Three quick examples of Trump's hypocrisy

Best to keep those republican perverts away from tem

.....and bear in mind, that Trump's "solution" is to deport these poor that they could be raped again on the way back....Such is the new "Christian" alternative. (Does Correll even realize that the link actually works against the Trumpsters?)
The difference between Trump and immigrants is immigrants actually pay taxes........
The dump AH doesn't realize America wouldn't be America without immigrants

Illegals are not immigrants. Trump has not issue with real immigrants coming into the country legally, after applying and meeting our requirements for immigration.
But he wants to send 11 million back ??

So what? Give 3 million a year a boot in the ass and the mess will be cleaned up in his first term.
As I mentioned yesterday, the three big networks and in fact the major national dailies continue to blast out Donald Trump's charges that Hillary Clinton's husband raped or assaulted other women. And yet, CNN, MSNBC, let alone Fox refuse to discuss that at least twice Trump has himself been accused of sexual assault or rape in sworn statements - once by his wife and again a decade ago in a lawsuit brought by a woman named Jill Harth. But in discussing how to approach the issue of how to approach Trump's history of accusations of sexual violence or harassment the question came up, what exactly is Trump trying to accomplish by using Bill Clinton's past against Hillary?

To address the last sentence........Preemptive deflection by Trump, so that future attacks on his sexual misconduct, can be answered by....:well, the Clinton machine is simply reacting to my previous accusation of Bill's [unproven] misconduct."
o what? Give 3 million a year a boot in the ass and the mess will be cleaned up in his first term.

The above from a right wing moron who actually will later "wonder" why his ilk keeps on losing national elections....Go figure the level and intensity of their delusion.
Best to keep those republican perverts away from tem

.....and bear in mind, that Trump's "solution" is to deport these poor that they could be raped again on the way back....Such is the new "Christian" alternative. (Does Correll even realize that the link actually works against the Trumpsters?)

The women, 80% of them, are raped on the way, by the Central American men along the way and travelling with them.

This completely supports what Trump ACTUALLY said, instead of your strawman.

We, the US government would NOT be using the same traffickers who brought the women here, and raped them along the way, nor would we allow the male illegals to rape them while they are in custody and being transported.


AND, may I ask you to explain to me, in your own words, why when Trump said it it was proof of his "racism" but when I point out that Amnesty International is saying the same thing, you seem to be giving them a pass for their


Soooo, could you clear that up for me?
o what? Give 3 million a year a boot in the ass and the mess will be cleaned up in his first term.

The above from a right wing moron who actually will later "wonder" why his ilk keeps on losing national elections....Go figure the level and intensity of their delusion.

Meanwhile, want to tell us why you lefties can't ever win the White Vote?
We, the US government would NOT be using the same traffickers who brought the women here, and raped them along the way, nor would we allow the male illegals to rape them while they are in custody and being transported.


So, this moron "thinks" that the US would have body guards transport the illegals back to Honduras or Guatemala....keep them safe from rapists while having our armed guards travel through 2 or 3 foreign countries.....

How fucking stupid is this guy ????
o what? Give 3 million a year a boot in the ass and the mess will be cleaned up in his first term.

The above from a right wing moron who actually will later "wonder" why his ilk keeps on losing national elections....Go figure the level and intensity of their delusion.

Meanwhile, want to tell us why you lefties can't ever win the White Vote?
One reason is not all but most of them are from the south and possess less than 100 IQ's Trying to be nice about it but stupid is forever
Meanwhile, want to tell us why you lefties can't ever win the White Vote?

I'm white...and, it doesn't seem to matter that old, white (mostly) males, from red neck counties don't vote democrat.....IT DOES NOT'll keep on losing the WH.
o what? Give 3 million a year a boot in the ass and the mess will be cleaned up in his first term.

The above from a right wing moron who actually will later "wonder" why his ilk keeps on losing national elections....Go figure the level and intensity of their delusion.

Tissue? Just relax while we clean up your giant mess.
OUR giant mess ?? you gotta be kidding? Obama has been trying to clean up your giant mess with zero help from your lame anti USA congress
Let me first say that I truly "like" Trump.....He will be able to maim/severely injure the GOP much more effectively than ANY democrat could ever do...That said, reconcile these 3 Trump stances:

1. "I want Obama' birth certificate, his college transcripts, Hillary's speeches to WS.......BUT, I will not release my tax returns"............

2. "I'm all for the policy of having guns in schools.................BUT, I will not allow guns at my rallies or at my resorts."

3. "I happen to be the greatest businessman that ever walked the planet and attended the best business school in this me on this.......BUT, yes, I have had to declare bankruptcy 4 times to avoid my creditors."
Small time offenses as compared to any career politician... Dumbass
o what? Give 3 million a year a boot in the ass and the mess will be cleaned up in his first term.

The above from a right wing moron who actually will later "wonder" why his ilk keeps on losing national elections....Go figure the level and intensity of their delusion.

Tissue? Just relax while we clean up your giant mess.
OUR giant mess ?? you gotta be kidding? Obama has been trying to clean up your giant mess with zero help from your lame anti USA congress
Does your pussy hurt?
We, the US government would NOT be using the same traffickers who brought the women here, and raped them along the way, nor would we allow the male illegals to rape them while they are in custody and being transported.


So, this moron "thinks" that the US would have body guards transport the illegals back to Honduras or Guatemala....keep them safe from rapists while having our armed guards travel through 2 or 3 foreign countries.....

How fucking stupid is this guy ????


You seem to be arguing that women can't travel though central american territory without being raped.

Are you too dim to realize that you are making a vastly more blanket claim than Trump made?

AND you still have been too dishonest to address the fact that I have supported Trump's actual statement, as opposed to your lie,

With LInks to Huffington Post and Amnesty International.

Please address my question. Do you consider Amnesty International to be a bunch of racist Trump supporters?
Meanwhile, want to tell us why you lefties can't ever win the White Vote?

I'm white...and, it doesn't seem to matter that old, white (mostly) males, from red neck counties don't vote democrat.....IT DOES NOT'll keep on losing the WH.

Actually, I've known quite a number of whites who fit that description that do or did vote democrat.

Why do you think though, that you lefties can never win the white vote?
o what? Give 3 million a year a boot in the ass and the mess will be cleaned up in his first term.

The above from a right wing moron who actually will later "wonder" why his ilk keeps on losing national elections....Go figure the level and intensity of their delusion.

Tissue? Just relax while we clean up your giant mess.
OUR giant mess ?? you gotta be kidding? Obama has been trying to clean up your giant mess with zero help from your lame anti USA congress


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