Thomas should be impeached and replaced.

She wasn't one of the members of congress using insider information to suddenly sell off their stocks after getting briefed on COVID.

You're just angry that she and her husband have managed lucrative stock investments. Now if you could show she was involved in insider trading, make the case, or get off the pot.
Do you really want to bring up Piglosi as a virtue of not using inside info to profit when her husband has been on the right side of every investment ever when the Fed govt has been involved? Really?
And a judges judicial philosophy being "none of your business" is equally stupid. Whether his decisions are based on the law, or on what he wants the outcome to be is of "supreme" importance.
Why is it they are coached on how to answer questions on their hearing?

I remember one who couldn't define what a woman is after menstruating for 40+ years.

His wife is too active in everyday politics and at the least recuse himself from any Jan 6 th supreme court cases.
For what? Marrying a white woman?
Because you claimed you knew all about all the proud boys and oath keeper indictments, and that there was nothing new.

So I showed you (citation and link) to the superseding indictment with seditious conspiracy charges added.

And even after being given the link and citation, you asked for them all over again, like they didn't exist, or were never given to you.

You lying sack of shit.
Because you claimed you knew all about all the proud boys and oath keeper indictments, and that there was nothing new.

I asked for updates on all these indictments for "seditious conspiracies", Dumbass. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You really are flailing here.:oops:
This is where your stupidity comes in. Take the BLM riots. Based on the number of people indicted for the riots, they were 99% peaceful.

Yet even I know that the number of crimes committed far exceeds the number of indictments.
I have no idea what that word salad has to do with you moronic claim there are "1000" indictments for insurrection on Jan 6.:cuckoo::laughing0301::itsok:
You drink too much koolaid. Why was it Pelosi came out against congress isider trading when it was brought up in the news, then came out and defended it like it was a perk?
Apparently you got it ass backwards.

Congress moves to ban members from trading stocks as Pelosi drops opposition

After months of resistance, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has greenlighted a plan to ban members of Congress from trading stock, CNBC confirmed Wednesday.
At Pelosi’s direction, a House committee is drafting the rules, and the legislation is expected to be put up for a vote this year.
Apparently you got it ass backwards.

Congress moves to ban members from trading stocks as Pelosi drops opposition

After months of resistance, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has greenlighted a plan to ban members of Congress from trading stock, CNBC confirmed Wednesday.
At Pelosi’s direction, a House committee is drafting the rules, and the legislation is expected to be put up for a vote this year.
WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leaders have greenlighted a plan to craft legislation that would prohibit members of Congress from trading stock, after months of resistance to a ban by Pelosi, CNBC confirmed Wednesday.

So Piglosi was under so much pressure she dropped her opposition to insider trading, and now Congress can put together a plan that would prohibit insider trading. Get back to me when it becomes law, Moron.
Apparently you got it ass backwards.

Congress moves to ban members from trading stocks as Pelosi drops opposition

After months of resistance, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has greenlighted a plan to ban members of Congress from trading stock, CNBC confirmed Wednesday.
At Pelosi’s direction, a House committee is drafting the rules, and the legislation is expected to be put up for a vote this year.
I'll be holding my breath...when is this going to happen, after the election?
Based on Clarence Thomas' judicial philosophy. If he was on the court for the Dredd Scott decision, which way do you think he would have ruled? With or against chief justice Tanney?
Im referring to the Democrat Party’s legacy and you shift the conversation to Thomas’s judicial philosophy. What you think and what I think is subjective and otherwise irrelevant to the legacy of the Democrat Party’s legacy.
$2 million? $3 million? Of equity? Of annual income? Can you be more specific?

Manchin himself founded a private coal brokerage in 1998 called "Enersystems." Though currently run by his son, Manchin still owns as much as a $5 million stake in the company, raking in $500,000 of income from it in 2020 alone.
No.... I'm saying you're a lying sack of shit when you claimed they all could only manage the same thought(s).

Even if they can only manage one thought at a time, each has his own, contrary to your claim.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Manchin himself founded a private coal brokerage in 1998 called "Enersystems." Though currently run by his son, Manchin still owns as much as a $5 million stake in the company, raking in $500,000 of income from it in 2020 alone.
He's a Dimwinger, of course he is corrupt.


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