Thought occurred to me that


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
I figure that generally speaking, liberals are better artists and musicians, while conservatives are stronger leaders, build stuff, and more apt to solve problems While many liberals pass off as independent in words, I view conservatives to be more independent. In fact, independence and socialism are exact opposites. Add liberal narratives so easily adopted, you'd just as well justify water is dry than suggest the modern liberal is independent.

Anyway, why do libs go out of their way to be independent in appearances from tattoos to tits? Is it because they're artistic and it's a method for "expressing themselves", or maybe they lack independence and are trying to make up for it?

Perhaps just a rant. Man she's hot.
Ever see a biker club up close? They are as tattooed as anyone you want to see and mostly they are conservative. Labels are bullshit and it's Hollywood that promotes stereotypes and pop-culture educated idiots tend to believe them.
Tattoos to tits was not to be taken literally, and the OP is "generally speaking". Biker gangs are also independent. Some are anarchists and crooks as well. A mixed bag.

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