Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?
I don't believe this is by mistake. There's no way that thousands of illegal children will pour over the border unless both the Mexican and American governments are in on it. It's another Obama, Inc. ploy to bring national sympathy to the border situation.

Ah, look at all those poor, helpless, hungry little children that somehow managed to cross the border all by themselves. The plight of the Mexican people must be dire. Therefore, we must let them and their parents and their cousins and their uncles and their aunts and their grandmothers and their grandfathers and their second cousins and the brothers and their sisters come over too. We need to completely open the border and naturalize the entire nation of Mexico. Then we need to raise taxes on the rich and the middle class to pay for their food, housing, medical expenses, driver's licenses, Xboxes, and cell phones. Hooray ... we're heroes.
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I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!

Leaked photos show immigrant children packed in crowded Texas border facilities - San Antonio Express-News

many more at link, even worse
I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!


I didn't see your thread and right now these kids living conditions need to be improved until they figure out what to do. And please don't make this into a racist rant.
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I don't believe this is by mistake. There's no way that thousands of illegal children will pour over the border unless both the Mexican and American governments are in on it. It's another Obama, Inc. ploy to bring national sympathy to the border situation.

Ah, look at all those poor, helpless, hungry little children that somehow managed to cross the border all by themselves. The plight of the Mexican people must be dire. Therefore, we must let them and their parents and their cousins and their uncles and their aunts and their grandmothers and their grandfathers and their second cousins and the brothers and there sisters come over too. We need to completely open the border and naturalize the entire nation of Mexico. Then we need to raise taxes on the rich and the middle class to pay for their food, housing, medical expenses, driver's licenses, Xboxes, and cell phones. Hooray ... we're heroes.

They say a great many of these kids are coming from South America.
Why have they been hiding this? Why haven't they done anything?
These children should be deported. Immediately
If we find out who the parents are, reunite them back in their home country.

This is child trafficking and obama is doing it. What does he intend to do, warehouse these children? Force people to take them in?
These children should be deported. Immediately
If we find out who the parents are, reunite them back in their home country.

This is child trafficking and obama is doing it. What does he intend to do, warehouse these children? Force people to take them in?

Right now they are being warehoused, sick as that is. And we had to find out through border patrol agents leaking photos, because they are helpless.
Yes, contact your lawmakers, demand something be done now, and fix whatever is causing this. Why is Homeland security been sweeping this under the rug? Let's see if any heads roll over this one, over the conditions they have been housed in, and the crisis being ignored.
Planes carrying 130 undocumented immigrants land in El Paso - El Paso Times
Maria is a Guatemalan undocumented immigrant. She said she was too nervous to remember dates and details of how and where she was detained.She added that she was on her way to Tennessee to reunite with her sister.Maria said that before being released from immigration custody, immigration officials communicated with her sister to arrange travel plans to Tennessee."Immigration told me, 'You are free, you can leave,' " Maria said.

So we are paying to send her to Tn?
I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!


Man, you ought to see how many threads I've started with zero responses. I probably would have responded to yours had I seen it.

Every, single thing Obama Inc. is doing is specifically designed to weaken and cripple the USA. He vowed to change America and that's the only true statement he's made since taking office. What we're seeing is the purposeful destruction of our national sovereignty as a means to usher us into a "region" or "territory" of the New World Order, One World System of governance with the UN as our new dictator and NATO as the global police force.
Planes carrying 130 undocumented immigrants land in El Paso - El Paso Times
Maria is a Guatemalan undocumented immigrant. She said she was too nervous to remember dates and details of how and where she was detained.She added that she was on her way to Tennessee to reunite with her sister.Maria said that before being released from immigration custody, immigration officials communicated with her sister to arrange travel plans to Tennessee."Immigration told me, 'You are free, you can leave,' " Maria said.
So we are paying to send her to Tn?

I wonder if Guatemala would be willing to take in thousands of American kids. Feed them, house them, pay for their transportation, etc. Would the Guatemalan taxpayers be willing to foot the bill? I rather doubt it.
Planes carrying 130 undocumented immigrants land in El Paso - El Paso Times
Maria is a Guatemalan undocumented immigrant. She said she was too nervous to remember dates and details of how and where she was detained.She added that she was on her way to Tennessee to reunite with her sister.Maria said that before being released from immigration custody, immigration officials communicated with her sister to arrange travel plans to Tennessee."Immigration told me, 'You are free, you can leave,' " Maria said.
So we are paying to send her to Tn?

I wonder if Guatemala would be willing to take in thousands of American kids. Feed them, house them, pay for their transportation, etc. Would the Guatemalan taxpayers be willing to foot the bill? I rather doubt it.
I think we all know the answer to that, no they wouldn't. It makes me wonder where so many got enough money all at once to even make it here from Central and South America, et al. Who is funding their journey? There seems to be much more to this. Is there someone, some organization paying for their journey?

And the kids are innocent in this. Someone or someone's are spurring this. And then are not there for them when they arrive.
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I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!


I didn't see your thread and right now these kids living conditions need to be improved until they figure out what to do. And please don't make this into a racist rant.

It's not our problem, and as long as we make efforts to take care of them thousands or millions more will come.
We need to find out where most come from and send them back.
I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!


Man, you ought to see how many threads I've started with zero responses. I probably would have responded to yours had I seen it.

Every, single thing Obama Inc. is doing is specifically designed to weaken and cripple the USA. He vowed to change America and that's the only true statement he's made since taking office. What we're seeing is the purposeful destruction of our national sovereignty as a means to usher us into a "region" or "territory" of the New World Order, One World System of governance with the UN as our new dictator and NATO as the global police force.

This just shows how week our borders are if children can just waltz into our country.
NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?

since the children are abandoned

they should be petitioned to the courts

and adopted out instead of this backdoor anchor baby attempt

I wonder if Guatemala would be willing to take in thousands of American kids. Feed them, house them, pay for their transportation, etc. Would the Guatemalan taxpayers be willing to foot the bill? I rather doubt it.
I think we all know the answer to that, no they wouldn't. It makes me wonder where so many got enough money all at once to even make it here from Central and South America, et al. Who is funding their journey? There seems to be much more to this. Is there someone, some organization paying for their journey?

And the kids are innocent in this. Someone or someone's are spurring this. And then are not there for them when they arrive.

I'll tell you what's spurring this, it's Obama's policies.
The word has gotten out that kids won't be deported, so these sick bastards south of our border are sending waves of kids knowing if they get in they'll be allowed to stay. Once they get a toehold, then the families will demand to be reunited here with them.
The bleeding heart liberals then will demand that we allow it.

We cannot allow ourselves to be overran with third-world uneducated people that will do nothing but demand to be taken care of.

Call your lawmakers, this has to be stopped NOW !!!!!

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