the North Pole. The Arctic Oscillation determines basically how far south the polar air from the North Pole will go in the Northern Hemisphere. To see what an AO looks like, see below:


Now, there's a positive AO phase (or low pressure that circulates counter-clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, pulls in and contains most of the Arctic air near and around the pole), and a negative AO phase (where there is high pressure that circulates clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, tends to push out and evacuate the cold polar air further south). In short, the AO is what we call a "polar vortex."

Simply put, an abnormally positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation is pulling more cold air northward towards the pole, which does not allow any cold air to amass in the east US and travel south. This is only amplified by the El Nino effect shunting the polar jet stream far to the north, hence no cold air in the eastern portion of the US. These two events are synergizing with one another to intensify the warmth we're feeling now.

Keep in mind that the abnormally intense winter in January 2014 was due to a very strong negative AO phase which pushed the polar vortex even further south than normal and nuked most of the US with snow and abnormally cold temperatures.

I've taken a crash course in Climatology a la Google for the past two and a half hours, and I can't help but chuckle at all the people blaming this on "climate change" or "global warming" when in fact all it is is the simple machinations of weather patterns.

Global Warming Isn’t Really to Blame for This Crazy Warm Weather. So Enjoy It!

Climate Change Plays 'Fairly Insignificant' Role In Current Warm Weather

Global warming? I think not. Merry Christmas!

The lobes you see in the negative phase of the AO are called Rossby Waves. Rossby waves develop when the temperature difference between the equator and the poles is reduced. I'm sure you've heard that the Arctic has warmed more than the rest of the planet. That has reduced the difference and that is what is creating Rossby waves. So, yes, the cold weather dropping into the US midwest and abnormally hot weather driving up into Alaska and the US northwest, is a result of global warming.
Lol. And the GISP model I posted earlier says otherwise. Now, there's a thing called axial precession, where the Earth's rotational axis rotates, completing a circle every 26,000 years. As seen here:


It could be global warming (not), or simply orbital mechanics.
I've been hearing this nonsense about how "global warming" is causing this abnormally warm winter we're having all across the Eastern US right now. So, I'm about to drop some basic climatology on the the unsuspecting. Don't blame me if your political biases get in the way of understanding what I'm about to lay down. Google is your friend. From this point forward, I will not be accommodating the closely held religious beliefs of The Church of Sanders, who believe climate change is linked to global terrorism.

So, let's just put it like this. Two events are playing critical roles (one lesser, the other greater) in the record winter warmth in the Eastern United States right now. None of which have to do with "climate change."

The lesser factor is the monster El Nino event happening currently, the greater factor is what's known as the AO, or the Arctic Oscillation. Namely the AO at the North Pole. The Arctic Oscillation determines basically how far south the polar air from the North Pole will go in the Northern Hemisphere. To see what an AO looks like, see below:


Now, there's a positive AO phase (or low pressure that circulates counter-clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, pulls in and contains most of the Arctic air near and around the pole), and a negative AO phase (where there is high pressure that circulates clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, tends to push out and evacuate the cold polar air further south). In short, the AO is what we call a "polar vortex."

Simply put, an abnormally positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation is pulling more cold air northward towards the pole, which does not allow any cold air to amass in the east US and travel south. This is only amplified by the El Nino effect shunting the polar jet stream far to the north, hence no cold air in the eastern portion of the US. These two events are synergizing with one another to intensify the warmth we're feeling now.

Keep in mind that the abnormally intense winter in January 2014 was due to a very strong negative AO phase which pushed the polar vortex even further south than normal and nuked most of the US with snow and abnormally cold temperatures.

I've taken a crash course in Climatology a la Google for the past two and a half hours, and I can't help but chuckle at all the people blaming this on "climate change" or "global warming" when in fact all it is is the simple machinations of weather patterns.

Global Warming Isn’t Really to Blame for This Crazy Warm Weather. So Enjoy It!

Climate Change Plays 'Fairly Insignificant' Role In Current Warm Weather

Global warming? I think not. Merry Christmas!

It's a shame that you weren't there to correct the nearly 200 countries who just decided, as a group that what you say is wrong. I'm sure they would have discounted all the experts that they consulted in favor of the thoughts of some anonymous right wing kid in his mothers basement with no real education other than what he heard from crazy politicians paid for by oil companies.

Oh and where are the commercials, where is the billboards might be?

Only in your mental masturbation mind...

What do commercials or billboards have to do with anything?

Everything, you all want to claim the fossil fuels are pumping gazillions of dollars into a misinformation campaign and insinuating like it was like the tobacco industry so where is the information?

And like I pointed out they sure are not trying to confuse the public in ads or print.

So where do the average Joe get this idea and smell bullshit from?

The AGW cult does it to themselfs.


International Agency Needed To Stop The Arctic Meltdown

1947 : International Agency Needed To Stop The Arctic Meltdown


Alarming Rise In Arctic Temperatures To Melt Greenland And Flood The Coasts

Alarming Rise In Arctic Temperatures To Melt Greenland And Flood The Coasts


1947 Shock News : “Enormous” “Alarming” “Serious” “Catastrophic” Polar Melt To Drown The Planet. International Agency Needed To Study The Problem

1947 Shock News : "Enormous" "Alarming" "Serious" "Catastrophic" Polar Melt To Drown The Planet. International Agency Needed To Study The Problem



Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012


“Top NASA experts predicted an ice-free Arctic for 2012, and it has happened.”

Ice Free Arctic Update


Gore’s “ice free Arctic” prediction from five years ago, falsified by nature itself

Nature proves Al Gore wrong again


No Global Warming For Almost Sixteen Years

No Global Warming For Almost Sixteen Years


Major change in UK Meteorology Office global warming forecast

Major change in UK Met Office global warming forecast


The Official Forecast of the U.S. Government Never Saw This [2013-14] Winter Coming

The Official Forecast of the U.S. Government Never Saw This Winter Coming - Businessweek


Top 5 failed ‘snow free’ and ‘ice free’ predictions

Top 5 failed 'snow free' and 'ice free' predictions | The Daily Caller


1970s Global Cooling Scare

1970s Global Cooling Scare


1974 : Flooding, Drought, Crop Loss And Mild Winters Blamed On Global Cooling

1974 : Flooding, Drought, Crop Loss And Mild Winters Blamed On Global Cooling


Der Spiegel 1974: “Temperatures Over Last 20 Years Have Dropped Faster Than At Anytime In The Last 1000 Years”

Spiegel 1974: “Temperatures Over Last 20 Years Have Dropped Faster Than At Anytime In The Last 1000 Years”


1974 : CIA Enumerated The Devastation Of Global Cooling

1974 : CIA Enumerated The Devastation Of Global Cooling


1975 : Newsweek Explained How Global Cooling Causes Extreme Droughts, Floods, Dry Spells And Heatwaves

1975 : Newsweek Explained How Global Cooling Causes Extreme Droughts, Floods, Dry Spells And Heatwaves


Factsheet on 1970s Coming ‘Ice Age’ Claims

Don't Miss it! Climate Depot's Factsheet on 1970s Coming 'Ice Age' Claims

They are getting all that crap from right wing politicians who are doing the bidding of the oil companies.

Indeed s0n.......clearly 30,000+ scientists are ALL on the oil companies payroll!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Moreover, Crick, if Rossby waves are what occur when temperatures between the poles and the equator are reduced, then it wouldn't be global warming, but global cooling. However, that simply explains why there's a negative AO. Lower temperatures create high pressure. Hence, the negative AO. Higher temperatures create low pressure. Hence the positive AO. All a matter of air flow.

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I've been hearing this nonsense about how "global warming" is causing this abnormally warm winter we're having all across the Eastern US right now. So, I'm about to drop some basic climatology on the the unsuspecting. Don't blame me if your political biases get in the way of understanding what I'm about to lay down. Google is your friend. From this point forward, I will not be accommodating the closely held religious beliefs of The Church of Sanders, who believe climate change is linked to global terrorism.

So, let's just put it like this. Two events are playing critical roles (one lesser, the other greater) in the record winter warmth in the Eastern United States right now. None of which have to do with "climate change."

The lesser factor is the monster El Nino event happening currently, the greater factor is what's known as the AO, or the Arctic Oscillation. Namely the AO at the North Pole. The Arctic Oscillation determines basically how far south the polar air from the North Pole will go in the Northern Hemisphere. To see what an AO looks like, see below:


Now, there's a positive AO phase (or low pressure that circulates counter-clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, pulls in and contains most of the Arctic air near and around the pole), and a negative AO phase (where there is high pressure that circulates clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, tends to push out and evacuate the cold polar air further south). In short, the AO is what we call a "polar vortex."

Simply put, an abnormally positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation is pulling more cold air northward towards the pole, which does not allow any cold air to amass in the east US and travel south. This is only amplified by the El Nino effect shunting the polar jet stream far to the north, hence no cold air in the eastern portion of the US. These two events are synergizing with one another to intensify the warmth we're feeling now.

Keep in mind that the abnormally intense winter in January 2014 was due to a very strong negative AO phase which pushed the polar vortex even further south than normal and nuked most of the US with snow and abnormally cold temperatures.

I've taken a crash course in Climatology a la Google for the past two and a half hours, and I can't help but chuckle at all the people blaming this on "climate change" or "global warming" when in fact all it is is the simple machinations of weather patterns.

Global Warming Isn’t Really to Blame for This Crazy Warm Weather. So Enjoy It!

Climate Change Plays 'Fairly Insignificant' Role In Current Warm Weather

Global warming? I think not. Merry Christmas!

The lobes you see in the negative phase of the AO are called Rossby Waves. Rossby waves develop when the temperature difference between the equator and the poles is reduced. I'm sure you've heard that the Arctic has warmed more than the rest of the planet. That has reduced the difference and that is what is creating Rossby waves. So, yes, the cold weather dropping into the US midwest and abnormally hot weather driving up into Alaska and the US northwest, is a result of global warming.

Bad intro to Rossby Waves.. There is ALWAYS temperature diffs between equator and poles. And the ONLY evidence I've seen linking amplitudes and lattitude extents of Rossby waves is by the "Crazy Hands" prof from Rutgers that OldyRocks is fond of. But if you actually listen to her presentation -- She first scares the shit out of folks with MAYBEs and then presents data that BARELY shows any connection to GW at all.. Something like a 1 deg change in lattitude PER CENTURY rate of change (maybe in some longitudes) that's only been observed for 50 years !!!!!!!

No DEFINITIVE MEASURED proof of any connection to a simple < 1deg global temp blip.. In fact -- her data shows MORE perturbation in the NORTHERN side of the waves -- than in the side that affects OUR weather.
Well now, let us give those who are interested a chance to judge for themselves whether Dr. Jennifer Francis is a 'crazy lady'. That was Frankie Boys term, and to see you use it, once more drops you in my estimation. First, people that are worried about what the consequences of the warming are termed 'Commies', and now a respected researcher is called 'Crazy Lady' by you. About as classy as Crusader Frank. It that where you want to be?

And here is a shorter version;

I've been hearing this nonsense about how "global warming" is causing this abnormally warm winter we're having all across the Eastern US right now. So, I'm about to drop some basic climatology on the the unsuspecting. Don't blame me if your political biases get in the way of understanding what I'm about to lay down. Google is your friend. From this point forward, I will not be accommodating the closely held religious beliefs of The Church of Sanders, who believe climate change is linked to global terrorism.

So, let's just put it like this. Two events are playing critical roles (one lesser, the other greater) in the record winter warmth in the Eastern United States right now. None of which have to do with "climate change."

The lesser factor is the monster El Nino event happening currently, the greater factor is what's known as the AO, or the Arctic Oscillation. Namely the AO at the North Pole. The Arctic Oscillation determines basically how far south the polar air from the North Pole will go in the Northern Hemisphere. To see what an AO looks like, see below:


Now, there's a positive AO phase (or low pressure that circulates counter-clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, pulls in and contains most of the Arctic air near and around the pole), and a negative AO phase (where there is high pressure that circulates clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, tends to push out and evacuate the cold polar air further south). In short, the AO is what we call a "polar vortex."

Simply put, an abnormally positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation is pulling more cold air northward towards the pole, which does not allow any cold air to amass in the east US and travel south. This is only amplified by the El Nino effect shunting the polar jet stream far to the north, hence no cold air in the eastern portion of the US. These two events are synergizing with one another to intensify the warmth we're feeling now.

Keep in mind that the abnormally intense winter in January 2014 was due to a very strong negative AO phase which pushed the polar vortex even further south than normal and nuked most of the US with snow and abnormally cold temperatures.

I've taken a crash course in Climatology a la Google for the past two and a half hours, and I can't help but chuckle at all the people blaming this on "climate change" or "global warming" when in fact all it is is the simple machinations of weather patterns.

Global Warming Isn’t Really to Blame for This Crazy Warm Weather. So Enjoy It!

Climate Change Plays 'Fairly Insignificant' Role In Current Warm Weather

Global warming? I think not. Merry Christmas!

The lobes you see in the negative phase of the AO are called Rossby Waves. Rossby waves develop when the temperature difference between the equator and the poles is reduced. I'm sure you've heard that the Arctic has warmed more than the rest of the planet. That has reduced the difference and that is what is creating Rossby waves. So, yes, the cold weather dropping into the US midwest and abnormally hot weather driving up into Alaska and the US northwest, is a result of global warming.
Lol. And the GISP model I posted earlier says otherwise. Now, there's a thing called axial precession, where the Earth's rotational axis rotates, completing a circle every 26,000 years. As seen here:


It could be global warming (not), or simply orbital mechanics.
Milankovitch Tutorial

By the Milankovic Cycles, we are actually starting the cooling phase of the cycles. Combine that with a minor cooling phase of TSI, and we should not be seeing warming at all. There are no natural cycles that account for the warming that we are seeing.
Well now, let us give those who are interested a chance to judge for themselves whether Dr. Jennifer Francis is a 'crazy lady'. That was Frankie Boys term, and to see you use it, once more drops you in my estimation. First, people that are worried about what the consequences of the warming are termed 'Commies', and now a respected researcher is called 'Crazy Lady' by you. About as classy as Crusader Frank. It that where you want to be?

And here is a shorter version;

I aspire to be more Frank-like in many ways.

Didn't call her a crazy lady.. I called her "the Crazy Hands Lady".. Big diff.

But my summary of her data you made me wade thru was totally accurate. Has it CHANGED?
I've been hearing this nonsense about how "global warming" is causing this abnormally warm winter we're having all across the Eastern US right now. So, I'm about to drop some basic climatology on the the unsuspecting. Don't blame me if your political biases get in the way of understanding what I'm about to lay down. Google is your friend. From this point forward, I will not be accommodating the closely held religious beliefs of The Church of Sanders, who believe climate change is linked to global terrorism.

So, let's just put it like this. Two events are playing critical roles (one lesser, the other greater) in the record winter warmth in the Eastern United States right now. None of which have to do with "climate change."

The lesser factor is the monster El Nino event happening currently, the greater factor is what's known as the AO, or the Arctic Oscillation. Namely the AO at the North Pole. The Arctic Oscillation determines basically how far south the polar air from the North Pole will go in the Northern Hemisphere. To see what an AO looks like, see below:


Now, there's a positive AO phase (or low pressure that circulates counter-clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, pulls in and contains most of the Arctic air near and around the pole), and a negative AO phase (where there is high pressure that circulates clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, tends to push out and evacuate the cold polar air further south). In short, the AO is what we call a "polar vortex."

Simply put, an abnormally positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation is pulling more cold air northward towards the pole, which does not allow any cold air to amass in the east US and travel south. This is only amplified by the El Nino effect shunting the polar jet stream far to the north, hence no cold air in the eastern portion of the US. These two events are synergizing with one another to intensify the warmth we're feeling now.

Keep in mind that the abnormally intense winter in January 2014 was due to a very strong negative AO phase which pushed the polar vortex even further south than normal and nuked most of the US with snow and abnormally cold temperatures.

I've taken a crash course in Climatology a la Google for the past two and a half hours, and I can't help but chuckle at all the people blaming this on "climate change" or "global warming" when in fact all it is is the simple machinations of weather patterns.

Global Warming Isn’t Really to Blame for This Crazy Warm Weather. So Enjoy It!

Climate Change Plays 'Fairly Insignificant' Role In Current Warm Weather

Global warming? I think not. Merry Christmas!

The lobes you see in the negative phase of the AO are called Rossby Waves. Rossby waves develop when the temperature difference between the equator and the poles is reduced. I'm sure you've heard that the Arctic has warmed more than the rest of the planet. That has reduced the difference and that is what is creating Rossby waves. So, yes, the cold weather dropping into the US midwest and abnormally hot weather driving up into Alaska and the US northwest, is a result of global warming.
Lol. And the GISP model I posted earlier says otherwise. Now, there's a thing called axial precession, where the Earth's rotational axis rotates, completing a circle every 26,000 years. As seen here:


It could be global warming (not), or simply orbital mechanics.
Milankovitch Tutorial

By the Milankovic Cycles, we are actually starting the cooling phase of the cycles. Combine that with a minor cooling phase of TSI, and we should not be seeing warming at all. There are no natural cycles that account for the warming that we are seeing.

Sure, or you can cite peer reviewed studies.

Orbital forcing of climate 1.4 billion years ago

Even still, the GISP2 core model shows the Earth is continuing a cooling trend.

Stop trying.
I've been hearing this nonsense about how "global warming" is causing this abnormally warm winter we're having all across the Eastern US right now. So, I'm about to drop some basic climatology on the the unsuspecting. Don't blame me if your political biases get in the way of understanding what I'm about to lay down. Google is your friend. From this point forward, I will not be accommodating the closely held religious beliefs of The Church of Sanders, who believe climate change is linked to global terrorism.

So, let's just put it like this. Two events are playing critical roles (one lesser, the other greater) in the record winter warmth in the Eastern United States right now. None of which have to do with "climate change."

The lesser factor is the monster El Nino event happening currently, the greater factor is what's known as the AO, or the Arctic Oscillation. Namely the AO at the North Pole. The Arctic Oscillation determines basically how far south the polar air from the North Pole will go in the Northern Hemisphere. To see what an AO looks like, see below:


Now, there's a positive AO phase (or low pressure that circulates counter-clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, pulls in and contains most of the Arctic air near and around the pole), and a negative AO phase (where there is high pressure that circulates clockwise at the North Pole, which as it does so, tends to push out and evacuate the cold polar air further south). In short, the AO is what we call a "polar vortex."

Simply put, an abnormally positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation is pulling more cold air northward towards the pole, which does not allow any cold air to amass in the east US and travel south. This is only amplified by the El Nino effect shunting the polar jet stream far to the north, hence no cold air in the eastern portion of the US. These two events are synergizing with one another to intensify the warmth we're feeling now.

Keep in mind that the abnormally intense winter in January 2014 was due to a very strong negative AO phase which pushed the polar vortex even further south than normal and nuked most of the US with snow and abnormally cold temperatures.

I've taken a crash course in Climatology a la Google for the past two and a half hours, and I can't help but chuckle at all the people blaming this on "climate change" or "global warming" when in fact all it is is the simple machinations of weather patterns.

Global Warming Isn’t Really to Blame for This Crazy Warm Weather. So Enjoy It!

Climate Change Plays 'Fairly Insignificant' Role In Current Warm Weather

Global warming? I think not. Merry Christmas!

The lobes you see in the negative phase of the AO are called Rossby Waves. Rossby waves develop when the temperature difference between the equator and the poles is reduced. I'm sure you've heard that the Arctic has warmed more than the rest of the planet. That has reduced the difference and that is what is creating Rossby waves. So, yes, the cold weather dropping into the US midwest and abnormally hot weather driving up into Alaska and the US northwest, is a result of global warming.
Lol. And the GISP model I posted earlier says otherwise. Now, there's a thing called axial precession, where the Earth's rotational axis rotates, completing a circle every 26,000 years. As seen here:


It could be global warming (not), or simply orbital mechanics.
Milankovitch Tutorial

By the Milankovic Cycles, we are actually starting the cooling phase of the cycles. Combine that with a minor cooling phase of TSI, and we should not be seeing warming at all. There are no natural cycles that account for the warming that we are seeing.

Yeah -- after maybe a couple decades.. Right now -- there's a large chance the sun is gonna put on a show that should be much immediately brought to your attention.

All those Ice cores records you're so fond of SUGGEST we're on borrowed time. And SHOULD WE be descending into another Glacial period in the next millenium -- we MIGHT decide to experiment with some climate engineering and INCREASE the GH gas content a bit more..
It's hardly just the right in the US, it's the right in a lot of places.

AGW is much more widely accepted in Europe, Asia and Africa (at least among those who are aware of the question), even among the right wing. The political split is predominantly an American development.

Of course. The worst two countries are China and the US, hardly surprising to have read this, two of the most selfish people's the world has given us. I'm sure there are others, perhaps in Africa, but they're not rich enough to care.

However UKIP in the UK are big on being anti- and the BNP (kind of disintegrated and now takes shape in many competing far right parties who hate each other more than they hate blacks, Muslims, liberals, conservatives, and anyone else who thinks they're Nazis) were also very much so.

Lots' of fingers being pointed here -- because no one wants to pay up for as you say "being the worst".. But as usual -- "being the worst" is a fractured statistic.. Having the "most CO2 emissions" is maybe not the fairest measure of what's allowed by silly treaties or reimbursement or blame..

Maybe the FAIRER way of looking at it is by PER CAPITA emissions... And that might be a true eye opener for you.. Take a look at the chart on this page and see who the CO2 pigs are...

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At any rate -- CO2 emissions don't have much if anything to do with the current weather pattern over the US. It just gives the folks in El Paso a very snowy "Sun Bowl" for the fans..

I agree that per capita is the way. Arab states with too much money and too much heat, you can see why, and Australia and the US are bad. The US is at 17.2, Germany at 9.6, you can see the difference that having a green party and caring about your environment makes, the UK is at 9, far below a country similar to itself, only not so hot and cold.

China is at 4.3, and they pollute the hell out of things. African countries are at 0.1 or a bit higher, depending on the country, yet bearing the brunt of the changing climate.
However changing the climate artificially is something else.

If you say so.

Do you know what Mao did? He killed the birds. Why? Because the birds ate the crops and he wanted to stop this happening. So the Chinese were ordered to go out and kill birds. They killed enough to find out that killing birds isn't a great idea, seeing as the insects they eat are much better at killing crops than the birds are.

When we play around with nature, we cause problems. This is why it's considered morally incorrect to have "designer babies" and other such things that are playing around with nature. The only thing we know is that we can't control nature, and when we mess around with it we're even less likely to have control over what happens.

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