Thomas should be impeached and replaced.

If you believe that only Democrats or only Republicans are intelligent honest & work in the best interest of Our Country, then you have a problem.
Limited thinking leaves you with voting party over choosing people with the best ability to do the job with the least bias.
So let's follow along kiddies...

Thomas's wife was intimately involved in a coup that was intended to send the election to the Supreme Court...where Thomas would not recuse himself.

Be honest, they have ALL been taking advantage to increase there pocket books & the pockets of their donners.
I don’t think Thomas should be impeached

But his wife’s political involvement should cause him to recuse himself from many cases

Of course….he won’t
Probably should be impeached for not recusing himself.

Not going to happen... Thomas is one the big reasons Biden can expand the court, he is woefully out of touch with the law and his responsibility to it...
He is not a judge but partisan vote, it is not through intellect like Antonin Scalia, a man I disagreed with a lot but respected and also a man who respected other side too.
1/6 Lasted Hours ( One unarmed Woman was murdered ) The Chop / CHAZ / BLM / ANTIFA / Black Bloc Summer of Love lasted 11 months ( With Regions of cities burned and hundreds dead )
Is Justice Thomas and his wife one person? <no>
There are rules for recusal. The same set of rules should be followed by all justices.

Family interests have always been valid reasons for recusal.
For example, Biden should have not been involved in foreign aid to the Ukraine, due to Hunter's business connections.

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