Thousands Of Walruses Gathering On Alaska’s Shore


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Because the sea ice is melting, according to NOAA. This is going to start the usual plethora of charts and maps and all the rest to support Global Warming and Accelerated Climate Change. I just posted it to have people think about it.

Also interesting that the animals are adjusting and finding a defense in numbers against predators.

Read more @ Here s Why Thousands of Walruses Are Gathering on Alaska s Shore

And this is a truly sad story - Wildlife Populations Have Dropped by More Than Half @ Wildlife Populations Have Dropped by More Than Half

Because the sea ice is melting, according to NOAA. This is going to start the usual plethora of charts and maps and all the rest to support Global Warming and Accelerated Climate Change. I just posted it to have people think about it.

Also interesting that the animals are adjusting and finding a defense in numbers against predators.

Read more @ Here s Why Thousands of Walruses Are Gathering on Alaska s Shore

And this is a truly sad story - Wildlife Populations Have Dropped by More Than Half @ Wildlife Populations Have Dropped by More Than Half

Am from California, and as big a tree-hugging, green, nature lover as anyone, but I'm forced to admit while dwindling wildlife numbers are sad, I've never been face to face with a walrus that wasn't in a zoo, nor a polar bear, both I'm rather pleased about. And though a certified SCUBA diver and avid swimmer, never seen a whale in the wild either. So really, unless you regularly encounter wildlife, is it really important if there's a lot of it or not?

As long as money makes the world go around, when ever money vs anything else is the issue, money's going to win. Unless that someday changes, worrying about nature, the enviroment, etc. is only going to ensure you die of a broken heart sooner instead of later.
Now I wonder if they know something we don't know about Japan's Fukishima radiation dump into the Pacific?
Now I wonder if they know something we don't know about Japan's Fukishima radiation dump into the Pacific?
Something has changed their migratory path. With the arctic again gaining ice I doubt that lack of ICE is the reason. Interestingly the penguins did something similar three years ago when Antarctica started it massive ice build up.

Food for thought... I wonder if they sense a huge change we do not see yet? There are many reasons for moving your habitat nearer your food source. Poisoned water/fish from a nuclear reactor is one, Freeze up where you can not get to your food sources is another.. hmmmmm
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From Fox News, so you know its fair and balanced:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Pacific walrus that can't find sea ice for resting in Arctic waters are coming ashore in record numbers on a beach in northwest Alaska.

An estimated 35,000 walrus were photographed Saturday about 5 miles north of Point Lay, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Point Lay is an Inupiat Eskimo village 300 miles southwest of Barrow and 700 miles northwest of Anchorage.

The enormous gathering was spotted during NOAA's annual arctic marine mammal aerial survey, spokeswoman Julie Speegle said by email. The survey is conducted with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the agency that oversees offshore lease sales.

Andrea Medeiros, spokeswoman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, said walrus were first spotted Sept. 13 and have been moving on and off shore. Observers last week saw about 50 carcasses on the beach from animals that may have been killed in a stampede, and the agency was assembly a necropsy team to determine their cause of death.

"They're going to get them out there next week," she said.

The gathering of walrus on shore is a phenomenon that has accompanied the loss of summer sea ice as the climate has warmed.

Pacific walrus spend winters in the Bering Sea. Females give birth on sea ice and use ice as a diving platform to reach snails, clams and worms on the shallow continental shelf.

Unlike seals, walrus cannot swim indefinitely and must rest. They use their tusks to "haul out," or pull themselves onto ice or rocks.

As temperatures warm in summer, the edge of the sea ice recedes north. Females and their young ride the edge of the sea ice into the Chukchi Sea, the body of water north of the Bering Strait.

In recent years, sea ice has receded north beyond shallow continental shelf waters and into Arctic Ocean water, where depths exceed 2 miles and walrus cannot dive to the bottom.

Walrus in large numbers were first spotted on the U.S. side of the Chukchi Sea in 2007. They returned in 2009, and in 2011, scientists estimated 30,000 walruses along 1 kilometer of beach near Point Lay.

Young animals are vulnerable to stampedes when a group gathers nearly shoulder-to-shoulder on a beach. Stampedes can be triggered by a polar bear, human hunter or low-flying airplane. The carcasses of more than 130 mostly young walruses were counted after a stampede in September 2009 at Alaska's Icy Cape.

The World Wildlife Fund said walrus have also been gathering in large groups on the Russian side of the Chukchi Sea.

"It's another remarkable sign of the dramatic environmental conditions changing as the result of sea ice loss," said Margaret Williams, managing director of the group's Arctic program, by phone from Washington, D.C. "The walruses are telling us what the polar bears have told us and what many indigenous people have told us in the high Arctic, and that is that the Arctic environment is changing extremely rapidly and it is time for the rest of the world to take notice and also to take action to address the root causes of climate change."

This summer, the sea ice's annual low point was the sixth smallest since satellite monitoring began in 1979.
Interesting that this is the 6th lowest level of artic ice, while it seems to be headed for a record ice cap in the Antarctic..... Pole shift? solar flares? More underwater volcano's in the N. hemisphere..... lots of other unanswered questions.
Fukushima? You guys are so stupid. Humans have no impact on anything you guys are crazy :cuckoo:
Fukushima? You guys are so stupid. Humans have no impact on anything you guys are crazy :cuckoo:

Humans don't but radiation does... you fucking :ahole-1:

Dumbass. Jesus will take care of it. Good Lord go find a pole to smoke Obamatard.

Even a confirmed conservative KNOWS how to read radiation readings, and WE have a problem in Japan, and NO ONE has an answer, let alone seems to give a fuck!

Just because it's scary doesn't mean conservatives have to care about it libtard. Radiation? Seems to me Japan's doing just fine.

Weirdo :cuckoo:
You can't possibly be a conservative, you're just too fucking stupid, have you been taking lessons from that LOW 2 digit IQ's leftist, Franco?

Don't worry man another conservative fraud will come along and play pied piper to the one issue voters that make up the religious right and convince them to vote against their own interests again. Probably not in 2016 though because you guys fucked everything up so bad that America will still be terrified to elect a republican then.
You can't possibly be a conservative, you're just too fucking stupid, have you been taking lessons from that LOW 2 digit IQ's leftist, Franco?

Don't worry man another conservative fraud will come along and play pied piper to the one issue voters that make up the religious right and convince them to vote against their own interests again. Probably not in 2016 though because you guys fucked everything up so bad that America will still be terrified to elect a republican then.

I'm agnostic, that stands with my brothers of all faiths over you atheist scumbags!


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