This warm winter we're having

This always proves that AGW is just a religion:

This always proves that AGW is just a religion:


Homo sapiens first appeared on this planet approximately 200,000 years ago. Human civilization began approximately 5,000 years ago Current temperatures per THIS graph are the highest in the last 10 million years.
This always proves that AGW is just a religion:


Homo sapiens first appeared on this planet approximately 200,000 years ago. Human civilization began approximately 5,000 years ago Current temperatures per THIS graph are the highest in the last 10 million years.

See even faced with a graph that shows beyond a showdown of a doubt t5hat AGW is bunk, they will deny real science..

Once again proving that the true deniers of science are the AGW cult..

and one other thing... people forget that El Nino and La Nina aren't driven by temperature, but by tidal motion.

Tidal motion? Tidal motion?!?!? As in, from the gravity of the moon and the sun? HAHAHAHAHAAaaahahahaaaaa

El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an irregularly periodical climate change caused by variations in sea surface temperatures over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, affecting much of the tropics and subtropics. The warming phase is known as El Niño and the cooling phase as La Niña. The two variations are coupled: El Niño is accompanied with high, and La Niña with low air surface pressure in the tropical western Pacific.[1][2] The two periods last several years each (typically three to four) and their effects vary in intensity.[3]

The two phases relate to the Walker circulation, discovered by Gilbert Walker during the early twentieth century. The Walker circulation is caused by the pressure gradient force that results from a high pressure system over the eastern Pacific ocean, and a low pressure systemover Indonesia. When the Walker circulation weakens or reverses, an El Niño results, causing the ocean surface to be warmer than average, as upwelling of cold water occurs less or not at all. An especially strong Walker circulation causes a La Niña, resulting in cooler ocean temperatures due to increased upwelling.

Mechanisms that cause the oscillation remain under study. The extremes of this climate pattern's oscillations cause extreme weather (such as floods and droughts) in many regions of the world. Developing countries dependent upon agriculture and fishing, particularly those bordering the Pacific Ocean, are the most affected.

Hmm... I don't seem to find the word TIDAL in there anywhere. Now why would that be?
and one other thing... people forget that El Nino and La Nina aren't driven by temperature, but by tidal motion.

Tidal motion? Tidal motion?!?!? As in, from the gravity of the moon and the sun? HAHAHAHAHAAaaahahahaaaaa

El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an irregularly periodical climate change caused by variations in sea surface temperatures over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, affecting much of the tropics and subtropics. The warming phase is known as El Niño and the cooling phase as La Niña. The two variations are coupled: El Niño is accompanied with high, and La Niña with low air surface pressure in the tropical western Pacific.[1][2] The two periods last several years each (typically three to four) and their effects vary in intensity.[3]

The two phases relate to the Walker circulation, discovered by Gilbert Walker during the early twentieth century. The Walker circulation is caused by the pressure gradient force that results from a high pressure system over the eastern Pacific ocean, and a low pressure systemover Indonesia. When the Walker circulation weakens or reverses, an El Niño results, causing the ocean surface to be warmer than average, as upwelling of cold water occurs less or not at all. An especially strong Walker circulation causes a La Niña, resulting in cooler ocean temperatures due to increased upwelling.

Mechanisms that cause the oscillation remain under study. The extremes of this climate pattern's oscillations cause extreme weather (such as floods and droughts) in many regions of the world. Developing countries dependent upon agriculture and fishing, particularly those bordering the Pacific Ocean, are the most affected.

Hmm... I don't seem to find the word TIDAL in there anywhere. Now why would that be?

Yes, and you think Wikipedia is the foremost authority on climate science. You do realize that their articles can be manipulated to fit an agenda, right?

Now, read the last paragraph:

"Mechanisms that cause the oscillation are under study."

Alarmists don't read, they cut and paste.
"Mince words" ? ! ? ! ? Are you really that stupid? We've failed to prove ENSO isn't caused by Jupiter's alignment with Mars. We've failed to prove ENSO isn't caused by the switch from aspartame to sucralose in mainstream diet sodas. We've failed to prove ENSO isn't caused H-bomb tests. For Christ's sake take off the STUPID hat and put on the NORMAL hat and then engage your fucking brain.
So, TemPlar Koma, do you now understand that failing to prove that something is false does not prove - or even provide evidence - that it is true. There are an infinite number of statements that have not been falsified. I can guarantee you they are not all true. Please forgive the - like - quadruple negative, but: Not having proved that the ENSO cycle is NOT driven by tidal motion (which no one has ever even suggested) does not prove that it is, or even that it might be.

Do you understand?
Boys, 194 nations state that you side is full of shit. And I don't care how many times you post this shit that there is no consensus, the fact that all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science,and all the major Universities state that AGW is a fact, and that it is a clear and present danger, definitely shows that the 97% is not only real, but an underestimation of the consensus.
no, incorrect, 194 people, not nations. They are human representatives and do not speak for majorities of people. So you are in error here, so excuse me while I laugh at your most insane post. Thanks!!
Old Rocks, you're a fucking brainwashed fool.
OK, you ignorant ass, post the articles from peer reviewed scientific journals proving that. All you have ever posted is brainless flap yap. Show us that your IQ is above two digits and give us some scientific basis for your opinion.

CO2 makes the world a greener place. It combats desertification and causes higher yields in food crops.

BTW, IQ = 158.

So, what you are saying is that you concede that the amount of CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere is changing our climate, but that we need to "Try it, you'll like it". Might be a hard sell to a lot of Americans that have lost their homes this year to fires and floods.

oh shit, come on rocks you know this is a full out drama post. Holy crap dude, you love to exaggerate don't you? Why don't you show us how powerful CO2 is by posting one experiment that shows that CO2 increases pressures and moves jet streams. Can you do that? nope you can't. What you can do is play drama queen.
LOL So now jc thinks that we can experiment on the whole earth? Well, in a way, we can. And the Scientists have observed that if you lower the gradient between the polar temperatures, and that of the temperate zone, you get slower moving and deeper Rossby waves in the jet stream. Now, as the GHGs in the atmosphere warm the oceans and atmosphere, the Arctic warms. And that lowers the gradient between the temperate and polar zones. Which results in some very strong affects on the jet stream.

Here is a real scientist to explain that to those actually able to comprehend science. Don't bother to watch it, jc, won't do you any good.

Old Rocks, you're a fucking brainwashed fool.
OK, you ignorant ass, post the articles from peer reviewed scientific journals proving that. All you have ever posted is brainless flap yap. Show us that your IQ is above two digits and give us some scientific basis for your opinion.

CO2 makes the world a greener place. It combats desertification and causes higher yields in food crops.

BTW, IQ = 158.

So, what you are saying is that you concede that the amount of CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere is changing our climate, but that we need to "Try it, you'll like it". Might be a hard sell to a lot of Americans that have lost their homes this year to fires and floods.

oh shit, come on rocks you know this is a full out drama post. Holy crap dude, you love to exaggerate don't you? Why don't you show us how powerful CO2 is by posting one experiment that shows that CO2 increases pressures and moves jet streams. Can you do that? nope you can't. What you can do is play drama queen.
I think he's brainwashed. And not very intelligent.
So, TemPlar Koma, do you now understand that failing to prove that something is false does not prove - or even provide evidence - that it is true. There are an infinite number of statements that have not been falsified. I can guarantee you they are not all true. Please forgive the - like - quadruple negative, but: Not having proved that the ENSO cycle is NOT driven by tidal motion (which no one has ever even suggested) does not prove that it is, or even that it might be.

Do you understand?
Where's your scissor lift?
So, TemPlar Koma, do you now understand that failing to prove that something is false does not prove - or even provide evidence - that it is true. There are an infinite number of statements that have not been falsified. I can guarantee you they are not all true. Please forgive the - like - quadruple negative, but: Not having proved that the ENSO cycle is NOT driven by tidal motion (which no one has ever even suggested) does not prove that it is, or even that it might be.

Do you understand?
So fucking what?

You cannot even provide any evidence that global warming would have a deleterious impact on our environment.

Yet, the entire bitch-fest of your doomsday cult is squarely based on that very premise.

WTF dude?
LOL So now jc thinks that we can experiment on the whole earth? Well, in a way, we can. And the Scientists have observed that if you lower the gradient between the polar temperatures, and that of the temperate zone, you get slower moving and deeper Rossby waves in the jet stream. Now, as the GHGs in the atmosphere warm the oceans and atmosphere, the Arctic warms. And that lowers the gradient between the temperate and polar zones. Which results in some very strong affects on the jet stream.

Here is a real scientist to explain that to those actually able to comprehend science. Don't bother to watch it, jc, won't do you any good.

so you have proof that the GHGs warm the oceans? funny stuff socks post that link up.

BTW, that real scientist can't prove any of what she believes and was there anyone there to give an opposite explanation of climate, or were they all like her pro AGW? Please educate me here. I just want to know who those participants were at the summit who opposed her view. Like Judith Curry

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